What nationality has a snub nose. Gauls and Nords

We all probably share 99.9 percent of the same DNA. However, we look great.

Of course, some things are similar, for example, the shape of the nose.

By the way, the shape of the nose is something that can easily make you related to a celebrity. After all, looking more closely, you can find everything, even the most unusual shapes noses of your favorite actors and singers. Did you know that the shape of your nose can tell you something about your personality? Not? Then go to the list below and learn something new about yourself.

Here are the 10 most common nose shapes in the world.

  1. Roman nose

This nose got its name from ancient Roman sculptures. Its distinguishing feature is a small tubercle in the middle.

This nose shape is quite common, seen on celebrities such as Sofia Coppola and Mark Zuckerberg.

The Roman nose is found in those who like to influence others. You see yourself as a compassionate leader and someone who can make the world a better place.

  1. Nubian nose

Many famous faces are adorned with the Nubian nose, such as Beyoncé, Rihanna and Barack Obama.

It is also the most common nose in the world, mostly found in people of African and East Asian descent.

It is short in length, but wide at the same time.

People who have this nose shape are extremely creative and passionate. Their charisma draws people in and they are easy to make friends with.

  1. snub nose

This nose, curved at the tip, is one of the most desirable nose shapes in the world. This form can be found in Emma Stone, Carey Mulligan and Victoria Beckham.

Even Michael Jackson had a rhinoplasty to get such a nose, although it did not end too well.

According to Israeli professor Abraham Tamir, about 13 percent of people have a snub nose.

This nose belongs to those who are optimistic and friendly. People love your playfulness, and when the going gets tough, they know they can trust you.

  1. Greek nose

The Greek nose is known to be straight, long, narrow, without humps.

This is another form that is popular with people who are considering rhinoplasty. Many celebrities and supermodels have Greek noses.

The owners of this nose are characterized by diligence and ambition. Their strong nature allows them to achieve their goals, even if the path is thorny.

According to Tamir, only three percent of people have this nose shape.

  1. Upturned nose

This nose is marked by a softer, rounder shape at the tip, but has a slight snub, similar to the shape of the same name.

Among celebrities, such a nose can be found in Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson and Helen Mirren. According to Tamir's research, he found this form in only five percent of the people he examined.

People who have an upturned nose are very gentle and have a good sense of humor. People never get bored in your presence!

  1. fat nose

The thick nose has a large, protruding shape. According to Tamir's research, more than 24 percent of people have such a nose, so it is considered the most common.

But just because that nose is bulky doesn't mean it's unattractive. It can be found on celebrities such as Mark Ruffalo and Albert Einstein, and their faces are hard to classify as ugly.

People who have a large nose are thinkers and love to read books. They spend their entire lives acquiring knowledge.

  1. Aquiline nose

The hump nose, which has a very noticeable curvature and looks rough compared to the Roman one, is quite common.

Many people who are born with this nose dream of correcting it with rhinoplasty. However, not all celebrities decided to part with such a distinctive feature.

People who have this nose shape tend to doubt everything. Their motto could be: "I must see to believe."

  1. Nixon nose

Nixon's nose is truly one of a kind, marked by straightness and length.

According to Tamir's research, less than a percent of the population has such a nose.

If you have this rare form, you are good at making quick decisions. You also do not choose any path unless you are sure that it is the only correct one.

  1. Potato nose

Here's another rare nose! The potato nose is marked with a large rounded tip.

These noses have gotten a bad rap from cartoons that exaggerate them, but a large number of people, including celebrities, have them. For example, Bill Clinton and Australian actor Leo McKern.

People who have this nose shape are known to be very wise. People around you love to spend time with you and listen to what you have to say.

  1. hawk nose

The hawk nose is marked by a curve that resembles a beak.

Celebrities include Sarah Jessica Parker and Adrien Brody.

People who have this nose shape are smart and observant. It is not easy for you to get along with the majority, and you choose your social circle carefully.

Russian scientists have completed and are preparing for publication the first large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. Correspondents of "Vlast" Daria Laane And Sergey Petukhov got acquainted with the results of this study and realized that their publication could have unpredictable consequences for Russia and the world order.
The self-identification of the Russian people for a long time was hampered by the Soviet state ideology of internationalism. An additional obstacle was the defeat of genetics as a science in the Soviet Union and its replacement by Michurin's pseudoscience, according to which heredity did not exist at all in nature. The situation began to change only in the late 1960s, when American scientists published sensational results of a study of the genotype of a typical American. The result of genetic screening of the US population really went beyond the scope of academic science and caused a real shock among American citizens. It turned out that in less than 200 years of American statehood, its reference citizen - white, of Anglo-Saxon origin and Protestant religion - has become genetically 30% black. The results of the Americans interested Soviet officials, so the first laboratories for human population genetics were created in the USSR. They were engaged exclusively in the study of the heredity of small peoples, and most of the results obtained immediately received the stamp "for official use." Studies of the titular nation could only be carried out by anthropological methods.

Entertaining anthropology
Anthropologists have been able, over several decades of intense research, to reveal the appearance of a typical Russian person. To do this, they had to translate into a single scale all the photographs from the photo library of the Museum of Anthropology with full-face and profile images of typical representatives of the population of the Russian regions of the country and, combining them in the pupils of the eyes, overlay each other. The final photo portraits turned out, of course, blurry, but they gave an idea of ​​the appearance of the reference Russian people. This was the first truly sensational discovery. Indeed, similar attempts by French scientists led to a result that they had to hide from the citizens of their country: after thousands of combinations with the received photographs of the reference Jacques and Marianne, gray faceless ovals of faces looked. Such a picture, even among the French most distant from anthropology, could cause an unnecessary question: is there a French nation at all?
Unfortunately, anthropologists did not go further than creating photographic portraits of typical representatives of the Russian population in different regions of the country and did not superimpose them on top of each other in order to obtain the appearance of an absolute Russian person. They explained this to the “authorities” by the supposedly scientific lack of information of such work, but in the end they were forced to admit that they could get into trouble at work for such a photograph. Incidentally, the "regional" sketches of Russian people were published in the general press only in 2002, and before that they were published in small editions only in scientific publications for specialists. Only in this issue Vlast fills this gap in Russian anthropology and for the first time publishes photographic portraits of absolutely Russian people, obtained by us by superimposing the faces of "regional" Russian people on top of each other. Now you can judge for yourself how similar they are to the typical cinematic Ivanushka and Marya.
Unfortunately, mostly black and white old archival photos of the faces of Russian people do not allow us to convey the height, physique, skin color, hair and eyes of a Russian person. However, anthropologists have created a verbal portrait of Russian men and women. They are of medium build and medium height, light brown-haired with light eyes - gray or blue. By the way, in the course of the research, a verbal portrait of a typical Ukrainian was also obtained. The reference Ukrainian differs from the Russian only in the color of his skin, hair and eyes - he is a swarthy brunette with regular features and brown eyes. A snub nose turned out to be absolutely uncharacteristic for an Eastern Slav (found only in 7% of Russians and Ukrainians), this feature is more typical for Germans (25%).
However, anthropological measurements of the proportions of the human body are not even the last, but the century before last, of science, which has long received at its disposal the most accurate methods of molecular biology, which allow you to read all human genes. And the most advanced methods of DNA analysis today are sequencing (reading by letter of the genetic code) of mitochondrial DNA and DNA of the human Y-chromosome. Mitochondrial DNA has been passed down the female line from generation to generation, virtually unchanged since the time when Eve, the progenitor of mankind, climbed down from a tree in East Africa. And the Y-chromosome is present only in men and therefore is also transmitted to male offspring practically unchanged, while all other chromosomes, when transmitted from father and mother to their children, are shuffled by nature, like a deck of cards before distribution. Thus, in contrast to indirect signs ( appearance, body proportions), sequencing of mitochondrial DNA and DNA of the Y-chromosome undeniably and directly indicate the degree of relationship between people.

Entertaining genogeography
In the West, human population geneticists have been successfully using these methods for two decades. In Russia, they were used only once, in the mid-1990s, when identifying the royal remains. A turning point in the situation with the use of the most modern methods to study the titular nation of our country occurred only in 2000. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research allocated about half a million rubles from state budget funds for the study of the gene pool of the Russian people. It is impossible to implement a serious program with such funding. But it was more of a landmark than just a financial decision, indicating a change in the country's scientific priorities. RFBR grant-received scientists from the Laboratory of Human Population Genetics of the Medical Genetic Center Russian Academy medical sciences for the first time in national history were able for three years to fully focus on the study of the gene pool of the Russian people, and not small peoples. And limited funding only spurred their ingenuity. They supplemented their molecular genetic studies with an analysis of the frequency distribution of Russian surnames in the country. This method was very cheap, but its information content exceeded all expectations: a comparison of the geography of surnames with the geography of genetic DNA markers showed their almost complete coincidence.
Unfortunately, the interpretations of family analysis that appeared in the media this summer (after the first publication of the data in a specialized scientific journal) could give a false impression of the goals and results of the huge work of scientists. As the head of the project, Doctor of Science Elena Balanovskaya, explained to Vlast, the main thing was not that the surname Smirnov turned out to be more common among Russian people than Ivanov, but that it was first compiled full list true Russian surnames by regions of the country. At the same time, scientists had to spend a lot of time collecting Russian surnames on their own. The Central Election Commission and local election commissions flatly refused to cooperate with scientists, arguing that only if the voter lists are secret can they guarantee the objectivity and honesty of elections to federal and local authorities. The criterion for inclusion in the list of a surname was very lenient: it was included if at least five carriers of this surname lived in the region for three generations. First, lists were compiled for five conditional regions - Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern. In total, about 15 thousand Russian surnames were accumulated in all regions, most of which were found only in one of the regions and were absent in others. When regional lists were superimposed on each other, scientists identified a total of 257 so-called "all-Russian surnames". Interestingly, at the final stage of the study, they decided to add the names of residents of the Krasnodar Territory to the list of the Southern Region, expecting that the predominance of Ukrainian surnames of the descendants of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks evicted here by Catherine II would significantly reduce the all-Russian list. But this additional restriction reduced the list of all-Russian surnames by only 7 units - to 250 (see the list). From which followed the obvious and not for everyone pleasant conclusion that the Kuban is inhabited mainly by Russian people. And where did the Ukrainians go and were there at all Ukrainians here is a big question.
An analysis of Russian surnames generally provides food for thought. Even the simplest act performed by Vlast—a search in it for the names of all the country's leaders—gave an unexpected result. Only one of them was included in the list of bearers of 250 top all-Russian surnames - Mikhail Gorbachev (158th place). The surname Brezhnev takes 3767th place in the general list (found only in the Belgorod region of the Southern region). The surname Khrushchev is in 4248th place (found only in the Northern region, Arkhangelsk region). Chernenko took 4749th place (only the Southern region). Andropov has 8939th place (only the Southern region). Putin took 14,250th place (only the Southern region). But Yeltsin was not included in the general list at all. Stalin's surname - Dzhugashvili - was not considered for obvious reasons. But on the other hand, the pseudonym Lenin got into the regional lists under the number 1421, second only to the first president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev.
The result amazed even the scientists themselves, who believed that the main difference between the bearers of South Russian surnames was not in the ability to lead a huge power, but in the increased sensitivity of the skin of their fingers and palms. A scientific analysis of dermatoglyphics (papillary patterns on the skin of the palms and fingers) of Russian people showed that the complexity of the pattern (from simple arcs to loops) and the accompanying skin sensitivity increases from north to south. “A person with simple patterns on the skin of his hands can hold a glass of hot tea in his hands without pain,” Dr. Balanovskaya clearly explained the essence of the differences. “And if there are a lot of loops, then unsurpassed pickpockets came out of such people.” However, "Vlast" in an interview with the country's chief geneticist Academician Sergei Inge-Vechtomov (see #24, 2004) has already warned that the underestimation of human genetics in career guidance has brought and continues to bring huge losses to the country. And again he draws attention to this: it is absolutely clear that from the point of view of increasing labor productivity it is more profitable to locate thin high-tech assembly plants in the south of Russia, where the fingers of the population are most adapted for assembling microprocessors, and hot and not requiring fine motor skills of the hands of the production (steel and similar type) - in the north.

