Aileron 3 unmanned aerial vehicles.

It became known that in the vicinity of the main port of Syria on the Mediterranean Sea, a Russian-made Eleron-3SV unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down. According to Jabhat al-Nusra militants, the drone was shot down in the province of Latakia during a reconnaissance flight.

It is worth noting that, judging by the damage received to the drone airframe, there was a hit in the battery or its spontaneous combustion, as a result of which the airframe fell. A feature of this unmanned vehicle is its relatively low acoustic visibility, which allows covert reconnaissance over the positions of a potential enemy.

The Eleron-3SV unmanned aerial vehicle is manufactured by Enix CJSC, Russia and is a special short-range reconnaissance vehicle. The UAV is adapted to install a replaceable modular payload: - a 10-fold television camera in a three-coordinate gyro-stabilized suspension; - thermal imaging camera 640X520 (Pal) in a gyro-stabilized three-coordinate suspension; - cameras. The glider is sealed. The navigation and piloting system is assembled on the latest element base, which made it possible to radically expand its capabilities. Completely updated software. The carrying capacity and rate of climb of the UAV has been increased.




Separate companies of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of the Central Military District in the first half of 2015 will receive Eleron-3 drones launched from the hand, which can fly both in autonomous and radio command modes.
With the help of new UAVs, units during independent operations in isolation from the main forces will be able to receive accurate intelligence about groups of people, structures and vehicles within a radius of up to 25 km.
The device can make multiple overflights and passes over a given point, carry out automatic landing using the GLONASS satellite navigation system.
Eleron-3 is equipped with digital equipment on gyro-stabilized platforms. This includes a TV camera, an IR camera, a photo camera, a repeater, radio intelligence and jamming stations.
Press Service of the Central Military District

Light serial short-range aerial reconnaissance drone.

The short-range aerial reconnaissance complex with the Eleron-3SV unmanned aerial vehicle was developed for the needs of the ground forces in the second half of the 2000s on the basis of the commercial T23 Eleron-3 unmanned aerial vehicle (2003).

The developer is the Kazan company ENIKS. Since 2013, serial purchases of these systems have been underway to equip companies with unmanned aerial vehicles of the ground forces.

The complex includes a launching device (rubber-harness catapult T23P or pneumatic catapult T27P), a portable ground control station and, in fact, the Eleron-3SV drone.

The drone is made according to the “flying wing” scheme, has a takeoff weight of 4.3 kg (excluding load), a wingspan of 1.47 meters and a fuselage length of 0.635 meters. It is launched from a launching device (preparation time for launch is up to 10 minutes), landing is carried out by parachute from a height of 30 meters to any unprepared platform of limited size. The calculation of the complex is two people.

The power plant is a low-noise electric motor with a high-capacity battery, providing almost complete acoustic invisibility. The range of UAV flight speeds is from 70 to 130 km/h, the operating altitude range is from 50 to 5000 meters. The drone can stay in the air for up to 2 hours.

The flight program of the device can be implemented both in autonomous and manual mode (under the control of the operator). The device is equipped with a navigation system based on GLONASS.

To control the UAV and receive real-time information from it, closed digital communication and control channels are used. Radio control is possible at a distance of up to 80 km from the ground control station. The software implements several basic algorithms for the vehicle's behavior: passing a point, flying around a point, adjusting fire, keeping an object in the camera's field of view, etc.

The drone is equipped with a replaceable payload weighing 1.2 kg in a modular design.

The device can be installed:

  • television camera with tenfold magnification;
  • thermal imaging cameras of various resolutions, including those with pseudo-color transmission;
  • camera;
  • infrared emitter;
  • weather balloon;
  • relay equipment;
  • jamming equipment;
  • dropped cargo in a container.

The cameras are placed in a three-coordinate gyro-stabilized suspension that compensates for vibrations and inclinations of the body in flight.

MOSCOW, December 4 - RIA Novosti. The Russian military department and the Kazan enterprise Enix signed a contract for the supply of 34 short-range reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to the troops, the amount of the agreement exceeds 100 million rubles, the director told RIA Novosti on Wednesday - chief designer company Valery Pobezhimov.

Rosoboronexport: Russia will soon push the leaders in the drone marketWhat are the goals of the Russian delegation at the upcoming 13th international aerospace exhibition Dubai Airshow, what new weapons contracts can be expected before the end of this year and in 2014, Mikhail Zavaliy, head of the Rosoboronexport delegation, told RIA Novosti

"We signed a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry for the supply of these systems, the agreement was signed just yesterday," he said. According to the interlocutor of the agency, we are talking about the supply of seventeen Eleron-3SV complexes, which include 34 drones, to the Russian military department. “I can’t name the exact amount (of the contract), but it exceeds 100 million rubles,” the head of the enterprise added.

Pobezhimov specified that the company plans to fully fulfill its obligations under the contract by the end of 2014. He stressed that the Russian military will receive significantly modernized UAVs, which only superficially resemble the samples previously developed by Enix. According to him, the price of "Eleron-3SV" is about 5 times lower than that of analogues of foreign design - "Zastava" complexes, which are produced in the Russian Federation under a contract concluded in 2010 between OPK "Oboronprom" and the Israeli company Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd contract.

The Eleron-3SV UAV is a special short-range reconnaissance vehicle. The development is adapted to install a replaceable modular payload: a camera, a thermal imager in a hydrostabilized mechanism, a 10x video camera in a hydrostabilized mechanism, a thermal imager with a low-level camera and other payloads. The maximum takeoff weight of the device is 5.3 kilograms, the payload mass is up to one kilogram, this drone has a speed of up to 130 kilometers per hour and is capable of climbing to a height of up to four thousand meters.

