Alexey Miller biography. Career, family and hobbies of Alexey Miller, head of Gazprom

Miller Alexey Borisovich is the chairman of the board of OAO Gazprom

Miller Alexey Borisovich: Chairman of the Board of Gazprom, biography, salary, family, wife

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Miller Alexey Borisovich (Miller Alexey Borisovich) is

- it Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom since 2001, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom Neft, Gazprombank and Sogaz. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad. He has a number of state awards and titles, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree in 2006. Married, has a son.

The family of Miller Alexei Borisovich

Alexey Borisovich Miller was born on January 31, 1962 and was the only child in the family. His parents worked in the closed enterprise NPO Leninets, which developed on-board equipment for aviation. The head of the family passed away early, the child was raised by his mother. In 1979 he entered the Leningrad Financial economic institute, after graduating from the institute, having received the specialty "economist", got a job at LenNIIproekt. In 1986 he entered the graduate school of LenNIIproekt. He graduated in 1989 with a Ph.D.

On the this moment Alexey Miller with his wife Irina, they are raising their son Mikhail. The family lives in two houses - in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Professional experience of Miller Alexey Borisovich

Upon graduation, he worked as an engineer-economist in the workshop master plan Leningrad Research and Design Institute for Housing and Civil Engineering LenNIIproekt of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

In the 80s, A. Miller was a member of the informal club of young economists "Synthesis", which included mainly his acquaintances from the "finek". The members of the club were Anatoly Chubais, Andrei Illarionov, Mikhail Manevich (vice-governor of St. Petersburg, killed in 1997), Mikhail Dmitriev and Alexei Kudrin. Later, the future head of Gazprom worked with some of them in the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. In 1990 A. Miller headed a subdepartment in the Committee for Economic Reform of the Lensoviet Executive Committee. Alexei Kudrin was then the deputy chairman of this committee, and Anatoly Chubais was the deputy head of the Lensoviet executive committee.

But, as it turned out later, a key role in the future fate of A. Miller was played by his next place of work - in the Committee for External Relations (FAC) of the St. turned out to be the future President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The future head of Gazprom worked in the KVS until 1996. in different positions. It is believed that he contributed to the arrival of large Western banks in St. Petersburg, including Dresdner Bank, which later became a partner in the gas holding. A. Miller represented the interests of the city in joint ventures and supervised the hotel business - he was a member of the board of directors of the Europe Hotel.

In 1996 power changed in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg - Anatoly Sobchak lost the gubernatorial election. After that, most of the members of his team, including A. Miller, also resigned from the St. Petersburg administration. He became the Director for Development and Investments of OAO "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", and in 1999. - Director General of OAO "Baltic Pipeline System".

After V. Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation in 2000, his former subordinate A. Miller moved to Moscow and took the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. In this position, he oversaw the issues of foreign economic activity and international cooperation in the fuel and energy sector. Since January 2001 A. Miller headed the commission for the development of conditions for the use of subsoil and the preparation of a draft PSA for the Shtokman field. The media predicted the post of Minister of Energy for A. Miller, but in the end he received the position of Chairman of the Board of Gazprom after the seemingly unsinkable Rem Vyakhirev was removed from this post. Thus, the era of the Chernomyrdin-Vyakhirevsky gas business ended and the era of Gazprom, controlled by the state, began. A. Miller was tasked with changing the structure of Gazprom, returning the assets lost during the reign of R. Vyakhirev, and engaging in the financial recovery of the concern.

Awards and titles of Alexey Borisovich Miller

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree;

Medal of the Order "3a Merit to the Fatherland" II degree;

Order of the Cross of the Hungarian Republic II degree for merit in energy cooperation;

Order of Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia);

Order "Dostyk" ("Friendship") II degree (Republic of Kazakhstan);

Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia);

Order of Merit for the Italian Republic;

Order of Labor of the first degree (Socialist Republic of Vietnam);

Russian Order Orthodox Church Sergius of Radonezh II degree;

Patriarchal charter;

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2010.

Hobbies of Miller Alexei Borisovich

One of Alexei Miller's colleagues, who wished to remain incognito, called him a "careerist." It is logical to assume that the career is Miller's hobby. However, classmates say that when he was Alex, he liked to play the guitar, run around the football field or cheer for Zenit. According to the businessman himself, he still has a love for the guitar and Zenith, and besides, he is not averse to skiing or cycling.