The elusive gene pool
However, cheap indirect methods for studying the genetics of the Russian people (by surnames and dermatoglyphics) were only auxiliary for the first study in Russia of the gene pool of the titular nationality. His main molecular genetic results are now being prepared for publication in the form of the monograph "Russian Gene Pool", which will be published at the end of the year by the Luch publishing house. Unfortunately, due to the lack of state funding, the scientists had to carry out part of the study jointly with foreign colleagues, who imposed a moratorium on many results until joint publications were published in the scientific press. The reason is valid, and "Vlast", unfortunately, cannot provide original graphs and flowcharts of DNA analysis of Russian people and their neighbors in the Russian Federation, CIS countries and some European countries. But nothing prevents us from describing these data (which are at the disposal of "Vlast") in words. So, according to the Y-chromosome, the genetic distance between Russians and Finns is 30 conventional units. And the genetic distance between a Russian person and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Veps, etc.) living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2-3 units. Simply put, genetically they are almost identical. And the harsh statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia on September 1 at the EU Council in Brussels (after the denunciation of the treaty on the state border with Estonia by the Russian side) about discrimination against Finno-Ugric peoples allegedly related to Finns in the Russian Federation loses its meaningful meaning. But due to the moratorium of Western scientists, the Russian Foreign Ministry could not reasonably accuse Estonia of interfering in our internal, one might even say closely related, affairs. The results of mitochondrial DNA analysis also fall under the same moratorium, according to which Russians from Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units that separate us from Finns, but between Ukrainians from Lvov and Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units. And at the same time, Ukrainians from the left-bank Ukraine are genetically as close to Russians as Komi-Zyryans, Mordvins and Mari. You can react in any way you like to these strictly scientific facts, which show the natural essence of the reference electorates of Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych. But it will not be possible to accuse Russian scientists of falsifying these data: then the accusation will automatically extend to their Western colleagues, who have already more than a year delay in publishing these results, each time extending the moratorium.
The only thing Vlast can do today for the Russian people is to publish a map indicating the area where truly Russian genes are still preserved. Geographically, this territory coincides with Russia during the time of Ivan the Terrible and clearly shows the conditionality of some state borders.
In conclusion, Russian scientists asked to publish their appeal to President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. “Huge megacities are, in fact, black holes that suck in the gene pool of the Russian people and destroy it without a trace,” says Dr. Balanovskaya. "But even there, due to lack of money, mothers give birth to fewer and fewer children. Meanwhile, against the backdrop of huge state spending on other needs, the targeted allocation of financial assistance for children to these women can save the Russian gene pool from further degradation."

250 most Russian surnames
According to the results of a study in five conditional regions of the Russian Federation, scientists compiled a list of almost 15 thousand Russian surnames. When regional lists were superimposed on each other, the following list of the 250 most frequent all-Russian surnames was formed. ;
A placeSurname
1 Smirnov
2 Ivanov
3 Kuznetsov
4 Popov
5 Sokolov
6 Lebedev
7 Kozlov
8 Novikov
9 Morozov
10 Petrov
11 Volkov
12 Solovyov
13 Vasiliev
14 Zaitsev
15 Pavlov
16 Semenov
17 Golubev
18 Vinogradov
19 Bogdanov
20 Vorobyov
21 Fedorov
22 Mikhailov
23 Belyaev
24 Tarasov
25 Belov
26 Komarov
27 Orlov
28 Kiselev
29 Makarov
30 Andreev
31 Kovalev
32 Ilyin
33 Gusev
34 Titov
35 Kuzmin
36 Kudryavtsev
37 Baranov
38 Kulikov
39 Alekseev
40 Stepanov
41 Yakovlev
42 Sorokin
43 Sergeev
44 Romanov
45 Zakharov
46 Borisov
47 Korolev
48 Gerasimov
49 Ponomarev
50 Grigoriev
51 Lazarev
52 Medvedev
53 Ershov
54 Nikitin
55 Sobolev
56 Ryabov
57 Polyakov
58 Tsvetkov
59 Danilov
60 Zhukov
61 Frolov
62 Zhuravlev
63 Nikolaev
64 Krylov
65 Maksimov
66 Sidorov
67 Osipov
68 Belousov
69 Fedotov
70 Dorofeev
71 Egorov
72 Matveev
73 Bobrov
74 Dmitriev
75 Kalinin
76 Anisimov
77 Petukhov
78 Antonov
79 Timofeev
80 Nikiforov
81 Veselov
82 Filippov
83 Markov
84 Bolshakov
85 Sukhanov
86 Mironov
87 Shiryaev
88 Alexandrov
89 Konovalov
90 Shestakov
91 Kazakov
92 Efimov
93 Denisov
94 Gromov
95 Fomin
96 Davydov
97 Melnikov
98 Shcherbakov
99 pancakes
100 Kolesnikov
101 Karpov
102 Afanasiev
103 Vlasov
104 Maslov
105 Isakov
106 Tikhonov
107 Aksenov
108 Gavrilov
109 Rodionov
110 Kotov
111 Gorbunov
112 Kudryashov
113 Bykov
114 Zuev
115 Tretyakov
116 Saveliev
117 Panov
118 Rybakov
119 Suvorov
120 Abramov
121 Ravens
122 Mukhin
123 Arkhipov
124 Trofimov
125 Martynov
126 Emelyanov
127 Gorshkov
128 Chernov
129 Ovchinnikov
130 Seleznev
131 Panfilov
132 Kopylov
133 Mikheev
134 Galkin
135 Nazarov
136 Lobanov
137 Lukin
138 Belyakov
139 Potapov
140 Nekrasov
141 Khokhlov
142 Zhdanov
143 Naumov
144 Shilov
145 Vorontsov
146 Ermakov
147 Drozdov
148 Ignatiev
149 Savin
150 logins
151 Safonov
152 Kapustin
153 Kirillov
154 Moiseev
155 Eliseev
156 Koshelev
157 Kostin
158 Gorbachev
159 Orekhov
160 Efremov
161 Isaev
162 Evdokimov
163 Kalashnikov
164 Kabanov
165 Noskov
166 Yudin
167 Kulagin
168 Lapin
169 Prokhorov
170 Nesterov
171 Kharitonov
172 Agafonov
173 Ants
174 Larionov
175 Fedoseev
176 Zimin
177 Pakhomov
178 Shubin
179 Ignatov
180 Filatov
181 Kryukov
182 Horns
183 fists
184 Terentiev
185 Molchanov
186 Vladimirov
187 Artemiev
188 Guryev
189 Zinoviev
190 Grishin
191 Kononov
192 Dementiev
193 Sitnikov
194 Simonov
195 Mishin
196 Fadeev
197 Komissarov
198 Mammoths
199 Nosov
200 Gulyaev
201 balls
202 Ustinov
203 Vishnyakov
204 Evseev
205 Lavrentiev
206 Bragin
207 Konstantinov
208 Kornilov
209 Avdeev
210 Zykov
211 Biryukov
212 Sharapov
213 Nikonov
214 Schukin
215 Dyachkov
216 Odintsov
217 Sazonov
218 Yakushev
219 Krasilnikov
220 Gordeev
221 Samoilov
222 Knyazev
223 Bespalov
224 Uvarov
225 Shashkov
226 Bobylev
227 Doronin
228 Belozerov
229 Rozhkov
230 Samsonov
231 butchers
232 Likhachev
233 Burov
234 Sysoev
235 Fomichev
236 Rusakov
237 Strelkov
238 Gushchin
239 Teterin
240 Kolobov
241 Subbotin
242 Fokin
243 Blokhin
244 Seliverstov
245 Pestov
246 Kondratiev
247 Silin
248 Merkushev
249 Lytkin
250 Tours
Alphabetical index
Those who are too lazy to look for their last name in the ranking can find (or not find) it here
SurnameA place

The original article is on the website


People of the Nordic race are tall and slender. The average height of adult men is 1.75-1.76 m, often it reaches 1.90 m. And the point here is not the excessive length of the legs, as, for example, among blacks from the upper reaches of the Nile. In proportion of the length of the legs to the entire length of the body, this race occupies just the middle position between the short-legged Mongoloids and some tall tropical tribes. The height of the seat is approximately 52-53% of the height of the body.

Growth in people of the Nordic race lasts the longest, it can be significant between 20 and 25 years. In southern Italy, it ends earlier than in northern Italy, in Baden it is less during this period than in Sweden. The relationship between the achievement of puberty and the completion of growth has been established. Since people of the Nordic race have a longer growth period, puberty occurs later.

