Let's go to a concert! - I'm going to the concert. Scenario of the concert within the week of foreign languages ​​in English and German Concert in English translation

Concert script for English week

(Kushkova S.V.)

February 2015

    Dear friends! We are glad to see you on our concert!

    Dear friends! We are glad to see you at our concert!

    Today we have a very interesting show. We will recite poems, sing the song, dance, you will watch short plays and we will have some quiz!

    Today we will have a very interesting concert. We will recite poems, sing songs, dance, see short scenes and play.

    We want to start with some rhymes. Girls from the 5th form, please.

    We want to start with poetry. 5th grade girls, please.

What are little boys made of, made of?

What are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails,

And puppy-dogs" tails,

That's what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of, made of?

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice and all things nice,

That's what little girls are made of.

children are skiing,

Children are skating

Sledging down the hills.

winter is charming,

When it is coming

With snow and frost all around.

Thank you girls! And now quiz. Let's check what do you know about the UK and Russia. Answer the questions!

    Thanks girls. Now a quiz. Let's see how well you know the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Russia. Answer questions!


    What is the largest part of the UK? (England)

    What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

    What parts does the UK consist of ? (the UK consists of 4 parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)

    What is the favorite topic to discuss in GB? (the weather)

    Where can you see ravens in London? (in the Tower of London)

    What is the deepest freshwater lake in Russia? (Lake Baikal)

    How many republics are there in Russia? (22)

    What is the longest river in Europe? (Volga)

    Oh! You are very clever! thanks.

    What good fellows you are. Thank you!

    Now let's watch a joke! How some students passed the exams.

    Let's see jokes about how students passed their exams.

    Now, we will have very interesting and we think very funny competition “I think I can dance”. We need 7 pupils. So, who want to take part?

    Now we will have a very interesting, and we think, very funny competition "Everybody Dance". We need 7 students. Who wants to participate?



clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet but not ice-cream
What is it?

What is in the middle of Paris?

Paris - what is in the middle of it?

The letter "R".

What is found over your head but under your hat?

your hair.

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?


The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?


Look at my face and you see somebody
Look at my back and you see nobody.

A mirror.

We have legs but cannot walk.
tables and chairs.

- And now Let's watch how our pupils learn English.

Let's see how our students learn English.

The pupils are shouting and running between the desks, some of them are sitting on the desks. Two boys are fighting. The girls are laughing loudly. The bell rings. Nobody pays any attention to it. Only one pupil is sitting at the desk and reading. The teacher comes into the classroom and goes to her table.

The teacher/shouts/: Stop it! Take your seats! The lesson has begun! Good morning, children. First of all let's revise some grammar rules. Do you remember the meaning of the category of person? The verb to be. “I am ill, he is ill, she is ill, we are ill, etc.” Bobby, go to the blackboard and write it down.

Bobby/writes on the blackboard/: All are ill.

The teacher: Oh, Bobby! Alice, if I say: I wash, you wash, he washes, we wash, they wash - what is it?

Alice: I think it is a bathroom and we are all very dirty.

The teacher becomes nervous. She writes two sentences on the blackboard: “John has been learning English for 3 years”. “Jane learned English at school 3 years ago”

The teacher: Pete, where is the Present Perfect Continuous and the Past Simple Tense?

Pete: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is next to Past Simple and the Past Simple Tense is near Present Perfect Continuous.

The teacher becomes angry: What are you talking about? Sit down! You know nothing! Albert, where is the subject?

Albert: I don't know, ma'am. I haven't got it. look! /He turned out of his pockets//The rest of the pupils are laughing. A girl is reading a magazine. The boys are playing./

The teacher /almost furious/: Albert, where is the subject? I ask you the second time!

Albert /sadly/: I should like to have your worries, madam!

The teacher: Who can find the subject in a sentence? Ann, please.

Ann: Well, I see there is no progress in the science of language. My father tells me that when he was a schoolboy they were making them look for this thing too. So they haven't found it yet, have they?

The teacher /angrily/: I can't listen to such silly answers! Who can write some adverbs? Tom!

Tom: I can. /Goes to the blackboard and writes/Highly, poorly, richly He reads:

The teacher /screams/: That's enough! Your English is very poor! You are unteachable! You don't know grammar at all! What about reading? Have you read the text about O'Henry? What was O'Henry? Where was he born?

Bobby /shouts/: I know! He was an American cosmonaut and was born in Zvezdny Gorodok!

The teacher faints. All the pupils jump and shout: “The lesson is over!”

- Dasha Polishuk is going to dance now. Please Dasha.

Dasha Polischuk prepared the dance. Please, Dasha.