Alexey Miller owns Thoroughbred stallions - Vesely and Fragrant. Cheerful, imported from the USA, on August 12, 2012, took 3rd place at one of the races of the Central Moscow Hippodrome, receiving a prize of 3,000 rubles. Born at the Don stud farm, Fragrant came first to the finish line seven times in his career and remained in the prizes 12 times.

The work of Miller Alexei Borisovich in Gazprom

A.Miller's start at Gazprom was rather sluggish, although the market took the news about the change of leadership with enthusiasm - investors decided that it was time for reforms. True, the reforms themselves did not begin immediately. Aleksey Borisovich, "non-core" for Gazprom, started updating the team only a few months later. He faced a difficult task, because he did not have his own production gas managers. The first "purges" began in September 2001, and within a year all of R. Vyakhirev's deputies lost their seats. Including key top managers - Deputy Chairman of the Board Sergey Dubinin and Alexander Pushkin, who oversaw sales in the CIS, Vyacheslav Sheremet, who was in charge of the financial unit, chief accountant Irina Bogatyreva.

A. Miller had to take people from his past for a number of key posts. This is how his associates in BTS appeared in Gazprom - Mikhail Sereda (now - deputy chairman, head of the administration), Kirill Seleznev (now - head of Mezhregiongaz), Elena Vasilyeva took the post of chief accountant. A. Miller covered the financial block with another "his" newcomer - Andrey Kruglov (an acquaintance from his work in the St. Petersburg mayor's office), who now holds the post of deputy chairman of the board and heads the financial and economic department. The production block was almost completely preserved. Of the "veterans" of Gazprom, Alexander Ananenkov, who previously headed Yamburggazdobycha, and Yuri Komarov, who held the post of head of the export department (since 2009 - chief executive officer of Shtokman Development AG), became deputy chairmen. Appointees from the Kremlin also came, including Alexander Ryazanov, at that time a State Duma deputy, and in the past - the head of the Surgut GPP (he left the post of deputy chairman of Gazprom in 2006).

Market experts and former leaders of the gas concern predicted A. Miller's early resignation. Evil tongues whispered that he was not able to manage such a colossus as Gazprom, but was appointed only temporarily to "clean up" the ranks. According to one of the gas tales, R. Vyakhirev in a narrow circle said that A. Miller would hang himself in his office in a year. However, he not only did not hang himself, but also managed to strengthen his position in such a motley environment. New head Gazprom actually took root in the concern in 2004, finally forming its team, which became an alloy of people from the Sea Port of St. Petersburg, BTS, the St. Petersburg City Hall, V. Putin's protégé and people from the old production block. In 2006 a five-year contract was unconditionally extended with him, and no one had any doubts about its extension.

The first and main task for A. Miller was formulated personally by the President of the Russian Federation. At a meeting in Novy Urengoy in the fall of 2001. V. Putin clearly outlined the priority: "It is necessary to take ownership issues seriously, otherwise you will open your mouth, and you will not have not only SIBUR, but also other enterprises." The new team took this slogan very seriously. In the course of a four-year campaign for the return of assets, which was accompanied by active PR, the concern returned for a nominal fee the large blocks of shares transferred to Itera in Purgaz (Gubkinskoye field) and Severneftegazprom (Yuzhno-Russkoye field), restored control over SIBUR, " Vostokgazprom", "Zapsibgazprom", "Northgaz" (through the court). The main asset that was returned to the state under A. Miller was Gazprom itself: by buying up shares on the market in 2003. a 51% stake in the Russian Federation was restored, but 10.74% of the state stake was on the balance sheet of Gazprom's subsidiaries. To ensure direct state control over the gas concern, a gamble was launched to merge two giants - Gazprom and Rosneft - by exchanging 10.7% of the shares of the first for 100% of the shares of the second. But in the end, due to a conflict between intra-Kremlin groups, the deal did not take place - the state bought Gazprom's shares for money, putting them on the balance sheet of Rosneftegaz. After that, the share market was liberalized (restrictions on their trading on the stock market were lifted; over the 15 years of Gazprom's existence, its capitalization has grown 219 times).

