Prince and his women. prince harry

The story of the engagement of Prince Harry and his girlfriend Meghan Markle is reminiscent of a beautiful romantic fairy tale about Cinderella: the young prince fell in love with his betrothed, and then, spitting on the condemnation of high society, decided to propose to a commoner. But for the royal family, everything that happens is more likely not a fairy tale, but a thriller.

The news of the engagement of Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle (Rachel Meghan Markle) was a real shock to the British establishment. And now the aristocrats are wondering: either Prince Harry really bothered his grandmother so much with his hooligan antics and newspaper scandals that she gave up and decided to quickly marry the fool (perhaps she will take up her mind), or the British monarchy in its experiments to introduce tolerance has already passed all sorts of boundaries. After all, this marriage will embody in reality what the British high society could not even think of two decades ago - that a representative of the royal family can marry not just a divorced woman, but a woman whose ethnic heritage has always been perceived by the British as something most alien to the spirit itself. "Britishness" - on the descendant of Irish Catholics and black slaves, whom English slave traders once brought to the United States.

Grandma doesn't mind?

Recall that when in 1936 the heir to the British throne, Edward VIII, wanted to marry a divorced American millionaire Wallis Simpson, it cost him the throne: King George V forced his son to renounce his rights to inherit the throne, thus opening the way to the top for his second son, George VI, father of the current Queen Elizabeth II.

When in 1981 her son Prince Charles set out to marry Lady Diana Spencer, the queen demanded that two conditions be met - the daughter-in-law's noble origin and her unconditional virginity. When this marriage broke up, and Charles - already after the death of Princess Diana - decided to legalize relations with his longtime lover Camilla Parker-Bowles, a real scandal erupted. It took almost eight years for the queen to give in and give her permission for the marriage.

But her grandson Prince William married a commoner - her parents worked for British Airways: Carol was a flight attendant, Michael was a pilot. But Kate Middleton was - how can I put it mildly? - honest girl, married a virgin, their relationship with Prince William began while studying at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and lasted more than seven years before Buckingham Palace agreed to the engagement.

Now something unprecedented is happening. The relationship between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle lasted only 17 months, but the queen still gave the green light to the engagement - despite the fact that her future daughter-in-law is now divorced.

However, the queen did not fail to put Meghan Markle in her place: of course, she would give her daughter-in-law the noble title of duchess or baroness, as she elevated the hated Camilla Parker-Bowles to the dignity of the Duchess of Cornwall, but the newly-made British aristocrat would still not be included in the list of heirs to the throne.

The queen also took care of Megan's not-too-attractive pedigree. The Buckingham Palace genealogists who joined the process have already found out that Megan does not come from some slaves, but from the English aristocracy - moreover, she has a common ancestor with the royal Windsor dynasty - a certain Ralph Bowes, who at the end of the 15th century was sheriff of County Durham . Two branches of offspring went from this sheriff - some of his children became nobles and joined the royal family, while others moved to America.

Of course, whether this is so or not - go and check, only royal archivists have access to dusty archives with medieval metrics, and is it possible to accurately trace a person's genealogy five centuries ago - big question, but the family tree of the future duchess turned out to be convincing. As a result, the sensation about the aristocratic origin of the Hollywood actress, which was reprinted by all British tabloids, forced out all the details of Meghan Markle's biography from the newspaper pages.

Cinderella from Hollywood

So, Megan Rachel Markle, who left only one of the names as a stage name, was born on August 4, 1981 in Los Angeles.

“My parents met in the late seventies when my father, Thomas Markle, was a lighting designer on television, and my mother, Doria, worked as an assistant director in the studio,” Meghan herself wrote in her biography for Elle magazine. “I like to think that he was attracted to her burning African beauty and sweet eyes, plus their shared love of antiques, since my grandfather was an antique furniture dealer. Anyway, they got married quickly and I was born."

For Thomas Markle, this was not the first marriage - he was 12 years older than Doria Ragland and was his own man in Hollywood. So, he received two statuettes "Emmy" for his work on the series "General Hospital" and was nominated for many other awards. He probably seemed to a black girl a real ticket to a brighter future: after all, in those years, African-American women were still reluctant to be allowed on television, unless, of course, it was about the position of a cleaning lady. But all the calculations of Doria to become a movie star crumbled to dust when Thomas, six years later, announced to her that he was leaving for another woman, and she and her daughter could go wherever they looked.

