sacred trees. Sacred bo tree of Sri Lanka Spruce - a symbol of eternal life

Sacred trees of the Slavs

The Slavs and the world of nature - plants and animals are inseparable. They knew the price, they depended on them, they were endowed with special properties and qualities, they were worshiped, prayed, used in customs and rituals. Five trees were considered symbols of the universe. They were examples of the Masculine and Feminine principles. They symbolized life and were responsible for its duration, the transition to Eternal Life was also associated with plants.

All human life and life were inseparable from the natural world of plants. The often inexplicable and bizarre world of beliefs is still a representation of wisdom and insight.

Oak - the sacred tree of the Slavs

The power of this tree, Oak, was sung in traditional songs not only by our forefathers, but also by Europeans. They presented him with gifts, offered prayers and placed him at the center of most rites, sacraments and holidays, as the main attribute. About the Oak in parables, conversations, TALES AND SONGS indicate that, in fact, his wisdom is in the roots, power in the trunk, and sympathy or the power of protection of the weak in leaves and branches. That's why it became given tree truly masculine.The emblem of wisdom, masculinity.

If you remember from what tree the Slavs built houses for themselves, then, absolutely, the answer to it will be - Oak.

He is the strength and power, the citadel and the base of all things for a large family. As a result or due to its qualities, the Oak is often called the World Tree. For the ancient Slavs, it was not only an emblem, but the King of trees.

These beliefs were also reflected in Slavic folklore. It was the Oak that became the central component of Vedic tales and legends. In verses and poems it is possible to find the significance that the Slavs endowed with oak groves.

The temples of our Gods, in particular Perun and Veles, were erected just in the oak forests. Trees were presented as pillars of the universe of Slavic life. Numerous rituals that were conducted at the birth of a child or pregnancy included oak branches. They did not forget about them if they made conspiracies for the birth of a boy. Wherever possible, the founder of the family tried to plant a young oak tree in the courtyard of the house. It became the founder big family determined the strength of the family. And it also shared power, strength and reliability and strength with the male part of the family. If the tree fell ill: the leaves began to dry up, the eyelids began to die, then according to legend, this prophesied the collapse of the family, it was a warning sign.

Birch - a sign of beginnings and cheerfulness

One of the most common trees in Russia is Birch, and the name was associated with the base “white”. The ancient Slavs saw purity and “the beginning of everything” in this tree, that is, the birch embodied the feminine. For centuries in Russian folklore, two symbols are connected: a thin, tall, quivering birch and the camp of a young maiden. Every woman, a mother in the future, was happy to buy idols and talismans from the bark and branches of this magnificent tree, designed to protect the hostess and the baby of the future from troubles and evils in the future. Birch sap was considered a true medicinal drug. They drank as a tonic drink, prepared kvass on birch sap. It was considered a medicine that could cleanse the body and blood from infection.

Birch, for example, like the smart Oak, was often sung and used in ethnic rituals, mostly in those associated with marriage. For example, ancient fortune-telling is popular, when girls, hoping to find their betrothed, let birch wreaths flow in the direction of the river. According to belief, they could be helped by mermaids, who, according to the traditions of folklore, sat just on birches, which actually grow along the banks of ponds, lakes and rivers. Day

Rusalia was the festive birthday of the Rus. Birth - beginning - motherhood. This is exactly the meaning of these birch trees among the Slavs.

Pine - the tree of path and fate

Another sacred tree of the Slavs is Pine. The meaning with which our founders endowed it is one of the more difficult and mysterious. They called the pine the axis of the world, a guiding thread, a path that will lead to a bright tomorrow and a cloudless future, dear to the eternal world. A funeral pyre was often made from pine wood, serving as an emblem of just the inevitable fate that awaits each of us. Such a cult of farewell to the bodies of the dead refers us to the goddess Makoshi, whom the Slavs considered the goddess of Fate or Good Luck. She is considered one of the key figures in the Universe, the Goddess of the Cosmos.