Under A. Miller, Gazprom headed for the globalization of business. In 2005 the head of the company set the task of becoming a prominent player in the global market. at the annual meeting in 2007. he stated that the goal had been achieved and "Gazprom's transformation from a 'national champion' company into a global energy business leader has taken place." During this time, Gazprom acquired assets in the power industry, the oil sector (purchasing Sibneft in 2005), assigned priority to export directions (the share of Russian gas in imports to Europe in 2007 was 40%), acquired good relations with the German E.On and BASF, the Italian ENI, launched projects to diversify supplies - gas pipelines through the Baltic "Nord Stream" and "South Stream" through the Black Sea, signed a number of strategic agreements on gas supplies to the Asia-Pacific countries, which, however, have not yet been organized, pushed through the adoption decision to abolish state regulation on domestic gas prices.

At the same time, under A. Miller, competition in the gas sector was virtually eliminated - control in the main asset, Sibneftegaz, was bought from Itera, 20% of NOVATEK's shares also went to Gazprom, foreign shareholders of the Sakhalin-2 project were forced to transfer control to the Russian concern, TNK-BP, to sell Kovykta, access to the export pipeline is still distributed by Gazprom, taking into account its interests, it has also received the status of a single gas export operator. In addition, the high-profile conflict with gas supplies to Ukraine, which has already surfaced twice, has unequivocally tarnished the reputation of the Russian Federation on the world stage.

Alexey Miller's salary

Remuneration of the Chairman of the Board of the Russian gas holding "Gazprom" Alexey Miller in 2010 will amount to more than 20.6 million rubles. In 2009, the remuneration of the head of Gazprom amounted to 17.4 million rubles. Thus, according to the results of 2010, Miller's bonus increased by 18 percent compared to the previous year.

Remuneration to ordinary members of the board of directors who are not employed in the civil service will amount to 17.6 million rubles. Members of the council participating in the work of committees under the council will receive 18 million rubles each, and the heads of committees will be assigned a bonus of 18.7 million rubles.

In November 2012, Russian Forbes compiled a rating of the highest paid top managers in Russia, and Miller took second place in it. According to the publication, he earned about $ 25 million a year.

Sources of the article "Miller Alexey Borisovich" - the free encyclopedia Wikipedia Org - OAO Gazprom website Gazprom Ru - news portal Lenta Ru - Vedomosti Ru news portal - news portal, stocks, rates, politics, economics Rbc Ru - Huizhu Dipi Ru news portal - archive of reference and biographical texts of Wikisource Org

Born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad in a family of employees of the closed defense enterprise of the scientific and production association "Leninets", where on-board equipment for aviation was developed. His father passed away early. The mother raised her son alone.


Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics (LFEI) with a degree in engineer-economist. In 1989 he defended his dissertation and received degree candidate of economic sciences.

Labor activity

He began his career in 1984 in the workshop of the master plan of the design institute for housing and civil construction "LenNIIproekt".

In 1990, he was appointed junior research fellow at LFEI and head of a subdepartment of the Economic Reform Committee of the Lensoviet Executive Committee. Moreover, the future Minister of Finance of Russia A. Kudrin then worked as deputy chairman of this committee, and the future First Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais worked as deputy head of the Lensoviet executive committee.

From 1991 to 1996, he worked in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where the future President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin turned out to be his immediate supervisor in 1991. In this committee, he changed several positions: head of the market situation department of the foreign economic relations department, head of the foreign economic relations department and deputy chairman of the committee.

After Anatoly Sobchak lost the gubernatorial election, in 1996 he left the city administration of St. Petersburg, Alexei Borisovich was offered the position of development and investment director of Sea Port of St. Petersburg OJSC. Then he worked for a year as CEO JSC Baltic Pipeline System.

In 2000, when Putin became president, he moved to Moscow and became Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Since 2001, he has been chairman of the board of Gazprom, regularly re-elected to this position by the board of directors of the holding. On March 22, 2011, he was re-elected Chairman of OAO Gazprom for a five-year term.

The last time consideration of the issue of electing the Chairman of the Board of PJSC Gazprom took place in February 2016, at the same time he was unanimously elected to this post from 31.05.2016 for a period of five years.

Curious information was published in June 2016 by the daily St. Petersburg Internet newspaper According to her information, the head of the largest energy company approved the well-known song by Semyon Slepakov (resident of the Comedy Club) about the state corporation and even allowed the video to be shown on the country's TV channels. At the same time, he added that the holding was interested in Slepakov's work, and his song was even published in a corporate magazine.



He has a large number of titles and awards - both Russian and other states, namely:

Medal"For Services to the Fatherland" II degree (03/02/2002) - for great services in strengthening the Russian statehood and many years of conscientious service.


