Project "demographic portrait of school students". Demographic portrait of modern Russia Demographic portrait of the population in the 21st century


In October 2010, a census was conducted throughout the country .

The purpose of my work was



2. Conducting a survey.

3. Data processing.

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Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school» p.Kadzherom


Completed by: 10th grade student

MOU "Secondary School" v. Kadzherom

Chirkunova Uliana

Leader: geography teacher

Chirkunova Elena Nikolaevna


1. Sources of population data……………………………………………………3

2. The demographic situation in the school…………………………………………. .4

2.1. ………………………………...5

2.2. The number and gender composition of school students………………… 6

2.3. The number of children who received a certificate………………………………….7

2.4. Ethnic composition of school students………………………………………..8

2.5. The number of children in the families of students of the school…………………………….9

2.6. Age composition of school students in 2012-2013 year……………..10

2.7. The religious composition of the school students………………………………….11

2.8. Place of birth of students of the school……………………………………12

2.9. The field of activity of the parents of students……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.10. Professional preferences of students of MOU "Secondary School" p.

2.11. .Expected level of education……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.12. Hobbies of students……………………………………………………………..16

2.13. Participation in the extracurricular life of the school……………………………………..17


Used literature………………………………………………………….19


In October 2010, a population census was conducted throughout the country. . When studying the economic geography of Russia, I became interested in the procedure for conducting a population census. I decided to conduct a census of students in our school.

The purpose of my work was : trace the demographic changes in our school in recent years.

Relevance The problem is that, as a result of optimization across the country, small schools are being closed. In rural areas, the school is the center of life. If there is no school, then young people leave the village, the age composition of the population changes, and there are many pensioners. It means that such a village has no future.

In my study, I gave a description of the demographic situation in the school and tried to give recommendations on how to overcome it in the face of growing unemployment in the country. It is also important to acquire new knowledge in a real life situation.

1. Studying the history of the population census in the country.

2. Drawing up a questionnaire to analyze the demographic situation in our school.

3. Conducting a survey of school students.

4. Collection and processing of information.

5. Analysis and conclusions on the survey.

6. Familiarization with this work of school students.

7. How would this information be useful to the school?


1. Analysis of literary sources.

2. Conducting a survey.

3. Data processing.

4. Compilation and analysis of diagrams.

5. Ability to process data on a computer.

6. The ability to generalize, highlight the main thing.

1. Sources of population data

AT Ancient Russia state censuses began to be conducted from the 2nd floor. XIII century on the initiative of the Mongols in order to take into account the population to determine the amount of tribute. After the formation of a centralized state, so-called "scribe books" were started in some places, in which there was information about the population, descriptions of cities, villages, estates, churches. The object of taxation was originally land plots productively used in the economy - plow. In the 17th century, the yard became the unit of taxation, and household censuses became the main form of accounting. In addition to household censuses, nationwide censuses also took place in some territories. The Decree of Peter I dated November 26, 1718 marked the beginning of state audits, of which 10 were carried out from 1719 to 1858.

The first general census of the population of Russia was carried out as of February 9, 1897. AT Soviet time censuses were conducted as of August 28, 1920, March 15, 1923, and general censuses - as of December 17, 1926, January 6, 1937, January 17, 1939, January 15, 1959, January 15 1970, January 17, 1979 and January 12, 1989. After the collapse of the USSR, the next Russian population census planned for 1999 was postponed due to financial instability after the 1998 crisis. It was held only on October 9, 2002. The next census of the population of Russia was conducted in October 2010.

In 2013, 197 students study at our school. 171 students of grades 1-11 took part in the survey. Of these, 80 boys and 117 girls.

The data of the questionnaires were processed and on the basis of this we performed this work to study the demographic situation in the MOU "Secondary School" in the village of Kadzherom.

2. Demographic situation in the school.

In 2013, 197 students study at our school. 171 students of grades 1-11 took part in the survey. Of these, 47% are boys and 53% are girls.

The data of the questionnaires were processed and on the basis of this I completed this work to study the demographic situation in the MOU "Secondary School" in the village of Kadzherom.

While doing the work, I studied various statistical materials, conducted a survey of students, questioning, studied school documents on the number, gender and ethnic composition of schoolchildren.