Pine was often used in healing and healing rituals as a central attribute. Decoctions, poultices were made from resin, pollen, needles and cones. Speaking of the latter, it is again worth mentioning that, in fact, both female and male cones grow on the tree at the same time. This is interesting and significant because it is clearly possible to combine the feminine and masculine principles into a single whole.

Aspen - the tree of death and death

Aspen every time changes the color of its saw cut to blue. And the ancient Slavs called this shade “the shadow of death.” The tree was called the emblem of death, the end of the road. He was often planted in cemeteries, next to the graves of the dead. Being the emblem of death, death at the same time, Aspen is positioned as a powerful idol from her.

They produced such amulets from the evil eye, punishment and wrath of the gods from aspen branches and a trunk.

Considering the importance and symbolism of the tree, the Slavs made from it not only talismans, amulets, but also weapons and armor. For example, aspen spears. According to folklore, the aspen spear could not only destroy the enemy, but also resurrect him.

In folklore this natural object- Aspen - figured as the leading remedy for evil spirits, ghouls and ghouls. According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, ghouls and ghouls are both alive and dead at the same time. What is unnatural and contrary to the order of things in nature.

Spruce - a sign of endless life

In Slavic mythology, Spruce occupies one of the most important places. It is impossible to overestimate it. After all, Spruce is a symbol of eternal life. Everything that was considered eternal was attributed or associated with spruce. For example, music that will never disappear. Therefore, they tried to make musical instruments from this tree. Home furniture, utensils, baby cradles ... They used needles and branches in the manufacture of poultices and decoctions in the treatment of illness and the desire for a long, long life.

Experts believe that such an attitude towards spruce, as a symbol of eternal life, was borrowed by other cultures.

For example, the Egyptian pyramids are very similar in shape to the crown of a spruce. They also tried to emphasize the peculiarity of eternal life during the construction of the pyramids, like sarcophagi that preserve life for centuries.


In many cultures of the world, plants occupied a special niche, but some of them, especially trees, could become sacred and cult. They are worshiped, they pray near them, offerings are left near them, works of art are dedicated to them.

The deification of trees is rooted in the distant past, when people were more closely connected with nature than today.

1) Baobab, Madagascar

In Madagascar, the culture of tree worship is based on the belief that the souls of the ancestors live in these plants and forests, as well as in other living beings that are considered peaceful. Madagascarians believe that when a family member dies, his soul settles somewhere nearby, watches over relatives, sends messages to God, blesses, fulfills requests.

You can often see that at the base of the baobabs of Madagascar lay offerings in the form of honey, rum, coins or sweets. The inhabitants of the island also often wrap the trunk and branches of the tree with white or red cloth.

2) Dance Tree, Germany

Branches of a huge lime tree, nicknamed the "Dance Tree" in Steinfurt, Germany, require support in the form of building bridges. However, such trees can be found not only there. They are carefully looked after so that residents of villages and towns can gather under them on various occasions. These trees are usually time tested.

In many European villages, dance trees are the center of social activity, dancing or more serious events such as meetings and court hearings are held under them. The bark of these trees is very strong and can be used to make cloth and rope. It is also a symbol of the strength of social bonds.

According to local legends, the "dancing trees" represent the cosmic connection between the Earth and the heavens. These trees helped people measure time by watching the change of seasons, they were the center of local folklore dedicated to the goddess of love. Linden leaves in the shape of a heart are symbols of passion, these trees also attracted couples in love who were looking for solitude.

3) Bodhi Tree, Thailand

In many cultures around the world, trees were mentioned in legends and myths to explain the origin of man and his spiritual essence. Trees like these have often been thought of as an axis of the universe that links different realms of the cosmos, as ecologist Nalini Nadkarni wrote in his book "Between Heaven and Earth: Our Intimate Relationship with Trees". "Its branches hold the heavens, its trunk rests on the ground, and its roots descend deep into the underworld."

This tree has been called the Bodhi tree, under which, according to legend, Siddhattha Gotama attained enlightenment, becoming the Buddha approximately 2,600 years ago. Bodhi trees often represent the Buddha in art and literature.