And then Doria, along with her daughter Megan, moved to a tiny apartment on the outskirts of the city, where she began working as a flight attendant for Delta Air Lines and at the same time worked as a yoga trainer.

True, after a while, the unlucky dad repented and remembered Megan. He invited her to live with him, paying for her education at the prestigious private school for girls, Immaculate Heart High School. But most of all she loved to run away from classes and come to work with her father.

I grew up behind the scenes of soap operas and sitcoms, projects with millions of budgets, surrounded by famous actors and their glamorous teams, luxurious lunches, which always served filet mignon and a huge amount of all kinds of sweets, she recalled. - In those moments it seemed to me that I was visiting Willy Wonka at his chocolate factory.

Thanks to her father, she also began her career on television: in 2002, while still a student at Northwestern University in Chicago, she starred in one of the episodes of the TV series General Hospital. This was followed by a small role in the TV series "City of the Future".

The facial expression of British Prince Harry at the sight of a realistic dummy of an injured leg has become a meme, with which users described the reaction to both the girl’s food and Japanese porn. Harry built such a mine when visiting the museum of plastic makeup, where the bride Meghan Markle went with him. And she turned out to be more resistant to such spectacles.

Only a few months are left before the wedding of British Prince Harry and his bride, actress Meghan Markle, and the newlyweds visit not at all romantic places, for example, an exhibition of plastic makeup company Titanic FX in Belfast.

Plastic make-up is a realistic overlay for actors, which includes not only the belly of a pregnant woman and a crooked nose, but also such complex things as models of arms and legs. These works of art can look quite creepy, especially if they have any injuries on them.

Judging by the photos that photographer Nial Carson published on his official account, Harry and Megan were surprised by the exhibits.

Nial Carson

They made a special impression on Prince Harry.

Nial Carson

Many users of the social network laughed at this facial expression, especially in combination with the cheerful Megan nearby, who seemed not at all embarrassed by the realistic and creepy limbs next to her. But there were those who recognized themselves in Prince Harry in many situations, which means that his face turned into a kind of meme.

Duh Geek

This is not what I ordered.

Cyrus Tritetradopamine

When I watch Japanese porn.

The most enviable bachelor prince turns 31 on September 15. Harry, the youngest son of Diana and Charles, has been seen more than once in the arms of sultry beauties, many of whom were not of royal blood. We decided to recall the novels with which celebrities were attributed to the red-haired heartthrob.

Cressida Bonas

In June 2015, all the tabloids were in a hurry to report the good news - the grandson of the English Queen Elizabeth II was getting married, his longtime girlfriend Cressida Bonas became the chosen one of the prince. The 26-year-old actress accepted Harry's proposal and the couple got engaged. However, three months have passed, and these rumors have not been confirmed. However, officially it is Cressida who is considered the beloved of the prince.

The love story of Harry and the young actress began in the spring of 2012. Cressida was introduced to the heir to the British throne by Princess Eugenie at one of the social events. The novel develops very rapidly: for three years, the lovers broke off relations several times, and then converged again. In April 2014, they even officially announced their separation. But by September, Bonas was able to win the prince's heart again and give the relationship a new lease of life.

Cressida is 26 years old, she was born into an aristocratic family. Bonas graduated from the Royal Ballet School, the University of Leeds and The Laban Conservatoire Of Music And Dance. Now she is developing her acting and modeling career. In the tabloids, Cressida is sometimes called "Anti-Kate" - for her radical differences from the seasoned and strict educated Kate Middleton.

Jenna Coleman

The official girlfriend does not interfere with Harry's adventures at all. So, after the information about the engagement, the prince was seen in the company of 29-year-old British actress Jenna Coleman, familiar to viewers from the Doctor Who series. According to sources from Harry's inner circle, it was this charming brunette who completely and completely captured the heart of an enviable groom.

A close friend of the prince told reporters that Harry and Jenna spend a lot of time together. They are clearly well together, but he advises fans of the red-haired heartthrob not to despair, as he is sure that Harry will not marry the artist. “They won’t get anything serious. Because both are too busy. He will go on an official visit to South Africa, and she needs to be on the set of Doctor Who in the USA. But now they are enjoying every minute spent together,” Us quotes Weekly friend of the prince.

