How to learn a lot of tickets in a short time. Methods for quickly memorizing tickets and traffic rules for passing the exam in the traffic police

“When driving in the direction of the arrow, included in the additional section at the same time as the yellow or red traffic light ...”, - fie! A novice motorist throws aside the traffic rules textbook and realizes that he is not destined to drive. But the devil is not so terrible as he is described in the Rules. Learning the answers to 800 questions is achievable, and there are some very effective ways to master the material, even if the deadlines are tighter than new shoes.


The easiest way to prepare for the "theory" in the traffic police is to "click" tests daily on special sites or in mobile applications. First, it's convenient. You can return to the study of the Rules at any free moment, having only at hand. Secondly, you will understand how the questions are arranged and what to expect from a real exam. Third, learn to associate correct answers with certain illustrations.

However, this method has one huge drawback. You will receive the “passed” mark by memorizing the material on the tests. But as soon as you leave the unit, all knowledge, which by and large did not exist, will turn into a pumpkin. Answering any question without having a picture and three answer options at hand will become very problematic. Problematic and dangerous - both for the novice driver and for others.


In order not to put yourself or others at risk, read and remember the Rules of the Road. No, you don't need to cram traffic police wording - it's enough to have a general understanding of what the text is about. Think about every word, draw pictures in your imagination, simulate situations, study the material directly by topic. By the way, you can “decrypt” traffic rules, as well as pass tests, in the same mobile phones.

This method is clearly not for those who are used to looking for easy ways. Of course, preparing for the “books” exam is much more difficult, but the final result will be appropriate. You will be able not only to successfully withstand the "opening", but also after a while to put in place an insolent inspector who will try to charge you with any violation. No wonder they say that knowledge is power. And in the automotive world, knowledge is also protection.


For those who want something to remain in their heads after the exam, we advise you to turn to abbreviations, associations and playful songs. For example, it is difficult for many to remember how to behave with certain gestures. And to help beginners, experienced drivers came up with a funny rhyme: “If the stick is in your mouth, make a right turn. If the stick looks to the left, drive like a queen.

Agree, remembering rhymed lines is much easier than a dry text from traffic rules. And since we are talking about associations and abbreviations, we will give future drivers one more piece of advice. When you find yourself driving a car - during an exam or your own near the house - do not forget about the USSR rule. The first "C" is light, that is, check if the lights are on. The second is the clutch, the third is the speed, “stick” the first gear. Well, "R" is a hand brake.


If neither tasks, nor texts, nor rhymes "come in", think - maybe it's easier for you to perceive information by ear? Progress does not stand still, and even the Rules of the Road are now available in audiobook format. Finding them in is not difficult even for those who are not close to the World Wide Web. Download the file to your smartphone and listen to traffic rules in the subway. You will not be distracted - you will soon transfer from public transport to your own car.

Among the minuses, one can single out the impossibility of visual perception, and there are a lot of questions “tied up” in illustrations in exam tests. In addition, for audiobooks in most cases you need. Although the media file will extract much less hard-earned money from the buyer's wallet than, say, a printed collection of tasks or a book with the Rules of the Road.


To consolidate the mastered material, apply it more often in practice. It is clear that while you are just learning to drive a car, the maximum that you see on the roads is the bumper of the car in front. And all your thoughts are only about how not to

The ability to drive a car in the modern world is a necessity that not only simplifies life, but also expands horizons and provides additional opportunities. But how to master this skill and how to quickly learn traffic rules?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

  • pedestrians and cyclists;
  • cars and trucks;
  • motorcyclists and horse-drawn vehicles.

All of them must be guided by them while on the roadway or sidewalk. Everywhere it is important to know and understand traffic rules. The rules of the road include all the important and vital knowledge, terms and concepts that have been collected, tested, systematized over the years. They are designed to ensure the safety of all road users, protect them from accidents, breakdowns, conflict situations and unpleasant meetings with representatives of the traffic police.

Is it possible to learn traffic rules tickets in 1 day?

In order to get the coveted driver's license, you must pass an exam, which consists of a practical and theoretical part. If the first one can still be somehow dealt with, then the second causes a feeling of fear among both experienced drivers and most students of driving schools.