4) Tule Tree, Mexico

This tree is called Taxodium mexican from the cypress family boasts the thickest trunk of all trees in the world. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The tree has a trunk circumference of about 36 meters and a height of 30 meters.

This tree with a strong trunk and evergreen foliage is named after the church of Santa Maria del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, where it has been growing for many centuries. The tree is believed to be about 2,000 years old and was planted by one of the Aztec priests.

The homeland of a long-liver Taxodium mexican is the southwestern part of the USA, Mexico and Guatemala.

5) Glastonbury Sacred Hawthorn, UK

The Sacred Hawthorn in Glastonbury is a popular place of worship for Christians. This tree once stood proudly like a lone guardian in a small village in the south of England. That was until 2010, when one night the tree was cut into pieces out of hatred or revenge, according to the newspaper. The Daily Mail. All that's left of it is the trunk.

According to legend, this lone hawthorn blossomed when the great follower of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, traveled with the Holy Grail after the great Christian messiah was crucified. Joseph stopped for the night on Uiariol Hill, stuck a wooden stick of Jesus into the ground, and when he woke up, a hawthorn tree grew instead.

Over time, it was believed that other hawthorns in these places grew from the branches of the same tree. Therefore, when the tree planted by Joseph on Uiariol Hill was cut down during the English civil war in the 17th century, a new one grew in its place.

The hawthorn trees that grow in the Glastonbury area are considered unique because they bloom twice a year - at Easter and at Christmas. Every winter, a sprig of one of these trees is sent to the royal family.

6) Chandelier Tree, California

Cult tree - sequoia Chandelier - in Underwood National Park has a height of about 96 meters. A hole-tunnel was made in its trunk, in which a car could fit. The park is extremely popular thanks to this famous tree, through which many generations of cars have passed.

Northern California redwoods, which are the most tall trees on the planet, remain popular with tourists, many of whom come to California specifically to admire them. The oldest sequoias on Earth grow near Humboldt Sequoia National Park, and most of these trees can be found in national park Redwoods. Ten years after California started deforesting and building cities, less than 5 percent of the virgin redwood forest that California had before was left.

7) Eucalyptus, Australia

The specific smell of the eucalyptus forest is typical of some areas of Australia. There are hundreds growing different types: rusty to peppery eucalyptus. Almost all of them are from New Zealand.

Eucalyptus regal- one of the highest flowering plants in the world, which is second only to California sequoia.

Both the natives of these places and the settlers-colonizers used eucalyptus trees for their needs: they built canoes and buildings, made weapons, tools and tools. Essential oils obtained from eucalyptus are able to get rid of various viral and fungal infections, and also heal wounds with their help. People who live in the very dry climate of Australia have even learned how to extract water from the roots of these trees.

Eucalyptus oil is used in pagan and magical practices to cleanse rooms from evil spirits. Koalas, native to Australia, eat eucalyptus leaves, which are their staple food.

8) Lone Cypress, California

Arguably the most photographed tree in the world, the Lone Cypress grows on a cliff on the Pacific coast near Monterey, California.

Blown by all winds, this cypress is one of the attractions of the so-called "17 Mile Road" in northern California. More than 2 million motorists travel along this route along the coast of the ocean every year.

Scientists knew that this tree was very old, but they had no idea how old it really was. This species of cypress can live up to 400 years, but the specific conditions in the area may have made the tree look older than its age.

9) Oak of Mamre, Palestinian Authority

The Oak of Mamre, worshiped for centuries, is located near Hebron on the West Bank of the Jordan River in the Mamre Valley. This oak may be about 5,000 years old and is the last tree in the forest that once extended into these areas. According to religious traditions, this tree must die before the arrival of the Antichrist. The main trunk of the tree died back in 1996, but a small shoot that appeared from the ground a few years later gave hope.