"For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree (2006);
Dostyk II degree (Kazakhstan) - awarded on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 2, 2006 for his contribution to the strengthening and development of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation;
St. Seraphim of Sarov, I st. (ROC, 2009), as well as St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (ROC);
Honor (South Ossetia, August 24, 2009) - for merits in strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, a great personal contribution to the construction of the Dzuarikau - Tskhinvali gas pipeline;
Nizhny Novgorod region"For civil valor and honor" I Art. (2010);
​ Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Italy, February 12, 2010)​;
Labor I Art. (Vietnam, 2011)​;
President's Commendation Russian Federation(February 6, 2012) - for merits in the development of the gas complex and many years of conscientious work;
Glory and Honor II Art. (ROC, 2013) - in consideration of the works for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church and in connection with the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra;
Alexander Nevsky (2014)​;
Friendship (Armenia) (2015)​ and Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia)​;
Honorary citizen of the city of Astrakhan (2008);
Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2010).

He also received the "Cross of the Hungarian Republic" II degree (Hungary) - for merits in energy cooperation.


Since childhood, he has been fond of football, his favorite club is St. Petersburg Zenit. In 2010, he was elected Vice President of the Russian Football Union.

In addition to football, he loves equestrian sports and horse racing. He owns two stallions of thoroughbred riding breed - Vesely and Fragrant. He also enjoys skiing and cycling.

Family status

Married, he has a son. He prefers to spend his free time with his family.

According to Alexey Borisovich, business is an intermediate activity of enterprising people between art and war. His colleagues have always noted his hard work, diligence, faith in partners and the ability to achieve his goal, thanks to which he achieved success.

From the moment A. Miller occupied a responsible post in Gazprom, the following opinions began to be expressed about his merits:

  • always prepared figure
  • walks in line
  • knows how to bow
  • arrogant
  • touchy
  • his life and service to the cause are like a shadow.

This person does not like noisy companies and for the most part prefers to spend time in a small circle of the closest people. Alexey is fond of skiing, plays the guitar well and sings. In his household he takes care of two thoroughbred stallions named Merry and Fragrant. In 2002, at the Moscow hippodrome, the horse Vesely won a prize at the races. Since that time, Fragrant has also won prizes more than 10 times, coming first to the finish line 7 times. By the way, if we talk about Alexei's sports hobbies, then he is an avid Zenit fan, he loves to play football himself, besides, he Vice President of the Football Union of the Russian Federation.

About my family life Alexei Borisovich does not like to spread. It is only well known that he has a wife, Irina, and together they are raising their common son, Mikhail, and a daughter from their first marriage. Alexei spends all his free time in a narrow family circle.


Aleksey Borisovich was born in Leningrad in 1962 on January 31 in a family of employees of the research institute of the aviation industry. Since Alexei's father, Boris Vasilyevich, passed away early, only his mother was engaged in raising her son - Lyudmila Alexandrovna. The origin of the surname Miller is rooted in ancestors who came from Germany.

The school years of the future economist passed within the walls of the Leningrad school-gymnasium №330 in the Nevsky district of the city. Upon completion of school studies with honors, in 1979, Alexei entered the LFEI (financial and economic institute) and graduated in 1984. At that time there was a movement of economist-reformers in Leningrad, whose leader was A. Chubais; Alexey Miller was active among them.

After graduating from the institute, Alexei entered the position of an engineer-economist at the Research Institute of Lenproekt and soon received the junior scientific title of a graduate student, thus becoming on the path to improving the acquired knowledge. As his skills improved, in 1990 he received the title of junior researcher at the Lenproekt and began working on the Committee for Economic Reforms in the Executive Committee of the Lensoviet. Here Alexei Borisovich holds a post deputy chairman of the mayor's office and becomes an executive officer for external relations. By the way, at one time this position was held by V. Putin . Since the start of Putin's presidency, Miller has served as Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Later, under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation, Miller developed investment zones in St. Petersburg, in particular in Pulkovo, where, with his participation, branches of enterprises " Coca Cola" and " Gillette". In the "Parnas" area, the production facilities of the brewery " Baltic". In the course of his investment activities, Miller attracted the capital of foreign banks into Russian business Dresden Bank and Lyon Credit.

In 1996, the investment activity of A. Miller was replaced by his taking the post of general director of the St. Petersburg seaport. After that, until 2000, he served as the general director of the Baltic Pipeline System.

