Message zodiac sign aries. Zodiac signs and horoscope in English with translation and video

Almost every person read the characteristics of his zodiac sign in Russian more than once with interest and enjoyed it. The English version of the characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac will also be interesting. Therefore, learning English from podcasts of the signs of the Zodiac can be quite a fun and rewarding activity. In addition, it will give additional motivation in English.

English podcasts are an effective means of learning English.

Podcasts on the Internet, as a rule, are called voiced texts. It is especially effective to listen to texts in English if they have interesting and useful content. To enjoy the process, it is important to find a high-quality audio recording of native English speakers voicing such texts. Foreign sites for learning English will help us with this. These sites have both audio MP3s and dubbed English text for those who still find it difficult to understand English by ear alone. And English podcasts will eventually help develop this ability.

A high-quality audio recording of the signs of the Zodiac in English for all signs can be found.

Audio recordings of the signs of the Zodiac in English can be both listened to and downloaded. All audio recordings have a text transcript.

For those who find it difficult to understand how the English texts for these Zodiac signs podcasts are translated, below is a parallel translation from English into Russian of the characteristics for the signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, presented on this English site. These are the last 3 signs of the Zodiac, the other 9 have been discussed before. So, listen, understand and enjoy high-quality English recordings of the signs of the Zodiac for free. The same materials are perfect if you need to make a presentation about the signs of the Zodiac in English.

A short story about the sign of the Zodiac in English with translation and audio: Capricorn (Capricorn)

Capricorn[ˈkæprɪˌkɔːn] the Goat

Capricorn is a goat

Symbol: The Goat

Symbol: Goat

Birthstone: Garnet

Birthstone corresponding to the zodiac sign: Garnet

Element: Earth

Ruling planets: Saturn

Ruling Planets: Saturn

Soulmate: Taurus

Soulmate: Taurus

Strengths: practical, ambitious, trustworthy

Strengths: practical, ambitious, reliable

Weaknesses: stubborn, pessimistic, over-cautious

Weaknesses: stubborn, pessimistic, overly cautious

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac. Capricorns work hard to achieve success. Like a mountain goat, they keep climbing until they reach the top. They always weigh the pros and cons before making decisions. They are good with finances and rarely fall into debt. It can be difficult for a Capricorn to balance work and play. Capricorns always pitch in when help is needed. They also make sympathetic friends and partners that you can count on. You won't catch a Capricorn breaking a promise. On the other hand, they are cautious people who do not enter relationships easily. It may take a lot of time and effort to find your way into a Capricorn's inner circle of friends. Capricorns tend to suffer from low self-esteem. They become easily depressed. Fortunately, they don't like laziness, and will eventually stop sulking and get back to work or play.

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the Zodiac. Capricorns work hard to succeed. Like the mountain goat, they keep climbing until they reach the top. They always weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. They are well versed in finance and rarely get into debt. Capricorns find it difficult to balance between work and play. Capricorns always come to the aid of those who need it. Capricorns are also sympathetic friends and partners you can always count on. You don't have to catch Capricorn breaking a promise. On the other hand, they are cautious people who do not enter into relationships easily. It can take a lot of time and effort to find your way into Capricorn's inner circle of friends. Capricorns tend to suffer from low self-esteem. They easily spoil the mood. Luckily, they don't like being lazy and eventually stop pouting and go back to work or play.