In Hebrew, oak allon or Elon associated with the word El- God. The oak played a prominent role in other religions as well. It was the sacred tree of the Druids, a pre-Christian Celtic caste whose traditions were adopted by the early Christians.

10) Tree Arch, California

Two trunks of plane trees grew together, forming a funny arch in Gilroy Gardens amusement park, California, where you can find many other interesting plants. Twisted into a knot, woven into a basket, or growing into a bench shape, the trees from Gilroy Park are an example of how trees can be manipulated and their trunks shaped into any shape using a method called graft when the shoots or buds of one plant are attached to the stems or trunks of another. As a result, they begin to grow as one.

11) Pinus pine, California

This pine is considered one of the oldest trees on the planet, it can be found in the western United States. Some representatives are more than 5 thousand years old. They are slow growing and live in the dry climate of mountainous regions. Their very slow rate of reproduction and regeneration, as well as their limited growth band at high altitudes, can significantly reduce the number of these plants in a changing climate.

It is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and its Bay of Bengal. It is separated from Hindustan by the Gulf of Manar and the Strait of Polk. The so-called Adam's Bridge - a shallow in the Strait of Polk - once completely connected Sri Lanka with the mainland, but, according to the annals, was destroyed by an earthquake around 1481.

Capital of Sri Lanka

— Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

Sacred Bo tree of Sri Lanka


Getting rid of the annoying British, the inhabitants of Ceylon did not hesitate to rename their country as they saw fit. Thus, the state of Sri Lanka was born. And although the aromatic tea produced here is still called Ceylon, Sri Lanka is as far from Ceylon as it is from Great Britain. It is here that the Bo tree has been standing for almost five thousand years. It was under this tree that Prince Gautama attained Enlightenment and became a Buddha. Right here giant snake sheltered the meditating prince from the weather under her hood. This is the oldest tree on Earth and it looks like it will see the death of this world.


- the ancient complex of cave temples also has its own small, but unsolved mysteries. It is here that along one of the walls in the thickness of the stone a narrow groove was made, the water in which runs ... up. It reaches the highest point of the cave and from there, according to the law of gravity, it falls down into a large golden bowl.

Tourist paradise

Tourists arriving in this paradise should know and follow some rules. You can’t point a finger at someone, this is not just impolite - this is a direct insult. Before entering the courtyard and the premises of Buddhist temples, shoes are removed. To take a picture local resident you need to get permission from him first. If you mindlessly flick the camera left and right while swiping most rest at the police station.

Sacred Bo Tree

Bo Tree (Bodhi Tree) is one of the sacred objects of worship for millions of Buddhists around the world who come to Anuradhapura, which has retained its fame as the focus of historical monuments and holy Buddhist sites.

This tree (one of the most ancient in the world) was grown from an offshoot of an Indian wild fig, a seedling taken from a tree in Budha Goya (Nepal), under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. The offshoot was brought to the island in the 3rd century. BC e. nun Sangamitta, daughter of the Indian emperor Asoka, and was planted in the royal park of Anuradhapura.

Bo is the oldest tree on Earth

Since the Budha Goya tree has not been preserved in Nepal, Bo is the oldest tree on Earth: its age is 23 centuries.

The tree itself is small, resting on props. A large protective tree grows next to it.

Thousands of pilgrims come every year to admire the shrine; a separate Lankarma temple has even been built for worship. To see the Bo tree with your own eyes, you need to go through two security cordons, and then you can come close to the golden fence that surrounds the sacred tree. Near this fence, you can observe Buddhists who are standing and waiting for the leaves to fall from the sacred tree. They will take these leaves home so that the memory of the pilgrimage to the island of Ceylon, an island of ancient Buddhist tradition, remains. Someone right here is meditating or praying, sometimes all day long.

This plant is located in the city of Anuradhapura, and is known almost all over the world. His significance is not so much in his age and not even in his size. The reason for such fame of a seemingly ordinary tree is religion and legends, which may well turn out to be true.

It is here that many Buddhists come every year, for whom this tree is sacred. But tourists who dream of looking at this unique plant also come here. The reason for this is its history.