Since 2000, Alexander Borisovich has become a state political figure - Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Miller's career rise to Gazprom

A.B. Miller in 2001 was appointed by President V. Putin to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors at Gazprom. Sometimes you can hear that this appointment in the holding is dictated by the president's desire to take full control over the gas empire. Today, Miller justifies the presidential intentions and significantly strengthens the state role in Gazprom.

Alexey Borisovich also manages: Gazpromneft, Gazfond, SOGAZ, Gazprombank, and since 2012, Russian Hippodromes.

Alexey Miller today

Today A. Miller is the owner of 0.00096% of the shares of PJSC Gazprom, which, under his leadership, sponsors the matches of the football club "". Miller was repeatedly re-elected to the position of director of Gazprom, and in 2011 he again occupies this post for a five-year term. On May 31, 2016, he was again unanimously elected for 5 years as the holding's manager.

In 2017, Miller was awarded a state award, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, first degree. But this is only one of the previous multiple orders, letters, awards and distinctions.

According to information in the Internet newspaper, the head of the largest Russian company in the energy sector approved the work of S. Slepakov about oil; the single's videos are now shown on many TV channels in the country.

According to the publication of the English edition of Harvard Business Review, since 2010 A. Miller has been on the first lines in the list of the best top managers on the planet; in one year he earned $25 million.

If you want to achieve success in life in your affairs, follow the advice of Alexei Miller: our whole life is a mirror of the behavior of each of us, and the plan is necessarily realized.

In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after N.A. Voznesensky. In 1989 he completed his postgraduate studies at the same university.

Miller Alexey Borisovich is the chairman of the board of OAO Gazprom

Miller Alexey Borisovich: Chairman of the Board of Gazprom, biography, salary, family, wife

A. B. Miller- it Chairman of the Management Board of JSC "Gazprom" since 2001, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the companies "Oil "", "Gazprombank" and "Sogaz". Candidate of Economic Sciences. Born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad. He has a number of state awards and titles, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree in 2006. Married, has a son.

Miller Alexey Borisovich (Miller Alexey Borisovich) is

The family of Miller Alexei Borisovich

Alexey Borisovich Miller was born on January 31, 1962 and was the only child in the family. His parents worked in the closed enterprise NPO Leninets, which developed on-board equipment for aviation. The head of the family passed away early, the child was raised by his mother. In 1979 he entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, after graduating from the institute, having received the specialty "economist", got a job at LenNIIproekt. In 1986 he entered the graduate school of LenNIIproekt. He graduated in 1989 with a Ph.D.

Presently Miller A. B. with his wife Irina, they are raising their son Mikhail. The family lives in two houses - in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Professional experience of Miller Alexey Borisovich

After graduating from the institute, he worked as an engineer-economist in the master plan workshop of the Leningrad Research and Design Institute for Housing and Civil Construction LenNIIproekt of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

In the 80s, A. Miller was a member of the informal club of young economists "Synthesis", which included mainly his acquaintances from the "finek". The members of the club were Anatoly Chubais, Andrei Illarionov, Mikhail Manevich (vice-governor of St. Petersburg, killed in 1997), Mikhail Dmitriev and Alexei Kudrin. Later, the future head of Gazprom worked with some of them in the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. In 1990 A. Miller headed a subdepartment in the Committee for Economic Reform of the Lensoviet Executive Committee. The vice chairman of this committee was Alexey Kudrin, and Anatoly Chubais - deputy head of the Lensoviet executive committee.

But, as it turned out later, a key role in the further fate of A. Miller was played by his next position work- in the Committee for External Relations (FAC) of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where his immediate supervisor in 1991. turned out to be the future Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The future head of Gazprom worked in the KVS until 1996. in different positions. It is believed that he contributed to the arrival of large Western banks in St. Petersburg, including Dresdner Bank, which later became a partner in the gas holding. A. Miller represented the interests of the city in joint enterprises and oversaw the hotel business - he was a member of the board of directors of the hotel "".

In 1996 in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg has changed - Anatoly Sobchak lost the gubernatorial election. After that, most of the members of his team, including A. Miller, also resigned from the St. Petersburg administration. He became the Director for Development and Investments of OAO "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", and in 1999. - Director General of OAO "Baltic Pipeline System".

