House of Nikita Mikhalkov on Nikolina Gora. Where does Nikita Mikhalkov live: a Moscow apartment and a manor

Zhukovka, Barvikha, Usovo... In this series, Nikolina Gora is a special article. The main oasis of the celestials near Moscow, in ancient times called RANIS, which translates very simply - "workers of science and art."

They are there today - academicians Sergei Kapitsa and Sergei Vorobyov, artists Vasily Livanov and Nikolai Slichenko, musicians Yuri Bashmet and Alexander Lipnitsky ... True, in last years appeared on Nikolina Gora and new masters of life. “Well, I just can’t save them from them, they buy up the forest and build their palaces with turrets,” complains one of the natives of the Mountain, pianist Nikolai Petrov. “I just don’t go outside my site, I spend all the time here - this is both my house and my dacha.” But once upon a time ...

Nikologorsk people gathered for musical evenings that took place at the dacha of Svyatoslav Richter (here the great musician died in the summer of 1997), to watch the once outlandish video that the same Nikolai Petrov brought from foreign voyages. One of the main cultural places of Nikolina Gora was the house-teremok of Natalia Konchalovsky, the granddaughter of Surikov and the wife of Sergei Mikhalkov (Andrey Konchalovsky now lives in this house). Today, a mansion with columns claims the central place - the house of Nikita Mikhalkov, built only a few years ago. But Vladimir Putin, and Jack Nicholson, and - Peta Wilson have already managed to visit here. Here, after the Easter service, there is also a noisy conversation.

By the way, the church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was restored not so long ago - in 1990, through the efforts of the local community (mainly the same Nikita Sergeyevich) and the rector - Archpriest Alexy Gostev. In the once traveling church of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in which he stopped for prayers, going on a pilgrimage to the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, not only Nikologorsk people come, but also believers from Moscow come. Last year on Easter in the temple they prayed by the light of Fire Holy Saturday, brought by Mikhalkov from Jerusalem.

The gastronomic center of Nikolina Gora is a restaurant without a name (but with surprisingly low prices) on a football and volleyball court. Once upon a time, noisy matches of local teams were held here, and poems were read from the stage. Now this rarely happens - the lifestyle has changed, and they gather mainly at a party, at each other's. So, the invariable Christmas celebration takes place at Stepan Mikhalkov's dacha in neighboring Maslova (or in Maslovka, as the natives lovingly call the village in the neighborhood). They also like to receive guests at one of the most old-fashioned dachas of Nikolina Gora - near Kachalov, where today the granddaughter of the great Moscow Art Theater master, actress Maria Lyubimova, lives with her family. This is one of the few houses of the old resort near Moscow, where you can fully experience the spirit of the former Nikolina Gora. Portraits, gizmos - lovely witnesses of antiquity. But another descendant of the great Moscow Art Theater - Vasily Livanov - added a new house to the old dacha - it became a little crowded ...

There are also abandoned houses on Nikolina. So, Sergei Prokofiev's dacha has been empty for a long time - the composer's son went into exile. And the huge mansion, which rumor ascribes to Tatyana Dyachenko, has never settled down and looks somehow menacing. Empty and lonely standing brick palace, built supposedly for the tragic end of his life Minister Pugo. Do you remember this one?.. Rumor has it that they will soon demolish (and build a new one) the same bridge from which Boris Yeltsin allegedly flopped under the morning into the Moscow River. An old one, to know, became a bridge, for nothing, as a memorial one.

The inhabitants of Nikologorsk created their village, guided by the old motto "My home is my fortress", carefully guarded the protected area, preferring to return from Moscow not to Moscow apartments, but to dachas near Moscow. And therefore now, when new vandals encroach on the "small homeland", they are less and less disposed to talk about their land, and on their faces one can more often notice the imprint of sadness.

"No capesos touched us, they lived in their" envious "and" slides ", but these !!!" - the pianist Petrov is again indignant, who built the house, like almost all Nikologorsk residents, with his own hands (including the house for guests, which are not uncommon for Nikolai Arnoldovich and his neighbors to this day). Only this is more and more - not "new Russians", but those who are visiting Nikolina Gora and feel at home. For now…

Nikita Mikhalkov - People's Artist, actor, director, producer and screenwriter. In recent years, he has been actively involved in entrepreneurship.

Born in October 1945 in Moscow in the family of a popular writer and famous writer. For three years he studied at the music school at the conservatory and during the same period visited the studio. Stanislavsky.

He began his studies at the school. Shchukin, but in the fourth year he was expelled for participating in filming, after which he entered the second year of VGIK as a film director, in 1971 he successfully completed training, and a year later he volunteered to serve in the Navy.

His debut as an actor took place at the age of fourteen. But the directorial debut work was the picture "At home among strangers, a stranger among his own" filmed in 1974. After that, every year until 1984, new films by the eminent director appeared on the screens, many of which were awarded and received public recognition.

In the early 1980s, he created the TriTe association. In 1993 he was elected chairman of the Cultural Foundation. In 1998, he took over as chairman of the Union of Cinematographers.

Personal life

The ancestors of the filmmaker were artists, poets and writers. Elder brother Andrei and nephew Yegor also chose the profession of film director.

He first married in 1966 to Anastasia Vertinskaya, the same year his son Stepan was born, but the couple broke up five years later.

Two years after the divorce, he married a second time to Tatyana Mikhalkova. From this union in 1974 a daughter Anna was born, a year later a son Artem, and in 1986 a second daughter Nadezhda. Nikita Sergeevich has nine grandchildren.