Men of the Nordic race, in addition to being tall, are distinguished by broad shoulders and narrow hips. The slenderness of the male hips is emphasized by a sign very characteristic of the Nordic race, the so-called. antique pelvic fold, a muscular thickening extending from the spine through the thigh forward and down. Ancient Greek sculptors liked to emphasize this racial feature. A special thickening of the upper part of the patella is also present in Europe, mainly among the Nordic race.

Nordic women are also racially slender, despite their feminine body shapes. Here the effect of the so-called. false thinness: Nordic women in clothes appear thin despite the developed female forms.

Slenderness is manifested in the forms of all parts of the body: neck, arms, legs, hips. The ratio of the length of the arms to the length of the body is the same as in the case of the length of the legs: the arms of the people of the Nordic race are not as short as those of the Mongoloids and not as long as those of the Negroids. The arm span of people of the Nordic race is 94-97% of the body length. Knoop established these figures in his study of the Nordic population of Lower Saxony; according to him, the longer the head, the more this indicator approaches 94.

The artist of the people of the Nordic race is struck by the freedom inherent in every part of the body, every muscle, as if they obey their own special laws of shaping while maintaining a harmonious whole.


The shape of the skull differs in the same harmony as the body. People of the Nordic race have a long skull and a narrow face. The average cranial index is about 74 (on the head of a living person, this corresponds to the figure 75-75.5). The width of the Nordic head is related to its length as 3:4. Many researchers bring the longitudinal-transverse index for living representatives of the Nordic race to 77.9, Deniker even to 79. (While Kollman takes the average cranial index of the Nordic race as 71.5, Eugen Fischer - 76-79.) I believe that heads or skulls with an index up to 79 can be considered Nordic if they have a convex occiput, characteristic of the Nordic race. Probably the width of the head and skull of the Nordic race varies over a greater range than that which is limited by an index of less than 75. In any case, the dolichocephaly of the Nordic race is closer to mesocephaly than the pronounced dolichocephaly of Negroes or Eskimos.

The width of the Nordic face is related to the length as 10:9, but the ratio of 10:10 is also common. We can say that the facial index of the Nordic race is above 90. Long-headedness - in combination with narrow-facedness, make the shape of the head such that it can be enclosed in a rectangle. This shape is conspicuous in short-haired or bald Nordic people, especially when turning the head. If the round head does not change shape when turning - the ball looks the same from all sides - then when turning the Nordic head, two long lateral planes are especially striking. If we divide the head from the side into two sections, one in front, the other behind the ears, we will see that the Nordic head develops in length, mainly behind the ears. The back of the head, as already mentioned, is convex. If a long-headed man is placed against a wall, the back of his head will touch it, while a round-headed man will have a gap between his head and the wall.

The Nordic skull is distinguished by a relatively low height of the area behind the ears, so that one can speak of a flat shape of this skull (in children, however, this feature is not expressed). The Nordic (and Dinaric) races are characterized by a strongly protruding occipital protuberance. A purely Nordic trait is the process of the temporal bone. Whereas the area behind the ears in other European races is comparatively flat, in the Nordic race there is a noticeable elevation there.

The features of the Nordic face in profile are pronounced. Forehead sloping back, eyes deep set, nose more or less protruding. The jaws and teeth are almost vertical. The chin protrudes especially sharply. The presence of three protruding parts gives the impression of aggressiveness. When an artist wants to express in facial features the qualities of a leader, courage, willpower, he always draws a more or less Nordic (or Nordic-Dinaric or Nordic-Falian) head.

From the front, attention is drawn to the narrow forehead, slightly arched eyebrows, the narrow back of the nose, and the narrow, angular chin. The head in the area of ​​the temples is narrowed, as if it was squeezed in a vise from both sides.

Such general impression also contribute to the shape of individual bones of the skull and soft parts of the face. The forehead running back is combined with noticeable superciliary arches and glabella (thickening above the bridge of the nose). These signs are less pronounced in women and young people. The eye sockets are in the form of an oblong ellipse or quadrangle.

A very important facial feature is the cheekbones. In the Nordic race, they are not very noticeable, because they are turned sideways and are located almost vertically.

Individual races differ in the shape of the nose. The Nordic race has a narrow nose, starting at the bridge of the nose, so that there is often no visible border between it and the forehead ("Greek nose"). In profile, it is sometimes straight, sometimes curved outwards. There are also concave noses and noses that curve slightly outward in the lower third (a common form in Sweden). If the Nordic nose is curved, it usually describes a smooth arc. It is more of a hooked or hawkish nose than aquiline (curved at the top) like that of the Dinaric race. The ratio of the length (height) of the nose compared to other parts of the face is the largest in the Nordic (and Dinaric) races, the smallest in the Western race, and the smallest in the Eastern and East Baltic races. The nostrils are at an acute angle. The Nordic nose develops from a child's snub nose by age 25. The noses of women in all races are wider. The Nordic race also has a nose shape, which in profile looks straight, but slightly wavy. A strongly protruding nose in people of the Nordic race, such as the Norwegian polar explorer Amundsen, is usually and especially narrow.

The narrowness of the Nordic face is due to the greater curvature of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, and the narrowness of the jaws and the close arrangement of the teeth, with the fangs located at an angle. A purely Nordic feature is the large and long upper front incisors.

soft parts of the face. These parts do not blur the impression of a narrow face. The skin of the face has a uniform thickness, the eyelids are not thick, the slit between them is horizontal, at the outer corners of the eyes it is slightly beveled down. The skin on the cheekbones is thin, round cheeks do not make the face round. The border of the lips is not clearly defined. The lips themselves are usually narrow but do not appear compressed, the upper lip often protruding less than the lower. The Nordic English often have a very high vertical upper lip. The furrow under the nose is distinct and narrow. The ears are comparatively small, although the size of the ears varies greatly among all races, and the ears of all people grow into old age.


Skin color in all races is caused by the deposition of pigment. The Nordic and Falian races are the least susceptible to this. The Nordic skin color is pinkish-white, the skin color of the East Baltic race is light with a gray-yellow tint.

Only the Nordic race can be called "white" in the proper sense of the word, and even then it will not be entirely correct - only a corpse has completely white skin. Even the whitest skin always has a yellowish tint. Pinkish-white makes the skin translucent through the blood. Where the veins are translucent, "blue blood" is visible. But such fair skin, even in northwestern Europe, is less common than people think. Moreover, the color of the skin of a dressed European is insufficient evidence of his racial properties. Many Europeans, when tanned, become like Egyptians or Indians. Only the skin of the Nordic race is resistant to sunlight: it turns very red, as if burned, but after a few days the redness disappears.

Skin thickness of individual European races was not measured. The skin of the Nordic race is particularly delicate and appears to be thin. According to Roman writers, the skin of the Germans is more sensitive to wounds. The tenderness of Nordic leather is also evidenced by its transparency. The expression "blue blood" indicated the racial origin of the nobility. Blush on the cheeks, "blood with milk" - these and similar expressions speak of the Nordic origin of the European ideal of beauty. Even the nipples of men and women of the Nordic race are pink, while those of other European races are brown. Only the Nordic race has really red lips.

Since in the tropics skin pigmentation is a means of protecting it, the Nordic race is not adapted to life in the tropics. The influence of the tropical climate on different European races was shown by the American Woodruff in his book Medical Ethnology (1915). He noted the very harmful effect of strong solar radiation on the nervous system of light Europeans.

Whether the appearance of freckles is related to Nordic blood is unknown. Freckles often appear in red-haired people, but they, unlike the Nordic race, have oily skin. But I often observed freckles in people of the Nordic race. Darker areas of the skin, unlike other races, are not found in the pure Nordic race.


In comparison with other races of the Earth, the Nordic (as well as the Western and, above all, the Dinaric) races should be ranked among the more hairy ones. In people of the Nordic race, hair grows well on the head, in men - a beard, but the hairline of the body is weaker.

The color and shape of the hair on the head are signs by which races differ. In Germany, there is a phenomenon that has not yet been satisfactorily explained - darkening of the hair in adults around the age of 30 years. So only by the color of the hair of adults can one judge racial affiliation.

I have often observed the occurrence of hair on the forehead among the Jews. Often it is also among the Dinaric race. In the Nordic race, this phenomenon does not occur.

The hair color of the Nordic race is light, ranging from blond to yellowish and golden, usually with a more or less pronounced reddish tinge. Ash hair, more common in eastern Germany and northeastern Europe, is more likely a sign of the East Baltic race. Light hair color influenced the European ideal of beauty. According to the description of the Romans, Germanic children had the same hair color as gray-haired old people.

It used to be argued whether red hair could be considered a Nordic trait. They are often combined with very white and delicate skin. The redheads were seen as a relic of a special race. Their special smell, comparable to that of a goat, was often noted. But they cannot be considered a special race, red hair is especially common in the range of the Nordic race. IN East Germany and Eastern Europe, in general, there are fewer redheads than in northwestern Europe, i.e. for the East Baltic race this phenomenon is not typical.

Redheads are now considered a phenomenon like albinism, since redheads, like albinos, are found in all races. Therefore, they talk about erythrism or rutilism and do not consider red hair as a racial trait. Relatively many redheads among the Scots and Jewish half-breeds.

The hair of the Nordic race is less greasy than that of other European races. They are smooth or wavy, thin, often "like silk". Curly hair is more common in children of the Nordic race than in adults. The features of Nordic hair show well the images of women in many of Rubens' paintings. Nordic hair can be recognized by the ease with which it flutters in the wind. Thin Nordic hair is less durable and breaks off more easily.

Crossbreeding can result in stiff, often curly (for example, among Jews) blond hair or dark hair with a Nordic structure. Hair structure says more about racial origin than their color. The blond hair of the East Baltic race is thick and coarse.

The hair of the beard of the men of the Nordic race is also light, often more reddish. Indra was depicted with a red beard, like the god of thunder of the ancient Germans, and the emperor Barbarossa is a favorite image of German folklore. The hair of the beard is curly, like on ancient Greek statues. The shape of the beard has not been studied.

When crossing, even with dark hair on the head, a light or red beard is often preserved - this was noticed by Aristotle.

eye color

We are talking about the color of the iris, the pupil of all races is black. The conjunctiva of the Nordic race is completely colorless and appears white. In darker European races, it is more cloudy or yellowish. The iris of the Nordic race is very light, blue or gray. Babies are usually born with dark blue or dark gray eyes.