Word check

ambitious (adjective): determined to succeed

ambitious (adjective): determined to succeed

pessimistic (adjective): always seeing the negative side

pessimistic (adjective): always seeing the negative side

weigh the pros and cons (verb): to consider both sides of an issue or choice

weigh the pros and cons (verb): consider both sides of a problem or choice

pitch in (verb): to help someone complete a task

to tackle (verb) vigorously: to help someone with a task

sympathetic (adjective): caring about others' problems or concerns

sympathetic (adjective): attentive to other people's problems or concerns

sulk (verb): to openly display sadness; be bad-tempered

sulk (verb): openly show displeasure; to be in a bad mood

About the zodiac sign Aquarius (Aquarius) in English with translation

Aquarius[əˈkwɛərɪəs] the Water Bearer

Aquarius is the bearer of water

Symbol: The Water Bearer

Symbol: Water Carrier

Birthstone: Amethyst

Element: Air

Ruling planets: Saturn and Uranus

Ruling planets: Saturn and Uranus

Soulmate: Libra

Soulmate: Libra

Strengths: well-organized, independent, humanitarian

Strengths: well organized, independent, humane

Weaknesses: unpredictable, detached, sarcastic

Weaknesses: unpredictable, detached, sarcastic

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. Aquarians are forward thinkers who often take the road less traveled. They try to do things differently than their peers. This is how they often get ahead of the pack. Aquarians do not like traditions, rituals, or schedules. It can be difficult for an Aquarian to relax. The mind is always working. Aquarians are great communicators. They stay up-to-date with all the modern technology. Don't be surprised if an Aquarian tries to get you to take his side. Aquarians can be very convincing. They are also very inspiring and love a good challenge. No mission is impossible for an Aquarian.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Aquarius are characterized by advanced thinking, and often go the less trodden path. They try to do things differently than their peers. Because of this, they often find themselves ahead of the pack. Aquarians do not like traditions, rituals and schedules. Aquarius finds it difficult to relax. Their brains are constantly at work. Aquarians are easy to get in touch with. They are aware of all modern technologies. Do not be surprised that Aquarius is trying to win you over to his side. Aquarians can be very persuasive. They often find inspiration and love challenging tasks. For Aquarius, there are no impossible tasks.

Word check

humanitarian (adjective): caring for human needs

humane (adjective): concerned about people's needs

unpredictable (adjective): behaving in a different way each time

unpredictable (adjective): behaves differently every time

ritual (noun): something that you do regularly in a ceremonious way

ritual (noun): something you do regularly in a ceremonial manner

detached (adjective): not closely connected to other people

detached (adjective): not closely related to other people

sarcastic (adjective): tending to use irony to mock or show contempt

sarcastic (adjective): tending to use irony for mockery or contempt

peers (noun): people who share the same age or status

peers (noun): people of the same age or status

About the zodiac sign Pisces (Pisces) in English with translation

Pisces[ˈpaɪsiːz] the Fish

Fish are fish

Symbol: The Fish

Symbol: Fish

Birthstone: Amethyst

Birthstone corresponding to the zodiac sign: Amethyst

Element: Water

Ruling planets: Jupiter and Neptune

Ruling planets: Jupiter and Neptune

Soulmate: Cancer

Related: Cancer

Strengths: sympathetic, patient, imaginative

Strengths: Empathetic, patient, imaginative

Weaknesses: shy, impractical, lazy

Weaknesses: Shy, impractical, lazy

Pisces is the last of the zodiac signs. Pisceans are artistic people who enjoy dance, art, and film. The two fishes symbolize their tendency to go with the flow. Those born under the Pisces sign are attracted to luxurious places. They enjoy looking for treasures. Pisceans are often picky eaters. If they have a craving for a certain food, they won't settle for anything else. Many Pisceans have an addiction. They become obsessed with one thing, such as a television series, and can become addicted to it. Some people say that Pisceans tend to live in a dream world. When they are unhappy, they escape to an imaginary place. It is nice to have a Pisces as a friend because she will always listen to your troubles. On the other hand, she may become so emotionally involved that she takes on your pain. Your problems become more important than hers. In the workplace, Pisces work best alone.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces are artistic people who enjoy dancing, creativity and cinema. The two Pisces symbolize the tendency to go with the flow. Those born under the sign of Pisces are attracted to luxurious places. They love treasure hunts. Fish are often picky eaters. If they like a certain food, they will not settle for something else. Many Pisces are addicted. They become obsessed with one thing, such as a television series, they may become addicted to it. Some people say that Pisces tend to live in an imaginary world. When they are in a bad mood, they withdraw from reality. It's nice to have a Pisces as a friend because she will always listen to your problems. On the other hand, she may become so emotionally involved that she takes on your pain. Your problems will become more important than her own. In the workplace, Pisces work best alone.


The Fire Signs of the Zodiac are wild in nature. Aries is the personification of fire itself, passion and unyielding stamina.

If this Zodiac Sign is yours, or if you're interested in an Aries in your social circle, check out 10 Unusual Aries Facts. All 12 Signs are unique and have their own characteristics, and Aries is no exception. We will tell you who Aries are, how to recognize them, and with whom they are most likely to make friends or love relationships.

Characteristics of Aries

Fiery temperament - that says it all. Aries are sharp and quick-tempered, but only in certain situations. In most cases, they are kind and pleasant interlocutors.