This is not just a tree, it is an offshoot of an Indian fig. It was taken in ancient times from the tree that gave its shadow to the Buddha at the moment when he gained enlightenment. That tree itself bears, more precisely, bore the name Budha Goya. According to ancient texts, it grew in Nepal. But today it is no longer possible to see it, and the only thing that remains for tourists and true Buddhists is its part, its offshoot, which today has become one of the most interesting trees on the ground.

Confirmation that this is precisely the offshoot of the most sacred tree in the world is ancient texts. They directly indicate that one of the daughters of the Indian emperor brought the sprout directly from Nepal. By that time she was already a nun, and this action was no less important for her than it is now for all worshipers of the Enlightened One. It was she, a girl named Sangamitta, who planted him in the ground at royal palace ancient city. Since then, it has been growing and taking root deeper and deeper in this land.

Ordinary tourists are little interested in the Buddhist history of this tree, dating is more interesting. It turns out that today this plant is one of the oldest in the world - it was brought and planted according to ancient texts in the 2nd century BC, which means that today it is already more than twenty-three centuries old.

Despite this age, the sacred tree itself is small, and it is supported by special props. But a larger tree grows nearby to protect him.

Every year thousands of pilgrims come here, for whom a separate temple is built.

Photos from open sources

Almost all peoples of the world once worshiped trees. This worship arose long before the main world religions appeared on earth. (website)

In ancient times, people used wood to make weapons, build homes and as fuel. From leaves and tree bark, they made shoes and clothes for themselves. It is no wonder that our distant ancestors considered the tree a symbol of life and the support of the universe, since it combined the lower (underground), middle and upper worlds. From the trees, people asked for health for themselves and their loved ones, the birth of children and a good harvest ...

Over time, the external manifestations of this cult have changed, but today many believe in the mind and power of the green giants living in our neighborhood...

Trees can punish

In some countries, the careful and respectful attitude of people towards trees was manifested in a very cruel way. For example, the ancient Germans practiced this custom: a person who tore off the bark from a living tree was put to a painful death. The unfortunate stomach was torn open and the intestines wound onto the trunk of the same tree.

Photos from open sources

Fortunately, such executions were very rare. People believed that the trees themselves were able to punish their offenders and their entire family. For a damaged trunk, broken branches, and even foul language that sounded near the shrine, the criminal would certainly be punished. Sometimes the punishment happened instantly. For example, in the last century, more than a thousand-year-old turpentine tree, which was considered sacred, grew in Gurzuf. One day, some drunken reveler came up to the trunk of the "green Methuselah" and began to scold. People who were nearby witnessed how the foul language and legs were immediately taken away from the foul language.

Photos from open sources

In ancient times, it was believed that even if cut down and turned into boards or something else, trees retain their strength. Therefore, their disturbed spirits were pacified in every possible way so that a person could fearlessly use the resulting wood. In some places, this custom has survived to this day. So, the inhabitants of the Indonesian island of Celebes (Sulawesi) and today sacrifice to the spirits. Putting wooden house, they kill a goat or other sacrificial animal and smear their dwelling with its blood. On the island of Kalimantan (Borneo), the owners of a new wooden building do not go hunting in the forest for a whole year - such is their repentance for the felled trees.

In general, it can be recognized that the worship of trees is a thing of the past for humanity. Although our green brethren have by no means lost their strength because of this ...

sacred tree of malaysia

This story took place relatively recently in the south of Malaysia, in the state of Johor. The builders were laying the road - and on the way they found an ancient temple with a sacred tree growing inside. The disturbing temple was quickly dismantled, but the tree did not want to give up. At first, the crane with which they planned to uproot him collapsed, unable to cope with the task. The next morning, the crane operator refused to continue uprooting. It turned out that he had a nightmare all night in which he was running away from snakes. The master told the crane operator not to talk nonsense and get down to business. He dejectedly trudged to his crane - and in a matter of seconds the man was stung by a cobra.