After V. Putin was elected to the post in 2000 president RF, his former subordinate A. Miller moves to Moscow and holds the post of Deputy Minister of Energy RF. In this position, he oversaw the issues of foreign economic activity and international cooperation in the fuel and energy sector. Since January 2001 A. Miller headed the commission for the development of conditions for the use of subsoil and the preparation of a draft PSA for the Shtokman field. The media predicted the post of Minister of Energy for A. Miller, but in the end he received the position of Chairman of the Board of Gazprom after the seemingly unsinkable Rem Vyakhirev was removed from this post. Thus, the era of the Chernomyrdin-Vyakhirevsky gas business ended and the era of Gazprom, controlled by the state, began. A. Miller was tasked with changing the structure of Gazprom, returning the assets lost during the reign of R. Vyakhirev, and engaging in the financial recovery of the concern.

Miller Alexey Borisovich (Miller Alexey Borisovich) is

Awards and titles of Alexey Borisovich Miller

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree;

Medal of the Order "3a Merit to the Fatherland" II degree;

Order of the Cross of the Hungarian Republic II degree for merit in energy cooperation;

Order of Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia);

Order "Dostyk" ("Friendship") II degree (Republic of Kazakhstan);

Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia);

Order of Merit for the Italian Republic;

Order of Labor of the first degree (Socialist Republic of Vietnam);

Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of Sergius of Radonezh II degree;

Patriarchal charter;

Laureate prizes Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2010.

Hobbies of Miller Alexei Borisovich

One of A. B. Miller's colleagues, who wished to remain anonymous, called him a "careerist." It is logical to assume that the career is Miller's hobby. However, classmates say that when he was Alex, he liked to play the guitar, run around the football field or cheer for Zenit. According to the businessman himself, he still has a love for the guitar and Zenith, and besides, he is not averse to skiing or cycling.

Miller Alexey Borisovich (Miller Alexey Borisovich) is

AB Miller owns thoroughbred stallions - Vesely and Fragrant. Cheerful, imported from the USA, on August 12, 2012, took 3rd place at one of the races of the Central Moscow Hippodrome, receiving a prize of 3,000 rubles. Born at the Don stud farm, Fragrant came first to the finish line seven times in his career and remained in the prizes 12 times.

The work of Miller Alexei Borisovich in Gazprom

Start work A. Miller in Gazprom was rather sluggish, although he took the news about the change of leadership with enthusiasm - investors decided that it was time for reforms. True, the reforms themselves did not begin immediately. Aleksey Borisovich, "non-core" for Gazprom, started updating the team only a few months later. He faced a difficult task, because he did not have his own production gas managers. The first "purges" began in September 2001, and within a year all of R. Vyakhirev's deputies lost their seats. Including key top managers- Deputy Chairman of the Board Sergey Dubinin and Alexander Pushkin, who was in charge of sales in the CIS, Vyacheslav Sheremet, who was in charge of the financial unit, chief accountant Irina Bogatyreva.

A. Miller had to take people from his past for a number of key posts. This is how his associates in BTS appeared in Gazprom - Mikhail Sereda (now - deputy chairman, head of the administration), Kirill Seleznev (now - head of Mezhregiongaz), Elena Vasilyeva took the post of chief accountant. A. Miller covered the financial block with another "his" newcomer - Andrey Kruglov (an acquaintance from his work in the St. Petersburg mayor's office), who now holds the post of deputy chairman of the board and heads the financial and economic department. The production block was almost completely preserved. Of the "veterans" of Gazprom, Alexander Ananenkov, who previously headed Yamburggazdobycha, and Yuri Komarov, who held the post of head of the export department (since 2009 - chief executive officer of Shtokman AG), became deputy chairmen. Appointees from the Kremlin also came, including Alexander Ryazanov, at that time a State Duma deputy, and in the past - the head of the Surgut GPP (he left the post of deputy chairman of Gazprom in 2006).

Experts market and former leaders of the gas concern predicted A. Miller's early resignation. Evil tongues whispered that he was not able to manage such a colossus as Gazprom, but was appointed only temporarily to "clean up" the ranks. According to one of the gas tales, R. Vyakhirev in a narrow circle said that A. Miller would hang himself in his office in a year. However, he not only did not hang himself, but also managed to strengthen his position in such a motley environment. The new head of Gazprom has actually taken root in concern in 2004, having finally formed his team, which became an alloy of people from the Sea Port of St. Petersburg, BTS, the St. Petersburg City Hall, V. Putin's protégé and people from the old production unit. In 2006 a five-year contract was unconditionally extended with him, and no one had any doubts about its extension.

