Ksenia Alferova buried her mother. Mother of Alexander Abdulov: biography, family and interesting facts

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Alexander Abdulov passed away four years ago, but his mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, still cannot come to terms with this

Now she is also mourning her eldest son Robert, who died last winter from a heart attack in the Moscow metro. Left alone, the heartbroken woman holds on with all her might and tries to return the money she inherited from her beloved Sashenka: today the actor's nephews claim it.

After the death of Alexander Abdulov, his relatives could not get along under the same roof. Yulia's wife, along with her little daughter Zhenya, stayed in a luxurious house in Vnukovo near Moscow, and the actor's mother with her daughter-in-law Albina, the wife of the actor's late brother Robert, left for the family estate in a small village in the Ivanovo region. The nearest store is ten kilometers away, and for medical assistance, regional center need to apply.

The family estate of the Abdulovs is already 100 years old, but it does not look like a nominal estate: a modest log house, a small bathhouse and several acres of land. In a cozy house, the actor's mother has her own room. Above her bed is a painting of her late husband, above the chiffonier - a photo of her sons who left her, writes "Express newspaper".

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Magicians"

“I have become completely bad,” Lyudmila Aleksandrovna sighs. - The pressure rises often, and the back hurts a lot - it is difficult to walk. But I'm already 90 years old - it's time to ... So no - the children leave, but I stay! It's good to have Alya around. When Robert passed away, I said that I would live only with her.

“I won’t give you up to anyone! Albina calmed the agitated mother-in-law. “No one could have imagined that things would turn out this way. After Sasha's death, we decided to move out of his dacha in Vnukovo. There we had a separate house: Robert and I lived on the second floor, Lyudmila Alexandrovna chose the first one. But after the misfortune, the situation changed: problems began with the inheritance, so we moved to the village. Little by little, repairs were made in this house, my husband installed a new greenhouse, in the spring he wanted to install a shower cabin, but did not have time. I went to Moscow on business, visited Sasha's grave, looked at the polling station and even voted, and he had a heart attack in the metro. He was very worried about the death of his brother - what kind of heart can endure such a disaster?

Lyudmila Alexandrovna's eyes filled with tears: “What have I done so guilty before God? She lost her middle son Volodya early - he was only 33. A smart guy grew up, he taught Russian language and literature at the institute. After the death of my husband, I was afraid to be at home alone, so I asked Volodya to come. It was quite late, they attacked him on the street, took away his camera and killed him. After that, I moved to Moscow to Sasha. He then lived with Ira Alferova. While they were on the set and on tour, I was sitting with Ksyusha, Ira's daughter: to school, to all sorts of circles. It's a pity that Sasha and Ira divorced, because they lived so well! No matter how much I tried to reconcile them and find out the reason for the discord, it didn’t work out ... But Irochka didn’t forget me even after the divorce, and even now she constantly calls, and Ksyusha came here a couple of times.

“Julia came when she found out about Robert's death,” Albina explained. - Brought food, money. But we didn't take anything - we have everything! She invited Lyudmila Alexandrovna to return to Vnukovo, but what should she do there? In addition, she needs constant care, but will Yulia do this? And with Zhenya, they sometimes call each other on the phone. You should have seen how she blossoms when she hears the voice of her granddaughter! Julia promised to bring Zhenya in the summer. I'm now a villager again. I had to check out of Moscow, because, what a little problem, you need to go to the place of registration. Yes, and I like it here more - fresh air, and what a view!

Lyudmila Alexandrovna got up heavily from the bed and went to the window. "See the river? In my youth, I swam all over it, and now I can admire it for hours. Sasha, when he entered the theater, often came here with friends. Here they had expanse: fishing, swimming, and mushrooms with berries. My father inherited this house from his parents - he has been over a century old! I grew up here, went to school five kilometers away. Here Robert was born - my dad took birth, while my mother ran for help.

“When Yulia entered into inheritance rights, she offered me to give up my share,” recalls Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. - In return, she promised that she would not be thrown out into the street and would help in every possible way. But how could I refuse the inheritance when Robert was left homeless with me? During his lifetime, Sasha bought apartments for his daughters, and his brother always lived with him.

