Choose a single-circuit or double-circuit gas boiler, the best double-circuit gas heating boilers. What to choose - a single-circuit or double-circuit gas boiler What is the difference between a double-circuit manipulator and a single-circuit

Autonomous heating systems for private houses or other premises are usually built on the basis of gas boilers.

It is the most economical and effective method heating, which does not take extra time and effort from the owner and does not require him to constantly monitor the operation of the system.

There are two main design options for such boilers, the difference between which is in functionality.

Some work only for heating the house, others are able to supply hot water in parallel with heating.

These two groups are represented by single- and double-circuit units, respectively, which need to be considered in more detail.

The fundamental difference between single and double-circuit boilers is the functionality of the units.

If the first group of equipment is intended only for supplying the heating circuit with a coolant, then the second, in addition to heating the house, performs an additional task - preparing hot water for domestic needs.

As the name implies, dual-circuit models have an additional circuit designed to heat water. At the same time, the main (basic) function for both groups of boilers is heating the coolant for the heating system.

It is provided by the main components of the structure - a gas burner and a primary heat exchanger, which is built into the heating circuit together with a circulation pump.

Non-volatile boilers do not have a circulation pump and are intended for operation in systems with natural circulation.

The function of heating hot water is additional - it is provided due to the partial transfer of thermal energy from the hot coolant, which, at the outlet of the main heat exchanger, enters the secondary, plate type.

It performs water heating in flow mode, which creates some restrictions on consumption - the stronger the water intake, the less time the water flow has to heat up.

Some models can be set to give priority to one or another circuit when, with active consumption of hot water, the temperature in the heating system decreases or, conversely, the DHW temperature drops.

To solve the problem with the efficient distribution of thermal energy between the two circuits, a combined, or bithermic heat exchanger was created. It is a coil, rolled up from a coaxial type pipe.

The outer volume is occupied by a heat carrier, and the inner volume is occupied by hot water. Heating occurs simultaneously, there is no heat transfer loss. the efficiency of such a device is much higher.

However, experts speak of bithermic heat exchangers with restraint, since they quickly fill up from the inside with lime deposits, which are extremely difficult to remove.

Flushing such a heat exchanger is a laborious and inefficient procedure, and replacement costs too much.

This significantly limits the demand for models with a combined heat exchanger, although no one denies the increased efficiency of these units.

For a more visual display of the difference between the design of single- and double-circuit boilers, we will compile a table:

*for double-circuit boilers with bithermic heat exchanger

Single-circuit boilers

A single-circuit boiler is an installation that provides heating and preparation of the heating circuit coolant in accordance with the specified operating mode of the system.

The structure includes:

  • Gas burner combined with a heat exchanger.
  • Circulation pump.
  • Turbofan.
  • Gas equipment.
  • Three-way valve.
  • An electronic control board equipped with a self-diagnostic sensor system.
  • Housing, control panel.
  • Chimney.

There are non-volatile models in which there are no devices powered by the mains.

They have a simplified design, but are able to provide home heating in the absence of power supply.

Types of single-circuit boilers

Single-circuit boilers are:

  • floor standing. Are established directly on a floor (or on a support). They can have a large weight and, accordingly, high power. Many floor-standing boilers are equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger of increased efficiency and with a large mass. Some models are connected in a cascade, forming powerful connections for heating buildings or structures of a large area and volume.
  • wall. Compact gas boilers that are mounted on solid (preferably load-bearing) walls. The specifics of the installation require a weight limit, which automatically affects the power of the boilers.

In addition, single-circuit boilers can have different options for the combustion chamber.:

  • Atmospheric (open). The air comes directly from the room, and the smoke is removed natural way under the action of furnace-type traction.
  • Turbocharged (closed). Air is taken in from the outside by a turbofan. It also creates pressure that displaces smoke and other gases formed during the combustion of fuel.

All single-circuit boilers may have additional functions - remote control, programming of the operating mode, etc.

Principle of operation

The operation of a single-circuit boiler is aimed at solving a single problem - heating the coolant for the heating circuit.

The unit is connected to the gap in the system, one branch pipe is connected to the direct line, the second - to the return line. The liquid flow continuously moves through the heat exchanger, which is located in the heating zone of the gas burner flame.

At the outlet of the heat exchanger, the flow enters a three-way valve, where it mixes with a colder flow from the return in a given proportion. Having received the required temperature, the coolant is again discharged into the heating circuit.

The temperature is adjusted by adjusting the operation of the three-way valve.


Non-volatile models work on the same principle, only the circulation of the flow occurs naturally.

Pros and cons

The advantages of single-circuit boilers include:

  • Simplicity and reliability of a design.
  • No power loss during heat transfer.
  • The ability to develop great power.
  • Possibility to connect an external indirect heating boiler, which allows to receive hot water.
  • The cost of single-circuit boilers is lower than that of more functional samples.