To perform this work, a survey was conducted among grades 1-11.

The following questions were asked in the questionnaire.

1.1 Questionnaire "What do we want to know about ourselves."

1. Date and place of birth

2. Specify gender (male, female).

3. Enter your nationality.

4. What religion do you practice? (Christianity, Islam, etc.).

5. How many children (including you) are in your family?

6. Place of birth (city, village, region, region, republic).

7. How do your parents work (indicate the field of activity)?

8. What profession would you like to get?

9. What kind of education would you like to receive (9 grades - basic, 11 grades - secondary, after school - secondary special, higher)?

10. What do you do in your free time from school?

11. Do you participate in the extracurricular life of the school? (Not really). If so, how often (always, sometimes, never).

The village has Kindergarten"Story".

First of all, we traced the demographic situation from kindergarten, because it is these children who will study at our school.

The number of children attending children. garden


200 8

200 9

20 10

It can be seen from the presented table and diagram that -95 children mainly attend the kindergarten. This year, 15 children will go to school, in 2014 - 24 children, in 2015 - 20 people, in 2016 - 18 people, in 2017 - 17 people. The number of children attending kindergarten remains stable.

2.2. The number of students in the MOU "Secondary School" v. Kadzherom

In order to track changes in the number of students in the school, I analyzed the annual statistical reports. I put the received data in a table.

Total students

The table helped to build a bar chart that shows the dynamics of changes in the number of students in the school.

The diagram shows that the number of students is reduced by about 10-20 people annually.

2.3. The number of graduates who received a certificate.

Academic year

Basic school (grade 9)

Secondary school (grade 11)

Conclusion: The number of graduates in the school is gradually declining. The largest number of graduates was in the 2006-2007 academic year. According to the table, we can say that after the 9th grade, many students continue their education in secondary specialized educational institutions. Average student enrollment per III level of education for the last 5 years is 12 people.


Academic year

Total students









Conclusion about the ethnic composition. The survey showed that there are much more Russians in our school than representatives of other nationalities. Among other nationalities there are Ukrainians, they are in second place. There are also Tatars, Germans, Belarusians, Komi. The least represented are Bashkirs and Udmurts. Such a distribution, in my opinion, is the result of historical settlement and development of the territory and the influence of internal migration in the country in recent years.

2.5. The number of children in the families of school students.

Number of children in the family

Conclusion: Mostly in the families of students there are one or two children. In total, there are six children in one family. Thus, large families account for 5% . From this we can conclude that in Kadzherom, in general, in past years, the birth rate was quite low.

2.6. The age composition of school students in the 2012-2013 academic year.

It can be seen from the diagram presented that the school has more students born in 2002, 2004, 2003. The smallest number of births was in 1994 and 2006.

Conclusion. Very clearly here you can see that the majority of those who study are Christians, and only 10% are atheists. 8 people have not decided on the choice of religion or do not understand the question.

Conclusion from the diagram: Basically, the majority of students in the school were born in

Republic of Komi. A small number of schoolchildren were born outside the Komi Republic 5.2%. Thus, the majority of students have local roots.

Kind of activity

Number of parents


Service sector





It is typical for our village that many parents are unemployed, but most of parents are busy with the service industry. There are families where the father and mother do not have a permanent job. So main problem for the village is to create jobs. In Soviet times, the population worked in the timber industry. Currently, there is no timber industry and parents of students are forced to work on a rotational basis.

To overcome unemployment in the village, I think it is necessary to open small businesses to serve the population and develop Agriculture.

2.10. Professional preferences of students of the MOU "Secondary School" p. Kadzherom.

One of the questions in the questionnaire was: “What profession would you like to get?” It turned out that the guys want to master various professions.

Kind of activity

Number of students

Economic area

The medicine


Culture and art

Information Technology

Science and education



Working specialties



In order not to become a raw material appendage of the world, Russia must switch to high-tech industries, and this requires not only scientific and engineering, but also a highly skilled workforce. It is gratifying that the students in our school took this issue seriously. This indicates that they are thinking about their future, the fact that 38% have not decided on their choice of profession is alarming.