Yes, and I did not want to stay in the country: sooner or later, Yulia will begin to establish her personal life, but what will it be like for me to look at all this? After this conversation, we moved away: she did not want to solve the issue of the inheritance until Sasha's friends intervened. Lenya Yarmolnik brought a decent amount, which he and his comrades collected for me. With this money, I immediately bought an apartment in the Moscow region for my granddaughter Ira (from the middle son Volodya), Robert and Alechka - in Ivanovo, repairs were made in this house - gas, water. What was left - Roberta put on the book. Now, after his death, I have to prove that my money is in the account. The account has been frozen.

“It’s like with us: during life, few people need a person, but he died - immediately the heirs showed up,” explains Albina. - Robert has children from his first marriage, now we are afraid that they will start sharing. If they get to the account on which Lyudmila Alexandrovna's money is, we will have a hard time.

Photo: skandaly.ru, nv-online.info, eg.ru, kp.ru

At the end of 2017, the first rumors about the death of Alexander Abdulov's mother appeared, and many reporters immediately rushed to the Moscow region to check whether she was alive or not. The elderly woman turned 96 years old and her life cannot be called easy. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova was able to outlive her husband and all the children, which was a heavy blow for her.

But the will of a person who has passed the Second world war remained strong. And the wives and daughter of the late artist did not let the woman feel lonely to the end. Lyudmila Abdulova was buried on October 24 next to her son Robert and her parents.

Mom Alexander Abdulov was left alone

Life story

Lyudmila Abdulova - mother of Alexander Abdulov, born in 1921. Keeping up with her peers, she married at the age of 18. In the first marriage, the woman had a son, Robert. After some time, the Krainov couple broke up, and Lyudmila got married a second time. After 7 years in marriage with Abdulov Gavriil Danilovich, she gave birth to a son, Vladimir. Adults worked at the theater, my father worked as a director in Fergana, and my mother worked as a make-up artist.

Lyudmila Abdulova in her youth

When Lyudmila Abdulova became pregnant for the third time, she stood in front of difficult choice- have an abortion or keep the baby. The woman believed that if she decided to bear the baby, then only a girl. She didn't want any more boys, just as she didn't want to give birth to a child for the fourth and subsequent times until a girl was born. Thanks to the doctor's mistake, Lyudmila was sure throughout her pregnancy that she was carrying a daughter, but a boy was born, who was named Alexander, in honor of his maternal grandfather.

Alexander grew up in male company three brothers. His father had a son from his first marriage - Yuri, who was brought up in the Abdulov family. Among all his brothers, he was the most active and cheerful, looked at the world from a positive point of view and found more pluses than minuses in everything. When Alexander Abdulov matured and managed to get on his feet, it was he who became the main assistant and support for his mother. He took Lyudmila to him, surrounding her with the same warmth and care that she gave him in childhood.

Father of Alexander Abdulov

Gavriil Danilovich was not only a good father, but also a celebrity who received the status of "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" and "Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR." Also, the man became an honored worker of arts of the Karakalpak ASSR. He worked not only in the theaters of the countries of the former Soviet Union, but also at the Mosfilm film factory. And a few years later, he was no longer playing on the stage, but he was also in an honorary position - the artistic director of the theaters in Alma-Ata, the cities of Uralsk and Sukhumi.

Lyudmila Abdulova with her sons
Xenia Alferova.

But not everything was smooth in the family. The eldest son Robert envied the famous brother all his life and set his mother against his wife in every possible way. He wanted to share the legacy of the famous actor, but Julia intervened.

Ksenia Alferova with her grandmother
The woman borrowed $800,000 from Abdulov's friends and bought out the shares of relatives in the house of Vnukovo near Moscow so that the property would remain for the late artist's daughter.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna moved to live in the Ivanovo region, believing that Yulia had deceived her and kicked her out without paying. Soon her eldest son died. Robert Krainov died in 2011, and for some reason all the money sent to his mother was found in his bank account. So Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova was able to outlive all her children.

last years of life

Lyudmila Alexandrovna was a real rural woman. She was in excellent health, and no one could remember if she had ever been ill with something serious. Ksenia Alferova published her childhood memories of her grandmother on Instagram. The artist says that Lyudmila has always been a strong and strong-willed woman who surrounded everyone around with her love.