By the way, about the conversation - do not argue with them. Never defend your point of view, because you will not be able to convince Aries and prove him wrong. He is always right, always irresistible and knows everything about everything. Sit, chat about life - it's always welcome, it will never end in a war or a quarrel - Aries are generally very peaceful, but only until such time as you encroach on their freedom. After that, they will not leave you with a wet place.

These cute guys know their worth, so you can’t deceive them. They are always on the lookout, always waiting for a catch. Yes, they adore themselves and believe that they are irresistible, but this does not cloud their mind. They protect not only themselves, but all the weak. If a soul mate or a friend of Aries gets in trouble, then he comes to the rescue like Batman, like a superhero, waiting for a distress signal in his shelter. You can rely on them in a difficult situation, believe me.

All these characteristics apply to both men and women. Aries men are bold and courageous, while women are hot and sexy. This is perhaps the most balanced sign of the zodiac in terms of positive aspects for both sexes. Moreover, men and women born under the influence of Aries are perfectly combined with each other in love, forming a force that can move mountains.

Aries Compatibility with Other Signs

We have already considered the love compatibility of the Signs of the Zodiac more than once, but we can talk forever about Aries and their views on the opposite sex. These passionate lovers are able to conquer even the most impregnable heart. A woman can please anyone, and a man can get any lady. People feel their confidence and high energy.

But getting someone's heart and living in a marriage for a long time are two different things. Aries are masters of intrigues and ephemeral loves, but it is incredibly difficult to get along with them in marriage, because the love compatibility of other Signs with them is very poor. As mentioned above, the union Aries+Aries It's just a love bomb. Such a marriage is quite strong and does not lose passion over the years. Two Aries are compatible, as they join forces in achieving goals.

As for other fiery Signs, with an overly narcissistic lion Aries will not be on the way. These are two different and incompatible people, two extremes of the same essence. Aries is more solid, but there is more goodness in his heart. So Sagittarius there will be more chances to live in marriage for many years - compatibility is much better here. Sagittarians are not aggressors, although they do not give themselves into trouble. It suits Aries.

Since both women and men born under this Sign are the same, their compatibility with other Signs is the same. Flexible Scales help them find peace and understand that life is not only war, but also serenity. There will be little passion in such an alliance, but the marriage will be extremely strong.

In general, Aries need to be fed with their sexuality. They hate routine and routine, so you have to spin around and invent something new to keep them from getting bored.

Aries are difficult to subdue with the mind, although in rare cases it is possible for Gemini or Aquarius. Virgin slay them with their wisdom, and scorpions eccentricity and assertiveness. Generally. if you want to like Aries, then pretend that you are not interested in him. The less we love Aries, the more we like him. This is a pure truth.

With Pisces or doggy style Aries find mutual understanding with difficulty. Although sensuality can add harmony to their relationship. A with Taurus and Capricorns the union will turn out to be more partner-like.

Aries can be made a little jealous, but you can’t go too far, otherwise he will bend you like a stick. Be honest with Aries because these people value the truth above all else. Tell them what you don't like and maybe they will work on themselves. These people are a combination of the incompatible - flexibility and hardness in one bottle, so their love compatibility with other Signs leaves much to be desired.

Finally, it is important to add that Aries quickly find themselves in life. These people are stable, despite the fiery temperament. Their Zodiac calling is a job that involves movement and genuine interest. Aries are born athletes and traders. They can sell anything to anyone. We wish you mutual understanding with any Signs of the Zodiac and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.09.2016 07:20

Astrologers say that our financial success largely depends on who is around. Choosing...

Horoscopes, zodiac signs surround us everywhere. Willy-nilly, we encounter them all the time: from TV channels, from radio, and even from newspapers. It is unlikely that there will be someone who has never heard the zodiac horoscope or does not know the names of the signs of the zodiac. There are even those who choose life partners according to the zodiac sign, because. they believe that the sign of the zodiac directly affects the character and fate of the individual.

So let's find out how the signs of the zodiac will be in English, and consider a brief description of each sign.

















And now let's find out what characteristic English astrologers give for each sign of the zodiac.

So, the English characteristics of the signs of the zodiac:


Element: Fire

Favorable Colors: Red

Group: Emotional

Lucky Gem: Diamond

Ruling Planet: Mars

Chinese Counterpart: Dragon

Opposite Sign: Libra

Cross/Quality: Cardinal

Aries Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is very energetic, impulsive and boisterous. He is dynamic, courageous, competitive, eager and sometimes very stubborn. Aries is the pioneer in everything from work-related projects to parties with friends.