What will typical strike aircraft look like in the second half of the 21st century

RIA Novosti columnist Konstantin Bogdanov:"American naval experts have already cursed in the trash, trying to find a new look for the ocean fleet. Discussions about development have become especially aggravated against the backdrop of the budget crisis recent years. Some demand, in spite of everything, to build new aircraft carriers large, continuing the line of universal floating airfields. Others think it possible to get by, on the contrary, with smaller ships than now. Experts take one thing for granted, as an integral element of any of the concepts. These are medium and heavy deck-based reconnaissance and strike drones. They mainly argue about the size of aircraft-carrying carrier ships and, consequently, about the ratio of the volumes of "canonical" manned aircraft and unmanned drones on board."

Recently released photographs of two drones that crashed on July 20, 2015 near two villages in the Latakia region show that either Russia supplied the Syrian authorities with modern drones aircrafts(UAV), or Russia launched a reconnaissance program over Syria with small drones. If the latter is true, then it could be part of a larger intelligence-gathering program to keep the Syrian regime up-to-date on the situation and numbers of the rebels. The world first became aware of the existence of such a program after the seizure of the so-called Center C - the Electronic Intelligence Center in the province of Daraa.

The UAV that crashed near Ruweisli is considered to be the as yet unnamed version of the Orlan-10 reconnaissance drone. It is nearly identical to a previous variant that flew over the skies of Ukraine where at least one UAV crashed in territory controlled by the Ukrainian military in May 2014. The basic Orlan-10 variant was also seen over Ukraine, and several other types were picked up after the crash. A new version of the Orlan-10 drone found in Ukraine was captured for the first time and, therefore, it specifications remains as yet unknown.

For reference. UAV Eleron-3SV

For reference. UAV Orlan-10

While the appearance of this type of UAV and its crash is noteworthy in itself, it is an incredible coincidence that just a few minutes later, another relatively recently developed UAV model crashed almost forty kilometers from the site of the first drone crash. The second UAV, the Russian reconnaissance drone Eleron-3SV, was damaged by fire on board and crashed near the city of Arafit, but despite the fire remained relatively untouched.

The sudden appearance of two types of Russian-made UAVs demonstrates the level of Russian support for the Syrian regime and is likely the result of the surrender of the province of Idlib, the city of Palmyra and the surrounding area to Islamic State militants in previous months, after which many Assad supporters have already said that the recent crashes could be a harbinger new chapter Russian and Iranian support of the authorities.

The extent of Russian involvement in this new Syrian drone program remains open to debate. While it could be argued that the Syrian military or one of the Syrian intelligence agencies are using these drones, Russian involvement in the operation of these drones should not be ruled out. First of all, it seems unlikely that the Syrian regime has bought two completely new and expensive platforms that require extensive training to operate them and the ability to process the resulting data in useful information for troops on the ground, while with a minimum of effort they can already deploy the Mohajer, Yasir and Shahed 129 drones currently available in Syria. delivered and controlled by the Iranians. Second, Russian involvement in Syrian intelligence affairs continues to be vastly underestimated, and the sudden opening of Center C last year confirms this fact. Third, the fact that both drones were made after 2010 for the Russian military makes it unlikely that they could have been exported to Syria so quickly, as it could mean some of the latest UAV technology was exposed.

Center C, jointly operated by the Russian electronic intelligence department, the Iranian and Syrian intelligence departments, was supposed to provide Syria and Iran with up-to-date intelligence data on the Middle East, in particular Israel, but immediately after the revolution and the beginning civil war focused mainly on Syrian affairs. Center C was responsible for recording and transcribing radio communications between rebel groups in Syria, providing the Syrian Arab Army with up-to-date information on the number and upcoming offensives of militants, and the Syrian Air Force with information about their concentrations. Thus, Center C is at least partially responsible for the elimination of several militant commanders carried out by the Syrian Air Force. It is not surprising that his surrender to the fighters of the Free Syrian Army was a heavy blow for the authorities.

Therefore, it is highly likely that the Russians are somehow involved in the operation of the recently delivered Orlan-10 and Eleron-3SV UAVs to Syria. The creation of a UAV unit with Russian specialists and equipment (as opposed to units with Iranian UAVs) could be proposed to the authorities after the recent loss of the province of Idlib, which, with further unfavorable developments, could seriously threaten the heart of the Syrian regime - Latakia.

The new version of the Orlan-10 has a set of 12 cameras placed in the fuselage, just like the device that fell in Ukraine. Using these cameras, Orlan-10 can create 3D maps of the battlefield to obtain highly detailed information about enemy movements and fortifications. It is assumed that the equipment on Orlan-10 may vary depending on the task, for example, night vision cameras may be installed.

The camera cover fell off the device found near Ruweisli in Syria, but remained in place on the device, picked up in Ukraine (photo below):

An Olympus commercial camera was among the equipment found aboard the crashed Eleron-3CB.

The presence of even a limited number of UAVs Orlan-10 and Eleron-3SV (Russian-controlled or not) can significantly change the situation with the drones already in service with Assad’s troops and affect fighting in the province of Latakia or other areas of Syria.

The ever-increasing death toll and the indiscriminate use of banned weapons (including chemical weapons) obviously do nothing to deter Russia. She continues to supply everything that is possible, from small arms to tanks, missile systems salvo fire, spare parts for bombers of the Syrian air force, and now unmanned aerial vehicles.

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