Alexandra Abdulova with her grandchildren

The last years of the mother of Alexander Abdulov spent in the Ivanovo region. She remained in the care of Albina, the wife of her eldest son Robert, while Yulia and granddaughter Eugene often visited the elderly woman. Also, the children of other sons constantly called her. Although the woman never fulfilled her dream of having a daughter, in her old age it was her granddaughters who surrounded her.

Zhenya went in character to her father, and in appearance to his mother, which infinitely pleased Lyudmila Alexandrovna. But after her death, Yulia decided that her daughter should not attend the funeral in order to remember her grandmother as a healthy and strong-willed woman, which she had been all her life.
Recent photos from the life of Lyudmila Abdulova

A series of tragedies, in the end, undermined the health of Lyudmila Abdulova. Literally 1.5 months before her death, the woman came down with a stroke. But by that time, the body, worn out for 96 years, could no longer cope with the loads. Ludmila is completely immersed in memories. She could sit for hours looking at the photos of her sons and husband on the wall. A few months before her death, Abdulova began to have memory lapses. She periodically asked those around her when the boys would return, as if she could not believe that she had outlived them all. And at the end of October 2017, she died and was buried in the family cemetery.

How did the mother of Alexander Abdulov live! The actor's wife and granddaughter did not forget Grandmother Luda

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To a modest house, on the porch of which simple belongings are dried - linen and an old mattress, not roads lead - directions.

A pothole on a pothole. In the vicinity - not a hint of civilization. Some abandoned, as if from a movie about the end of the world, factories, forests and fields. The final stop of the fixed-route taxi, plying from the city, is about five kilometers from the village. Konokhovo does not even have signs.

The story of the appearance of the mother of the famous actor here 4 years ago is a big mystery. Why, after the death of Abdulov, it was she, and not the widow, who was forced to leave the house, with which so many memories of her son are associated? Why couldn’t the artist’s relatives get along under the same roof and rejoice together, seeing how his long-awaited daughter Zhenya is growing up? And what, in the end, made the elderly woman climb so far, 300 miles from Moscow?

- To put it quite simply, why Lyudmila Alexandrovna left ... It happens, - Leonid Yarmolnik, friend and colleague of Abdulov, makes a philosophical remark.

Those close to Abdulov are well aware of the strained relationship that, during the life of the actor, was established between his relatives (especially in the person of the actor's half-brother, Robert) and his young wife. They were also a bit of actors and played warm feelings for each other, as long as it was profitable.

“Sasha was kind to all his relatives,” says Yarmolnik. - He took care of everyone, fed everyone, supported everyone. And arranged, and resettled, and repaired. Almost everyone lived with him and at his expense - Robert with his family, his mother, especially for whom Sasha built a separate house next to his ...

When the question of inheritance arose, the conflict escalated. Having lost their only breadwinner, Abdulov's numerous relatives were eager to receive their share. Meanwhile, it was impossible to single it out: documents for Vacation home are still being processed, and the actor has not acquired accounts in Swiss banks. According to the law, two-thirds of the existing inheritance relied on the widow and daughter of the deceased and one-third - his mother.

Best of the day

“If only Yulia, Zhenechka and Lyudmila Alexandrovna had to be protected, we would have easily decided everything,” Yarmolnik believes. - Sasha's mother is sacred for all his close friends. But Robert intervened, having received a power of attorney from Lyudmila Alexandrovna to represent her interests, and the story of the division acquired ugly features. The relationship between Sasha and Robik was not easy. Robik was a quitter, he believed that Sasha could support them even better. At the same time, he did not earn anything. That is why, after Sasha passed away, disassembly, unpleasant for all of us, arose because of the inheritance. Robert incited his mother against Yulia, for some reason he always saw in all deceivers and criminals. It is clear that Lyudmila Aleksandrovna initially believed her son, and it is already difficult to convince a person at that age.

Great-grandson helps to dig potatoes

Ignorant people accuse Yulia Abdulova of cruelty. Like, the poor old woman survived and sent to hell without a penny. Is it possible to do this with the husband's mother, whom he idolized all his life?