Photos from open sources

The construction management decided to blow up the tree, but the truck itself, carrying dynamite, exploded. Rumors about these tragedies quickly spread around the area, and it simply became impossible to find those who wanted to fight with the sacred tree. In the meantime, pilgrims were reaching out to him from all sides, and the construction management began to charge them a fee in order to at least slightly compensate for the forced stop of the project. How the sacred tree reacted to this is still unknown, since the confrontation is not over yet ...

Trees as healers

Of course, such actions are forced by trees unacceptably. aggressive behavior of people. In "peaceful conditions" green giants use their power to give us joy and healing. Medicine has long been using everything that plants so generously share with man, but pundits are not yet able to understand the nature of many miracles. Thus, some of us try to logically explain amazing phenomena, others prefer to deny "inconvenient facts", while others simply believe in and receive healing by their faith.

Photos from open sources

Thousands of people come to the suburb of New Delhi, where the sacred mahua tree grows. But until recently, no one suspected the unusual properties of this miracle tree. They appeared when the Mahua was in serious danger. Deciding to cut down the old tree, the gardener approached it with an ax and had already struck the first blow ... At the same moment, he heard a voice telling him to stop, and froze. The gardener saw a dark red liquid seep from the damaged trunk. Throwing down the ax, the man ran away in horror. Soon, many already knew that mahua was able to cure patients with polyarthritis, tropical fever, and those suffering from heart ailments. The local press reported on a woman who lost her speechlessness in early childhood. What doctors unsuccessfully sought for many years, the sacred tree succeeded in a few minutes ...

Trees as havens for souls

Some peoples have beliefs that trees are not only shelters for the spirits of the forest, but also temporary shelters for human souls. The Koreans believed that they contained the souls of people who died from the plague, women who died in childbirth, as well as travelers. And if the tree creaks, it means that the soul of the sinner is locked in it. Such a creak is the only way for the soul to turn to the living and ask to pray for it. They also say that if a person, after praying, falls asleep under a creaking tree, the deceased will appear to him in a dream and tell his sad story.

Photos from open sources

And today, many believe that trees are dwelling places for the souls of our ancestors. It is no coincidence that the custom of planting them on graves is so widespread. According to popular beliefs, such a tree can help a person in solving various everyday problems.

Sakura blooming on the sixteenth day

It turns out that if you wish, you can settle in a tree ... your own soul. This is told in a beautiful Japanese legend. In the province of Iyo grows Yu-Roku-Sakure, which means "the tree that blooms on the sixteenth day." It is remarkable in that it blooms much earlier than its counterparts and, moreover, always on the same day. The Japanese believe that the soul of a brave samurai lives in this cherry tree, and therefore it had the right to choose the time of its flowering.

According to legend, sakura used to bloom along with other trees that grew in the garden of a venerable samurai. The owner had special feelings for her, as sakura "remembered" several generations of his family. Besides, she was the only joy of an old man who outlived his children.

Photos from open sources

Once in the spring, the tree did not dress in its delicate pink outfit - it withered. To console the samurai, the neighbors planted young sakura for him. However, she was never able to replace the dead cherry for the old man. Once an idea came to his mind how to revive his pet. Going out into the garden on the sixteenth day of the first moon, the samurai said to the sakura: “I beg you, fulfill my request, begin to bloom again. I will die instead of you." Spreading a white blanket under a tree, the old samurai committed hara-kiri. At the same time, the dead sakura blossomed. Since then, it blooms annually on the first sixteenth day of the first lunar month ...

Of course, it is difficult for us Europeans to understand the beliefs and traditions of our eastern neighbors, but this poignant story about a person’s love for a tree prompts us to remember the values ​​long forgotten in our pragmatic time. And it is not so important whether souls live in trees or not - people should respect everything that surrounds them.

Sacred trees of the Slavs ======================= Do we often remember the forest? Only when we go on vacation. How often do we touch trees? Only when we collect their fruits. But our ancestors had a different story - they loved, respected and cherished the forest.