Emma Watson

In February 2015, Prince Harry fell head over heels in love with actress Emma Watson. At least that's what the journalists thought. According to media reports, the prince went on a date with the 24-year-old British style icon. Harry asked mutual friends to arrange a meeting with Emma. In a noisy company, where there were more than ten people, he flirted with Watson all evening and, according to eyewitnesses, looked in love.

A few days later, the star of "Potteriana" on his official page in social network commented on the rumors about the affair with Harry. "You don't have to marry a prince to be a princess," Watson wrote. Meanwhile, the heir to the British throne has not commented on this issue.

Anastasia Guseva

In November last year, the paparazzi noticed how on a yacht in Abu Dhabi, the loving prince kissed the German model of Russian origin Anastasia Guseva. The prince flew to the capital of the UAE for his charitable foundation and stayed in the Emirates for a weekend specifically to watch the Formula 1 Grand Prix.

After the event, Harry was invited to a party that took place on a luxury yacht. In the crowd of guests, the grandson of Elizabeth ll immediately singled out the long-legged blonde. According to eyewitnesses, the couple quickly got together, began to chat and dance.

Later, the model herself told about how she met the prince. “I was walking down the stairs and suddenly I saw Prince Harry, very close. He looked at me and smiled. Then I was invited to the VIP area. We began to chat, Harry is just a sweetheart. He touched my hair, stroked my neck. We went to dance, and our lips closed in a kiss," Guseva said in an interview with the German magazine Gala.

Katie Cassidy

Journalists are in a hurry to call any appearance of Harry with a girl a new novel. But the rumors about his relationship with actress Katie Cassidy had a very real basis. They were first spotted together at a mutual friend's wedding in the US.

Shortly after the celebration, Harry and Kathy were having dinner together. The couple spent quite a lot of time together, and this became the reason for rumors about the new romance of the loving heir to the British throne.

Chelsea Davey

Prince Harry and the daughter of Zimbabwean billionaire Chelsea Davy have been dating for five years. They knew each other since childhood, but the romance began only in 2004, when young people met in South Africa where Harry is visiting. In 2007, Chelsea moved to England to study at the University of Leeds and be closer to the prince. In the same year, the couple broke up for the first time, but a few months later Davey returned to Harry. However, the relationship was cracking at the seams. In 2010, Chelsea finally broke with the heir to the British throne and returned to Africa.

According to one version, the girl was plagued by unfounded jealousy. Harry was never left out female attention, but in recent times became too distracted by the fans. According to another version, the reason for the gap was Harry's military career, which has always been in the first place for him.

Molly King

Prince Harry met with the popular singer Molly King. The grandson of Elizabeth ll and the artist met in 2010 at the Asprey World Class Polo Cup. Harry played this royal game, and Molly was in the cheerleading squad and cheered for her favorite team.

After that, the couple was seen at parties in nightclubs in London. According to their mutual friends, Molly and Harry tried to keep their affair a secret.

Natalie Imbruglia

In 2009, the world-famous Australian singer and actress Natalie Imbruglia was seen among the prince's girlfriends. Harry was introduced to the performer by Sam Branson, the son of multimillionaire Sir Richard. Natalie is 10 years older than the heir to the throne. But, nevertheless, the couple had many common friends.

The romance did not last long, and as a result, Harry joined the singer's very long list of fans. As for Natalie herself, she in no way escaped the attention of such a titled person. The singer, as her acquaintances said, often called the prince a charming and very sexy guy.

0 April 8, 2013, 13:15

Prince Harry

The person haunts not only millions of girls around the world, but also biographers. Chris Hutchins wrote the book Harry: The People's Prince, in which he tried to show Harry from different angles - his character, his personal secrets and problems.

A separate topic of the book was the girls with whom the prince had ever had a relationship.

The current companion is blonde. It is said that when Princess Eugenie introduced Harry to Cressida, he was smitten.

A close friend of the prince (who, as usual, wished to remain anonymous) notes:

She is the most suitable bride for a prince. We think she will be the number one choice when it comes time to choose a princess.

They say that even Harry's aunt, the Duchess of York, strongly inspires him to propose to Cressida.

But all the same friend of the young monarch claims that he is in no hurry.

I know they were talking about the wedding at . He was urged that it was time to propose, but Harry is in no hurry to go that far.

He sees like his brother and I think he wants something like that. I also know that Cressida's mother told Eugenie how pleased she would be to see her daughter with Harry, but Cressida prefers not to get ahead of herself.