The disadvantages of single-circuit boilers should be considered:

  • Lack of water heating function.
  • Limited options compared to dual-circuit models.

Some users claim that single-circuit boilers in conjunction with an external drive are much more convenient and efficient than double-circuit designs.

Double-circuit boilers

Double-circuit boilers have an additional option - the preparation of hot water.

At the same time, the basic function (heating of the coolant) is their main one, the operating settings set the heating priority over the DHW.


Double-circuit boilers according to the installation method are:

  • floor standing. Installed directly on the floor.
  • wall. They are hung on a load-bearing wall.

According to the method of heat transfer:

  • Convection. The usual method of heating in the flame of a burner.
  • Condensation. Two-stage heating - first preheating from thermal energy obtained by condensation of moisture from flue gases. Then the usual heating is carried out using a gas burner. Since the heating medium has already been prepared, it is possible to reduce the gas consumption and the overall heating regime without compromising the final result.

Type of heat exchanger:

  • Separated. There are two heat exchangers - primary (heat carrier heating) and secondary (DHW heating from a hot coolant).
  • Combined (bithermic). A coaxial type of heat exchanger is used, in which both the coolant and hot water are simultaneously prepared.

Combustion chamber type:

  • Atmospheric.
  • Turbocharged.

The designs of single- and double-circuit boilers do not have fundamental differences, but are intended to work in different conditions.

Principle of operation

The operation of a double-circuit boiler differs from single-circuit structures only in the presence of an additional heat exchanger.

At the exit from the primary, the coolant enters the secondary heat exchanger, where it heats water for domestic hot water. The rest of the work is no different and occurs according to the standard scheme.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of double-circuit boilers include:

  • The ability to receive both heat and hot water from one device.
  • Efficiency, economy and compactness.
  • A wide range of features and capabilities.
  • You can turn off DHW heating when not in use.
  • Limited hot water.
  • The dependence of the temperature in the heating circuit on the intensity of the analysis of hot water.

Double-circuit boilers are considered more attractive, capable of solving all issues.

Which boiler to choose

The choice of one or another type of gas boiler is determined by the working conditions and the needs of people.

When deciding which boiler is more suitable in a given situation, it is recommended to consider all the criteria:


The size of a gas boiler is not determined by its functionality. Most often, in the same model line, all units are produced in the same frame size.

Wall-mounted boilers are more compact, but the main factors affecting the size are the power and performance of the units.

Life time

The duration of operation of gas boilers is determined by working conditions, loads and power levels.

In addition, an important indicator is the quality of water - the appearance of scale quickly disables the heat exchanger. This applies equally to single and double-circuit boilers.


Users note some advantage of single-circuit boilers in terms of gas consumption. This affects fuel bills.. In this case, if an external boiler is connected, the gas flow increases.


In terms of ease of use, double-circuit boilers definitely win. They do not require the installation of additional water heaters, which greatly simplifies the creation of communications.

Single-circuit models are convenient only where it is only necessary to heat the room, but such situations are rare.


The cost of both boilers mainly depends on the power and other parameters of the boiler.

However, if we compare a single- and double-circuit model with the same characteristics, then a single-circuit boiler will be cheaper.

Heating area

The heating area of ​​the boiler depends on its power. It is taken into account at the rate of 1 kW of power = 10 m2.

In this case, there is no dependence on the set of functions; the ratio is equally valid for both types of aggregates.

Additional functions

As a rule, dual-circuit models are equipped with additional functions. Here and remote control, and programming, and the ability to connect a room thermostat.

Single-circuit boilers are simpler and less equipped with additional devices due to lack of demand.

Conclusion - which boiler is better

It is impossible to say unequivocally which boiler is better. It is necessary to be guided by the needs and tasks of the premises, consider the number of people, lifestyle and other factors.

Both types of boilers may or may not be needed in different situations..

In order to name a suitable option, it is necessary to consider all the factors of influence, and only then make a decision.

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When selecting gas equipment, in addition to calculating power and choosing the right model for performance and functionality, several important questions arise.

Most often, consultants are asked about which, single-circuit or double-circuit gas boiler to choose. When deciding, take into account the differences in the principle of operation and the economic component.

What is the difference between single-circuit gas boilers and double-circuit boilers

When choosing which is better, a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler, you should study the principle of operation, the similarities and differences of each type well:
  • Single loop design - high performance. As a heat exchanger, a flow coil or "water jacket" made of cast iron or steel is used.
  • A device with two circuits - a heat exchanger around the perimeter surrounds a coil connected to a hot water supply system or an indirect heating boiler built into the boiler body.
The difference between a heating boiler with two circuits and a boiler with one circuit lies in the purpose. Models without a built-in 2nd circuit are made exclusively for heating, but with the possibility of additional conversion for hot water supply through an external boiler. Equipment with two circuits, able to simultaneously work for the heating system and hot water.