To the question of the questionnaire - What kind of education would you like to receive? The majority of students answered: higher - 74%, secondary specialized - 26%. We think this indicates that students understand that in modern conditions the country needs educated, highly qualified personnel.

In their free time, students do: sports games - play volleyball, use the Internet - services. Girls - drawing, needlework, knitting and reading.

In the extracurricular life of the school 90% of respondents participate. Do not participate at all - 10%. This should be of interest to our school government.

It is interesting.

The most common female name at school, the name Anastasia turned out to be the rarest - Angelina, Alla, Tamara, Erika, Arina, Evdokia, Zlata, Linda, Darina, Snezhana, Diana. Among boys, the most common name is Danil, Andrey, Maxim, and the rarest is Felix, Zakhar, Mansur, Fedor, Semyon.

1. The demographic portrait of our school reflects the general demographic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia as a whole.

We received answers to our questions:

    representatives of what nationalities study at our school;

    the number of boys and girls in the school;

    where they were born, where they currently live;

    how many children are in the families of our students;

    profession in the future;

2. As a sociological survey showed, most schoolchildren grow up in families with two children, they are Russians by nationality, they profess Orthodoxy, and they are also indigenous people of the Komi Republic.

3. The demographic situation in my school, presented in the project quite clearly, reflects the situation of students in schools throughout the country. Such materials could give universities a better idea of ​​future applicants, help them avoid many problems of a national and economic nature, as well as solve the problem of shortage of places or too much competition. Also, our materials will help the school administration in analyzing and planning work for the future.

4. Based on the foregoing, I think that our school will continue to work successfully in the future, as the number of students will average 150 people.


1.V.P. Maksakovsky "Social and economic geography of the world"

2. Questioning students

3. Cool magazines

4. Sociological survey



7 .

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research project: Demographic portrait of school students

  • The aim of our work was : trace the demographic changes in our school in recent years.
  • Relevance The problem is that, as a result of optimization across the country, small schools are being closed. In rural areas, the school is the center of life. If there is no school, then young people leave the village, the age composition of the population changes, and there are many pensioners. It means that such a village has no future.
  • In our study, we gave a description of the demographic situation in the school and tried to give recommendations on how to overcome it in the face of growing unemployment in the country. It is also important to acquire new knowledge in a real life situation.

  • 1. Studying the history of the population census in the country.
  • 2. Drawing up a questionnaire to analyze the demographic situation in our school.
  • 3. Conducting a survey of school students.
  • 4. Collection and processing of information.
  • 5. Analysis and conclusions on the survey.
  • 6. Familiarization with this work of school students.
  • 7. How would this information be useful to the school?

AT age composition of school students in the 2012-2013 academic year .

It is interesting

The most common female name at school was the name Anastasia, the rarest - Angelina, Alla, Tamara, Erika, Arina, Evdokia, Zlata, Darina, Snezhana, Diana. Among boys, the most common name is Danil, Andrei, Maxim, and the rarest is Felix, Zakhar, Mansur, Fedor, Semyon.

  • As a sociological survey showed, the majority of schoolchildren grow up in families with two children who are Russian by nationality, profess Orthodoxy, and are also indigenous to the Komi Republic.
  • The demographic situation in our school, presented in the project quite clearly, reflects the situation of students in schools throughout the country. Such materials could give universities a better idea of ​​future applicants, help them avoid many problems of a national and economic nature, as well as solve the problem of shortage of places or too much competition. Also, our materials will help the school administration in analyzing and planning work for the future.

District competition research work

"My homeland is Syktyvdin"

Demographic portrait of the school

10th grade student

MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school"

Syktyvdinsky district

Republic of Komi


Budina Dia Vasilvna

geography teacher

Zelenets 2012



    Population Data Sources………………………………………………………………4

    Dynamics of the number of students of MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school"…………………..4

    The gender composition of school students…………………………………………………..5

    Age composition of school students ……………..…………………….…………6

    The results of the survey of students………….…..………………………………7

    1. National composition……………………………………………………………7

      Place of birth of students ………………………………………………… 8

      Number of children in the families of students ……………………………………..8

      The field of activity of parents of students ………………………………..9

      Professional preferences of students……………………………...9

      Hobbies of students ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

      Participation in extracurricular life……………………………………………………10

    Dynamics of Potential First Graders……………………………………………………………………………10

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………..11



This work is of a research nature and is devoted to identifying the features of the demographic situation of the Zelenets secondary school.