Also he possesses a certain amount of independent thinking and reasoning faculty. So that is why he can be very capable and the strict followers of convention. Aries loves very much such kind of science like philosophy. It is no wonder, because man born who was under this sign has his own strict system of morality.

Unfortunately, very often he speaks more than does something. So it is necessary to support him and compliment to put him to action. Aries is the great lover of art and beauty.


Element: Earth

Symbol: Bull

Favorable Colors: Pink

Group: Emotional

Lucky Gem: Emerald

Ruling Planet: Venus

Chinese Counterpart: Snake

Opposite Sign: Scorpio

Cross/Quality: Fixed

Taurus Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is solid, dependable, strong, stubborn, stable and very conservative so that is why Taurus is one of the most responsible sign. He is a materialist and loves valuable things. Taurus is hard-working; he always carries things to completion. He respects the rules and laws, but also he has his own principles and standards. He is very creative person who likes making things with his own hands.

Person born under this sign has good memory, intuition, imagination and intellect. He can be a great journalist, writer and even businessman. Also Taurus is a sensual, tactile sign. Touch is very important for him in everything. He is reserved, but when angered, he becomes furious like the bull.


Element: Air

Symbol: The Twins

Favorable Colors: Green

Group: Emotional

Lucky Gem: Agate

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Chinese Counterpart: Horse

Opposite Sign: Sagittarius

Cross/Quality: Mutable

Gemini Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is extremely versatile. There are at least two characters in one man, and you can never be sure which one is before you. Gemini is very contradictory sign, on one hand he is talkative, outgoing, cheerful, flirtatious, expressive, joyous, but at the same time he can be very gloomy, serious, reserved, taciturn, and restless. So Gemini is very interesting person and you never get bored in his company. As all air sign Gemini love beautiful and expensive things. They like doing many things at the same time but rarely finish it. Frankly speaking Gemini is Jack of all trades but masters of none. The only thing there they can be experts is mathematical sciences.


Element: Water

Symbol: The Crab

Favorable Colors: White, Silver

Group: Emotional

Lucky Gem: Pearls

Ruling Planet: Moon

Chinese Counterpart: Goat

Opposite Sign: Capricorn

Cross/Quality: Cardinal

Cancer Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is really devoted, honest, sentimental, empathetic, tender, emotional, intuitive, smart, unbending, and industrious. He appreciates money and never wastes it. Sometimes he can even be very miserly. Cancer is a man of family, there is nothing more important than his family and relatives. He loves children very much. Nevertheless Cancer is seldom happy in love and marriage. This sign is leader among people with broken hearts and sorrowful love stories.

Cancer feels other people's pain and mood. And these extreme sensitiveness and sympathy can be cause of Cancer's illness like nervous break-down. The bad qualities of his character are moral cowardice and excessive caution.


Element: Fire

Symbol: The Lion

Favorable Colors: Gold, Orange

Group: Intellectual

Ruling Planet: Sun

Chinese Counterpart: Monkey

Opposite Sign: Aquarius

Cross/Quality: Fixed

Leo Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is creative, energetic, outgoing, charming, sharp-witted, quick, gorgeous, courageous, and noble. Leo attracts much attention in every company because of his fetching behavior and appearance. As a rule person born under Leo sign is very pleasant; there is a certain magnetism in his personality. He is a leader in everything and he wants to be a leader. Leo likes to compete. So he is ambitious enough and even can be avaricious and cruel. That is why he has to restrain his temper. But what is the most interesting when it is dealing with his family the powerful Leo can turn into the obedient kitten. So if Leo loves his partner very much, he can be very dependent on him. In spite of it Leo always has his own opinion. Leo is great lovers of literature and fine art.


Element: Earth

Symbol: The Virgin

Favorable Colors: Green, Brown

Group: Intellectual

Lucky Gem: Sardonyx

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Chinese Counterpart: Rooster

Opposite Sign: Pisces

Cross/Quality: Mutable

Virgo Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is very diligent, intelligent, industrious, careful, gentle, decent, friendly, reliable, well-behaved, delicate, thrifty and really accurate man. He loves accuracy in everything. So you can be sure that Virgo is an honest and respectable person who can be a very good friend and wife/husband. But you also have to be very orderly person to suit Virgo. This sign is the most dedicated to serving, he sees his life meaning in care about and support of other people. Virgo is possessor of deep sense of the humanity. Also Virgo is really sensible and thoughtful; he analyzes a lot before acting. So that is why Virgo is a great thinker, he can judge things from a glance. Virgo has a great influence on people because of his significant intellect; he can be good writers or philosophers.