Which boiler is more profitable - double-circuit or single-circuit

The advantage of gas 2-circuit boilers from single-circuit boilers is the rapid production of hot water. Heating is carried out in two ways:
  1. Flow method.
  2. By heating water in the built-in boiler.
To heat water, about 30% additional heat is required. When switching to summer mode, models with a flow heating method spend a certain amount of gas to enter the operating mode.

Comparative gas consumption during the operation of single-circuit and double-circuit boilers shows that the first models are more economical. But, this is valid only under optimal conditions, without taking into account the costs of installing and connecting an indirect heating boiler.

When considering economy, several factors are taken into account:

  • Specifications for units with two circuits. For heating equipment, the technical documentation indicates the throughput. This parameter shows how much hot water will be heated per minute.
    Typically, the coefficient is 10-15 liters for units using continuous heating, and 45-60 liters for models with a built-in buffer tank. If this volume is not enough, you will need to install an external storage tank.
  • The cost of connecting the storage tank. A boiler costs from 40 to 80% of the cost of a gas heat generator (depending on the model chosen).
  • Gas costs - single circuit design, consumes less gas, working exclusively to heat the heating system. After connecting the boiler, additional costs, 10-20%, will be required for heating and maintaining the temperature of the water in the tank.
Therefore, equipment with a single circuit is more economical, but only if it is planned to use the selected model of heating equipment, strictly for its intended purpose. Connecting the boiler makes its own adjustments and makes the design with two circuits more economical.

Which gas boiler is better to choose - single-circuit or double-circuit

The difference between the units lies solely in the direct purpose of the equipment and operating parameters. You have to choose between the following types of heating equipment:
  • Single-circuit model - there are practically no restrictions on power. The main purpose, heating of residential buildings. A single-circuit gas boiler with an external indirect heating boiler should be chosen only if it is planned to use several points of water intake at the same time, and the throughput of double-circuit units is not enough to provide the required volume of hot water.
    Accumulative capacities are issued volume, from 100 to 1500 l. The advantages of household single-circuit gas boilers connected to a boiler over double-circuit ones are especially obvious in the summer. The storage container resembles a thermos. The water inside the boiler remains hot for several days.
  • A double-circuit boiler with hot water heating, flow type - this equipment has one significant drawback. Hot water is not supplied immediately, but with some delay after the tap is opened, which is extremely inconvenient. Throughput no more than 15 l/min.
  • Model with two circuits and a built-in buffer tank - hot water does not enter the DHW system, but into the built-in storage tank. Inside the container, the required temperature is constantly maintained. Water heating does not change, depending on the pressure and the number of water points. Throughput 45-60 l/min.

The difference between a single-circuit gas boiler connected to an indirect heating boiler and a 2-circuit one is that the first type of heat generator is not limited by the amount of heated water for hot water supply. The storage capacity is selected individually, depending on the needs of the residents of the house.

The choice between single-circuit and double-circuit heating boilers is easy to make if you understand well whether it will be necessary and how much hot water is required at the outlet. If hot water is not provided or a large volume of heated water is required, it is better to install a unit with a single circuit.

For simultaneous connection to a hot water supply and a heating system, with a cost of not more than 60 l / min, a 2-circuit model with a heat exchanger and a DHW coil is installed.

In the absence of centralized heat and hot water supply (DHW), heating a private house and providing it hot water are achieved with the help of heating boilers operating on the types of fuel available in the area of ​​residence.

DHW can be provided with a separate (stand-alone) gas-fired heater, but in the presence of a centralized gas supply, gas boilers are a suitable source that provides both heating and DHW. It is to these devices that such definitions as double-circuit or single-circuit are applied, the popularity rating of which is growing every year.

Classification of gas boilers

Basically, gas boilers are classified as follows:

  • floor or wall;
  • traditional and condensing;
  • single-circuit and double-circuit;
  • with an open or closed combustion chamber.

A floor-standing double-circuit or single-circuit boiler can be selected for any power. That is, in this regard, their rating is very high. They are more durable (20-30 years) than wall-mounted ones (10-12 years), as they use the most durable and massive materials, including cast iron. The absence of power restrictions allows them to be used for indirect heating of large-capacity hot water boilers. Durability is another of the advantages of this type of apparatus, which increases their rating.
There is also a drawback: it is necessary to provide a separate room in the house for their installation, since it will not work in the kitchen.

A wall-mounted boiler, double-circuit or single-circuit, unlike a floor boiler, can be installed in the kitchen or in another room.

Right choice The boiler allows you to save on heating the house.