There is an opinion that gray eyes are "not Nordic", that this is a sign of crossing or a sign of the East Baltic race. I do not think that only blue eyes are characteristic of the Nordic race, although among them there are indeed more blue eyes, and among the East Baltic race - gray ones. Gray eyes can be considered a sign of crossing the Nordic race with dark European races, since, according to Virchow, the number of gray eyes increases in Central Europe not only to the east, but also to the south. Gray eyes are more often combined with brown hair than with blond hair. When crossing, it happens that the color of the eyes is inherited from the dark race, and the brightness of the eyes - from the light one. This results in light brown and green eyes.

In Nordic people, eye color often changes depending on the lighting and mood. When the light falls from the front, the eyes appear blue, and when from the side, they appear gray. Their color is somewhere between blue and grey. But, since gray is the dominant color, blue eyes can be considered "more Nordic".

Dark blue eyes, like those of Jews or Jewish half-breeds, or opaque matte blue eyes are always the eyes of hybrids. They are often found when crossing with the eastern race. Nordic eyes have a luminous color. The paintings often show the refraction of light by a dark ring surrounding the iris.

With these properties of the Nordic eyes is connected the special impression they make. Dark eyes look around, Nordic eyes peer. In an excited state, the look of the Nordic eyes becomes "terrible". This view was attributed to the Germans by Caesar and Tacitus. The contrast of a dark pupil with a light frame, along with the corresponding facial expressions, make the German look not only "terrible", but also "sharp", as Caesar himself wrote. This is due to the fact that the pupil in the excited state expands. It is to bright Nordic eyes that excited states (joy, rapture of struggle) give a special shine, they begin to radiate light. Roman soldiers in the fight against the Germans had to get used to their look, so as not to be afraid of him. Caesar writes of the Gauls that they could not bear the wild gaze of the Germans. Hagen ("Nibelungenlied") had the same terrible look. This property of the peoples of the Nordic race was attributed to the heroes, which is expressed in the Edda. Only Nordic eyes can cast a terrible look, the eyes of other races in a state of excitement can look ominous, threatening, even poisonous, but only Nordic eyes can express courageous anger. Their usual expression is determination, but the range of feelings expressed by them is large, from gentleness to the firm will of the master.

The overall impression of the features of the Nordic face Gobineau aptly calls "somewhat dry". Especially in middle-aged men, this coldness, rigidity and efficiency of Nordic facial features are striking.

It is traditionally believed that a typical Russian nose is upturned (snub-nosed) or "potato". In this, in theory, Russians should differ from other Europeans.

Since the 17th century, anthropologists have tried to classify the population the globe by racial type, based on the similarity of external features.

Let us recall the Nordic theory, which the ideologists of Nazism liked so much. Its ancestor is considered to be the Russian-French anthropologist Joseph Deniker, who claimed that the representatives of the "Nordic race" are characterized by blond hair, blue and green eyes, a straight nose, an oblong skull and pink skin.

According to him, this "race" is distributed throughout Northern Europe, northwestern Russia and the western part of the Baltic states. In turn, the Swedish anatomist Christian Schreiner wrote that this Caucasoid type is most common in the central part of Scandinavia.

The sub-Nordic race, according to Deniker, is distinguished by a square face and an upturned nose. It includes the peoples of the east of the Baltic and northern Germany. Finally, the Oriental race is characterized by light golden or straw-yellow hair, a square face, blue or gray eyes, and an upturned nose. It includes mainly Eastern Slavs and Finns.

So, in the descriptions of the "Nordic sub-race" the straight form of the nose appears. Whereas for the Eastern European peoples, including Russians, “snub-nosedness” seems to be characteristic.

Meanwhile, the Soviet anthropologist V.V. Bunak in his book "The Origin and Ethnic History of the Russian People", summing up the results of many years of scientific research, writes that in 75% of cases Russians have straight noses, while in the whole of Europe this number is no more than 70%. Only 16% of Russians have a convex nose and only 10% have a concave one.

Snub noses are generally not typical of the Eastern Slavs. An upturned nose is noted only in 7% of Russians. There are much more snub-nosed individuals among the Germans - more than 25%.

Moreover, the Russians are one of the most “pure European” peoples. This was proved by joint research by Russian, British and Estonian geneticists, the results of which were published in The American Journal of Human Genetics.

The experts came to the conclusion that the Russian ethnos, from the point of view of genetics, consists of two parts. The first is the indigenous population of South and Central Russia, which reveals a genetic relationship with other Slavic peoples.

The second is the population of the North, which reveals kinship with the Finno-Ugric peoples. But the connection with the Mongoloids is practically not visible. That is, we are pure Europeans.

Each nationality has distinctive features of appearance, character, lifestyle. According to them, they find out who a person is: Russian, Negro, Chinese, Jew. Representatives of the last nation have a rich history and cultural heritage live in many countries of the world. To identify a Jew, a description of how he looks, knowledge about the features of the mentality and lifestyle will come in handy.

How to distinguish a Jew: characteristic features

There are ways to determine and recognize in a person belonging to the nation in question. Easy - ask about it. Jews are often proud of their nationality and do not hide their origin. This can be said by the name of a person and even his character. Also, the method of determining Jewish affiliation is the recognition of the nation by the features of appearance.

head shape

To establish the nationality of a person, it is advisable to pay attention to the skull, type of face.

The main sign of a Jew is the asymmetry of the head, in contrast to the Slavic-Russian, which has an oval of a clearly defined oval shape. For the latter, this creates a feeling of a secure, firm fit.

The Jews often have an elongated head, the oval of the face is elongated, as in the photo of actor Nicolas Cage.

The asymmetry is due to the types of skulls that Jews have, in addition to the elongated: pear-shaped, round, squeezed. The sloping back of the head is characteristic, which can be observed in the photo of the cellist, pianist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich.

In this case, the person's profile clearly shows a flat area slanting slightly backwards.

The round head of a Jew is not uncommon, while it is pressed into the shoulders due to the short neck. The photo shows humorist Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

This feature is often combined with a small stature and overweight of a person.

Another characteristic of the Jew's head shape is a sloping forehead, visually tilted back. A photograph by Yuri Nikulin shows this anthropological feature.


The way to determine nationality by appearance is to pay attention to a person's nose. There are varieties of typical Jewish noses: wide, drop-shaped, elongated.

The famous "schnobel" is bent at the base, resembling a hook, while the wings are raised. This form forms the number 6, therefore, in anthropology, the nose is called the "Jewish six".

The sign can be traced in the photo of actor Adrien Brody.

Among the Nazis in Germany, this characteristic of the nose was considered the main one, how to recognize the Semitic appearance. Special classes were held in German schools, where children were told the signs of the Jewish nation.

However, Russians also have such a nose shape (Gogol, Nekrasov), so one should not judge nationality only by one external feature.

The Jews are characterized by an elongated thin nose, the tip of which goes far down the line of the wings, which differs from the classical form of the Slavs. The sign is clearly visible in the photo of musician Leonid Agutin.

The Jew Zinovy ​​Gerdt has a nose-drop. This form is characterized by a wide tip and elongation down.

The Jewish nose turned up above the edge of the nostrils is shown in the photo of actor Alexei Batalov.


It is possible to understand that a person belongs to the Jewish nationality by the eyes. characteristic feature their bulge stands out, as in the photo of businessman Roman Abramovich.

When the eyes are closed, heavy eyelids are presented as part of a ball - this is the way the Germans defined the Jews. They were also distinguished by the piercing gaze of the “deceitful man”. Briefly and clearly, the signs were listed in the German-sounding children's manual "Der Giftpilz", which was created by Julius Streicher.

It is believed that the Jews have poor eyesight: they are more likely than other nations to suffer from color blindness and wear glasses.

The close arrangement of the eyes is characteristic, congenital strabismus is possible.

The color is predominantly dark, but there are other shades, such as blue. There are blue-eyed brunettes among the Jews.


A striking sign of Jewish nationality is a weakly expressed, fused earlobe.

The shape of the shell is different, the contours of the lower half are often asymmetrical to the upper.

The Slavic ear is pressed against the side of the head in the middle. The Jewish one is grown by the lower and upper regions, as can be seen in the photograph of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Sometimes it seems that the shells from below extend almost from the neck, they are called "saiga ears".

Hair and beard

Among the representatives of the nation there is a variety of shades of hair: from light to black. Curly, wavy strands are characteristic. Jewish nationality is characterized by dark hair color: from chestnut to black.

However, blondes are not uncommon. There are more fair-haired people among Ashkenazi Jews (German-speaking European Jews) than among other types.

Redheads are also possible, mainly Polish Jews and representatives of the nation in Russia.

Sidelocks are an element of the hairstyle - grown strands at the temples. They are optional, but along with the beard and sideburns, they are considered a custom, a tradition of Jewish culture.

If a person is bald, overhead strands attached to a headdress are used as sidelocks.


The peculiarity of the structure of the mouth of the Jews is the excessive exposure of the gums when smiling, like Andrei Makarevich.

Lip mobility, their asymmetry during a conversation is noted.

Representatives of the nation are characterized by an uneven dentition. In comparison with the Slavs, in whom it is dense, the Jews have asymmetry of teeth, they are somewhat rare, as in the photo of Evgeny Evstigneev.

Surname and name

The way to find out if there are Jewish roots is to analyze the last name and first name of a person. However, the method should not be used as a fundamental one.

Characteristic endings of Jewish surnames:

  • to "-man" (Lieberman, Guzman);
  • on "-er" (Stiller, Posner);
  • on "-ts" (Katz, Schatz);
  • on "-on" (Gordon, Kobzon);
  • on "-ik" (Yarmolnik, Oleinik);
  • to "-y" (Vishnevsky, Razumovsky).

But their carriers are people of different origins. Possible endings similar to Slavic (Soloviev). The origin of the Jewish surname from male and female names is known (Abramovich, Yakubovich, Rubinchik).

Leaving Poland, many Jews changed their surname, depending on where they came from - Vysotsky (Vysotsk village), Dneprovsky, Nevsky, and so on.

There is a great variety in names. True Jewish (Daniel, Leo, Ilya, Yakov, Dina, Sofia) are often worn by representatives of Russian nationality.

What does a Jewess look like

Jewish girls are confused with representatives of other nations, Caucasian or Mediterranean.