Element: Air

Symbol: The Scales

Favorable Colors: Blue

Group: Intellectual

Lucky Gem: Sapphire

Ruling Planet: Venus

Chinese Counterpart: Dog

Opposite Sign: Aries

Cross/Quality: Cardinal

Libra Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is very erudite, judicial, and broad-minded. Libra prefers cooperation rather than leadership; he finds himself in partnership. So Libra is the great partner. He feels and understands the senses of other people. So Libra never stays alone; he has many friends because he cannot image his life without company. Libra is the big idealist and builds castles in the air. He is extremely fair, detests lies and violence. Libra can sacrifice his life at the altars of true and law. He can become a great jurist and even political leader because he has exact influence over masses thanks to his extravagant way of thinking. Thought as it said above Libra prefers partnership. He not really cares about what other people think about him, because he always has a well-considered opinion on everything. Also he has an extraordinary intuition.


Element: Water

Symbol: The Scorpion

Favorable Colors: Dark Reds, black

Group: Intellectual

Ruling Planet: Pluto, Mars

Chinese Counterpart: Pig

Opposite Sign: Taurus

Cross/Quality: Fixed

Scorpio Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is very sly, dexterous, dignified, resolute, fickle, penetrating, rational, confident, and thoughtful. Scorpio combines both all leaders' characteristics and thinker's. He can control all his feelings and even conceal it. So when it is necessary he can be very silent and even looks like bashful and shy person, but it is false. Scorpio is a superior inventor. Thanks to his passion for new experience and entertainment he has many friends in all spheres of human activity. Scorpio has the set of his ideals and opinions, but doesn’t feel a need for their discussion like Libra needs it. All scorpions can be very talented dancers. And they can be really happy in marriage with the partner of the same hot temperament.


Element: Fire

Symbol: The Archer

Favorable Colors: Purple

Group: Theoretical

Lucky Gem: Topaz

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Chinese Counterpart: Rat

Opposite Sign: Gemini

Cross/Quality: Mutable

Sagittarius Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is very inquisitive, energetic, active, optimistic, enthusiastic and really changeable. So as a rule all people burn under the Sagittarius sign are extroverts.

It is the most broad-minded sign with the richest range of interest. Sagittarius is fond of all new activities; he is great traveler and joker. It seems that he tries to test everything in searching of the meaning of life. But Sagittarius is not big romantic or inventive person, like Gemini can be. Sagittarius can become good enough businessmen and even keeps conservative views. This man is honest, affable, polite, friendly, and generous; he is like a noble knight from all well-known fairytale. Sagittarius is inclined to generous and decent actions. But he is prone to prompt actions, that is why it is rather difficult to understand and communicate with him.


Element: Earth

Symbol: The Goat

Favorable Colors: Brown

Group: Theoretical

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Chinese Counterpart: Ox

Opposite Sign: Cancer

Cross/Quality: Cardinal

Capricorn Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is very rational, conventional, professional, down-to-earth, practical, stoic, perseverance and serious. He is real present for employer, because Capricorn is great specialist; he achieves perfection in his job. So it is hardly possible to compete with him in professional matter. Capricorn is an extraordinary hardworking person. But perhaps all these characteristics are explained by one real Capricorn's passion - it is money. Capricorn is the one sign in zodiac who loves and appreciates money so much. He loves expensive and high quality products. So Capricorn needs money, it is difficult enough for him to restrain himself in purchasing. His worst characteristic feature is revenge.


Element: Air

Symbol: The Water Bearer

Favorable Colors: Turquoise

Group: Theoretical

Lucky Gem: Turquoise

Ruling Planet: Uranus, Saturn

Chinese Counterpart: Tiger

Opposite Sign: Leo

Cross/Quality: Fixed

Aquarius Personality:

Man who was born under this sign is very contradictory and multifaceted person. Like in Gemini it seems that there are different people inside Aquarius. He is shy and boastful, quiet and noisy at the same time. Anyway Aquarius is highly intellectual, logical, and temperamental. He is really eccentric, energetic and possesses great analytical abilities that help him to make the correct decisions in every difficult situation. So Aquarius is the great problem solver. He is really gifted person, who can be an excellent dancer, singer, artist, actor, writer, philosopher, and all these thank to his great imagination and extravagant style. Needless to say that Aquarius has a lot of friends. He is really devoted friend and partner. Unfortunately Aquarius cannot control himself when provoked, and he can tell very rude words when he is in bad mood.