It is easy to install in the attic, which is very convenient. Wall-mounted boilers are compact, significantly cheaper, and easy to install. Although this positive quality is interesting for the master. In order not to have to redo everything, it is not worth it to independently install gas equipment.

These devices are very diverse appearance, which allows you to choose them in accordance with the design of the room. It is these qualities that allow their rating to grow.

The power that a wall-mounted double-circuit or single-circuit boiler can have does not exceed 50 kW, which is a significant drawback, since one boiler will not be enough to heat a room with an area exceeding 300 m².

A traditional single-circuit or double-circuit boiler has a significantly lower efficiency than a condensing one. The increase in efficiency in a condensing boiler is achieved by using the heat contained in the water vapor in the composition of the combustion products. It should be noted that condensation costs more than usual, but these costs pay off within 2-4 years, and the faster, the greater the boiler power, that is, the more gas is needed to heat the room. In Russia, the rating of these boilers is not very high.

The functionality of the boilers is determined by the number of circuits. So, in order to use a single-circuit boiler for hot water supply, it is necessary to purchase a separate container - an indirect heating boiler.
Double-circuit boilers independently provide both heating and hot water.

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About combustion chambers of thermal devices

Image 1. The chimney only works if there is a fan that provides it with artificial air exchange.

Combustion chambers are of open and closed type.

The air (more precisely, oxygen) necessary to maintain combustion enters the open chamber from the room, and the combustion products are removed from it through the chimney. This process occurs naturally due to draft in the chimney.

Therefore, in the room where the boiler is installed, it is necessary to provide natural ventilation, ensuring a continuous supply of sufficient air for combustion. Failure to comply with this requirement can lead to a lack of oxygen in the room and even poisoning people with carbon monoxide.

Therefore, to ensure safe operation, it is advisable to install such a boiler in a separate room (boiler room) equipped in accordance with safety requirements.

Basic requirements for ventilation and chimney.

Image 2. Connection diagram for a double-circuit heating boiler.

  1. For the chimney, two holes must be provided in the wall: one (upper) for the outlet pipe, and the second, at least 25 cm lower, for cleaning it.
  2. The room must be equipped with a ventilation grill mounted in the wall or in the front door. The grate in the outer wall should have an area of ​​8 cm 2 per 1 kW of boiler power, and if air is supplied from the interior, then at the rate of 30 cm 2 /kW.
  3. The room must necessarily have communication with the general ventilation system of the building.
  4. The chimney must be completely isolated from the boiler room.
  5. The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney must in no case be smaller than its outlet from the boiler.
  6. The chimney must rise above the roof ridge.

The closed chamber is connected to a specially designed chimney, consisting of two pipes inserted one into the other (coaxial type). The combustion products are removed to the outside through the inner pipe, and fresh air enters the combustion chamber through the outer pipe. Image 1 shows the arrangement of such a chimney. This design works only if there is a fan that provides artificial air exchange, that is, the system turns out to be dependent on electricity. This is its essential shortcoming. But there is also an advantage: as a result of heating the air with the heat of the combustion products, the efficiency of the boiler increases, and the temperature of the exhaust gases decreases. Since an increase in efficiency is possible only due to more efficient combustion of fuel, such a boiler pollutes the environment less.

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Single-circuit gas boiler: modes of use

Image 3. Scheme of the mode in which the boiler heat exchanger is connected to the boiler through the valves.

The single-circuit version of the heat source is designed for space heating, but it provides for the possibility of connecting a boiler with its own heat exchanger. By periodically passing the coolant through the boiler heat exchanger, the sanitary water is heated to a predetermined temperature. This use case is shown in Figure 2.

If the boiler is intended only for space heating, then instead of shut-off valves (2), plugs are installed on these outlets. The circulation pump (5) runs continuously. The three-way valve (4) is in a position where return water from the heating system circulates through it. The operation of the boiler (ignition of the burner) is controlled by an external temperature sensor located in the room: when the temperature in the room drops to a predetermined level, a control signal is given to ignite the burner.

Image 3 shows the mode in which the heat exchanger (1) of the boiler is connected to the boiler through the valves (2). In this mode, the control of its operation is transferred to the temperature sensor located inside the boiler. At the same time, this sensor sends a command to switch the valve (4) to a position in which return water from the boiler heat exchanger flows through it, and the circulation of the coolant in the heating system stops.

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Double-circuit gas boiler: operating modes

Image 4. Space heating work: A - heating supply line, B - cold water inlet, C - hot water outlet, D - heating return line, 1 - heat exchanger, 2 - shut-off screws, 3 - three-way valve.

This type was originally designed for space heating and heating sanitary water. Structurally, they differ in the number of heat exchangers.

In one of the options, the boiler has one heat exchanger, through which either the heat carrier of the heating system or sanitary water can be pumped. Work on space heating is shown in image 4, and in DHW mode on image 5. In these diagrams, the heating supply and return lines (A and D, respectively), the inlet of cold and hot DHW water (C and B, respectively) are indicated.