Our ancestors were surrounded by more interesting world than us. They were able to see magic and soul in things that we now do not pay attention to. They even treated trees as living beings capable of communication and friendship, and the forest was considered a breadwinner. We can find confirmation of this in numerous old fairy tales, riddles, sayings, proverbs and songs of our ancestors. With the help of trees, our ancestors knew how to heal: going to the forest for mushrooms or berries, they sat for a long time under “their” trees, talked to them, touched them. Modern scientists call this practice dendrotherapy, and claim that such walks normalize blood pressure and bring mental and physical relief. In general, our ancestors, like all other peoples who lived in the forest, had a great love for trees. And this could not be reflected in their worldview, where the archetype of the World Tree appears. TREE OF LIFE - THE WORLD TREE The image of the World Tree was known in the mythology of many nations. He played a significant role in the worldview of the Slavs as well. This Tree was a symbol of life, space, and time. The sky stood on its branches, and the earthly firmament rested on its roots. The crown of the Tree symbolized the world of light spirits, the roots - the world of dark spirits, and the trunk - the earthly space where people lived. The tree divided these spaces, and while it stood, nothing threatened the universe.

In the mythology of the Slavs, the World Tree was located in the umbilical cord (that is, the center) of the whole world: on an island in the middle of all the seas, on the Alatyr stone. He was depicted as an apple tree, sycamore, but most often - an oak. At the roots of the Tree sat a snake, a stoat, or some other predator, and above it a bird nested in the branches. These animals were always at enmity with each other, and their enmity symbolized the struggle between good and evil.

The image of the World Tree was decorated with clothes, household utensils, work equipment. In some cases, it was supposed to play a protective role, in others - to lure good luck, health, wealth. The Tree also appears in riddles and in magical conspiracies.

RESERVED FOREST The Slavs most often performed their rituals in forests and groves. Each deity had to put a sanctuary among the trees of a certain type. Sometimes they were planted on purpose, and then a whole grove was obtained. The place where the sanctuary was located became reserved. It was called the "righteous forest" or "God's forest". The protected grove was outside the village. It was strictly forbidden to enter it just like that, or, moreover, to chop wood in it. An inconspicuous path led to the temple, and the sanctuary itself was a round clearing surrounded by a palisade of logs. The altar was arranged in the center, most often under a large old tree, and around it stood wooden idols. On the days of the festivities, the whole village gathered in the sanctuary, they performed rituals and brought gifts to the gods. Now it may seem strange to us that among the Slavs, cutting down trees that did not interfere with anyone or anything, or that gave shade in the summer, was considered a sin. Trees were respected in their own right, and their aimless destruction was condemned in the same way as excessive cruelty to animals or rude treatment of people. Very old trees were even more respected. They tried not to cut them without great need and called the King Tree. And in the most ancient times, the Magi and tribal leaders imposed a strict ban on the felling of certain types of trees, which were considered sacred and revered as totems - the ancestors of the tribe. With the adoption of Christianity, this went away, but the veneration of special types of trees remained. OAK - THE SACRED TREE OF THE SLAVES In ancient times, it was among the Slavs a sacred tree - the king of forests. Oak rightfully occupies the first place in the Slavic arboretum. The Slavs called it the King Oak, and, according to popular beliefs, the king of birds, the eagle, lived on it. God the Father acted under the name or in the form of an oak tree. In folk beliefs, oak acts as a symbol of masculinity, supremacy, strength, power, firmness.