- Lyudmila Aleksandrovna was Sasha's favorite person in life, - Leonid Yarmolnik testifies. Mom was a participant in all our parties. She was adored by all his friends, and she loved them. Sasha was attentive to her, but, naturally, like any child, no matter how old he was, he did not listen to his parents. Therefore, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, worrying about him, asked us, close friends, to influence him: “Well, tell Sasha to eat more, sleep more, work less ...”

However, one cannot agree with the fact that Yulia offended her mother-in-law. After evaluating the inheritance, the conclusion was made: in monetary terms, the share of Lyudmila Alexandrovna is 800 thousand dollars. This amount was paid to her (that is, Robert) in installments in 2009, about which the actor's friends have receipts (they gave the money). At the same time, several apartments were purchased for Robert's family in Ivanovo. They didn’t forget about my grandmother either - in the village house where she was assigned to live out a century, they put plastic windows and a satellite dish, spent gas heating. The house itself went free of charge, Lyudmila Alexandrovna's parents once lived here. Abdulov visited these places - on vacation while studying at the institute.

“I came to Konokhovo about 30 years ago, when Sasha’s father was still alive,” recalls Yarmolnik. Their friendship, carried through all their lives, began in their student years. - Only I had a car - a Zhiguli. We drove off-road to the Ivanovo region and either from there or there they were carrying a trunk full of potatoes - I only remember that the car was skewed. It was very funny. Then we went fishing. And, tired, they fell asleep right on the shore.

Since then, nothing has changed: there are still no roads to Konokhovo, but the Uvod River is still there. The site of the Abdulovs (12 acres, no less) goes directly to the reservoir. The nearest neighbors built a quite acceptable pebble beach on their own. For the 5-year-old daughter of the actor, if Zhenya came here for the summer, a real expanse. However, the grandmother communicates with her granddaughter only by phone. It is possible to love relatives at a distance, but to forgive mutual insults is not.

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna lives with her daughter-in-law Albina, Robert's widow. The last, third son (middle Volodya was killed when the Abdulov family was still living in Fergana. He was buried there) was lost by his mother six months ago. On December 4, on the day of elections to the State Duma, he went to Moscow to vote at the place of registration. In the subway, Robert became ill and died.

- A strange death, - Viktor Petrovich, Robert's neighbor in Konokhovo, is surprised. - He was a strong man, he did not complain about his health. The doctors said it was a heart attack. Robert and I often fished, but now there is no one to fish with ... And Lyudmila Aleksandrovna and Albina were left alone. Of the men, they have only the grandson of Albina. He lives in Ivanovo and helps, if you need to mow the grass, dig up the beds. I also help out when asked.

- Do you like talking to people? They didn't let me in the door. They said: “Grandma is lying, but I won’t say anything.”

- Yes, journalists defeated them. In general, they are calm women. Last year, they invited Sasha's birthday on May 29 to celebrate, Robert and my wife were also invited to Robert's forties ... I see Albina in the garden more and more. Sometimes Lyudmila Alexandrovna will come down from the porch, bend down to the cucumbers a couple of times. She is sick (when Abdulov was alive, he sent his mother twice a year for treatment to a large cardio center. - Ed.). And I don’t even know how he suffers more - mentally or physically. She is of sound mind, she has an excellent memory, she thinks soberly. But I noticed that she hardly talks about her sons. Probably worried, only inside. Only once did she say, when talking to her about death: “I was killed four times. She buried her husband, and then all three children. It’s time for me to go to the next world, but I’m still living. ”

…Konohovo is located in a water protection zone. On the other side of the dam, in the village of Egory, there is an old cemetery. Inside one fence, the parents of Abdulov's mother, son Robert and his half-sister Olga are buried. The freshest grave is buried in wreaths of artificial flowers. A small lively bouquet withered only slightly - it can be seen that it was recently replaced. The wooden bench and table had not yet turned black with time. Probably women often come here. This is all that is left for them - to mourn the departed, wherever they rest.

At the end of 2017, the first rumors about the death of Alexander Abdulov's mother appeared, and many reporters immediately rushed to the Moscow region to check whether she was alive or not. The elderly woman turned 96 years old and her life cannot be called easy. Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova was able to outlive her husband and all the children, which was a heavy blow for her.

But the will of the man who went through the Second World War remained strong. And the wives and daughter of the late artist did not let the woman feel lonely to the end. Lyudmila Abdulova was buried on October 24 next to her son Robert and her parents.