Element: Water

Symbol: The Fish

Favorable Colors: Sea-Green

Group: Theoretical

Lucky Gem: Moon Stone

Ruling Planet: Neptune, Jupiter

Chinese Counterpart: Rabbit

Opposite Sign: Virgo

Cross/Quality: Mutable

Pisces Personality:

People who were born under this sign are very different. It is the last sign in zodiac, so it combines different characteristics. But generally they are gentle, modest, honest, engaging and extremely friendly. They can get on with people of all material status, tastes, and habits. So they can be really good friends. Pisces are not leaders, but they play great part in every company, group. They can sympathize, comfort and support other people. As rule Pisces are conservative and orthodox in religious views. But they are hasty, anxious, and restless; there is some obscure thirst inside them. So Pisces are fond of all mystery things, like mythology, chiromancy and occult sciences. They can be really stubborn, ambitious and diffident at the same time.

And finally, learn these useful words related to astrological forecast and zodiac signs:

astrologer- astrologer

astrological forecast- astrological forecast

astrology– astrology

be born under the sign of- be born under a sign

compatibility– compatibility

daily/weekly/monthly/yearly horoscope - daily/weekly/monthly/yearly horoscope

fortuneteller- fortune teller

gypcy- gypsy

horoscope- horoscope

leap year- leap year

read fortune- predict to smb. destiny

read somebody's palm- guess by hand

unlock the mystery- reveal the secret

zodiac signs- Zodiac sign

Discussion of horoscopes, features of the signs of the zodiac, weekly predictions - all these topics greatly expand the vocabulary related to personal qualities and character traits. Analyzing the language of horoscopes, it is very easy to single out those phrases and formulations that are suitable for absolutely everyone and can be interpreted very broadly, which allows them to be embedded in predictions for all signs. Well, in your speech you can use them - why not? For example, such phrases:

  • Don't lend money to friends or family
  • This is a good time to join a group or a club
  • Dilemmas can be overcome with open, honest communication
  • Be careful not to upset someone you love
  • Be careful what you eat
  • Don't be afraid to make new friends
  • You are very attractive to the opposite sex at the moment
  • Don't be afraid to try new things

To talk about the characteristics of character and behavior, while learning new words, let's see what qualities horoscopes give to all signs of the zodiac, and call them in English. Well, by choosing your sign, you can check how true this is for you personally.

Aries (March 21 - April 20) - Aries

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is associated with new beginnings and inner strength. People born at this time are passionate and adventurous, sometimes aggressive, with a good sense of humor, but at the same time selfish, boastful, impulsive and overconfident.
Adventurous and energetic - ready for adventure and energetic
Pioneering and courageous - initiative and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident - addicted and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted - fast and quick-witted

Selfish and quick-tempered - self-confident and quick-tempered
Impulsive and impatient - impulsive and impatient
Foolhardy and daredevil - desperate and risky

Taurus (April 21 - May 20) - Taurus

Taurus love pleasure and value well-being, they are considered calm, reliable, sensual and ambitious. The reverse side of these qualities is hedonism, laziness, inflexibility, suspicion and excessive caring.
Patient and reliable - calm and reliable
Warmhearted and loving - kindhearted and loving
Persistent and determined - stubborn and adamant in achieving the goal
Placid and security loving - peaceful and appreciating security

Jealous and possessive - jealous and big owners
Resentful and inflexible - touchy and intractable
Self-indulgent and greedy - self-indulgent and greedy

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) – Gemini

Gemini is a sign of youth, flexibility and adaptability. Gemini people are considered sociable, very cheerful, lively, intelligent and friendly. At the same time, they can be superficial, moody, lazy and restless.
Adaptable and versatile - easily adaptable, flexible
Communicative and witty - sociable and witty
Intellectual and eloquent - smart and eloquent
Youthful and lively - forever young and very alive

Nervous and tense - nervous and tense
Superficial and inconsistent - shallow and changeable
Cunning and inquisitive - cunning and overly curious