Rumor has it that Cressida herself does not see her future next to the Queen's grandson at all.

Cressida Bonet - right

Harry himself once spoke about what kind of life partner he would like to meet:

There are a lot of girls who say, "God, he's a prince! No thanks." I am not looking for someone who will just fulfill the role of a princess, but I am looking for more, someone who will be ready to fully accept this role.

No matter how amazing this phrase is, personal experience Harry proves that his status really doesn't help much in a relationship.

So, while studying at Eton, Harry was in love with Laura Gerard Lee.

Laura's family connections made her an excellent bride in the eyes of the royal family. However, the girl herself did not experience half of the feelings that Harry had, as a result of which she broke his heart.

Laura was not interested in titles and money - only love. But, unfortunately, she realized that she did not love Harry.

Following Laura, another girl appeared - Margaret - not of blue blood. She worked in a grocery store near Eton - that's where they met.

He was very sweet and very polite. And I didn't even recognize him right away. We chatted for a few minutes, and then he asked if I wanted to have dinner with him. I said that I have a boyfriend, but he was so convincing that I agreed. The girl who worked with me then whispered, "You know who this is? It's Prince William's brother. Harry." I was shocked.

Margaret said that at dinner Harry was very polite. Although it was noticeable that he did not know how to behave with people from other walks of life. They chatted a bit and parted ways.

He took my phone number. He did not offer his. And he asked not to tell reporters about him.

Harry and Margaret met again, but the girl was afraid of responsibility. And returned to her young man whom she later married.

Harry's official great love was student Chelsea Davey, the daughter of a millionaire.

Chelsea Davey

The prince called Chelsea "the love of his life". Their relationship was not easy - the couple parted, then converged again for several years. But in the end it was all over. Chelsea said the life of a royal was not for her. And Harry, according to a friend, very painfully experienced this separation.

I think they still love each other and someday they will be together again. And I even believe that they could get married.

Whoever Harry's chosen one becomes, if he decides to tie the knot, it will definitely be the loudest wedding in history. Especially after such violent passions in the personal life of the prince.

Prince Harry

Source Harry: The People's Prince


In less than 10 days since the first rumors about Harry and Meghan's romance appeared, journalists have done everything possible and impossible to make the girl's life hell. They are on duty around the clock at her house and her mother's house, calling her with obscene questions. former men, interview a half-sister (and she does not find a single relative for a relative good word). Let's add here attempts to illegally invade the mother's house, vicious articles on major Internet portals with sexist and racist overtones, and total surveillance of the girl with photos and video cameras. Princess Diana, Harry's mother, died, in fact, as a result of a similar journalistic hunt, trying to hide from annoying paparazzi. Knowing full well that it was because of him that Meghan became the object of harassment from the press, Harry did what he did not do for any of his girlfriends: he turned to the press with an official demand to leave Ms. Markle alone.

The British media called the official statement of Prince Harry, published by the press service of Kensington Palace, "unprecedented." But, strictly speaking, the degree of curiosity towards Meghan is unprecedented. Never before has the press been so aggressive towards a (at the time) potential "prince's girlfriend". Harry's statement to the journalists involved in the bullying said they had overstepped their bounds. Declaring Megan his "girlfriend" and asking "not to interfere in what concerns only her and his life," he gave her protection. After the tragedy with Diana, the British press does not like to conflict with royal family is a known fact.

Megan interrupted filming and flew to London to Harry

Meghan Markle at the gate leading to the grounds of Kensington Palace, November 10, 2016

A couple of days after Prince Harry's announcement, Meghan Markle told the producers of the TV show Suits, of which she is the star, that she needed to take a break to deal with important issues. And ... a day later, journalists found a girl entering the territory of Kensington Palace - in that part of it where Nottingham Cottage is located - a cute house previously occupied by William and Kate, in which Prince Harry now lives. Since then, Meghan has already been seen twice in nearby stores, from where she again returned to Harry's house with bags full of products from "organic" stores. Particularly attentive connoisseurs noticed that the prince's baseball cap was on the girl's head.

Meghan Markle at Wimbledon June 2016

By the way, we have a serious reason to think that Megan and Harry are more familiar. Than those very “several months” announced to the press. For example, in June, Megan was seen more than once in the stands of the Wimbledon tennis tournament (in the same box with Anna Wintour, by the way), which is visited by the royal family. And in general, the girl quite often ended up in London in 2016 with private visits.