The question is repeatedly asked in search engines: is it possible to learn traffic rules tickets in 1 day and in general, for how much can you learn the theoretical course of a young driver? You can learn in order to simply pass and forget in a day, and in a night, and even in 3 hours, as some resources on the network offer. But will it be effective? Will such a driver be able to behave correctly on the road in a difficult or critical situation? Does he have enough experience and knowledge? It is up to you how to choose, an easy and fast or effective way to learn all 120 new traffic rules tickets.

A simple and quick way is to memorize the rules, memorizing them without understanding the essence, without understanding. In no case should we forget that the health and life of many people, their safety depends on the behavior of all participants on the road and their knowledge.

You can learn traffic rules in 1 day, but in this case they will be of very little use and benefit (unless, of course, you have the ability to memorize and digest large amounts of information in the shortest possible time).

How to effectively learn the rules of traffic rules?

You can effectively learn the rules of the road using a combination of several methods:

  • understanding the importance of the information that is in the textbook;
  • constant attendance of lectures at the automobile school;
  • independent study of theoretical foundations;
  • application of theory in practice.

It is the observance of all these points that can guarantee that you will successfully pass the exams in 2017 and learn all 120 tickets.


As for practical exercises, this is an integral part of studying the road charter. You will do your first skills with an instructor. This is the easiest way to feel confident on the road, analyze your actions and find the best solution in difficult situations. Important point: don't be afraid to ask. Even if the situation seems simple to you, ask again, check your skills, make sure your judgments are correct.

It will also be useful for you to practice passively - observing the actions of an experienced driver. If you are still traveling by public transport, then try to take a place from which the actions of the bus driver will be clearly visible. Don't be afraid to take a ride with a family or friend, watch them in action, and think about the different situations that might be in the new 2017 test cards. Even when traveling by taxi, do not be afraid to ask the driver about the points that interest you. It is he who can easily and easily explain even the most complex and long theory in an abbreviated form.

How to quickly learn traffic rules tickets?

It is still possible to learn traffic rules tickets quickly and easily. The main thing at the same time is the understanding of the process, motivation and the possibility of applying theory to practice.

Teachers from a driving school often hear questions: “I can’t learn all 120 tickets, what should I do?” “Is it difficult to remember such a volume of information?”, “How to easily and quickly cope with traffic rules?”, “How easy is it to pass for a driver’s license category B, C?”. To help in such situations, experienced teachers and drivers give some advice to beginners.

First of all, you need to understand the general provisions of the traffic rules and learn the main participants and objects on the road. This is:

  • traffic inspector and driver;
  • traffic lights and road signs (there are permanent and temporary);
  • road markings;
  • pedestrians.

It is easy to learn road signs in a playful way. To do this, you should buy special toy signs or make them yourself and place them around the house. Constantly bumping into them, you can easily remember the necessary information, simulate many different situations.

No less effective are computer programs that you can download for free or use them online. They offer to answer many questions that are similar to those on exam tickets, resolve a traffic situation or find the culprit of an accident. No less popular are simulators, where you can try yourself as a driver and improve practical skills. The advantages of such programs are that they are free and have several levels of difficulty, which is perfect for an inexperienced driver.

Mnemonic or method of associations

Many people use this method of quick and easy memorization of information without even realizing what they are doing. The essence of the method is that in order to assimilate the data, you need to build associative series, come up with abbreviations or rhymes that will lead us to the correct answer.


When studying the rules of the road for the exam, you can use the above methods and methods, come up with your own approach to learning. But you must remember one thing - not only your life and health or the condition of the car, but also the lives of other road users depend on the quality and effectiveness of what you have learned, so take this task seriously. And let it not be as fast as we would like, but it is safe and correct.

If you want to learn traffic rules tickets in one day, you must train your memory from childhood or be born a genius.

Medications that improve memory can help. Here is what they are told about. This is a real help in learning. But they should also not be taken in one day.

Below I will describe the method that most speeds up and simplifies the process of studying tickets. You don’t have to go through what you already remember 2 times.

How to quickly remember traffic rules tickets

Highlight the main

There is a very good way to quickly learn the theory of traffic rules when passing exams at the traffic police. It is also very suitable for preparing for other exams taken in a similar way. But there is no complete freebie, you still have to learn!