The first and main task for A. Miller was personally formulated by the president RF. At a meeting in Novy Urengoy in the fall of 2001. Vladimir Putin clearly outlined the priority: “It is necessary to take ownership issues seriously, otherwise you will open your mouth and you will not have not only SIBUR, but also other enterprises". The new team took this slogan very seriously. In the course of a four-year asset recovery campaign, which was accompanied by active PR, he returned for a nominal fee the large blocks of shares transferred to Itera in Purgaz (Gubkinskoye priority) and Severneftegazprom (Yuzhno- Russian), restored over SIBUR, Vostokgazprom, Zapsibgazprom, Northgaz (through the court).The main asset that was returned state under A. Miller, Gazprom itself became: by buying up shares on market in 2003 a 51% stake in the Russian Federation was restored, but 10.74% of the state stake was on the balance sheet of Gazprom's subsidiaries. To ensure direct state control over the gas concern, a gamble was launched to merge two giants - Gazprom and Rosneft Open Joint Stock Company - by exchanging 10.7% of the shares of the first for 100% of the shares of the second. But in the end, due to a conflict between intra-Kremlin groups, the deal did not take place - Gazprom shares state redeemed for, putting it on the balance sheet of Rosneftegaz. After that, it was liberalized (restrictions on trade them on stock market, over the 15 years of the existence of OAO Gazprom, it has grown by 219 times).

Under A. Miller, Gazprom headed for the globalization of business. In 2005 the head of the organization set the task of becoming a prominent speculator in the world market. at the annual meeting in 2007. he stated that the goal had been achieved and "the transformation of Gazprom from firms"national champion" in the global energy business leader has taken place. "During this time, Gazprom received assets in the electric power industry, the oil sector (purchasing Sibneft in 2005), assigned priority to export directions (the share of Russian gas in imports in Europe in 2007 amounted to 40%), acquired good relations with the German E.On and BASF, the Italian ENI, began implementing projects to diversify supplies - gas pipelines through the Baltic "" and "South Stream" through the Black Sea, signed a number of strategic agreements on supplies gas to the Asia-Pacific countries, which, however, are still not organized, pushed through the decision to abolish state regulation on domestic gas prices.

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At the same time, under A. Miller, it was actually liquidated in the gas sector - they bought from Itera Control primarily active- Sibneftegaz, a 20% stake in NOVATEK also went to Gazprom, foreign shareholders of the Sakhalin-2 project were forced to transfer Control to the Russian concern, TNK BP - to sell Kovykta, access to the export pipe is still distributed by Gazprom, taking into account its interests, it also received the status of a single gas export operator. In addition, the high-profile conflict with the supplies gas to Ukraine unequivocally tarnished the reputation of the Russian Federation on the world stage.

Miller Alexey Borisovich (Miller Alexey Borisovich) is

Alexey Miller's salary

Remuneration of the Chairman of the Board of the Russian gas holding Gazprom Miller A. B. in 2010 will amount to more than 20.6 million rubles. In 2009, the remuneration of the head of Gazprom amounted to 17.4 million rubles. Thus, according to the results of 2010 Miller's bonus increased by 18% compared to the previous year.

Remuneration to ordinary members of the board of directors who are not employed in the civil service will amount to 17.6 million rubles. Members of the council participating in the work of committees under the council will receive 18 million rubles each, and committee heads will receive a bonus of 18.7 million rubles.

In November 2012, Russian Forbes compiled a rating of the highest paid Top managers in Russia, and Miller took second place in it. According to the publication, he earned about 25 million dollars a year.

Sources of the article "Miller Alexey Borisovich" - the free encyclopedia Wikipedia Org - OAO Gazprom website Gazprom Ru - news portal Lenta Ru - Vedomosti Ru news portal - news portal, stocks, rates, politics, economics Rbc Ru - Huizhu Dipi Ru news portal - archive of reference and biographical texts of Wikisource Org

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .

See what "Miller Alexey Borisovich" is in other dictionaries:

    MILLER Alexey Borisovich- (b. January 31, 1962, Leningrad), Russian statesman, entrepreneur, chairman of the board of Gazprom (see GAZPROM) joint-stock company (since 2001). In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI), according to him ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Miller, Alexey Borisovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Miller. Alexei Borisovich Miller In 2009 ... Wikipedia

    Alexey Borisovich Miller 2001 Occupation: Chairman of the Board of OAO Gazprom Date of birth: January 31, 1962 ... Wikipedia

    MILLER Alexey Borisovich- (b. 01/31/1962) Deputy V. V. Putin, Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, in 1991-1996. Born in Leningrad. Educated at the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics. ON THE … Putin Encyclopedia

Childhood, youth and family of Alexey Miller

Now a successful top manager, chairman of the board of the largest Russian energy company, was born in Leningrad in a family of employees of a closed military enterprise. Miller studied at gymnasium No. 330, from an early age demonstrating excellent academic success. After school, he easily entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N. A. Voznesensky, who successfully graduated in 1984 with a degree in engineer-economist.

For several years after receiving his diploma, Miller worked in his specialty at LenNIIproekt, however, being a capable student, in 1986 the future Gazprom employee decided to continue his studies in graduate school. In 1989, Miller became a candidate of economic sciences.

In 1990, he continued his work at the LenNIIproekt, where he now holds the position of junior researcher. Part of 1990 and the beginning of 1991 - Miller works in the Economic Reform Committee of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

Career rise of Alexey Miller: from the St. Petersburg mayor's office to Gazprom

In 1991, a fateful acquaintance for Alexei Borisovich took place. That year, he began his work in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, where the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin held the position of his chief. Miller served on the Committee for five years. During this time, the organization managed to establish contacts with the largest Western banks.

Alexey Miller (JSC Gazprom) in the opposite lane. A593MR 97

The change of power forced Alexei Miller to leave his home. Having risen high up the career ladder in the Foreign Relations Committee, Miller became a desirable candidate for senior positions in the largest Russian companies. His new place of work was the JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", where Alexey Miller worked for three years.

Since 1999, a successful top manager has taken the place of General Director at Baltic Pipeline System OJSC.

According to the results of the elections in Russia in 2000, Vladimir Putin occupies the presidential chair. Following the former boss, the former subordinate Alexei Miller also moves to the capital. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, but he stayed in the post for only a year.

In 2001, Miller became chairman of the board of Gazprom. The dismissal of Rem Vyakhirev, who has served as chairman for almost a decade, promises the largest energy organization quick reforms, which are not long in coming. From that moment, Gazprom becomes completely controlled by the state, work begins to return the assets lost during the reign of Vyakhirev.

Alexey Miller: Ukrainians stir up Russian gas

In 2002, Alexey Miller became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom. By this time the organization had undergone serious personnel changes. Being far from energy, Miller needed people for whom this area is not alien. A number of leadership positions went to people with whom the new chairman of the board had already worked, other appointments came from the Kremlin, some members of the Vyakhirev team managed to keep their posts.

However, despite the ongoing reforms, evil tongues foreshadowed the imminent resignation of Miller. The beginning of his work was not active enough, and, according to some experts, the personnel changes that had begun should have ended with the resignation of the new leader. No matter what rumors circulate, and no matter what they whisper on the sidelines, Alexey Miller has firmly strengthened his position. By 2004, the formation of a renewed leadership apparatus came to an end. In 2006, Miller's work contract was extended for another five years.

No matter how controversial and doubtful the start may seem, Alexey Miller achieved good results as Chairman of the Board. In 2010, the American magazine Harvard BusinessReview ranked Miller in third place in the ranking of the world's most effective top managers. In 2013, the Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom took third place in the Forbes list, and was named one of the most expensive Russian managers.

Alexey Miller's personal life

Alexey Miller is a busy man, which is why he does not have time to communicate with journalists, so the few interviews of the head of Gazprom are mainly devoted to the work of the company, its prospects and development. Miller prefers not to talk about his personal life, but it is known that he has been married for many years.

With his wife Irina, they are raising a son. The top manager prefers to spend his free time with his family. Sports hobbies such as cycling and skiing are not alien to him. Miller is also passionate about equestrian sports.

He owns several thoroughbred stallions. However, like any business man, Miller's hobby turned into an active labor activity. In 2012, he assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Hippodromes. According to the presidential decree, Alexey Miller faces a responsible and difficult task to breathe life into the national equestrian sport and contribute to the revival of the industry.

In 2016, the entrepreneur admitted that as a child he longed to get to the concert of his beloved Deep Purple. Then it was impossible, so now, whenever possible, he attends every performance of the idols of his youth.

Alexey Miller today

In 2016, Alexey Miller for the first time topped the ranking of the highest paid top managers, presented by Forbes. His annual salary was estimated at $17.7 million.