The heat exchanger in this scheme is called biothermal. Sanitary water circulates through its inner pipe, and the heat carrier of the heating system circulates through its outer pipe. The pump constantly pumps the coolant, but during the withdrawal of sanitary water by any consumer, the main circuit is disconnected from the heating system, and the coolant circulates only inside the boiler, heating the sanitary water.

In another embodiment, the apparatus has two heat exchangers, primary and secondary. This option is shown in figure 6. The primary heat exchanger (5) can be connected via a three-way cock (3) to the heating system (inlet D, outlet A) or to a secondary heat exchanger (4), inside which the DHW circuit passes (inlet C, outlet B) .

Image 5. Work on space heating in DHW mode: A - heating supply line, B - cold water inlet, C - hot water outlet, D - heating return line, 1 - heat exchanger, 2 - shut-off screws, 3 - three-way valve, 4 - secondary heat exchanger.

What is the advantage of two heat exchangers?

If in the first variant, hard water initially circulated in the main circuit, then scale will form in the entire system, including in the external pipes of the bimetallic heat exchanger, but over time it will not increase.

Hard plumbing water, flowing through the internal pipes of the heat exchanger, will eventually bring the hot water supply out of working condition. To replace the heat exchanger, you will either have to turn off the heating system, or refuse to use hot water until the end of the heating season, when it will be possible to turn off the gas and start repairs.

If there are two heat exchangers, it is possible to replace the DHW heat exchanger without interrupting the heating of the room, that is, having two nights of heat transfer is better than one.

After analyzing the design features of floor and wall double-circuit and single-circuit boilers, you can decide which boiler to choose for arranging your own home.

Double-circuit boilers

Korean heating boilers

It is quite simple not to depend on the quality of central heating and hot water supply. One has only to install the boiler at home and independently regulate the temperature and duration of the heating season. And if in apartment buildings the installation of autonomous heating for safety reasons may be prohibited, depending on the number of floors, then in one-story cottages and private houses, this is the best solution to the problem of heating and hot water.

The main thing in the autonomous heating system is, of course, the boiler. There are several types of them. As fuel, they use both traditional fuel - gas and coal, and alternative fuel - wood chips and briquettes. The most preferred for installation in a cottage are single- and double-circuit boilers.

Single-circuit heating boilers

A single-circuit boiler primarily works for space heating and creating a comfortable temperature in them. As the name suggests, one coolant circuit passes through the boiler. If desired, a heat exchanger can be connected to the heat source for heating water. The principle of operation of a single-circuit boiler is extremely simple. Fuel enters the furnace, which heats the coolant circulating through pipelines inside the boiler. The circulation of the coolant through the heating circuit occurs either due to the temperature difference or using a circulation pump. For high-quality space heating, the circulation of water in the circuit must be constant.

single-circuit boiler with a connected boiler, hot water comes from the boiler

As for connecting an additional heating circuit, which is located outside the boiler, it will not be difficult to connect it. But is there any benefit to this? The thing is that connecting a boiler to heat water will make the boiler work unstable. This is due to the fact that the amount of heat required to heat water is not constant throughout the day. The maximum drawdown occurs in the morning and evening hours. The boiler needs to be rebuilt and more fuel supplied to the burner. After the cessation of consumption, the boiler remains to work only for the heating system. Such operation of a single-circuit boiler will not be economical and will lead to excessive fuel consumption.

Advantages of a single-circuit boiler:

  • Such boilers are equipped with an automatic security system. It is she who allows you to choose the optimal mode of operation of the equipment and fuel consumption.
  • On the basis of single-circuit boilers, you can create a variety of heating systems with different wiring for rooms. The right choice allows you to increase the life of the boiler, as well as improve it specifications.
  • In new models of single-circuit boilers, weather control sensors are built-in. This means that the fuel supply to the burner is regulated from the outside air temperature, and therefore the temperature in the supply pipe decreases or increases.
  • The simplicity of the design makes the models of single-circuit boilers very reliable and easy to manage and regulate.

Double-circuit boilers

If living without hot water is not included in the plans, then you should consider purchasing a double-circuit boiler. It differs from a single-circuit one in that its design provides for an additional heat exchanger for heating water. Depending on the power of the boiler, it is possible to organize the heating of water and its supply to two water points at the same time. To minimize the cooling of water on the way to the points of analysis, it is desirable to place the boiler closer to them.

There are two types of double-circuit boilers: with one or two heat exchangers. In the first case, a coolant passes through the heat exchanger for heating needs. If it is necessary to heat cold water, the coolant supply to the heat exchanger is blocked, and the cold water supply for heating is opened. This is not very convenient, especially in the cold season.