- tone twisters. Who wants to try?

- Tongue Twisters. Who wants to try?


The 5th form would like to show us some small jokes.

Fifth grade wants to show us little joke situations.

Poet: Have you got my books of poems?

Lady: Oh, yes, I have. It is lovely! I wonder where it is...

Lady's little son: It is under the leg of the table, Mummy.

Willie is at the party. There are a lot of things on the table. “Do you want something more, Willie?” asks the host.

“No, thank you,” answers Willie.

"I'm full".

“Well then,” smiles the host, “put some fruit and cakes in your pocket to eat on the way home.”

“No, thank you,” answers Willie, “they are full too.”

- Competition Funny Artists. You should draw an animal that we will say. But you will be blind.

- Competition "Merry Artists". You must draw the animal that we will tell you, but blindfolded.

horse, cat, dog, frog, dolphin, seal

    And now Polina Nosko is going to sing the song “Prayer”!

    And now Polina Nosko will sing the song “Prayer”.

    Our party is over. Thank you your attention! Goodbye!

    Our holiday is over. Thank you for your attention. Goodbye!

Holiday decor:

    On the stage in colored letters is written: "HappybirthdaytaboutSpring!», « Zinn Geburtstag, derFrü hling

Concert script for the day of foreign languages

1 Host (English)

2 host (German)

Leading – 1: (reads a poem in English).

Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green

Blue skies are seen.

Gray winter, go away?

The world looks new and gay.

Leading – 2:

"Er ist "s" (Eduard Morike)

Frühling lässt sein blaues Band

Wieder flattern durch die Lüfte;

Susse, wohlbekannte Dufte

Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land.

Veilchen traumen schon,

Wollen balde kommen.

Horch, vom fern ein leiser Harfenton!

Frühling, ja du bist's!

Dich hab ich vernommen!

Leading – 1: « Springgoes» (TranslationBUT. Karelcwhom)

Again scarf blue

In the clouds, spring waved;

Smoke, childhood suddenly smelled

Above the hushed earth.

And a flower in the snow

Freeze in anticipation.

Harps sound both timid and distant...

You're coming, spring!

To your breath?

Leading 1 AT. Good afternoon!

Presenter2 . GutenTag! Dear children, dear teachers, as you already understood, our concert is dedicated to foreign languages ​​and will speak to you in English……

Presenter1 . I am glad to see you at our party! And our program in German will be hosted by Artur Enikeev

Lead 2 . Ich bin froh Sie in dieser Aula zu sehenen!

Presenter1. LETSSTART!!!

Leading 1:

1. Good afternoon dear Ladies and Gentlemen. Hello boys and girls. We are very glad to see you here, at our foreign language concert.

Leading -2:

2. Guten Tag Damen und Herren, Liebe Gäste und liebe Teilnehmer. Wir begrüßen Ihnen herzlich.

Wir sind sehr froh, dass Sie zu uns gekommen sind.

Leading -1: Guests and hosts came together to share their talents. It is not a competittive program, there won't be a jury, but every participant will be awarded later.

Leading -2: …..

Auf unserem Festival heute versammelten sich die Gäste und die Gastgeber, die uns seine Talente begeistern. Nun, so wie es das Programm wettbewerbsfähig zu sein, muss und gerechte Jury, die es schätzen..

Leading -1: Today all our foreign teachers are here to support you.

Leading -2: …….

Leading -1: They are: Shayakhmetova Oliya Yarullovna,

Leading -2: Frolova Gulnaz Favarisovna,

Leading -1: Tareva Alsu Railovna,

Leading -2: Duseeva Venera Albertovna,

Leading -1: Grischuk Vera Ruslanovna

Leading – 1: The right to open our concertl is given to…

Leading -2: Das Wort für die Eröffnung des Festivals wird von …

Leading – 1:

Today you'll hear children's rhymes, songs and dances. We hope you'll understand everything and enjoy our concert. Now let's start.

Leading – 2:

Also, wir beginnen unser Fest und bieten Sie an, am Fest teil zu nehmen

Willkommen, schöner Jungling!

Du Wonne der Nature!

Mit deinem Blumenkorbchen

Willkommen auf der Flur!

Jetzt für Sie werden die Schüler der S singen.

Leading 1 Today is the Foreign Languages ​​Day and ew'd lirt to begin it with the German song

Leading 2 . Heute ist der Tag der Deutsche Sprache in unserer Schule und deshalb werden wir das erste Lied auf Deutsch hören! “Was Wollen Wir Lernen”- 5 form

1) 5th grade German. song " was Wollen Wir Lernen ” 9 pers.