The material was collected in the period from September to December 2011 in the form of studying the documents of the rural settlement "Zelenets" and MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school", material on the demographic situation in Russia, the Komi Republic, as well as questioning students.

Purpose of the study: compiling a demographic portrait of our school, as well as drawing the attention of students to demographic problems in Russia and the Komi Republic on the example of the school demographic situation.


    To study the age, national, gender composition of students;

    Compile questionnaires to analyze the demographic situation in our school;

    Conduct a survey of school students;

    Conduct statistical processing of the collected material;

    To draw the attention of students to the study of their pedigree;

    To reveal the attitude of teenagers to family planning;

    Familiarize students with this work.

Relevance of the topic: Currently in Russia and the Komi Republic there is a very difficult demographic situation, which leads to a decrease in the population, this problem has affected our village and school. The school reduced the number of students, the number of classes and the number of classes-sets.

Object of study: learning schools.

Subject of study: dynamics of the number of students, composition of students. .


    Analysis of literary sources.

    Conducting a survey.

    Processing of survey data.

    Compilation and analysis of tables and diagrams.

1. Sources of population data

In Ancient Russia, state censuses began to be carried out from the 2nd half of the 13th century on the initiative of the Mongols in order to record the population to determine the amount of tribute. After the formation of a centralized state, so-called "scribe books" were started in some places, in which there was information about the population, descriptions of cities, villages, estates, churches. The object of taxation was originally land plots productively used in the economy - plow. In the 17th century, the yard became the unit of taxation, and household censuses became the main form of accounting. In addition to household censuses, nationwide censuses also took place in some territories. The Decree of Peter I dated November 26, 1718 marked the beginning of state audits, of which 10 were carried out from 1719 to 1858.

The first general census of the population of Russia was carried out as of February 9, 1897. In Soviet times, censuses were conducted as of August 28, 1920, March 15, 1923, and general censuses - as of December 17, 1926, January 6, 1937, January 17, 1939, January 15, 1959, January 15, 1970, January 17, 1979 and January 12, 1989. After the collapse of the USSR, the next Russian population census planned for 1999 was postponed due to financial instability after the 1998 crisis. It was held only on October 9, 2002. The next census of the population of Russia was conducted in October 2010.

In October 2010, 356 students studied at our school, in October 2012 - 370 students.

To compile a demographic portrait, a survey was conducted, in which 70 students of grades 8-11 took part, we also analyzed the annual statistical reports of the school, studied the archival material "Summary sheet of student progress by years" from 1985 to 2012. Based on these materials, we completed this work to study the demographic situation in the MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school".

    Dynamics of the number of students in MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school"

In 2012, the school has 370 students, but the analysis of archival documents and statistical reports allows us to conclude that the number of students in the period from 1985 to 2012 has changed a lot.

Since 1984-85 school year, the number of students increased by 305 people by the 1994-1995 academic year and amounted to 785 people and 36 classes - sets, the average occupancy of classes was 29 people. The reason for this increase in the number of students was that in 1984 the Zelenets poultry farm was opened, and mainly young people moved to Zelenets for permanent residence, which affected a sharp increase in birth rates. The school building, which was put into operation in 1976, did not accommodate such a number of children, the educational process took place in two shifts, the old school building, which was located in the lower part of the village, as well as the dance hall of the house of culture, were used to organize training. The administration of the school and the village council, together with the parents, have repeatedly applied to the state administration with a request to build a new school. The construction of the new school began in 1990, and on September 1, 1992 new school for 1120 seats opened its doors to its students.

From the 1995-96 academic year, the number of students gradually decreased and by the 2005-06 academic year it had decreased by more than 2 times compared to 1985 and amounted to 350 people. The decrease in the number of students is primarily due to a decrease in the birth rate in the 90s, as well as migration processes. In the 90s, people began to leave Zelenets due to lack of work, the most important enterprises on the territory of the settlement were in a difficult situation. economic situation there were job cuts. Also during this period, several families left for Germany. Among them were the teaching schools.