Distinctive features are similar to those of men, but are milder.

A full-blooded Jewish woman of middle and old age is usually presented as a woman with outstanding forms, a loud voice and the name Rosochka, Sarochka, and so on.

The representative of the nation is considered a caring wife and a reverent mother, overprotective of children. However, they note the negligence of women in everyday life, clothing and appearance, a specific smell from the body. The rude manners of young and old Jews, who are characterized by loudness, are distinguished. Due to negligence, they often smell of tobacco, sweat.


The portrait of a Jewish woman, like a man, has characteristic national features. The hair is mostly dark. The nose is large, elongated or with a hump, plump lips.

Beautiful eyes deserve attention: slightly bulging, bright and expressive.

They display eternal sadness, anxiety and anxiety.

The cheeks are sometimes puffy, which is noted from childhood and persists in young girls and boys. Some sources cite excessive overfeeding of children and overprotection as the cause.

Jewish traditions include covering one's hair in public places or in the presence of an outside male.

However, today the custom is rarely observed, only in strictly orthodox circles.


Wide hips and narrow shoulders, full legs are considered a genetic feature of the body structure.

Jewish women predominantly have magnificent and sensual forms, but there are also opposite types of figures.

Such women are characterized by a narrow bone, swarthyness, subtle oriental beauty.

With age, the figure often deteriorates, excessively fat Jewish women are a common occurrence. Among the reasons, childbirth is distinguished, since it is considered normal for a family to have 4-5 children, which is reflected in the appearance of the body.


A specific way to check Jewishness is to establish the integrity of the foreskin of a man's penis.

In fact, circumcision is not only a Jewish rite, but also a Muslim one. The difference is that in the latter case, the foreskin is missing. The Jews are shown to do the procedure partially, the area was cut off only from above.

It is believed that the manipulations of the Jews caused the gradual formation of an upward bend in the penis and the acquisition of a hook-like appearance.

Features and rules of life

The difficult history of the Jews justifies why they did not have their own state for so long, which left an imprint on their development and way of life. In ancient times, they were under the yoke of the Egyptians, located on the land controlled by them. After the capture of Judea by Rome, the Jews were finally expelled by the Latin pagans and forced to spread throughout the world, starting two thousand years of wandering.

A nation that existed for more than 2 thousand years without its own state is now spread almost everywhere. The place where most of its representatives live is Israel (43%), 39% is in the United States of America, the remaining share is in other states. At present, the number of Jews living on earth is 16.5 million.

The question of what race the Jews belong to is difficult, since they combined the features of various peoples that came into contact with them, which also affected external signs nation. According to their anthropological type, they are classified as Caucasoids of the Indo-Mediterranean race.

The nation includes half-breeds (mixing with Russians, Poles and Poles, and so on), while a person with Jewish roots by mother is considered a true representative. To find out if they exist, you can contact a special service that will search the archives and determine the relationship. To receive an inheritance, move to Israel, join a community, and so on, they prove the presence of Jews in the family up to the third generation (maximum grandparents).

The peculiar behavior of the representatives of the nation is a sign of belonging to it. Allocate such qualities of Jews as self-confidence, self-esteem, pride. Psychology unites them in the concept of "chutzpah". Jews are bad and dangerous in the opinion of the public, who consider them greedy, stingy, selfish, rude.

An interesting fact is how Jews get to know each other. They call the sign "sorrow in the eyes." A happy look is not characteristic of them.

Jews are the only people who have managed to preserve their isolation, culture, religion, despite the terrible history. Perhaps they have achieved this by considering themselves better than others, living by established rules, and why they do not attract others to their community.

However, after passing the rite of conversion, you can become a Jew even if you are not a Jew. This requires the consent of 3 rabbis, memorize 613 commandments, learn the religious canon, take an oath, circumcision is shown to men.

The rules that real Jews observe are described in the Torah book: what they eat and drink (kosher food and drinks), use separate utensils when they are not working (on Shabbat), and so on.

Jewish blood is given out by the peculiarities of the voice timbre: high in men and low in women of middle and older age. At the end of sentences, there is an increase in tone. The signs include an senile, rattling voice, which persists from childhood until the end of life. However, this feature does not prevent Jews from singing and impressing others with their talent. An example of this is Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

An important feature is the fact that the Jews live long. Average life expectancy is 82 years. The reasons are advanced medicine, favorable social conditions. However, the representatives of the nation themselves determine longevity by warm friendly relations, love and harmony in the family.

Jews are considered cunning and quick-witted people. Everywhere they write and tell stories, jokes about their mind and ingenuity. This also explains why the 3rd floor is called Jewish. It is convenient in terms of life: it is low to rise, removed from the roof. The term appeared in the USSR and is relevant for five-story buildings. To some extent, it reveals the essence of Jewry.

Representatives of the nation are distinguished by their extraordinary mind and creative abilities, among them there are politicians, musicians, actors, and so on.

This is the reason for the public opinion that a terry Jew cannot be deceived and cannot be defeated. The photo shows a young, but already well-known journalist and political scientist Friedrichson Nadana Aleksandrovna.

Relations between Russians and Jews were characterized by mutual dislike, the former call the latter contemptuously Jews. However, now there is no tension between the representatives of the nation, there is a tendency for the better.

Common misconceptions

There are rumors, conjectures, assumptions about the Jewish nation. However, not all of them are true.

  • Only those who are born Jewish become Jews.. The statement is erroneous, since a non-Jew, having passed the rite of conversion, is recognized as a member of the community.
  • Representatives of the nation have a huge nose, plump lips and black eyes. In fact, there are fair-haired or red-haired Jews with a thin nose.
  • An indirect sign of the Jews is that they burr. This is due to the guttural pronunciation of the letter "p", which is why it is perceived as a speech defect. However, most of them speak correctly and clearly, and burriness is characteristic of people of other nationalities.
  • The Jews crucified Jesus Christ. The Romans did it. The Jews reported on the son of God, and also did not interfere with the execution.
  • Jews have the largest breasts. The statement is due to the peculiarities of the figure of women, but according to research, the primacy belongs to residents of the UK.
  • Jews have the longest nose. However, a more prominent size of the olfactory organ was recorded among the Turks.
  • Hebrew Yiddish. Their languages ​​are Hebrew and Aramaic. Yiddish is a form of the dialect language characteristic of Ashkenazi Jews.

Nationality is a set of character traits that have developed over centuries of history, and external data that distinguish an individual from representatives of another nationality. It is noteworthy that people living in neighboring regions differ only slightly in terms of national characteristics, while representatives of different continents differ dramatically. Such differences between nationalities turn into racial ones. Before you determine the nationality of a person, you must know the main characteristics in appearance, by which representatives of different nationalities can be distinguished - the color of hair and skin, the shape and shape of the nose, as well as eyes. Representatives of different nationalities also have speech differences, but they will not always allow you to determine a specific nationality, since half the world speaks English, and not just the British.

National distinctions of Africans

The skin of Africans (or Negroes) is brown to black in color. Purebred Africans will never have blue or gray eyes - only black or brown. The shape of the eyes can be either round or almond-shaped. The nose is slightly flattened, with wide nostrils. Representatives of the African continent have dark, and, as a rule, curly hair, broad shoulders and long legs, they are tall.

National differences of Chechens

The skin of both the Chechens and the Ingush is fair. Eye color - brown or black, eyes small. Dark and thick hair, eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose are the hallmarks of the Chechens, who also have a smooth and large nose with a wide nose. The growth of representatives of this nationality is approximately average. The figure is proportional.

National differences of Georgians

Very often belonging to a certain nationality can be determined by the surname. For example, among native Georgians, the surname ends in "dze". Therefore, how to determine nationality by last name is written in the relevant literature. In addition to the surname, Georgians can be distinguished by fair skin, almond-shaped brown or black eyes, an elongated hooked nose, and jet-black, thick hair. The figure of the representatives of this nationality of proportional addition, in terms of growth, Georgians usually tall people and not only men, but also women.

National distinctions of the Jews

Jews have light, often freckled skin, bulging and round eyes, gray or brown, they have a large nose with a lowered tip. As a rule, the edges of the nostrils are slightly raised in Jews. This nationality has either dark or red hair. If you need to identify a Jew from the male half of society, then take a closer look at his facial hair - it often differs in tone from that on the head. The Jews are a low nation, therefore, among them there are no people of high stature, and often men are characterized by growth below average. The figure of the Jews has a disproportionate structure - they have a wide pelvis and narrow shoulders.

National distinctions of Armenians

Before you determine the nationality by appearance, take a closer look at the eyes - perhaps an Armenian is standing in front of you, if the person’s eyes are almond-shaped, wide-set, brown in color. The skin of the Armenians is light, and the hair is thick and curly. Especially in men, dense vegetation is observed throughout the body. Armenians have an elongated, hooked nose, medium or high growth and a proportional physique.

National distinctions of the Chinese

In order to determine the nationality of a person, it is not necessary to see him personally, since you can determine the nationality from a photo. The Chinese nationality, the most numerous on our planet, is characterized by a small and narrow nose, slanting and wide-set eyes - they are black. The Chinese have a yellowish or brownish skin color and short stature. The physique of the representatives of this nationality is proportional. The hair of the Chinese is dark and coarse, straight, and there is practically no vegetation on the body of men.

National differences of the Tatars

Tatars have a yellowish skin tone, they have dark or red hair, and representatives of this nationality often begin to go bald at a young age. Their eyes are brown, narrow, as is the nose, which in profile practically does not protrude above the rest of the facial features. Therefore, the face of the Tatars often seems flat. A proportional physique and average or below average height are the national differences of this nation.

We hope that this information helped you in deciding how to determine your nationality or the nationality of your comrade or girlfriend.

Scientists can justify why a person's appearance depends on the climate of the area in which he lives - up to curly hair and skin color, but why some peoples have hump noses, while others living in the same conditions have them. they can be straight or snub-nosed, no one knows for sure.

Anthropologists shrug their shoulders - heredity, not otherwise. In Russia, noses with a hump are traditionally distinguished by the peoples of the Caucasus. Anthropologists believe that almost 60% of the population of this mountainous region have such a nose. Georgians have the most beautiful noses, and they are proud of them.

Which nations

And the humpback occurs among Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Ossetians, Abazins, Abkhazians, Kabardians, Balkars, Karachays, Adygs, Nogais, Dargins, Ritulians, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Talyshs, Udins, Shapsugs and is often found among Avars, Ingush and Lezgins.