The bottom line is that you should focus on the main thing - what you didn’t remember well when studying exam tickets. To do this, you need to sort out simple and complex questions for you about the rules of the road.

You must have a collection of traffic rules tasks. Usually, when preparing, all solutions are studied, then repeated, and so on until there is enough patience or the time for the exam comes up.

How best to remember:

How to learn the theory of traffic rules with time

To do this faster, you better train your memory with special exercises in advance. So, without noticing it yourself, you can learn much faster and more efficiently not only the “rules of the road”, but also everything that you need to remember. How to do this is described in article 9 exercises for memory training. You will be able to remember what used to “fly by the ear”, even without any memorization techniques.

How to quickly and permanently remember the most difficult traffic rules questions

In addition, there is a special course for brain training. His brief review is here.

When studying traffic rules, take breaks in memorization. They are obligatory - Why do we need breaks in memorizing material

Without them, you will "check in", trying to learn everything in one day :)

Highlights in the study of traffic rules

To make it easier to remember the signs themselves, remember their differences in shape and color:

And you need to know who is in charge at what moment on the road. Here is the priority:

  1. traffic police inspector - always.
  2. traffic lights
  3. temporary signs replacing permanent ones during road repairs or for any other reason
  4. permanent marks
  5. last but not least, the right hand rule
  6. do not forget the rule of three D - "give way to the fool." You may be right, but it's better to let go of someone who is driving in violation of the laws. It will be cheaper for you! In the end it could save your life or your passengers.

Studying the rules of the road implies not only the possibility of passing an exam at a driving school and obtaining a driver's license, but also familiarity with the etiquette of behavior on the road, knowledge of which is the key to saving the lives of all road users.

Often, novice drivers face difficulties in the process of studying the theoretical part of the exam. A large amount of information to remember, in tandem with a complex writing language, is not an easy task for beginners. In this article, we have collected proven methods for quickly remembering the rules that will help you structure information, highlighting the main thing, and, of course, achieve your own understanding of the situation on the road.

Before you start learning traffic rules, make sure you have tools that will help make the task easier.

The tools you will need are the following:

  • a computer or mobile device that supports the installation of educational programs and applications;
  • directly paper source of knowledge - a collection of traffic rules.

And, of course, be patient: you will need it for cramming especially difficult-to-understand items in the printed collection.

Armed with the necessary tools, you can begin to study:

  • First read the material by reading it carefully.
  • Try to structure a large amount of information by breaking it into several semantic categories.
  • Briefly outline the main provisions of the rules, pronouncing them to yourself.
  • Retell the outlined material, trying to explain each rule along the way.
  • Repetition of the studied material should be repeated: as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.
  • Avoid a certain order when choosing rules for retelling, the best option is random.
  • Do not neglect the help of loved ones - involve them in the learning process, offering to play the role of an examiner.
  • Give block study of the rules at least a couple of hours a day, always alternating with rest.
  • Since the morning hours are considered the best time to absorb and remember information, try to set aside time for learning the rules in the morning.
  • Do not mistakenly believe that attending classes at a driving school is enough to master the material. On the contrary, it is better to consolidate the material at home by reading and repeating it again.
  • It has been tested in practice: the use of all types of memory (visual, auditory and motor) contributes to better memorization of the material. Let it be texts, drawings, video and audio materials of lectures on traffic rules and note-taking of the material.

We use the visualization method

If you have a fairly well-developed visual memory, we recommend that you purchase an illustrated collection of traffic rules.

The presence of visual images of objects and signs in combination with small text inserts will allow you to quickly memorize a text that is difficult to digest. As a rule, in such cases, even the page on which this or that rule was depicted is often remembered.

Experts assure: the visual method undoubtedly works, contributing to the memorization of even voluminous materials. When taking notes of lectures, do not forget to make sketches for yourself, depicting schematically what is presented in the dry text.

The Internet also comes to the rescue today with all the variety of video materials of an educational nature. Among other things - videos with examples and fragments from real life. Watch and remember.

As for signs, it is important to remember the shape, color and semantic information.

Most prohibition signs are circular in shape, with a white background and a red line around the outline.

There is also a cross line. For prescriptive signs, the characters are a round shape and a blue background. Warning signs are characterized by a triangular shape and a white background, while information signs are rectangular or square.