Leading – 1:

Foreign boys and girls study a lot of subjects as you do. They get different marks, good and sometimes bad, as you do. Do you know that their marks differ from yours? They are letters, the best mark is A, the worst one is D.

Leading -2:

Leading – 1: the pupils of the fifth grade A will show you their scene “English Language”

Leading -2:

2) Scene " A English language 5a grade

Leading – 1:

Now the pupils of the sixth grade A will perform their song “I have a headache”

act “Englisn Language” Scene “English language” Grade 5a

Leading – 2: Jetzt für Sie werden die Schüler…….

3) “I have a headache” (6th grade, song)

Leading – 1:

Europian people have a lot of traditions. They celebrate a lot of holidays. They are all favorite. They like giving presents to each other, decorate their houses and sing songs.. They also like visiting Art galleries and Theatres.

Leading -2: ……

Leading – 1:

The scene “At the Theatre” will be shown by the pupils of the tenth form.

Leading -2: ……

4) Scene "In the theater", 10 cells.

(Kildibekova Karina, Mikhaleva Larisa, Tukaev Vadim, Gumerova Albina, Strelnikov Emil, Bagautdinova Alina,)

Leading – 1:

Great!Guzel Shiriazdanova from grade 4A sings in English very well, not worse than Selena Gomez.

Leading -2: …………

Guzel Shiriazdanova from 4a sings in English no worse than Selena Gomez!

Leading – 1: Meet her and her friends Abdullova Ainaz and Ayupova Milla

5) Song "Love You Like A Love Song"

Shiriazdanova Guzel, Abdullov Ainaz, Ayupova Milla 4 a – 3 people. (song Selena Gomez)

Leading – 1: I hope you all like reading books. And no doubt you'll like the famous Mark Twain's Character Tom Sawyer. The group of pupils of the sixth A form will show you the scene about him.

Leading -2:

6) scene “Tom Sawyer”-3 people , 6a

Leading – 1:

We are sure you enjoyed this item of our program, but the next one is also very beautiful. You'll hear a very beautiful music and song. "Million Voices"

Leading -2: Jetzt fur Sie werden die Schüler

7) Islakaeva Kamilla 6v - song "Million Voices"

Leading – 1: To study foreign languages ​​means not only singing songs, but also learning their literature, history and culture. Today you have an excellent chance to see there dances.

Leading – 2: ……. zu lernen bedeutet nicht nur Lieder zu singen, sondern auch deutsche Kultur, Literatur und Geschichte kennenzulernen. Heute haben wir eine gute Möglichkeit mit dem Schaffen …..

Leading – 1: You'll see the dance in country style.

Leading – 2:

Leading – 1: Meet the pupils Vakilova Elvina, Mustaeva Ralina - COUNTRY!

8) Vakilova Elvina 8a, Mustaeva Ralina 4b - Dance "Country"

Leading – 1: Today you have an excellent chance to know the works of famous Scotland poet Robert Burns.

Leading – 1: Heute haben wir eine gute Möglichkeit mit dem Schaffen von Robert Burns uns bekannt zu machen

Leading – 1: Diana Farrakhova, Shirgazina Aigul, grade tenth A- Robert Burns’s poem “My love is like a red, red rose”

9) Farrahova Diana, Shirgazina Aigul, 10 a - verse R . Burns "My love is like a red, red rose"

Leading – 1: We continue learning the Robert Burns' country with the Scotland Folk dance

Leading – 2:

Leading – 1: Meet our dancers. They are Valiakhmetov Aidar and Nasyrov Linar from grade 8A- "Scotland Falk Dance".

10) Valiakhmetov Aidar , Nasyrov Linar 8 a "Scotland Falk Dance"

Leading – 1: Great! The dance was really very nice!

Leading – 2:

Leading – 1: The youngest participants of our concert are the pupils of the third D form. Please, meet the group “Jacksons” with their song “Ra-pa-pa”

Leading – 2:

11) Group uch - Xia 3 d class "Jacksons" - "Ra-pa-pa song".

The narrator – 1:

The concert is over, it was really great!

The narrator -2

Leider unser Fest ist zu Ende. Leider unser Fest ist zu Ende!

The narrator – 1: Now it's time when the words are given to our teachers.

The narrator -2

The narrator – 1: Thank you for your attention. We hope to see you at our next English party! Thanks a lot! good bye.

The narrator -2 Auf Wiedersehen! Wirdanken allen. Ich glaube, es war lustig und interessant, stimmt das?