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancers, the fourth in the zodiac, are family and home people. Very kind, emotional, romantic and intuitive, Cancerians, on the other hand, are changeable, sometimes too sensitive and vulnerable, and also prone to depression and can be obsessive.
Emotional and loving - emotional and loving
Intuitive and imaginative - with good intuition and developed imagination
Shrewd and cautious - shrewd and prudent
Protective and sympathetic - protective and responsive

Changeable and moody - changeable and moody
Overemotional and touchy - overly emotional and sensitive
Clinging and unable to let go - affectionate, unable to let go of something

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - Leo

Leos are generous, generous, hospitable, active and open. Frequent characteristics of lions are authoritative and regal, industrious and extremely ambitious. On the other hand, they are incredibly proud and domineering, adore the admiration of others for themselves, love to be in the spotlight.
Generous and warmhearted - generous and kindhearted
Creative and enthusiastic - inventive and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive - broad-minded, open to new things
Faithful and loving - devoted and loving

Pompous and patronizing - pompous and condescending
Bossy and interfering - those who love to command and interfere in other people's affairs
Dogmatic and intolerant - categorical and intolerant

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - Virgo

Virgos, the sixth in the horoscope, are diligent, have analytical abilities, self-sufficient and modest, neat, very fond of order. At the same time, they tend to be hasty, often perfectionists and critics, and can be cold and anxious.
Modest and shy - modest and a little timid
Meticulous and reliable - pedantic and reliable
Practical and diligent - practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical - smart and good analysts

Fussy and a worrier - nervous and doubtful
Overcritical and harsh - supercritical and harsh
Perfectionist and conservative - perfectionists and conservatives

Libra (September 23 - October 22) – Libra

Libra is a charming, charismatic, very friendly and balanced people. Although sometimes they can be indecisive, lazy, impatient and try to please everyone at once.
Diplomatic and urbane - diplomatic and polite
Romantic and charming - romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable - easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable - idealists, peaceful
Indecisive and changeable - indecisive and fickle
Gullible and easily influenced - gullible, amenable to influence
Flirtatious and self-indulgent - those who love to flirt and indulge their desires

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - Scorpio

Passionate, strong, temperamental scorpions are complex, insightful, decisive and self-sufficient natures. On the other hand, they are distinguished by a complex character, envy and jealousy, cunning and sometimes cruelty.
Determined and forceful - specific and strong-willed, strong
Emotional and intuitive - emotional, with good intuition
Powerful and passionate - strong and passionate
Exciting and magnetic - exciting and attractive

Jealous and resentful - jealous and vindictive
Compulsive and obsessive - obsessive, fixated on one thing
Secretive and obstinate - secretive and stubborn

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - Sagittarius

Sagittarians are people associated with travel, movement, breadth of perception. They are dynamic, highly intelligent and energetic, good-natured and compassionate, although they are often anxious, impatient, reckless and behave like children.
Optimistic and freedom-loving - optimists, freedom-loving natures
Jovial and good-humored - cheerful and cheerful
Honest and straightforward - honest and straightforward
Intellectual and philosophical - smart and thoughtful

Blindly optimistic and careless - inappropriately optimistic and careless
Irresponsible and superficial - irresponsible and superficial
Tactless and restless - tactless and restless

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - Capricorn

Capricorns are real workaholics, hard workers, business people. They are modest and ambitious, patient and responsible, reliable and stable. All these qualities at the same time make them a little cold, conservative materialists, often cruel and limited.
Practical and prudent - practical and reasonable
Ambitious and disciplined - ambitious and disciplined
Patient and careful - calm and caring
Humorous and reserved - with a sense of humor, thrifty

Pessimistic and fatalistic - pessimists and fatalists
Miserly and grudging - stingy and envious

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - Aquarius

Aquarius is an innovator, a sign of new ideas and everything unusual. Aquarians are considered creative, modest, open to everything new people with an independent character and a cheerful disposition. But often they can be cold, rebellious, indecisive and impractical.
Friendly and humanitarian - friendly and philanthropic
Honest and loyal - honest and loyal
Original and inventive - unusual and inventive
Independent and intellectual - independent and smart

Intractable and contrary - uncompromising and wayward
Perverse and unpredictable - strange and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached - unemotional and detached

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) – Pisces

Pisces are romantic dreamers, very emotional, receptive and affectionate, generous and honest, with a good sense of humor. Sometimes those born under the sign of Pisces are prone to exaggeration, overly sensitive, passive and fickle.
Imaginative and sensitive - dreamy and sensitive
Compassionate and kind - sympathetic and kind
Selfless and unworldly - selfless and sometimes naive
Intuitive and sympathetic - intuitive and responsive