The hump is almost always found among people from Mesopotamia and the Middle East. First of all, these are Semitic peoples - Jews and Arabs, as well as Assyrians, Kurds, Yezidis, Persians, Karaites.

And if we take the Middle East, then a hooked nose can be found among the Pashtuns, Seraiks, Balochs, Turkomans, Circassians, and even further - in the northeast of India, Tibeto-Burman highlanders live, who, although they belong to the Mongoloids, have copper skin and aquiline noses reminiscent of the Indians.

In Europe

In Europe, hook-nosed peoples live mainly in the south: these are Serbs, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Croats, Albanians, as well as Italians, often having a straight Roman nose with a hump, Macedonians, Spaniards and now partly French - due to mixed marriages with Arabs.

Often a hump is present in the appearance of gypsy women, which once again reminds of the Indo-Iranian origin of this ancient people. This is also evidenced by their swarthy, smooth skin, black hair, as well as a language that has much in common with Hindi.

In Russia

A hooked nose can be found in Russia on the Black Sea coast - among the Greeks, among the Cossacks, who often mixed with the mountain peoples, among the Krymchaks and Crimean Tatars.

Some representatives of the Bashkirs differed in their original appearance. Even in the encyclopedia of Efron and Brockhaus, a special type of “forest” Bashkir was mentioned, that is, representatives of the people living in mountainous and wooded areas. Unlike their counterparts, they were closer to the Caucasian type, that is, they were long-faced, hook-nosed, tall and distinguished by a more courageous and quick-tempered disposition. It was also noted there that the Bashkirs do not differ much from the Tatars.

Some representatives of the Volga, Kazan and Astrakhan Tatars have a pronounced Semitic appearance, which allows us to make the assumption that they are, after all, a Semitic people. Therefore, both men and women of this nationality can have a hump on their nose, sometimes quite impressive.

Kalmyks have the same distinguishing feature. About 17% of this people have hooked noses and high growth. True, some anthropologists believe that this is due to mixed marriages with Armenians, Tatars and even Kyrgyz.


Despite the fact that the Mongoloid race, in theory, should have a flattened nose, many Asian peoples differ hooked noses. For example, the Kazakhs believe that a real Turkic people should have a hooked nose. Olkhonsky district Irkutsk region lived a whole village of Buryats who had white skin, a Roman straight nose with a hump, were tall and more reminiscent of American Indians.

This village was called Ogul, but in Soviet time it ceased to exist, and the population mingled with the rest. But in different places there are still Buryats who have a hooked nose.

Even the Yakuts, at one time considered the reference Mongoloid people, suddenly began to write that in cities and towns "every second is narrow-faced and hook-nosed." The Yakuts themselves associate this state of affairs again with mixed marriages. But after all, the North American Indians descended from the Asian Mongoloids, which means that narrow faces and hooked noses must have come from somewhere.

Russians also have

If we talk about the titular nation, then the hook-nosedness among Russians is more common than it is commonly thought. The existing proverb “scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar” can be supplemented: either a Bashkir, or an Armenian, or a Turkish grandmother.

In Novgorod during the veche, there lived tall people with long faces and rather large noses. The noses were both straight and aquiline.

It is difficult to calculate how many hook-nosed people live in Russia. After all, if among the Caucasian peoples this feature is found only in half of the population, then in others it occurs either infrequently (like the Kalmyks), or rarely, like some Tatars.

The listed peoples living on the territory of Russia, including Macedonians, Hungarians, Serbs, Italians and Spaniards, but excluding Russians, Kazakhs, Yakuts and Buryats, will be 13,875,631 people. Even if half of them are humpback carriers, that's still almost seven million people.

Physiognomists believe that people who have a hump on their nose have a complex character, but they are reasonable and tend to pay a lot of attention to loved ones. And for women, a hump on the nose adds aristocracy and individuality.

Russian scientists have completed and are preparing for publication the first large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. Correspondents of "Vlast" Daria Laane And Sergey Petukhov got acquainted with the results of this study and realized that their publication could have unpredictable consequences for Russia and the world order.
The self-identification of the Russian people for a long time was hampered by the Soviet state ideology of internationalism. An additional obstacle was the defeat of genetics as a science in the Soviet Union and its replacement by Michurin's pseudoscience, according to which heredity did not exist at all in nature. The situation began to change only in the late 1960s, when American scientists published sensational results of a study of the genotype of a typical American. The result of genetic screening of the US population really went beyond the scope of academic science and caused a real shock among American citizens. It turned out that in less than 200 years of American statehood, its reference citizen - white, of Anglo-Saxon origin and Protestant religion - has become genetically 30% black. The results of the Americans interested Soviet officials, so the first laboratories for human population genetics were created in the USSR. They were engaged exclusively in the study of the heredity of small peoples, and most of the results obtained immediately received the stamp "for official use." Studies of the titular nation could only be carried out by anthropological methods.

Entertaining anthropology
Anthropologists have been able, over several decades of intense research, to reveal the appearance of a typical Russian person. To do this, they had to translate into a single scale all the photographs from the photo library of the Museum of Anthropology with full-face and profile images of typical representatives of the population of the Russian regions of the country and, combining them in the pupils of the eyes, overlay each other. The final photo portraits turned out, of course, blurry, but they gave an idea of ​​the appearance of the reference Russian people. This was the first truly sensational discovery. Indeed, similar attempts by French scientists led to a result that they had to hide from the citizens of their country: after thousands of combinations with the received photographs of the reference Jacques and Marianne, gray faceless ovals of faces looked. Such a picture, even among the French most distant from anthropology, could cause an unnecessary question: is there a French nation at all?
Unfortunately, anthropologists did not go further than creating photographic portraits of typical representatives of the Russian population in different regions of the country and did not superimpose them on top of each other in order to obtain the appearance of an absolute Russian person. They explained this to the “authorities” by the supposedly scientific lack of information of such work, but in the end they were forced to admit that they could get into trouble at work for such a photograph. Incidentally, the "regional" sketches of Russian people were published in the general press only in 2002, and before that they were published in small editions only in scientific publications for specialists. Only in this issue Vlast fills this gap in Russian anthropology and for the first time publishes photographic portraits of absolutely Russian people, obtained by us by superimposing the faces of "regional" Russian people on top of each other. Now you can judge for yourself how similar they are to the typical cinematic Ivanushka and Marya.
Unfortunately, mostly black and white old archival photos of the faces of Russian people do not allow us to convey the height, physique, skin color, hair and eyes of a Russian person. However, anthropologists have created a verbal portrait of Russian men and women. They are of medium build and medium height, light brown-haired with light eyes - gray or blue. By the way, in the course of the research, a verbal portrait of a typical Ukrainian was also obtained. The reference Ukrainian differs from the Russian only in the color of his skin, hair and eyes - he is a swarthy brunette with regular features and brown eyes. A snub nose turned out to be absolutely uncharacteristic for an Eastern Slav (found only in 7% of Russians and Ukrainians), this feature is more typical for Germans (25%).
However, anthropological measurements of the proportions of the human body are not even the last, but the century before last, of science, which has long received at its disposal the most accurate methods of molecular biology, which allow you to read all human genes. And the most advanced methods of DNA analysis today are sequencing (reading by letter of the genetic code) of mitochondrial DNA and DNA of the human Y-chromosome. Mitochondrial DNA has been passed down the female line from generation to generation, virtually unchanged since the time when Eve, the progenitor of mankind, climbed down from a tree in East Africa. And the Y-chromosome is present only in men and therefore is also transmitted to male offspring practically unchanged, while all other chromosomes, when transmitted from father and mother to their children, are shuffled by nature, like a deck of cards before distribution. Thus, unlike indirect signs (appearance, body proportions), sequencing of mitochondrial DNA and DNA of the Y-chromosome indisputably and directly indicates the degree of relationship between people.

Entertaining genogeography
In the West, human population geneticists have been successfully using these methods for two decades. In Russia, they were used only once, in the mid-1990s, when identifying the royal remains. The turning point in the situation with the use of the most modern methods for studying the titular nation of our country occurred only in 2000. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research allocated about half a million rubles from state budget funds for the study of the gene pool of the Russian people. It is impossible to implement a serious program with such funding. But it was more of a landmark than just a financial decision, indicating a change in the country's scientific priorities. For the first time in Russian history, scientists from the Laboratory of Human Population Genetics of the Medical Genetic Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, who received a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, were able to fully concentrate on studying the gene pool of the Russian people, and not small peoples, for three years. And limited funding only spurred their ingenuity. They supplemented their molecular genetic studies with an analysis of the frequency distribution of Russian surnames in the country. This method was very cheap, but its information content exceeded all expectations: a comparison of the geography of surnames with the geography of genetic DNA markers showed their almost complete coincidence.
Unfortunately, the interpretations of family analysis that appeared in the media this summer (after the first publication of the data in a specialized scientific journal) could give a false impression of the goals and results of the huge work of scientists. As Elena Balanovskaya, head of the project, doctor of sciences, explained to Vlast, the main thing was not that the surname Smirnov turned out to be more common among Russian people than Ivanov, but that for the first time a complete list of truly Russian surnames was compiled by regions of the country. At the same time, scientists had to spend a lot of time collecting Russian surnames on their own. The Central Election Commission and local election commissions flatly refused to cooperate with scientists, arguing that only if the voter lists are secret can they guarantee the objectivity and honesty of elections to federal and local authorities. The criterion for inclusion in the list of a surname was very lenient: it was included if at least five carriers of this surname lived in the region for three generations. First, lists were compiled for five conditional regions - Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern. In total, about 15 thousand Russian surnames were accumulated in all regions, most of which were found only in one of the regions and were absent in others. When regional lists were superimposed on each other, scientists identified a total of 257 so-called "all-Russian surnames". Interestingly, at the final stage of the study, they decided to add the names of residents of the Krasnodar Territory to the list of the Southern Region, expecting that the predominance of Ukrainian surnames of the descendants of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks evicted here by Catherine II would significantly reduce the all-Russian list. But this additional restriction reduced the list of all-Russian surnames by only 7 units - to 250 (see the list). From which followed the obvious and not for everyone pleasant conclusion that the Kuban is inhabited mainly by Russian people. And where did the Ukrainians go and were there at all Ukrainians here is a big question.
An analysis of Russian surnames generally provides food for thought. Even the simplest act performed by Vlast—a search in it for the names of all the country's leaders—gave an unexpected result. Only one of them was included in the list of bearers of 250 top all-Russian surnames - Mikhail Gorbachev (158th place). The surname Brezhnev takes 3767th place in the general list (found only in the Belgorod region of the Southern region). The surname Khrushchev is in 4248th place (found only in the Northern region, Arkhangelsk region). Chernenko took 4749th place (only the Southern region). Andropov has 8939th place (only the Southern region). Putin took 14,250th place (only the Southern region). But Yeltsin was not included in the general list at all. Stalin's surname - Dzhugashvili - was not considered for obvious reasons. But on the other hand, the pseudonym Lenin got into the regional lists under the number 1421, second only to the first president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev.
The result amazed even the scientists themselves, who believed that the main difference between the bearers of South Russian surnames was not in the ability to lead a huge power, but in the increased sensitivity of the skin of their fingers and palms. A scientific analysis of dermatoglyphics (papillary patterns on the skin of the palms and fingers) of Russian people showed that the complexity of the pattern (from simple arcs to loops) and the accompanying skin sensitivity increases from north to south. “A person with simple patterns on the skin of his hands can hold a glass of hot tea in his hands without pain,” Dr. Balanovskaya clearly explained the essence of the differences. “And if there are a lot of loops, then unsurpassed pickpockets came out of such people.” However, "Vlast" in an interview with the country's chief geneticist Academician Sergei Inge-Vechtomov (see #24, 2004) has already warned that the underestimation of human genetics in career guidance has brought and continues to bring huge losses to the country. And again he draws attention to this: it is absolutely clear that from the point of view of increasing labor productivity it is more profitable to locate thin high-tech assembly plants in the south of Russia, where the fingers of the population are most adapted for assembling microprocessors, and hot and not requiring fine motor skills of the hands of the production (steel and similar type) - in the north.