Now listen to a song and dances performed by the pupis ofl

Concert numbers for 03/20/16

Frolova G.F.:

1) Islakaeva Kamilla 6c - song "Million Voices"

2) Vakilova Elvina 8a, Mustaeva Ralina 4b - Dance "Country"

3) Farrahova Diana, Shirgazina Aigul? 10a- verse R. Burns "My love is like a red, red rose"

4) Valiakhmetov Aidar, Nasyrov Linar 8a "Scotland Falk Dance"

Tareva A. R.:

1) A group of students of the 3d class “Jacksons” - “Ra-pa-pa song”.

Duseeva V.A.:

1) 5th grade German. song “Was Wollen Wir Lernen” 9 pers.

Shayakhmetova O.Ya.:

1) Grade 6a, song “I have a headache” 9 people. 6a

2) Scene “Tom Sawyer” -3 people, 6a

3) Song "" Love You Like A Love Song" Shiriazdanova Guzel, Abdullova Ainaz, Ayupova Milla 4a - 3 people. (Selena Gomez song)

4) Scene "In the theater", 10 cells. (Kildibekova Karina, Mikhaleva Larisa, Tukaev Vadim, Gumerova Albina, Strelnikov Emil, Bagautdinova Alina,)

5) Scene "English" Grade 5a

Sections: Foreign languages , Extracurricular work

Purpose of the event:

  • development of creative activity of students;
  • activation of all forms of extracurricular activities;
  • increased interest in the language.

Peppy: Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Mary Poppins: Glad to see you at our big English concert!

Peppy: Today you will listen to the English songs, rhymes and tales.

Mary: From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can proof it.

Peppy: Well, we begin. Come on let's go!

Mary: Peppy, do you have any pets?

Peppy: Yes, I do. I have got a cat. I like it very much. As far as I know the children from the 4th form can sing a very nice song about Bingo.

Mary: Who is this? I don, t know it.

Peppy: You don't know! Listen to the song and you, ll understand.

(performance by 4th grade students, children perform the song "Bobby-Bingo")

Mary: Thank you very much. It was great!

Peppy: Yes, it was really great. To have a dog is well. Dogs are good friends. But I know that pupils from the 6th form have lions, a parrot, a bee, an owl:

Mary: Really? Are they zookeepers? Let's see!

(performance of grade 6. Dramatization of a fairy tale about a little lion cub).

Peppy: Oh, my God! I was so worried about young lioness. All is well that ends well.

Mary: Don't worry! Be calm! Say me, please. Do you like to be late?

Peppy: Who? I? Never! To tell the truth the pupils from the 7th form like to be late.

Mary: Are you sure? I don't think so.

Peppy: Sure? Am I sure? Let's see!

(Performance of the 7th grade "Late again"). Application No. 3.

Mary: Thank you very much, children. Better late than never.

Peppy: But better never late. Mary, do you know Michelle?

Mary: Michelle? No, I don't know. Who is she?

Peppy: Let's listen to the song! Meet the girls-band from the 8th form. I am sure that they know this mysterious Michelle.

(girls from grade 8 perform the Beatles song "Michelle").

Mary: Thanks girls. You are right. Love is great. But to love or not to love? What is the questions!

Peppy: What do you say? There is no doubt about love! And now meet the 10th form!

(performance by 10th grade students "On the rocks"). Application No. 5

Mary: Thank you very much. In my opinion the quarrel is a bad thing. Why do people quarrel with each other? I don't know. But as far as I know the pupils of the 7th form can answer this question.

(performance of 7th grade students - "The Quarrel"). Application No. 6

Peppy: It wasn't bad. Thanks, children. :.Oh, my God! To tell the truth, I am very hungry! I d like to eat banana or ice-cream with pleasure. Let's go to the cafe!

Mary: OK! And you, my dear friends, meet the pupils of the 6th form.

(Students of the 6th grade play the scene "Invitation to the cafe"). Application No. 7

Mary: Good for you, thanks.

Peppy(sings): "Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes:

Mary: Peppy, what are you singing?

Peppy: Oh, it is a very nice song, but I have forgotten the words.

Mary: Never mind! Children from the 4th form can help you.

(the song "Head and shoulders" performed by students of grade 4 sounds). Application No. 8

Peppy: Thanks, children! It was great! Mary, where do you live?

Mary: I live in the city.

Peppy: And I live in the country.

Mary and Peppy (together): Where would you rather live?

(a 5th grade student reads the poem "A question").

Peppy: Good for you! You are very smart!

Mary: And now, Peppy, listen to my favorite song!

(Students in grade 4 sing the song "Trot to Boston").

Peppy: Very, very talented children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye.

Mary: Thank you very much! We ll meet next year. see you!