Boilers with two heat exchangers are more popular. They work independently of each other. In one heat exchanger, heating water is heated, and in the other, cold water is heated for the needs of hot water supply. Modern double-circuit boilers are equipped with steel heaters that heat water in a short period of time.

double-circuit boiler, hot water comes from the boiler

Advantages of a double-circuit boiler:
  • The purchase of such a boiler will cost less than a set consisting of a single-circuit boiler and a boiler.
  • The boiler is quite compact.
  • Water is not drawn into the storage tank, but exactly the amount of water that is needed in this moment. This reduces heat loss through cooling.

How to choose a boiler of the appropriate power

If the choice in favor of a single- or double-circuit boiler has already been made, then it is necessary to select a boiler of the appropriate capacity. In order for the air temperature in the rooms to be comfortable and the temperature of hot water to be about 50 degrees Celsius, you can make a simple calculation of the power of the installed boiler. To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball heated rooms is summed up and divided by 10. This is an approximate heating load. Having increased it by about 15-20%, we have the total capacity of the boiler, taking into account hot water supply. However, as professionals advise, the boiler should be purchased with a slightly higher performance than that obtained by calculation. The thing is that over time, the performance of the equipment decreases, the heat transfer from the fuel to the coolant decreases, due to contamination of the heating surfaces. In addition, when selecting equipment, one should take into account the amount of heat loss from pipelines, possible voltage drops.

Boiler manufacturers - which model is better?

It is easy to get confused in the variety of brands offering their products. How to choose a boiler and not make a mistake with the choice. Now the market of thermal power products mainly offers equipment from several countries. These are Germany, Italy, Korea and Russia. All boilers have some differences related to the technical characteristics of the work and also significant differences in cost.
German heating boilers.

Bosh boilers have proven themselves for a long time with better side. Their design is constantly being improved. The boiler is equipped with automation and safety devices that regulate the fuel supply to the burner and operate in case of an emergency. To improve heat removal during the operation of the boiler, all heat exchangers are made of copper, which are coated with a special composition to prevent corrosion. The estimated service life of such a boiler is 20 years.

Another German company producing high-end boilers is Viessmann company. They specialize in the production of both single and double-circuit boilers. Their equipment is characterized by excellent assembly and technical characteristics. According to the declared characteristics, the efficiency of such boilers reaches 93%. In addition, the company's engineers have developed a unique chimney design that prevents flue gases from condensing in the chimney and, as a result, from freezing.

Italian heating boilers

Boilers of Italian companies are also different good quality assemblies. One of the most famous Italian brands - Beretta, produces high-capacity boilers. In the model range, you can pick up heating equipment with a power of up to 24 kW. It can be both single-circuit, double-circuit boilers, boilers with a built-in and free-standing boiler. A distinctive feature of Beretta equipment is that it can operate even at very low outside temperatures.

Baxi has been on the heating equipment market for several years. During this time, specialists are constantly developing and implementing new solutions. In boilers of the fifth generation, an atmospheric type burner is installed, which operates almost silently. Baxi equipment is represented by a wide range of models with power from 10 to 80 kW. The boilers are relatively small in size and have a high efficiency - up to 90%.

Korean heating boilers

Korean-made boilers combine modern technology and reliability. They are equipped with protection systems against voltage surges, increased pressure and temperature in the collectors. The boiler also has a built-in natural gas leak detector. When it is detected, the boiler automation will cut off the gas supply to the burner.

Navien is a leading manufacturer of boilers. It manufactures boilers operating on various types of fuel with a different number of circuits. The equipment is equipped with burners that operate even at low natural gas pressure. In addition, a voltage stabilizer is built into the boiler, which protects the system from overloads.

Olympia specializes in the production of double-circuit boilers equipped with a weather control system. The power range of models of this brand is quite wide, which allows you to choose a boiler for any area. All boiler models are equipped with latest system automation that allows you to smoothly adjust the operation of the equipment and even protect against freezing of the system.
Boilers of domestic production.

Danko boiler equipment regularly receives good feedback from users and experts. From the model range presented by the company in the range from 7 to 15 kW, you can easily choose a boiler for heating a small country house or apartment, with permission. The boiler unit is equipped with a gas filter, a steel heat exchanger and a micro-torch economical burner.

Another company producing competitive boiler equipment is Borinskoye OJSC ISHMA BSK. A distinctive feature of these boilers is that they are produced with a built-in circulation pump. At the same time, the operation of the boiler is possible both with a working pump and without it. This is very convenient in case of frequent power outages.