The elusive gene pool
However, cheap indirect methods for studying the genetics of the Russian people (by surnames and dermatoglyphics) were only auxiliary for the first study in Russia of the gene pool of the titular nationality. His main molecular genetic results are now being prepared for publication in the form of the monograph "Russian Gene Pool", which will be published at the end of the year by the Luch publishing house. Unfortunately, due to the lack of state funding, the scientists had to carry out part of the study jointly with foreign colleagues, who imposed a moratorium on many results until joint publications were published in the scientific press. The reason is valid, and "Vlast", unfortunately, cannot provide original graphs and flowcharts of DNA analysis of Russian people and their neighbors in the Russian Federation, CIS countries and some European countries. But nothing prevents us from describing these data (which are at the disposal of "Vlast") in words. So, according to the Y-chromosome, the genetic distance between Russians and Finns is 30 conventional units. And the genetic distance between a Russian person and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Veps, etc.) living on the territory of the Russian Federation is 2-3 units. Simply put, genetically they are almost identical. And the harsh statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia on September 1 at the EU Council in Brussels (after the denunciation of the treaty on the state border with Estonia by the Russian side) about discrimination against Finno-Ugric peoples allegedly related to Finns in the Russian Federation loses its meaningful meaning. But due to the moratorium of Western scientists, the Russian Foreign Ministry could not reasonably accuse Estonia of interfering in our internal, one might even say closely related, affairs. The results of mitochondrial DNA analysis also fall under the same moratorium, according to which Russians from Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units that separate us from Finns, but between Ukrainians from Lvov and Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units. And at the same time, Ukrainians from the left-bank Ukraine are genetically as close to Russians as Komi-Zyryans, Mordvins and Mari. You can react in any way you like to these strictly scientific facts, which show the natural essence of the reference electorates of Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych. But it will not be possible to accuse Russian scientists of falsifying these data: then the accusation will automatically extend to their Western colleagues, who have been delaying the publication of these results for more than a year, each time extending the moratorium.
The only thing Vlast can do today for the Russian people is to publish a map indicating the area where truly Russian genes are still preserved. Geographically, this territory coincides with Russia during the time of Ivan the Terrible and clearly shows the conditionality of some state borders.
In conclusion, Russian scientists asked to publish their appeal to President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. “Huge megacities are, in fact, black holes that suck in the gene pool of the Russian people and destroy it without a trace,” says Dr. Balanovskaya. "But even there, due to lack of money, mothers give birth to fewer and fewer children. Meanwhile, against the backdrop of huge state spending on other needs, the targeted allocation of financial assistance for children to these women can save the Russian gene pool from further degradation."

250 most Russian surnames
According to the results of a study in five conditional regions of the Russian Federation, scientists compiled a list of almost 15 thousand Russian surnames. When regional lists were superimposed on each other, the following list of the 250 most frequent all-Russian surnames was formed. ;
A placeSurname
1 Smirnov
2 Ivanov
3 Kuznetsov
4 Popov
5 Sokolov
6 Lebedev
7 Kozlov
8 Novikov
9 Morozov
10 Petrov
11 Volkov
12 Solovyov
13 Vasiliev
14 Zaitsev
15 Pavlov
16 Semenov
17 Golubev
18 Vinogradov
19 Bogdanov
20 Vorobyov
21 Fedorov
22 Mikhailov
23 Belyaev
24 Tarasov
25 Belov
26 Komarov
27 Orlov
28 Kiselev
29 Makarov
30 Andreev
31 Kovalev
32 Ilyin
33 Gusev
34 Titov
35 Kuzmin
36 Kudryavtsev
37 Baranov
38 Kulikov
39 Alekseev
40 Stepanov
41 Yakovlev
42 Sorokin
43 Sergeev
44 Romanov
45 Zakharov
46 Borisov
47 Korolev
48 Gerasimov
49 Ponomarev
50 Grigoriev
51 Lazarev
52 Medvedev
53 Ershov
54 Nikitin
55 Sobolev
56 Ryabov
57 Polyakov
58 Tsvetkov
59 Danilov
60 Zhukov
61 Frolov
62 Zhuravlev
63 Nikolaev
64 Krylov
65 Maksimov
66 Sidorov
67 Osipov
68 Belousov
69 Fedotov
70 Dorofeev
71 Egorov
72 Matveev
73 Bobrov
74 Dmitriev
75 Kalinin
76 Anisimov
77 Petukhov
78 Antonov
79 Timofeev
80 Nikiforov
81 Veselov
82 Filippov
83 Markov
84 Bolshakov
85 Sukhanov
86 Mironov
87 Shiryaev
88 Alexandrov
89 Konovalov
90 Shestakov
91 Kazakov
92 Efimov
93 Denisov
94 Gromov
95 Fomin
96 Davydov
97 Melnikov
98 Shcherbakov
99 pancakes
100 Kolesnikov
101 Karpov
102 Afanasiev
103 Vlasov
104 Maslov
105 Isakov
106 Tikhonov
107 Aksenov
108 Gavrilov
109 Rodionov
110 Kotov
111 Gorbunov
112 Kudryashov
113 Bykov
114 Zuev
115 Tretyakov
116 Saveliev
117 Panov
118 Rybakov
119 Suvorov
120 Abramov
121 Ravens
122 Mukhin
123 Arkhipov
124 Trofimov
125 Martynov
126 Emelyanov
127 Gorshkov
128 Chernov
129 Ovchinnikov
130 Seleznev
131 Panfilov
132 Kopylov
133 Mikheev
134 Galkin
135 Nazarov
136 Lobanov
137 Lukin
138 Belyakov
139 Potapov
140 Nekrasov
141 Khokhlov
142 Zhdanov
143 Naumov
144 Shilov
145 Vorontsov
146 Ermakov
147 Drozdov
148 Ignatiev
149 Savin
150 logins
151 Safonov
152 Kapustin
153 Kirillov
154 Moiseev
155 Eliseev
156 Koshelev
157 Kostin
158 Gorbachev
159 Orekhov
160 Efremov
161 Isaev
162 Evdokimov
163 Kalashnikov
164 Kabanov
165 Noskov
166 Yudin
167 Kulagin
168 Lapin
169 Prokhorov
170 Nesterov
171 Kharitonov
172 Agafonov
173 Ants
174 Larionov
175 Fedoseev
176 Zimin
177 Pakhomov
178 Shubin
179 Ignatov
180 Filatov
181 Kryukov
182 Horns
183 fists
184 Terentiev
185 Molchanov
186 Vladimirov
187 Artemiev
188 Guryev
189 Zinoviev
190 Grishin
191 Kononov
192 Dementiev
193 Sitnikov
194 Simonov
195 Mishin
196 Fadeev
197 Komissarov
198 Mammoths
199 Nosov
200 Gulyaev
201 balls
202 Ustinov
203 Vishnyakov
204 Evseev
205 Lavrentiev
206 Bragin
207 Konstantinov
208 Kornilov
209 Avdeev
210 Zykov
211 Biryukov
212 Sharapov
213 Nikonov
214 Schukin
215 Dyachkov
216 Odintsov
217 Sazonov
218 Yakushev
219 Krasilnikov
220 Gordeev
221 Samoilov
222 Knyazev
223 Bespalov
224 Uvarov
225 Shashkov
226 Bobylev
227 Doronin
228 Belozerov
229 Rozhkov
230 Samsonov
231 butchers
232 Likhachev
233 Burov
234 Sysoev
235 Fomichev
236 Rusakov
237 Strelkov
238 Gushchin
239 Teterin
240 Kolobov
241 Subbotin
242 Fokin
243 Blokhin
244 Seliverstov
245 Pestov
246 Kondratiev
247 Silin
248 Merkushev
249 Lytkin
250 Tours
Alphabetical index
Those who are too lazy to look for their last name in the ranking can find (or not find) it here
SurnameA place

The original article is on the website

The division into races is based on several morphological features. According to the current classification, the division into races is carried out according to the so-called anthropo-geographical principle and skin color. There are three main races - Caucasoid - it includes people with fair skin; Negroid, its representatives have black skin, and Mongoloid - yellow race. Each group is divided into subgroups that differ in certain characteristics, but they are based on anthropological and geographical influences (Fig. 6).

In representatives of the same race, the shape of the head and face has common features, but there are notable exceptions. As a result of mixed marriages between representatives of different races, a kind of hybridization occurs, during which mixed forms arise, that is, individual somatic characteristics are modified.
This fully applies to the color of the skin, to the texture and color of the hair, the color of the eyes, the shape of the head, and the nose.