In recent years, the number of students has gradually begun to increase (2009-2010, 2011-2012). Since 2009 - 10 academic year, in connection with the reorganization of the Sludskaya and Mandachskaya secondary schools into secondary schools, children from these settlements study in our school in grades 10-11, and in 2012, with the closure of the Mandachskaya secondary school, students of the main school also study at our school. In the coming years, an increase in the number of students is predicted in connection with the commissioning of a new residential building in the village. Zelenets.

Table 1.

Number of students in Zelenets secondary school

Academic years

Number of students

Number of classes-sets
























3. Gender composition of school students

We also analyzed the ratio of girls and boys among school students over the past 8 years and saw that in all these years there has been an excess of girls over boys in school, which generally reflects the gender structure of the population of Russia, the Komi Republic and the Syktyvdinsky region. The largest preponderance of girls over boys at the senior level of education: in the 10th grade, 12 girls and 3 boys (80%: 20%), in the 11th grade, 13 girls (100%).

table 2

The ratio of girls and boys

Academic year






























4. Age composition of school students

According to the school report as of September 1, 2012 on the age composition of the population of students, it can be seen that most of the students were born in 2003 and 2004.

Table 3

Age composition of students

Year of birth


Quantity in %


































Number of students by level of education:

Stage 1 - 174 people, Stage 2 - 168 people, Stage 3 - 28 people.

    Survey results

5.1. National composition

We do not determine the national composition of all students of the school, but only of the respondents, since this information missing from official sources. According to the results of the analysis of respondents by nationality, Russians predominate in the school - 57%.

Table 4

National composition of respondents


Number of respondents

Quantity %








Some children find it difficult to determine their belonging to a particular nationality, since the parents have different nationalities.

5.2 Place of birth of students of the school

According to the diagram, we can see that most of the students of the school were born in the village of Zelenets and the village of Parcheg, others were born in Syktyvkar and other settlements of the Republic of Kazakhstan, only three respondents came from outside the republic. Thus, the majority of students have local roots.

5.3 Number of children in families of students

Table 5

Number of children in the family

8th grade

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11






Six or more

Mostly in the families of students there are one or two children, they account for 24.2% and 57.1%, respectively. Large families of the respondents (three or more children) account for only 18.7%.

At the same time, children from large families, of which there are 24 in the settlement, are currently studying at our school.

Table 6

Number of large families and children in such families


number of large families

the number of children in large families

at 1.01. 2006

there is no data

at 1.01. 2007

at 1.01. 2008

at 1.01. 2009

at 1.01. 2010

at 1.01. 2011

The largest families: Klymenko (parents and 8 children), the Kolegov family (parents and 7 children), the rest of large families have 3 children.

To the question "How many children did the students want to have?" The answers were as follows: 1-2 children - 51 students, 2-3 - 8, 3 or more - 2, do not know - 6, do not want - 3.

5.4 Sphere of activity of parents of students

Service sector - 20 parents;

SYK - 18 parents;

OJSC "Zelenetskaya Poultry Farm" - 16 parents;

Education - 15 parents;

Housewives - 3 parents;

Pensioners - 4 parents;

They also work in medicine, housing and communal services, the social sphere and management.

It is typical for our settlement that most of the parents of students have a permanent place of work: these are service establishments in the Ezhvinsky district and the city of Syktyvkar, as well as the largest enterprises near the settlement - SYK and Zelenetskaya poultry farm. The most common occupations of parents are salespeople, drivers, ZPF and SYK workers. The unemployment rate among the parents of students is low, this is due to the favorable geographic location villages with developed infrastructure.

5.5 Professional preferences of students of MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school"

One of the questions in the questionnaire was “What profession would you like to get?” It turned out that the guys want to master various professions.

Table 7


Number of students

the medicine



civil engineer





tax office

auto mechanic

veterinarian, investigator, electrician

1 pers.

journalist, musician, artist, locksmith

1 pers.


A lot of career guidance work is carried out at the school, students are guided in the world of professions. School students are thinking about their future.

Estimated level of education: higher - 60% (6 students plan to receive at least 2 higher education), vocational secondary -40%. Students understand that in modern conditions the country needs educated, highly qualified personnel.