We develop associative thinking

The essence of the association method is to search for regular connections between the information provided and an example from life, which makes it easier to assimilate the material. Here you can give a common example of a traffic sign prohibiting entry - this is the so-called "Brick" sign.

Developed associative thinking will allow you to easily remember the studied material and pass the exam with excellent marks.

Mastering mnemonics

This method implies a method of memorizing information similar to the previous method by creating an associative series. However, here the list of methods used can be somewhat expanded. This adds the search for rhymes, consonances, letter codes, or assigning a separate place to the subject in a well-known room.

On the Internet today, a large number of different "reminders" in the form of collections are available.

Here are some excerpts from them:

  • the well-known rule of three D - give way to the fool;
  • the no less common abbreviation of the USSR makes it easy to determine the driver’s actions at the start of movement - light, clutch, speed and handbrake;
  • it’s enough just to remember the rule about interference on the right, having learned the saying “who is on the right is right”;
  • Ave Maria prayer, AVM will help you remember the procedure for a sudden stop of a vehicle at a railway crossing - A - turning on the alarm, B - disembarking passengers from the car, M - measures to free the crossing from the vehicle.

Live and think like a driver

Surprisingly, if you start thinking like a driver, even if you are not driving at the moment, you will be able to assess the traffic situation from the outside.

When you are near busy traffic, just watch how other drivers drive their cars.

When traveling in public transport, put yourself in the driver's seat, analyze his actions. Then compare what you saw with the material already covered, note the mistakes and incomprehensible moments in order to subsequently ask the instructor a question at a lesson in a driving school. In addition, you can also adjust the plan for further practical classes.

This method is called rational, that is, based on understanding. After all, in order to come to an understanding, each rule should be considered separately, logically explained and applied in practice.

Online simulators

Today, virtual network users have access to many online training programs.

These programs, as a rule, are used as "simulators" of memory, reducing to automaticity the issuance of answers to examination questions.

Each of them is based on an approximate list of tickets using illustrations and texts that are usually used in official sources.

It is important to know that the content of the online testers does not guarantee that there will be similar questions on the exam. Online simulators are just an opportunity to prepare for an exam at a driving school by testing yourself on the knowledge of self-learned material.

No wonder the student proverb says:

"It's either an eternity or one night before the exam."

Very, very many people like to put off all their affairs until the last moment, when it’s impossible to continue pulling the cat by the tail.

By the way, it’s better not to do this with writing a diploma - you can easily retake the exam.

What to do if folk wisdom was confirmed in your case?

Get ready to stay up all night

In order for the brain to work optimally, stock up on chocolate. In general, sweet in any case affects mental activity, but it is better to choose bitter chocolate. Doctors also advise eating fish, but here you need to observe the measure, because after a hearty dinner you always want to sleep.

If coffee doesn't work for you, brew very strong green tea. It contains a lot of caffeine and other invigorating substances. Of course, you can turn to energy drinks for help, but it’s better not to abuse such an amount of chemistry - more than two cans of a drink can adversely affect the work of the heart. It is better to choose a natural option, for example, eleutherococcus extract. It is quite inexpensive, tolerable in taste, and you only need to drink a tablespoon at a time.

Protect yourself from unnecessary distractions

Since there is no time to read books anymore, the search engine will help you. Immediately look for ready-made answers to your question, and where to write. For better memorization, you can make a short summary. Then it will be useful to re-read it several times, so the most key points are better deposited in memory.

Write cheat sheets

If any questions cause difficulty, write cheat sheets. Firstly, it is easier to remember this way, and secondly, they will add self-confidence. Write briefly, shorten the text to the maximum, leave only the main formulas and concepts.

Take breaks

In preparation, it is necessary to take breaks. Allocate time in the best way for you, make a schedule. For example, you work for an hour and a half without being distracted by anything, and then you rest for 30 minutes. By the way, it is better not to rest in front of the monitor. Walk to the kitchen, drink coffee, call the same night owls as you. At worst, wash the dishes or tidy up the room - physical work of such a plan will unload the brain well.


Try to get at least two hours of sleep before the exam. The material will be better remembered, and you will feel better. After rest, repeat the information again and boldly go to the exam.

The main thing is not to worry.

Even if it seems that you have forgotten everything, the mind will prompt the right answer in time. And the spurs won't let you down.