What to look for when buying a boiler

  1. Burner. The economic operation of the boiler depends on it. It is important that the design of the burner contributes to the high-quality mixing of gas and air, and hence the complete combustion of the fuel without chemical underburning. The most economical are automatic burners with a built-in fan. Before being fed into the furnace, the gas is mixed with air and then fed into the boiler. The disadvantage of such a burner is the additional noise generated by the fan.
  2. Heat exchanger. The quality of heat transfer from the combustion products to the medium depends on the material of the heat exchanger. The best choice would be a heat exchanger made of steel or copper. They are distinguished by high thermal conductivity and resistance to aggressive environmental influences. In addition, it should be taken into account that under the influence high temperatures and corrosion, its elements often fail. The more known the brand of the boiler, the easier it will be to select a replacement part.
  3. Electronics and automation. The boiler is equipped with sensors and allows you to adjust the work by just pressing a few buttons, simple and easy to use. But it is worth considering that in the event of a power outage, the protection of the boiler will work and the fuel supply to it will stop. You should choose equipment that has the ability to manually control its operation in any case.
According to customer reviews, German and domestic boilers are considered the best, in their opinion. They are easy to service. Repair is also not difficult, as there are many service centers that order components and parts for repairs directly from the manufacturer. Boilers of Italian brands, on the contrary, caused complaints from consumers due to the short warranty period, difficulties in repair and selection of spare parts.
It is important to consider the choice of the boiler carefully. After all, it will last for decades and will create a feeling of comfort and coziness on winter evenings.

If the house does not have hot water and centralized heating, then it is not worth arguing about whether a gas boiler is needed or not. The gas boiler gained popularity a long time ago and is widespread everywhere. It is placed in private households and high-rise buildings.

wall boiler

There are many manufacturers and designs on the market with perfect characteristics and a wide range of functions. Of course, he is needed, but what? Such a heating device is produced single-circuit or double-circuit. When to choose one or another boiler depends on many factors.


According to the accepted terminology, a gas boiler can be:

  • Floor or wall. One is installed only on the floor, the other is hung on the wall.
  • Traditional (convection) and condensation type. The first one does not use the entire combustion temperature of the gas, the second uses almost the entire temperature due to the economizer.
  • Single circuit and double circuit.
  • With an open or closed type combustion chamber.
  • With electronic and piezo ignition. The first are started automatically, and the second by pressing the start button.

The floor double-circuit or single-circuit boiler is popular. Such a unit provides opportunities in terms of choosing the required power and has a longer service life than a wall-mounted appliance. Outdoor works up to 20-30 years, while wall-mounted only up to 10-12 years.

But to install such a unit in a small apartment is not reasonable. In addition to excessive power, it requires a special room, which is difficult to find in our high-rise buildings. This is the ideal solution for large private houses. In contrast to it, a wall-mounted appliance is installed in the kitchen or loggia. It doesn't matter if it's single or double.

It is compact, costs less and is easy to install, although installation is best left to a professional. A wall-mounted boiler of various shapes, which facilitates the design task - matching to the interior.

floor boiler

Therefore, such a boiler is more suitable for apartments.

A traditional type boiler, single-circuit and double-circuit, is less productive than a condensing one. The efficiency is lower, since the condensation heat contained in the exhaust gases and water vapor does not go to heat the street. The cost of such equipment is higher. Although manufacturers claim that the difference pays off in 2-4 years due to heat savings, the demand for them is not so high.

To a greater extent, demand depends on the functionality of the boiler. And this is directly related to the number of circuits. To ensure both the heating of the apartment and the supply of hot water, it is required to install an additional boiler - an indirect heating boiler. The double-circuit boiler copes with the tasks without additional difficulties.

About combustion chambers of thermal devices

The choice depends on the type of combustion chamber - open or closed type. In the first case, oxygen is taken from the room air to maintain combustion, and smoke and oxidation products are removed due to natural draft through the chimney.

For such a device, it is necessary to provide sufficient ventilation with a continuous supply of air, otherwise you can get poisoned by carbon monoxide. Such units are recommended to be installed in separate specially designated rooms.

A gas boiler with a closed chamber does not require such difficulties. They put it everywhere. A vertical flue is not required. Smoke is removed in a horizontal plane by installing a pipe-in-pipe design. Or a coaxial chimney. The workflow is facilitated by a powerful cooler that performs two functions at once - it supplies fresh air and removes smoke.

Scheme of combustion chambers

There are certain limitations due to the stability of the power supply, but with the right attitude, such problems are avoided. In addition, the air comes from the street, which is why the efficiency and efficiency are higher. A gas boiler with a closed chamber costs more.

Ventilation and chimney requirements.

Gas combustion products are dangerous. They are invisible to the eye and almost odorless. Therefore, the ventilation system is given paramount importance. Do-it-yourself installation of a ventilation system is permissible, but with experience and special knowledge.

In the wall of the room where the gas boiler is installed, it is required to provide two holes of a given diameter. One is used for the exhaust pipe, and the other 25 cm lower for cleaning the chimney.