  1. p. 1 Zheleznov S and Zheleznova E. English songs and poems for children learning English "The key of the Kingdom" (audio cassette);
  2. p. 2 Koznov S. "All the songs of the Beatles" M .: TERRA, Saratov; S.V. Koznov Publishing House, 1997, - 224 p.
  3. p. 3 Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N. M English: Textbook for 5th grade. general education institutions - M.: Education, 1998. - 368s.
  4. p. 4 Klementieva TB, Monk B Happy English. Book. 1. Textbook. For 5 - 6 cells. avg. school - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - 416s.
  5. p. 5 Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N. M English: Textbook for 7th grade. general education institutions - M.: Education, 1996.

Stepanova T.V.

English teacher


Concert script

within the week of English

Ved.1 : Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Ved.2 Glad to see you at our big English concert!

Ved.1 I hope you will enjoy our songs, poems and dancing.

Ved.1 From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can prove it.

Well, we begin. Come on let's go!

Ved.2 Spring is coming, spring is coming, Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Birdies, build your nest: Flowers are coming too.

Weave together straw and feather Snowdrops, lilies, daffodillies

Doing each your best. Now are coming through

Vedas. one Let's listen to the song "Sunshine reggae". Meet David Tamamyan from the 9 th V form.

Thank you very much. It was great!

Vedas. 2 Now let's listen to the poem by Adilya Galieva, form 3B

thank you

Ved.1 And now please watch very interesting and beautiful dance. 3Aform.

Let's applaud to our children

Ved.2 There's a poem for you. Misha Ganin 6B form

Ved.1 And now the song "Time for school" Albina Gayazova 7А form

Vedas. 2 Dear guests, let's have a rest and meet the 6 V form!

Thank you very much, children.

Ved.1 Now the poem for you again.6 A form. Dasha Bogdanchikova

Vedas. 2 And now a song “Raindrops keep falling on my head” Please, Meet David Tamamyan.

Thank you very much David

Vedas. one And now I invite a pretty girl Diana Tambovtseva to the scene. 7A form

Vedas. 2 Now let's listen to Alina Khusnutdinova from 8b form. A poem “She walks in beauty like the night”.

Vedas. one A funny poem "My parents sent me to the store". Medvedeva Arina 5B form

Vedas. 2 And we meet Bolotova Dasha. "The show must go on"

Vedas. 2 Dear women, mothers, girls! We congratulate all of you on the International Women's Day. We wish you to be always beautiful, happy and fine

Vedas. one

I came with the spring sun to us.

You ring funny songs

Today holiday of our mothers!

Vedas. 2 Alina Aglieva is singing for you "You and I"

Vedas. one Very, very brilliant children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye. Thank you very much! see you!

A, m. concert m., German. Konzert it. concerto lat. concertare to compete. 1. A piece of music for a solo instrument, voice or group of them, usually accompanied by an orchestra. Sl. 18. And he doesn’t write concerts for that fur coat for Timofey ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

CONCERT- (fr.). 1) a musical composition written for one or more instruments. 2) the collection and performance of a series of pieces of music to be played or sung in front of an audience. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

CONCERT- CONCERT, concert, husband. (Italian concerto). 1. Public performance of musical works. Symphony orchestra concert. Give a concert (about the performer). 2. A kind of large piece of music for one instrument with orchestral accompaniment ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

concert- See consent ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. concert singing, consent, work, evening, hodgepodge, skit, solo album, performance, performance, concertino, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Concert- Livealbum von Billy Joel Veröffentlichung Oktober 1987 Label Sony BMG … Deutsch Wikipedia

CONCERT- Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Concert Álbum de Billy Joel Publicación Octubre de 1987 Género(s) Rock … Wikipedia Español

Concert- (Italian concerto, literally consent, from Latin concerto I compete), a piece of music for an ensemble of performers (instrumental or vocal), based on a contrasting comparison of the sound of the entire performing staff ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Concert- Live album by Billy Joel Released October 1987 ... Wikipedia

Concert- Álbum en vivo de Billy Joel Publicación Octubre de 1987 Género(s) Rock Duración 40:06 Discográfica Columbia Records … Wikipedia Español

CONCERT- husband. music for several voices or musical instruments, composed for one musical purpose only, according to accepted rules. Give a concert, sing or play in a meeting of visitors, and usually with the help of a choir, orchestra. Male concert performer Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

CONCERT- (German Konzert from Italian concerto, lit. consent, from Latin concerto I compete), 1) a piece of music for one or (less often) several solo instruments and an orchestra. Typical are the virtuoso solo part, the competition of the soloist with the orchestra. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


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