Lyudmila Abdulova - mother of Alexander Abdulov, born in 1921. Keeping up with her peers, she married at the age of 18. In the first marriage, the woman had a son, Robert. After some time, the Krainov couple broke up, and Lyudmila got married a second time. After 7 years in marriage with Abdulov Gavriil Danilovich, she gave birth to a son, Vladimir. Adults worked at the theater, my father worked as a director in Fergana, and my mother worked as a make-up artist.

Lyudmila Abdulova in her youth

When Lyudmila Abdulova became pregnant for the third time, she faced a difficult choice - to have an abortion or leave the child. The woman believed that if she decided to bear the baby, then only a girl. She didn't want any more boys, just as she didn't want to give birth to a child for the fourth and subsequent times until a girl was born. Thanks to the doctor's mistake, Lyudmila was sure throughout her pregnancy that she was carrying a daughter, but a boy was born, who was named Alexander, in honor of his maternal grandfather.

Alexander grew up in the male company of three brothers. His father had a son from his first marriage - Yuri, who was brought up in the Abdulov family. Among all his brothers, he was the most active and cheerful, looked at the world from a positive point of view and found more pluses than minuses in everything. When Alexander Abdulov matured and managed to get on his feet, it was he who became the main assistant and support for his mother. He took Lyudmila to him, surrounding her with the same warmth and care that she gave him in childhood.

Father of Alexander Abdulov

Gavriil Danilovich was not only a good father, but also a celebrity who received the status of "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" and "Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR." Also, the man became an honored worker of arts of the Karakalpak ASSR. He worked not only in theaters of the countries of the former Soviet Union, but also at the Mosfilm film factory. And a few years later, he was no longer playing on the stage, but he was also in an honorary position - the artistic director of the theaters in Alma-Ata, the cities of Uralsk and Sukhumi.

At the age of thirty, Gavriil Abdulov achieved great success in his career. He became the chief director of the Russian Theater in Ferghana and worked in this position until the age of 43.

In addition to working in the creative field, Alexander Abdulov's father became a member of the Great Patriotic War, where, despite receiving serious injuries, he managed to distinguish himself and receive awards. But the main thing is that he returned home, where four sons and a loving wife were waiting for him.

A series of tragedies

Today in 2017, when they remember the life of Alexander Abdulov's mother, it is increasingly about deaths in the family of artists. The father of the family died in 1980. Gavriil Danilovich died on the birthday of the first son from their marriage with Lyudmila - Vladimir. The family took this as a bad sign, and the birthday man himself said that he would no longer have a holiday. He turned out to be right. A few months later, 33-year-old Vladimir was killed during a robbery by street hooligans.

One of the rumors indicates that Alexander Abdulov, at his father's funeral, put in his pocket a photograph of the family with brothers and mother imprinted, which is a bad omen, but today in 2017 there is no one to ask about those events. In 2008, the famous actor died, leaving behind his wife Julia and daughter Eugene. The daughter-in-law and granddaughter loved Lyudmila Alexandrovna very much and often visited her. The adopted daughter of Abdulov from his first marriage, Ksenia Alferova, also acted.

But not everything was smooth in the family. The eldest son Robert envied the famous brother all his life and set his mother against his wife in every possible way. He wanted to share the legacy of the famous actor, but Julia intervened.

The woman borrowed $800,000 from Abdulov's friends and bought out the shares of relatives in the house of Vnukovo near Moscow so that the property would remain for the late artist's daughter.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna moved to live in the Ivanovo region, believing that Yulia had deceived her and kicked her out without paying. Soon her eldest son died. Robert Krainov died in 2011, and for some reason all the money sent to his mother was found in his bank account. So Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova was able to outlive all her children.

last years of life

Lyudmila Alexandrovna was a real rural woman. She was in excellent health, and no one could remember if she had ever been ill with something serious. Ksenia Alferova published her childhood memories of her grandmother on Instagram. The artist says that Lyudmila has always been a strong and strong-willed woman who surrounded everyone around with her love.

The last years of the mother of Alexander Abdulov spent in the Ivanovo region. She remained in the care of Albina, the wife of her eldest son Robert, while Yulia and granddaughter Eugene often visited the elderly woman. Also, the children of other sons constantly called her. Although the woman never fulfilled her dream of having a daughter, in her old age it was her granddaughters who surrounded her.