A ventilation grill is required. It is embedded in a wall or door. The grid area corresponds to the heater power. For one kW - 8 If the combustion air is not taken from outside the building, then the ratio is different - 30 per kW.

A mandatory requirement is that the room must be connected to the general ventilation of the building.

When installing a smoke exhaust system, the following rules are observed:

  • The cross section of the chimney and its elements is not less than the cross section of the pipe at the outlet of the boiler.
  • The chimney rises above the roof ridge by half a meter.
  • The chimney is isolated from the room.
  • The slope of each section of the pipe does not exceed 30 degrees.
  • The chimney has no more than three bends.
  • The distance between the elements of the chimney, the ceiling and walls is at least 5 cm (if they are not made of combustible materials).

Smoke extraction system

Single-circuit gas boiler

A single-circuit boiler is a water heater designed for use in a heating system. If the house is supplied with hot water, then this is a good option for banal heating of an apartment or house. The wall-mounted single-circuit boiler takes up little space and fits into the space.

The floor single-circuit boiler, due to the fact that it is equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger, weighs more and is installed only on the floor. It is bulky and is unlikely to decorate a living space. But it is more powerful, and together with a boiler, unlike wall-mounted equipment, it is able to provide hot water.

In this case, the temperature sensors of the boiler will be included in the control circuit of the boiler modes. If the water in the boiler cools down, the automation will work, and the liquid from the heating system will go to the boiler coil. The boiler is equipped with a "summer" function, which turns off the water supply to the heating system in the summer.

The boiler delivers hot water directly to the taps in the kitchen and bathroom, without having to wait for heating. The boiler is connected to dryers, which is convenient for the off-season.

Single-circuit boilers with already built-in boilers appeared. When choosing, the power of such devices is taken into account, which is selected depending on the living area, the number of windows and doorways.

Among the main advantages of a single-circuit boiler are the following:

  • Low cost, simple design, configuration and high reliability.

The design includes a combustion chamber with a burner and a coil, which is mounted above the heat exchanger. The system provides natural circulation of fluid, sometimes with the help of a blower pump.

Double-circuit gas boiler

This type of boiler is a complex and perfect mechanism. It combines heating and hot water supply. Connection of additional units is not required. One circuit is used by the heating system, and the other is used by the water supply.

It is advisable to take a double-circuit boiler if the house has a central water supply system or at least a main water supply is located nearby. The unit is wall-mounted or floor-standing.

To use a wall-mounted boiler, a chimney is required. Therefore, apartment owners of residential buildings are advised to opt for the option with a closed combustion chamber.

The wall-mounted double-circuit boiler is easy to use and functional. Automation programs a change in the maintained temperature per day, and on some models even weeks. There are options for connecting room thermometers that maintain the temperature in the system and air in living quarters.

The advantage is a flow heat exchanger. It heats a certain volume of water indefinitely in time and number of times.

Dual circuit

In such devices, a bithermic heat exchanger is used as a secondary one.

The advantages of the latter are compactness and speed of heating water. Of the minuses, they emphasize the frequent clogging of small diameter pipes, which requires frequent cleaning (annual). In addition, when working on heat and at the same time hot water, this type of heater heats up quickly. As a result, you can get scalded if you open only the hot water tap.

A boiler with a secondary type heat exchanger heats water more slowly. It costs a little more and is larger in size, but will not provide a chance to get burned.

Benefits of a condensing boiler

The condensing boiler is a technically advanced device. The disadvantage of this is the need to remove the resulting condensate. With sewerage in the house, this is not a problem, so the popularity of such boilers is constantly growing.

Why? Because of the high performance. An increase in efficiency up to 98% (efficiency of conventional - 92%) in such systems is achieved by returning part of the heat from water vapor and smoke.

The products of combustion, before irretrievably escaping into the atmosphere, heat the return line of the coolant. As a result, the single and double circuit condensing type generator uses energy resources efficiently (gas consumption is reduced by 20%) and reduces costs.

This type of wall-mounted unit is able to operate at low temperatures.

On the video you can see the differences between a single-circuit and a double-circuit boiler:


Which one to choose? A double-circuit boiler is more economical. It turns on when needed. hot water. For him, do not buy and install additional equipment.

The principle of operation of the condensing boiler

Single-circuit is always on and automatically heats the water when it cools. It heats the water all the time, thus spending more energy.

But single-circuit is more convenient to use. It is placed anywhere. Water comes out of the faucet immediately and does not get colder even if another faucet is opened nearby. The boiler warms up the volume of water evenly and immediately. It is unpretentious in operation.

Choosing a boiler is not an easy task. They evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of boilers, take into account the features of combustion chambers, heat exchangers, installation of a smoke exhaust system, the availability of premises, and so on.

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