Unbelievable but true. Meghan Markle is the first girlfriend of Prince Harry who looks like him. She, like Harry, has an elongated oval face, a long chiseled nose with characteristically pronounced wings. They smile the same way. And even numerous freckles all over the body, these two have in common. However, why describe in words what is easier to see:

And Megan is very similar to Pippa Middleton. And, whatever one may say, the rumor not in vain attributed to Harry several attempts to have an affair with Katherine's younger sister. It is obvious that since Pippa nearly outshone her sister at the royal wedding, the prince has gravitated towards this type.

Ms Markle and Prince Harry have common interests

It is noteworthy that the similarity does not end with appearance. Megan is Harry's first girlfriend, who is not only passionate about cats, selfies and parties. She takes an active life position: she participates in the youth movement One Young World, an organization with ambitious goals to make the world a better place by raising new positive-minded leaders from the millennials. In the same organization is, for example, an excellent student and beauty Emma Watson. Megan is interested in charity work. Moreover, her activities do not end with the transfer of funds to funds - in 2016, the actress was appointed global ambassador of World Vision Canada, which advocates for the development of healthcare, education and humanitarian support for children around the world. The first official mission for the girl was a trip to Rwanda.

Megan during a trip to Rwanda, February 2016

An interesting fact: at the age of 11, Megan wrote a letter to Hillary Clinton (at that time - the first lady of the United States) complaining about a soap advertisement, in which the subtext was clearly read: "A woman's place is in the kitchen." Did this letter help, or other complaints, but the manufacturer was forced to change the concept of the advertising campaign. The idea of ​​gender equality does not leave Megan to this day. She is actively involved in various campaigns dedicated to this issue and even delivered a fiery speech on this topic at the UN in 2015.

And, finally, using her popularity, the actress inspires other people to take homeless animals from shelters. Again - not unfounded, but by example: Megan has two shelter dogs at home.

In a word, this is, indeed, Harry's first girlfriend, for whom he will definitely not be ashamed in front of his grandmother Elizabeth.

Prince Harry is ready for family life

On the eve of the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, Harry gave an interview to a British television channel in which he admitted that he was experiencing difficulties on a personal front. Since the youngest son of Diana settled down and began to spend more time not in pubs and social events, but to travel with charity missions throughout the UK and beyond, the chances of finding a mate have greatly decreased. Girls rarely go to save rhinos in Africa or open goodwill games for disabled war veterans. But the example of an older brother is contagious. Harry must be tired of feeling like a “third wheel” next to the happy couple William and Kate at all events.

Despite the more than warm relationship between him and Katherine, Harry already needs his "half". The absence of the “same” woman in his life for the prince was already becoming a problem - this was felt in the tone of his interview. So if his interest in Meghan is really deep, chances are he will act decisively. Fortunately, after the children of William and Kate moved him to fifth place in line for the Crown, the requirements for Harry's bride became much less stringent. So, even a divorced actress Megan is quite suitable for this role. Moreover, this is where its disadvantages seem to end.

Some important facts about Meghan Markle:

Meghan Markle in televised debate with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Megan comes from a blended family

The girl owes her unusual appearance to a mixture of Irish, Dutch and African-American blood. And, frankly, if we didn’t know her biography, we would easily think that the girl has Brazilian roots. She is very textured.

Meghan Markle has two higher educations

The girl received her first diploma in the region international relations. The second is in the field of theatrical art. Both times she studied at the same Northwestern University in the USA. Moreover, the girl has already managed to try her hand at both areas. The first education gave her the opportunity to work as a press secretary at the US Embassy in Argentina before luck smiled at her in the movies.

Megan adopted two of her pets from a shelter for homeless animals.

Megan has a half-sister with whom you don't need enemies

Samantha Grant, half-sister of Prince Harry's girlfriend, willingly gives journalists comments and gives interviews in which she describes Meghan as a selfish, narcissistic prince hunter. “I think she has ambitions to be a princess. This is what she dreamed of as a child when she watched the royal family on TV, ”said Samantha, adding that people close to Megan are bankrupt, and the girl is in no hurry to help them. According to Miss Grant, Megan carefully hides all ugly actions and thoughts from Prince Harry, because this can destroy their relationship. Whether to believe the words of a relative with whom you are in a state of permanent cold war? Good question…