Zhenya went in character to her father, and in appearance to his mother, which infinitely pleased Lyudmila Alexandrovna. But after her death, Yulia decided that her daughter should not attend the funeral in order to remember her grandmother as a healthy and strong-willed woman, which she had been all her life.

A series of tragedies, in the end, undermined the health of Lyudmila Abdulova. Literally 1.5 months before her death, the woman came down with a stroke. But by that time, the body, worn out for 96 years, could no longer cope with the loads. Ludmila is completely immersed in memories. She could sit for hours looking at the photos of her sons and husband on the wall. A few months before her death, Abdulova began to have memory lapses. She periodically asked those around her when the boys would return, as if she could not believe that she had outlived them all. And at the end of October 2017, she died and was buried in the family cemetery.

The mother of the famous actor gave all the money she received from Yarmolnik to her grandchildren, and now she dreams of living in the Ivanovo village until the heat comes

Alexander ABDULOV passed away four years ago, but his mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, still cannot come to terms with this. Now she mourns her eldest son Robert, who died last winter from a heart attack in the Moscow metro. Left alone, the heartbroken woman holds on with all her might and tries to return the money she inherited from her beloved Sashenka: today the actor's nephews claim it.

After death Alexandra Abdulova his relatives could not get along under the same roof. Yulia's wife, along with her little daughter Zhenya, stayed in a luxurious house in Vnukovo near Moscow, and the actor's mother and daughter-in-law Alya, the wife of the actor's late brother Robert, left for the family estate in a small village in the Ivanovo region. The nearest store is ten kilometers away, and you need to contact the regional center for medical help.

The family estate of the Abdulovs is already 100 years old, but it does not look like a nominal estate: a modest log house behind a rickety fence, a small bathhouse and several acres of land. In a spacious cozy house, the actor's mother has her own room. Above her bed is a picture of her late husband, above the wardrobe is a photo of her sons who left her.

“I have become completely ill,” Lyudmila Alexandrovna sighs. - The pressure rises often, and the back hurts a lot - it is difficult to walk. But I'm already 90 years old - it's time to ... But no - the children leave, but I stay! It's good to have Alya around. When Robert passed away, I said that I would live only with her.

Left alone, Lyudmila Alexandrovna survives on a modest pension

"I won't give you up to anyone!" Albina calmed the agitated mother-in-law. “No one would have thought it would turn out like this.

After Sasha's death, we decided to move out of his dacha in Vnukovo. There we had a separate house: Robert and I lived on the second floor, Lyudmila Alexandrovna chose the first one. But after the misfortune, the situation changed: problems began with the inheritance, so we moved to the village. Little by little, repairs were made in this house, my husband installed a new greenhouse, in the spring he wanted to install a shower cabin, but did not have time. I went to Moscow on business, visited Sasha's grave, looked at the polling station and even voted, and he had a heart attack in the metro. He was very worried about the death of his brother - what kind of heart can endure such a misfortune?

After the death of the actor, his family moved to the village

Lyudmila Alexandrovna's eyes filled with tears:
Why did I do so wrong before God? She lost her middle son Volodya early - he was only 33. A smart guy grew up, he taught Russian language and literature at the institute. After the death of my husband, I was afraid to be at home alone, so I asked Volodya to come. It was quite late, they attacked him on the street, took away his camera and killed him. After that, I moved to Moscow to Sasha. He then with Ira Alferova lived. While they were on the set and on tour, I was sitting with Ksyusha, Ira's daughter: to school, to all sorts of circles. It's a pity that Sasha and Ira divorced, because they lived so well! No matter how much I tried to reconcile them and find out the reason for the discord, it didn’t work out ... But Irochka didn’t forget me even after the divorce, and even now she constantly calls, and Ksyusha came here a couple of times.

From Vnukovo, relatives took with them only the swing, on which ABDULOV loved to relax so much

- Do Yulia and Zhenya visit you?

“Julia came when she found out about Robert's death,” Albina explained. - I brought food, money. But we didn't take anything - we have everything! She invited Lyudmila Alexandrovna to return to Vnukovo, but what should she do there? In addition, she needs constant care, but will Yulia do this? And with Zhenya, they sometimes call each other on the phone. You should have seen how she blossoms when she hears the voice of her granddaughter!