    1. Student hobbies

In their free time, students are engaged in various additional activities according to their interests: sports, creativity, the Internet. For classes outside of school hours, a cultural center, a children's youth center, a music school, a library, a ski base, as well as institutions additional education Ezhvinsky district.

Among the respondents, hobbies were distributed as follows: sports - 19 people, music school - 3 people, vocals - 2 people, Lingua - 2 people, drawing - 2 people, mugs - 3 people, reading - 3 people, different hobbies - 12 people, walking -21 people, nothing -6 people. Grade 11 students are engaged in self-education and preparation for the exam.

5.7 Participation in the extracurricular life of the school

54.3% of respondents are constantly involved in the extracurricular life of the school, sometimes 17.1%, do not participate at all - 28.6%. Most of all those who do not participate in the public life of the school are students of the 8th grade.

    Dynamics of Potential First Graders

How many first graders will come to school in the future?

In a geography lesson with 9th grade students, we studied the passport of a rural settlement, analyzed the data and concluded: how many students will come to the first grade in the next 5 years.

Table 9

Potential first graders






The number of children aged 0 to 6 years -339.

We see that the reform of the government with maternity capital had a noticeable impact on the birth rate in the settlement, people had faith in the future.


    The deep socio-economic crisis of the 1990s affected the number of students in our school.

    The demographic portrait of our school reflects the general demographic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russia as a whole.

    In our school, the female team prevails over the male. This trend is also observed in Russia and the republic.

    The national composition of the population is diverse, but Russians predominate.

    In the next 5 years, the number of students at the school will not change much

    According to the results of our research, in about 10-12 years, the number of students will increase again when the generation of 15-year-olds grows up. By that time, today's teenagers will have entered their childbearing years.


    Internet sources (ru .wikipedia .org /wiki /).

    Passport of the rural settlement "Zelenets".

    Preliminary results of the population census in the Komi Republic

    Alphabetical book of MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school".

    Archival documents of MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school".

    Statistical reports of MBOU "Zelenetskaya secondary school".

Lesson summary on the topic:"Demographic portrait of the Earth of the 21st century"

Main didactic goal:

Generalize and systematize the knowledge of the basic concepts and processes that characterize the population of the world.

Lesson Objectives:

1. To consolidate knowledge about the dynamics of the population, the peculiarities of location, the level of urbanization, the directions of the main migration flows.

2. To promote the development of skills to apply the main demographic indicators to characterize the population of the Earth as a whole, individual regions and countries; analyze tables, diagrams.

3. Create conditions for the development of the ability to use scientific knowledge to make an informed decision; manifestations of humane relations in the group.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge

Method: partial search

Form of organization:work in small groups


1. political map peace

2. Statistical reference books and materials

3. Atlases

4. Handout

Consolidation and systematization of knowledge

Organizes the work of small groups and experts.

1. Questionnaire - envelope No. 1

2. Leads to fulfillment for

3. Leads to fulfillment
creative task

4. Sums up

Experts voice the group evaluation system. Groups:

1. respond in writing to
questions and submit work
that experts for verification

2. perform tasks for
instruction cards,
explain the
results, do you

3. Discuss in groups and
offer their options
you are problem solving.
Perform with little
mi reports.

During the classes

Organizational moment.

Goal setting and motivation.

Today we have to find out what will be the population of the Earth in the near foreseeable future. In connection with these - try to formulate the objectives of this lesson.

3. Consolidation and systematization of knowledge.

Let's start with the basic concepts of the topic. We offer you a small written questionnaire. Complete the tasks - envelope number 1 and hand it over to the experts for verification.

Orally state the following terms:

natural growth

"population explosion"


migration - demographic policy

3) And now we have to find out: Does overpopulation threaten the planet?

To do this, read the tasks of the instructive card No. 1 - envelope No. 2

Guidance Card No. 1
Using the data of statistical reference books, determine the number

Each group gets its own region: Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, South America, Australia and Oceania.

Compare these data and determine: Which region will lead in terms of population?

What will be the smallest?

Explain this data. These data reflect the picture of the demographic situation in the regions as a whole. And what will it look like for individual countries? Complete the tasks of the instructive card No. 2-envelope No. 3.

Instructional map number 2Using the data of statistical reference books, determine the number

population in 2025. Enter them in the table.