The power of this tree, Oak, was sung in their songs not only by our ancestors, but also by Europeans. They presented him with gifts, offered prayers and made him an integral attribute of many rites, sacraments and holidays. They say about the Oak that its wisdom is in the roots, strength is in the trunk, and compassion is in the leaves and branches, therefore this tree has become a truly masculine symbol. If you ask the question: what kind of wood did the Slavs build their houses from? Then, of course, the answer to it will be - Oak. He is a fortress and strength, a stronghold and foundation of all things, therefore he is often called the Tree of the World. Our ancestors called it not just a symbol of a tree among the Slavs, but the King of trees. This element in all its diversity is displayed in the folklore of our people, because often it was the Oak that became the central element of tales and legends. In verses and poems one can find the significance that our fathers endowed oak groves with. The temples of our Gods, in particular Perun and Veles, were built precisely in oak forests. A large number of ceremonies that were performed at the birth of a child or pregnancy included oak branches if the parents wished to have a boy. The presence of the Oak, planted by the father in the courtyard of the house, determined the strength of the family, namely the strength, health and reliability of its men. Therefore, when oaks began to die in the courtyard, this was considered a truly bad sign, prophesying the imminent death of the family. BIRCH - A SYMBOL OF BEGINNINGS AND FRESHNESS One of the most common trees in Russia is Birch. And although birches grow all over the world, they are not loved anywhere and are honored as they are in our homeland. It has been so in all ages. After all, birch in Slavic mythology was also considered a sacred tree.

Our fathers saw in this tree purity and the beginning of everything, that is, the birch embodied the feminine principle. For centuries, in our folklore, the symbol of a thin and slender birch has been associated with the camp of a girl. Any girl in the future is a mother, therefore, often amulets and talismans were made from the bark and branches of this beautiful tree, designed to protect their wearer from troubles and evils in the future. Birch sap can be considered a real healing drug that can cleanse the body and blood from infection. Birch, like the wise Oak, was often used in folk rituals, mainly in those that were in the nature of marriage. For example, ancient fortune-telling is known when girls, hoping to find a betrothed, let birch wreaths flow along the river. In that case, according to legend, they were helped by mermaids, who, also according to folklore, sat precisely on birches that grow along the banks of ponds, lakes and rivers. The holiday of Rusalia was the holiday of the birth of the Rus. Birth - beginning - motherhood. This is precisely the meaning of these birches among the Slavs. PINE - THE TREE OF THE WAY AND FATE Another sacred tree of the Slavs is the Pine. The meaning that our fathers endowed it with is one of the most complex and mysterious.

They called the pine the axis of the world, the guiding thread, the road, the fate. A funeral pyre was often made from pine wood, serving as a symbol of precisely the inevitable fate that awaits each of us. This cult of parting with the bodies refers us to the goddess Makoshi, who is again the goddess of Fate. She is one of the main figures in the Universe, the Goddess of the Cosmos. Pine served mainly in healing and healing rituals. Decoctions, poultices were made from resin, pollen, needles and cones. Speaking of the latter, it is again worth mentioning that both female and male cones grow on the tree at the same time, and what can unite a man and a woman into a single beginning? Only fate. Linking together, the pine simultaneously led and supported our ancestors. ASPEN - THE TREE OF DEATH AND DEATH Aspen always turns blue in its saw cut, and our ancestors called the blue color the shadow of death. Despite the fact that this tree was called a symbol of death, the end of the path, it was not at all negative. Aspen, being a symbol of death, is simultaneously positioned as a powerful amulet against it. The will of the Gods is sometimes capricious and unstable, and their anger could be directed at those who did not have any bad merit behind them. So that punishment would not befall the innocent, people made aspen amulets that could hide them from anger.

Taking into account the importance and symbolism of this tree, the Slavs made from it not only amulets, but also weapons and armor. For example, aspen spears. According to folklore, an aspen spear could not only kill a warrior, but also revive him. This once again suggests that the aspen had not a negative connotation at all, but a benevolent, fair one. That is, the death rewarded by the aspen is timely. By the same principle, the aspen stake in folklore figured as the main remedy for evil spirits, such as vampires and ghouls. It was believed that vampires and ghouls are both alive and dead at the same time, they violate the natural order of things, contradict it. FIR - A SYMBOL OF ETERNAL LIFE One can hardly overestimate the importance of Fir for the Slavs. Spruce acts as one of the most important spiritual keys, being at the same time the purpose of being, its meaning, and being itself. After all, Spruce is a symbol of eternal life.