“Yulia promised to bring Zhenya in the summer,” the actor’s mother smiled. “I am now a villager again. I had to check out of Moscow, because, no matter what the problem, you need to go to the place of registration. Yes, and I like it here more - fresh air, and what a view!

A heartbroken woman holds on to the last of her strength

Yarmolnik gave the money

Lyudmila Alexandrovna got up heavily from the bed and went to the window.
- See the river? In my youth, I swam all over it, and now I can admire it for hours. Sasha, when he entered the theater, often came here with friends. Here they had expanse: fishing, swimming, and mushrooms with berries. My father inherited this house from his parents - he is already more than a century old! I grew up here, went to school five kilometers away. Here Robert was born - my dad took birth, while my mother ran for help.

- Robert and Yulia had complicated relationship. Even after his death, she reproached him for greed in an interview. Haven't they reconciled?

“When Julia entered into inheritance rights, she offered me to give up my share,” recalls Lyudmila Alexandrovna. - In return, she promised that she would not drive me out into the street and would help in every possible way. But how could I refuse the inheritance when Robert was left homeless with me? During his lifetime, Sasha bought apartments for his daughters, and his brother always lived with him.

Last fall, the actor's brother Robert installed a greenhouse on the plot, but he didn't manage to plant anything in it ...

Yes, and I did not want to stay in the country: sooner or later, Yulia will begin to establish her personal life, but what will it be like for me to look at all this? After this conversation, we moved away: she did not want to solve the issue of the inheritance until Sasha's friends intervened. Lenya Yarmolnik brought a decent amount, which he and his comrades collected for me. I immediately used this money to my granddaughter Ira (from the middle son Volodya. - A.K.) bought an apartment in the Moscow region, Robert and Alechka - in Ivanovo, repairs were made in this house - gas, water was installed. What was left, she put it on Robert's book. Now, after his death, I have to prove that my money is in the account. The account has been frozen.

In the room of Lyudmila Alexandrovna there are many photographs of people dear to her.

- To whom to prove?

“It’s like with us: during life, few people need a person, but he died - immediately the heirs showed up,” explains Albina. - Robert has children from his first marriage, now we are afraid that they will start carving up. If they get to the account on which Lyudmila Alexandrovna's money is, we will have a hard time.

- It turns out that now you live on only one pension. Nobody helps?

- We're doing it slowly. Sasha's friends did not appear after that time, no one even congratulated Lyudmila Alexandrovna on her anniversary. But we are very grateful to them! Julia is happy with her life. They heard that she was going to move to a Moscow apartment, and plans to rent out a summer house: she needs to live beautifully for something. Everyone has their own life.

Once upon a time, a noisy acting company gathered on this veranda, but now the artist's friends have forgotten the way here.

Now the main thing is to put Lyudmila Alexandrovna in the hospital: after all these stresses, she needs to heal. Before Sasha twice a year put her for examination and prevention at the Moscow Cardiology Center. She was received there as a distinguished person. Now there is no one to worry about, and everything is very expensive. Here we saved up a little, enough, however, only for the Ivanovo hospital.

Despite feeling unwell, Lyudmila Alexandrovna went out with us on the porch and finally told about her dream:
“I wish I could live until spring!” It is very beautiful here - apple trees, lilacs are blooming ... In May, I will definitely go to Sasha's grave in Moscow. Maybe Julia will really bring Zhenechka - I so want to look at her.

Granddaughters Ira (left) and Ksenia ALFYOROVA (Alexander's adopted daughter) visit Lyudmila Alexandrovna from time to time

Mom Abdulov got along with all the daughters-in-law, except Yulia

The actor doted on his daughter ...

And thanked my wife for such a priceless gift.

During the christening of his daughter, the actor knew that he had cancer...

But he hid it from his relatives in every possible way.

Little Zhenechka became a light in the window for the actor and his mother

After the death of Sashenka, the only support for Lyudmila Alexandrovna was her son Robert. And now he is gone… Photo by Ivan TIMOSHIN/Komsomolskaya Pravda

Granddaughter Zhenya more than a year didn't see grandma