Escapist and idealistic - get away from problems, idealists
Secretive and vague - closed and secretive
Weak-willed and easily led - weak-willed, easily subordinated


Mikhail Burmakin


Anatoly Solovyev

rather, all the same in English, because. in Latin, the scorpion is written differently) This, however, is the only difference, but the difference)

Mikhail Burmakin
Anatoly Solovyev

the source, of course, is so-so, but he claims the opposite)

Anatoly Solovyev

the difference, of course, in two letters, but still)

Kristinka Buybarova

I wonder why fish are translated differently...

Sergey Khval

Why do we need this absolutely useless information for a sane person?

Vladimir Belikov

I am amazed by the comments in the spirit of "Why do we need this absolutely useless information for a sane person?"

You do not need - pass by. There are always people who need more information than a "sane person". Thanks to such people, "sane people" can use satellite TV, mobile communications and the Internet.

Do you believe in astrology, or do you only occasionally read your daily horoscope for fun? In this case, it's not that important. The main goal of our "astrological" mini-lesson is to test your understanding and reading skills in English, and at the same time, for fun, find matches in the descriptions of the zodiac signs and your character. have fun!

Look at these pics of star signs and read about yourself and your friends. have fun!


Aries people are creative, adaptive, and insightful. They can also be strong-willed and spontaneous. Aries people are very ambitious often making them over-achievers in anything they set their mind on.

  • strong-willed - decisive, strong-willed
  • set once "s mind on smth - strive for something


Taurus zodiac signs and meanings, like the animal that represents them, is all about strength and will. Stubborn by nature, the Taurus will stand his/her ground to the bitter end (sometimes even irrationally so).

  • stand one "s ground - stand your ground
  • to the bitter end - to the bitter end


Flexibility, balance, and adaptability are the keywords for the Gemini. They are quick to grasp the meaning of a situation and act on it, often with positive effects. They tend to have a duality to their nature, and can sometimes be hard to predict how they will react.

  • they tend to have a duality to their nature - they tend to duality from nature


Cancerians love home-life, family, and domestic settings. They are traditionalists who love history much. They also enjoy relaxing near water and having meals with loved ones.

  • domestic settings - things and events related to home and family
  • loved ones - favorite people


The zodiac signs and meanings of Leo are about strength, power, and abundance. Leos are natural born leaders, and they will let you know it as they have a tendency to be proud about their opinions.

  • abundance - abundance
  • natural born leaders - born leaders


Virgos have keen minds, and are delightful to talk with. Virgos are inquisitive and are very skilled at drawing information from people. This trait also makes them naturally intuitive.

  • keen mind - sharp mind
  • inquisitive - inquisitive
  • be skilled at - have skills in something, be skilled at something
  • draw information - extract information


Libras are all about balance, justice, and stability. They easily surround themselves with harmony and beauty, but sometimes go to extremes to do so if their goals are unreasonable.

  • surround oneself with - surround yourself with something
  • go to extremes - go to extremes


The Scorpio is often misunderstood. These personalities are capable of executing massive enterprises with cool control and confidence. They can overcome all obstacles when they put their mind to the task.

  • be misunderstood - to be misunderstood
  • be capable of - capable of something
  • overcome all obstacles - overcome all obstacles


Here we have the philosopher among the zodiac signs and meanings. Like the Scorpio, they have great ability for focus, and can be very intense. However, they must channel their energy or they will waste time going in too many directions at once.

  • channel energy - direct energy in one direction
  • waste time - waste time


Capricornas are also philosophical signs and are highly intelligent too. They apply their knowledge to practical matters, and strive to maintain stability and order. They are good organizers, and they achieve their goals by systematic means.

  • apply knowledge to practical matters - apply knowledge in practice
  • strive to maintain stability - strive to maintain stability


Often simple, the Aquarian goes about accomplishing goals in a quiet, often not traditional ways. Although their methods may be like that, the results for achievement are surprisingly effective.

  • accomplish goals - achieve goals


Pisces zodiac signs and meanings deal with acquiring vast amounts of knowledge. Pisces are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back. They are honest, unselfish and trustworthy.

  • acquire knowledge - gain knowledge
  • be willing to help - be ready to help
  • trustworthy - to be trustworthy

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