Rice. 6 Main races of people
a - caucasian
b - Negroid
c - Mongoloid


Among them, many groups are distinguished, and morphological features vary quite widely. They live in Europe, in northern Africa, in the Middle East, in India, in Siberia, and also in northern Japan. As a result of immigration and mixed marriages, they are found on almost all continents (Northern and South America, Australia, etc.).
Main features of the head and face:
- The skull and head belong to the dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types, in some nationalities - to the brachycephalic type,
- skin color from white-pink to light brown,
- the face is high, wide in the middle part, without signs of prognathism,
- hair is thin, smooth or wavy, color from black and chestnut to light blond, facial hair is significant,
- the forehead is vertical or sloping, the superciliary-portal region is weakly expressed,
- the nose is slightly raised, the root and back of the nose stand out, the nostrils are narrow or slightly dilated;
- cheekbones small, not protruding,
- auricle of medium size,
- the eyes are shallow-set, the eye section is large, the color of the eyes is different - from dark brown to light gray-blue,
- lips of medium fullness or narrow, mouth gap of medium size (about 50 mm),
- protruding chin.

a) Northern peoples (live in the northwestern part of Europe - in the Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Great Britain, Denmark, northern Germany and other regions):
- the head belongs to the moderate dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types, the occiput is prominent,
- skin color is white-pinkish, there are freckled faces,
- the face is narrow, high; in profile, the features of prognathia are not visible, the superciliary arches stand out a little,
- light hair - from light ash to light chestnut color,
- forehead high, slightly sloping,
- the nose is thin, the nostrils are narrow, the back of the nose is protruding and straight, there are also aquiline noses,
- eyeballs are not convex, the incision of the eyes is small, the color is gray-blue or green,
- thin lips, narrow mouth opening
- the chin is well defined, the lower jaw is high.

b) Baltic peoples (north-eastern part of Europe - Poland, Lithuania, Russia and other regions):
- head of brachycephalic type, high,
- skin color is white or ivory,
- the face is wide and short, the corners are visible,
- hair is smooth and thin, the color is light brown or chestnut,
- the nose is short, small, the back of the nose is concave, the tip of the nose is upturned,
- cheekbones are visible
- Wide chin.

c) The peoples of the Mediterranean (regions of Europe, Africa and Asia, located near the Mediterranean Sea):
- the skull and head are of the dolichocephalic type, narrow; the mesocephalic type is also found, the occipital part stands out,
- skin color dark or bronze,
- the face is oval, narrow, the contours are clear,
- hair is wavy, mostly dark in color - from chestnut or dark chestnut to black; abundant facial hair,
- the nose is medium in size, narrow, the tip of the nose is thin, the back of the nose is straight, the base is located on a horizontal plane or has a slight forward and downward slope,
- cheekbones are not prominent
- eyeballs are large, the incision of the eyes is large. Eye color is dark (brown or black),
- lips full, prominent, mouth of medium width,
- protruding chin, lower jaw high.

d) The peoples of the Iranian group (Persians, Armenians) live on the territory of the Iranian highlands and in Mesopotamia:
- the head is short (and high), of medium width, the occipital region is not prominent,
- skin color is light brown,
- the face is narrow and high, the contour is triangular,
- thick, wavy, black hair; abundant facial hair, thick eyebrows,
- the nose is large, the back of the nose is straight or strongly convex, the nasolabial fold is weakly expressed,
- large eyes, dark brown or black,
- the lower lip is slightly pushed forward,
- The lower jaw is low.

e) Alpine peoples (Central, Northern Europe, Alps massif):
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, wide and low, the occipital region is not distinguished,
- skin color is white-pink or yellow-brown,
- the face is short, wide, oval or rounded,
- hair is smooth, slightly curly, chestnut, dark chestnut or black,
- eye sockets of medium width, eye color brown, gray,
- the nose is short, wide in the region of the nostrils, the back is narrow, straight or concave,
- the chin does not stand out, the lower jaw is low and wide.

f) Peoples of the Adriatic region (Danubian plain, Anatolia, eastern coast of the Adriatic):
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, short and very high, the back of the head is flat; in Anatolian peoples, on the contrary, the dolichocephalic type of head with a pronounced occipital region predominates,
- skin color is swarthy or brown,
- the face is elongated, wide in the middle part, narrow in the region of the lower jaw,
- hair is smooth, chestnut or black; abundant facial hair,
- the nose is elongated and raised, the back is straight or convex (eagle noses are also found), there may be a small depression in the root of the nose,
- the eye sockets are high, the section of the eyes is narrow and horizontal, the color of the eyes is brown, there are blue and green eyes,
- lips are narrow, the chin is upturned and high, the lower jaw is small, low and narrow.

g) Lapland peoples (northern Scandinavia):
- the skull and head of the brachycephalic type, wide, short, the protrusion of the occipital region is insignificant,
- light brown or brown skin,
- the face is wide, large, the contour is quadrangular,
- hair is smooth, straight or wavy, dark brown or black, facial hair is negligible,
- the nose is short, raised, narrow, the back of the nose is straight or concave,
- prominent cheekbones
- the eye sockets are small and low, the incision of the eyes is narrow, the color of the eyes is dark brown or black,
- the lips are narrow, the chin is small and pointed, the lower jaw is wide and low.

h) Nationalities of India (North of India, Ganges basin, Hindustan peninsula):
- the skull and head are narrow, elongated, belonging to the dolichocephalic type, the occipital region is prominent,
- dark brown skin color
- the face is elongated, wide in the middle part, the contour is oval,
- hair is long, thick, smooth or wavy, black or chestnut in color, facial hair is abundant,
- the forehead is high, slightly narrow, slightly convex,
- the nose is upturned, narrow at the root, widened at the base, the back of the nose is straight with a noticeable glenoid fossa,
- the eye sockets are large, the eyeballs are not convex, the incision of the eyes is large and oval, the color of the eyes is dark brown or black,
- the chin is short, not prominent.
Polynesians. Living on the islands of Oceania, they are very similar to representatives of the Caucasian race:
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, they are round (short and wide), the back of the head is flat,
- skin color is light brown or reddish brown,
- the face has an oval shape, wide, high, there are no features of prognathia,
- hair is wavy, smooth. Black in color, facial hair is negligible,
- eyes are large, color is light brown, eye section is large, has the shape of an ellipse, Mongoloid fold,
- cheekbones protruding, widely spaced,
- the nose is wide, high, the root of the nose is narrow, the back is straight,
- fleshy lips, wide mouth opening,
- the lower jaw is massive, the chin is upturned.

Representatives of the Negroid race
There are different groups, each of which has its own morphological features (Sudanese, peoples living in the Nile region; Congolese, Bantu, Bushmen, Hottentots and others). Live in Central and South Africa, in some regions of Asia, currently as a result of migration live in North, South America and Europe.
. Main features of the head:
- the skull and head are of the dolichocephalic type, elongated, the occiput protruding,
- superciliary and orbital arches are not distinguished,
- strong lower jaw
- skin color from brown to dark brown and deep black,
- the forehead is high, straight, convex, protruding in the middle part, but not in the lateral areas, the frontal tubercles stand out,
- the face is wide, high in the middle part, has features of alveolar prognathism,
- cheekbones stand out
- the nose is very wide at the base (platirrino), the back of the nose is flat, wide and concave, the tip of the nose is rounded or has a flat shape in the transverse direction, the nostrils are dilated (in the transverse direction),
- auricle is small
- the eyes are small, shallow-set, black in color, the sclera have a yellowish tint,
- lips are fleshy, protruding, pigmented, the mouth is wide (on average it is 60 mm), the teeth are medium in size (mesodonti), the upper incisors are tilted forward,
- the chin protrudes slightly,
- the pear-shaped opening is low and very wide in the lower region,
- the contour of the eye sockets is almost square or round,
- the frontal protrusion of the zygomatic bone is extended and directed backward, as a result, attention is focused on the depth of the canine fossa.
The profile of the face is very peculiar, concave, angular in the frontal plane (because of the deep transverse depression in the area of ​​the root of the nose).

Representatives of the Mongoloid race
There are different groups, each of which has its own morphological features, they live in the Central and South-East Asia, in the Philippines and North America(Eskimos in Alaska and Canada). The indigenous population of the American continent only partially has characteristic Mongoloid features (see below).
Main features of the head:
- the skull (and head) is large, wide and short (brachycephalic type),
- eye sockets are high, shallow, their upper and lower edges are located horizontally,
- the lower jaw is strong, the intermandibular diameter is large,
- skin color is white-yellowish of varying intensity, from very light to dark,
- face large, high, flattened. The nasal fold does not stand out,
- hair is smooth, thick, thick with a round section, color - black, facial hair is insignificant,
- the forehead is wide, straight and slightly sloping, the brow ridges and bridge of the nose do not stand out,
- the nose is small, the tip of the nose is thin, the back is straight and slightly raised (especially in the root area), the base of the nose is thin (something between "leptorrino" and "camerrino"),
- cheeky face, cheekbones large, protrude forward,
- the auricle is medium in size or large, the earlobe is medium-sized,
- the eyeball is not convex, the section of the eyes is narrow, slightly oblique, in the median (inner) corner of the eye there is a fold (Mongoloid fold, expressed in varying degrees, characteristic of some nationalities), the color of the eyes is brown or black, the distance between the palpebral fissure and the eyebrow is significant,
- lips of medium thickness or narrow, not particularly prominent,
- the chin practically does not protrude.
According to their characteristic morphological features, the indigenous population of the American continent approaches the Mongoloid race (Eskimos, Indians living in the regions of the Andes, the Amazon, etc.)
Their distinctive features of the head and face:
- the skull and head are large, wide, belonging to the dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types,
- skin color varies from light brown to brownish yellowish or brownish reddish,
- the face is wide, with slight manifestations of alveolar prognathism,
- hair straight or wavy, color black, facial hair either insignificant or absent,
- forehead high, wide, sloping,
- the nose is strong, upturned, wide in the area of ​​the nostrils, the back of the nose is convex, aquiline noses are found,
- the cheekbones stand out in the lateral part - the eyes are deep-set, the eye section is narrow, slightly oblique, the Mongoloid fold is expressed to a greater or lesser extent, the eye color is dark brown, the lips are of medium fullness (sometimes the upper lip protrudes above the lower one), the mouth gap is wide enough, the chin is well defined.