Each group has its own country: Indonesia, China, India, Brazil, Pakistan, USA.

Compare these data and explain them. Answer the questions: What type of reproduction

specific to this country? What are its main characteristics?

It is clear that with an increase in the population, the load per unit area increases. To determine how much it will change, complete the task of instructional card No. 3 - envelope No. 4.

Instructional map number 3Determine the average population density of the world. Determine the population density in your area in 2025. Answer the question: How can the load (horizontal) per unit area be reduced? What process will it involve?

Let's repeat the concepts: -urbanization



Guidance Card No. 4

Calculate how the size of the largest urban agglomerations will change

your country. What about those who stay in the village? Apparently, it is necessary to expand the area of ​​development. How much? Based on the data on the average density of your country, calculate by how much it should increase the area of ​​developed land? Where can we get these lands, if we are already talking about the fact that everything that could be mastered has already been mastered?

Homework: Suggest your own solutions to this problem, based on the characteristics of your region. Your task is to resettle, feed and provide jobs for the population of your region. Designs can be the most fantastic.

But back to our original question: Is the planet in danger of overpopulation? How will you answer it, having obtained the facts?


Table of contents: Introduction Chapter 1 "Demographic portrait of the planet" 1.1 The ratio of male and female population in the world, Russia. 1.2 Age structure population. 1.3 Labor resources, economically active population. 1.4 Labor market, unemployment.

Chapter 2 Processes taking place in the demographic sphere of the Lugansk municipality. 2.1 Population decline. 2.2 Population aging. 2.3 Priority directions in the implementation of the municipal demographic policy. 2.4 Economically active population and unemployment. 2.5 Distribution of labor resources by enterprises and organizations. Conclusion. Prospects for the development of the labor market and employment of the population. Appendix.

Research objectives: 1 Increasing interest in the demographic situation in Lugansk MO. Krasnoarmeisky district. 2 Determination of the level of awareness about the labor market and employment of the population in Lugansk M.O. 3 Education in the younger generation of a sense of patriotism, civic engagement.

Tasks: 1 To convey in an accessible form to a children's audience information about the labor market and employment in Lugansk MO. 2 Stimulate discussions on the topic of market relations, employment, unemployment. 3 Examine and analyze the literature and reference materials on this issue. 4 To identify students' knowledge about the demographic situation, employment in the Luhansk M.O.

35-40 thousand years ago, according to scientists, there were only about 1 million people on Earth. Since then, the human population has grown thousands of times. At the end of 1999, the 6 billionth person appeared on the planet, and in 2011 the 7th billionth inhabitant of the Earth.

There are slightly more women in the world than men. On average, more boys are born than girls, but in the future their proportion is approximately equalized, and at older ages there is a noticeable preponderance of women. This is due to the fact that the average life expectancy of women is higher than that of men. So in the Scandinavian countries and Japan, it reaches years for women, years for men, which is the best indicator in the world.

It is also important to take into account the ratio between the able-bodied part of the population, on the one hand, and the unemployed (children and the elderly), on the other. It's called demographic burden. On average, 100 able-bodied people in the world provide 70 children and pensioners with their earnings.

Over the past decade, the number of children and adolescents aged 15 has decreased by almost 120 people. It makes up only about 12% of the total population (against 18% in 2001). Number of persons retirement age increased by almost 207 people. Their share is 41%. Forecast: In 2015: the proportion of children will be about 10%, and those of retirement age about 50%.

According to the results of the last census, the share of the male population is 567 people, female person; which is 25% more. The average life expectancy for men is 60 years, for women - 65 years.

Unfortunately, the unfavorable demographic parameters of the last decades have been aggravated by such an unfavorable attribute as unemployment. The highest rates official unemployment were recorded in the 90s. It consisted of 89 people, about 5% of the economically active population. Now 45 people, that is 3%.

Until the 1990s, two large state-owned enterprises operated on the territory of the Lugansk municipal district: the Perspektivny state farm and the Lugansky state farm, which employed 990 people. In the context of the crisis, their activities ceased at the end of the 90s. The number of people employed at state, municipal enterprises and organizations decreased by 93% over this period. At the same time, employment in the private sector increased (by almost 120 people).