Nikita Mikhalkov's apartment

The director's apartment is located in one of the historical places of the Patriarch's Ponds, in a house on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane, 4. The house was built in 1904, it used to house the Ladies' Care of the Poor, and now the Moscow Theater "Kinospektakl".

They did not do it in a city apartment overhaul for many years, but according to the assurances of the owner, the interior still looks fresh and modern. Mikhalkov is a supporter of larger and open spaces, so the living room is spacious, without unnecessary furniture. The only antiques here are a 16th-century table and chairs brought from China.

One of the key ideas was the installation of an old fireplace in the apartment. Unfortunately, the plans of the house did not provide for such construction, so the owners had to build an additional air duct and bypass many instances in order to legalize the installation.

Nearby, in the residential complex "At the Patriarchs", there is Mikhalkov's studio "TRITE". The seven-story complex appeared on the site of old historical buildings that were demolished under the TRITE project, which caused a scandal in the press in 2010.

According to CIAN, apartments on Maly Kozikhinsky lane cost from 37 to 300 million rubles.

House of Nikita and Tatyana Mikhalkov

The house on Nikolina Gora is the favorite place of the people's artist, he lives here all his life and after work always strives to return from the city. Previously, an old building stood on this site, which eventually became completely dilapidated and the owner had to completely rebuild it.

During construction, with the help of modern materials, he tried to revive the interiors of his childhood, so the kitchen is made in the style of post-war times, and the overall style is determined by the 70s. The house does not have a single interior, each room is individual.

The facade is made of brick and stone with marble, but the interior is completely finished with wood. The living room with a white fireplace has a currently popular design with a second light. Many icons hang on the walls, and a snow-white piano stands next to the fireplace.

The kitchen, made of precious wood, is connected to the dining area, which has a long oval table and antique cupboards.

From the front door you get into the study and the winter garden. There is also a staircase from which you can go to the balcony, decorated with animal skins.

The mansion is located on a vast territory of several hectares. Guest buildings are located not far from the main mansion, and Andrei Konchalovsky's cottage is built on the neighboring plot.

According to CIAN, houses in the village of Nikolina Gora cost from 40 to 990 million rubles, depending on the location and size.

Restaurateur and his wife Elizabeth invited the magazine "Hello!" in your Vacation home and talked about the expanding Mikhalkov clan, changing priorities and raising children.

According to Stepan, his perception of children and family has changed a lot with age:
“With a shudder, I remember the day when I turned 50. Everyone called and shouted into the phone: “You fifty kopecks!” Dad was especially happy - they say, now you know what it's like. Moreover, he is not much older than me - by 20 years in total. Mom was just as happy when my daughter Sasha had a son. Teased: "Grandfather, grandfather!" Mom forbids calling her grandmother, so when I became a grandfather, she gladly took revenge. My father doesn’t like it either, by the way, when they call him grandfather, so everyone calls him Nikiton.”

“Now I no longer perceive the child as the meaning of life. Rather, as part of it. The meaning of life for me is different: to understand and recognize myself - primarily through relationships with people around me, with children. I have four of them, three from my first marriage. And with the birth of each, something changed in me. When my daughter appeared, I was not ready for children at all - this was good news, but it did not mean that I was going to educate, change my life for a child. Thank God, in spite of all this, Sasha has grown into a normal person, I am pleased and proud of her. Now I would devote more time and attention to relationships than then. At that age, there were other goals: success, material well-being, self-realization. And it seemed more important than children. Now I don't feel that way."

- his daughter Alexandra gave birth to the first child from the actor:

“Sasha and her son visit us regularly. And it turns out funny: as soon as the daughter crosses the threshold, we take Fedya from her and go to play with him, and she studies with Luka(the youngest son of Stepan - ed.). There is an exchange of children. The kids are already starting to communicate and play together, since the age difference is small.”.

Stepan also shared a story about his grandfather - a writer: “The Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky-Vertinsky clan is growing, it’s hard to even count how many grandchildren and children anyone has. And we also have a story about this. When my daughter Sasha was born, I came to my father to make him happy. He, happy, called his father Sergei Mikhalkov: “Dad, your great-granddaughter was born!” Sergei Vladimirovich clarified: “In what sense?” “Well, in what? - Nikita Sergeevich was surprised. - Styopa had a daughter, now he has come from the hospital. She is my granddaughter and your great granddaughter. The deathly silence lasted about a minute, and after that the grandfather asked: “Well, in general, what news?”

In the house on the Patriarch's Ponds, where Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov now lives, there used to be the Ladies' Guardianship of the Poor. Now the theater "Kinospektakl" is located there.

Mikhalkov has long been living in this house at 4 Maly Kozikhinsky Lane. Despite the fact that housing is considered one of the most prestigious, major repairs have not been done for a long time.

The film director loves free space, so there is no extra furniture in the apartment. The decoration of the dwelling is an old fireplace. To install it, the owners had to obtain permission from many authorities, as well as build an additional air duct.

Near the house of Nikita Sergeevich there is also a film director's studio "TriTe". For its construction, several dilapidated historical buildings had to be demolished, which caused indignation among the public.

In addition to the Moscow apartment, Mikhalkov has a country house in the village of Nikolina Gora, which has been owned by the family since 1949. Subsequently, a mansion was built on the site of an old dilapidated house, in which the famous director recreated the interiors of his childhood.

On the territory of the mansion there are several non-residential buildings, guest houses, as well as an artificial pond.

The interior of the house is made of solid walnut wood. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a living room and a winter garden, where the wife of the film director, Tatyana Mikhalkova, likes to spend time.

The second floor is occupied by Nikita Sergeevich's office, as well as several bedrooms decorated in a classical style.
