How can you become a gymnast at home. Young gymnasts: rhythmic gymnastics for beginners

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5-6 years old is the ideal age to start rhythmic gymnastics classes. At this age, the child's body is still in the process of constant development, so the muscles are very plastic, and they are also easy to stretch, which is very important in rhythmic gymnastics. If you have already decided on a sport, now is the time to think: what do you expect from your child in the future? Will it be a career full of victories and success? Or will the child do rhythmic gymnastics for general development?
If competitions and victories attract you in gymnastics, then you should select a serious school and a very experienced coach, and in the most careful way. After all, it is also a significant component of future success. It is important to understand that in order to achieve success in sports, you need to train a lot and hard, so the child will be subjected to heavy loads. Of course, without the efforts and desire of the child himself can not do. And if in the course of his classes he reveals the ability to rhythmic gymnastics, then you can safely count on the success and fame of your child. One more piece of advice: when choosing a coach, you should remember that he will “replace” you, your parents, at training camps and competitions; will look after and comfort your child, as well as set him up for victory. Therefore, it is also important not to make a mistake here.
If you are not interested in spotlights, fanfares and medals, then of course you can choose a studio and a simpler one, for example, the local palace of culture. The loads here will not be so large, and there will be fewer requirements, and the payment is correspondingly lower and closer to home. Of course, the competitions in which your daughter will participate will most likely be regional or city, but with noticeable abilities and good results, coaches of serious rhythmic gymnastics schools, and maybe even schools where they train and educate future Olympic champions, may be interested in her.
It is important to remember one thing, no matter which school you choose, the main thing is that the child likes it and is capable of rhythmic gymnastics, otherwise it will not be teaching, but torment.

Every girl dreams of being plastic, because thanks to them you can become more graceful and sophisticated. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly work on the development of these qualities.

Some girls can boast of natural flexibility, they are really lucky. After all, they, even as adults, can sit on the twine without any problems. Although it has not been scientifically proven that flexibility can be hereditary.

Flexibility is not only the ability to throw a leg over your head, it is the ability to feel and control every cell of your body. In nature, the most flexible creatures are all felines. Only a cat can silently sneak up on its prey, only it can gently caress its entire body on the owner's leg, and only a cat can remain intact after falling from a height. All thanks to the super developed ability to bend your body.

A flexible body indicates the health of the joints and spine, so each person needs to work hard on it.

Most men are sure that flexible women are insanely sexy, and in bed they are real goddesses. This is due to the fact that flexibility allows you to realize all your fantasies to the maximum.

The most plastic sports are rhythmic gymnastics and dancing. Especially gymnasts are able to fascinate with their movements. Sometimes there is a feeling that professional women simply do not have bones, they can bend their own body so deftly.

Each person must understand that flexibility is something that each of us has in childhood. It's just that some parents immediately begin to work with their children and develop these abilities even more, while others do not pay attention to flexibility, and as a result, their child at the age of 10 is no longer realistic to sit on the twine.

You can become plastic at any age and conditions. By doing the right exercises at home, you will soon be able to sit on the twine, somersault and reach your feet with your fingers.

Before starting stretching, each person should master the basic safety rules.

Try a couple of simple exercises at home: stand straight, touch your feet with your toes. If you can’t do this, then you definitely need to develop flexibility, just don’t think that after a week of doing the exercises you will be able to sit on the transverse twine.

Exercises for the development of plasticity must be performed constantly. For convenience, it is better to make a schedule.

Really good results can become apparent after a month, however, with flexibility, everyone is individual. So don't get discouraged and don't give up.

For stretch marks, you must have special clothing, it can be a couple of sizes larger.

All exercises should be performed slowly, smoothly and without strain. You should not experience pain, everything should be comfortable. After all, you want to become more plastic, and not get an Olympic medal.

Exercises are best done in a good mood and in the morning. You will receive a huge charge of positive emotions, which will be enough for the whole working day.

In training, you should pay attention to all muscles. Flexibility is the interaction of all muscle groups, so you can not stretch your legs and completely throw your arms.

Entire programs of different specialists have been developed for stretching. Take advantage of them.

We lie down on the floor, hands are placed at 90 degrees from the body, legs are straight. We bend the right leg at the knee and try to touch the floor with it on the left side. We do the same with the second leg. Thus, the muscles of the legs, back and lateral muscles of the press are stretched.

We sit on the floor, legs are straight, we just stretch our palms to our toes. Don't bend your knees and don't slouch. You are stretching for yourself, so do the exercises honestly. 20 times.

We sit on the floor, knees under the booty, hands behind the head, elbows apart. Slowly start to get up, then slowly lower back down. 30 times.

We lie down completely on the floor, arms straight above the head, legs straight. Raise one leg to a right angle, grab it with your hand and pull it in the direction of the head. 20 times for each leg.

We stand straight, put the right leg forward and bend it. We try to sit as low as possible. For each leg 15 times.

Starting position, as before. Sit down, grab your feet and try to stand up completely without taking your hands off. These are the so-called complicated squats. 25 times.

At home, developing flexibility is quite simple. All you need is your desire and willingness to become better.

I did it now I'm flexible

@hava: Hello, how many days did you have. And you gradually sat down.

@hava: Hello, how many weeks have you sat on the splits? Answer pliz

I sat on the twine for 3 weeks I'm 11

Thanks, very informative article!

Only now, "We sit on the floor, knees under the booty ... ..", how is it at all? I have a very good fantasy, but I couldn’t even imagine it, and I definitely won’t risk doing it)))))))

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    Gymnastics at home

    Not everyone can afford to constantly go to the gym or gym, but the desire to keep fit and develop further still remains. What to do in such cases? Stop striving to look perfect? In no case. Do not forget that always in any business the most important priority is an irresistible desire and desire.

    It is not necessary to have a separate room in order to play sports or gymnastics. After all, you can do the exercises at home. Gymnastics at home is no worse than in a special gym. It is important to try and do everything right.

    First you need to tune in to the process and create comfortable conditions. Make sure that nothing interferes with you and nothing distracts you. Turn on the right music - this will set you up for the robot.

    In order to be sure of the correctness of the selected exercises, consult with a specialist, but if you cannot do this, you have a way out, namely gymnastics at home video. Thanks to the video, which you can find both on the Internet and buy a disc with gymnastics lessons, you have a chance to learn how to create your own training program and follow them consistently.

    The most common are the following exercises:

    For the muscles of the neck: tilts to the sides and forward, rotation.

    For the muscles of the shoulders: rotation, breeding, swinging.

    For the muscles of the body: tilts, turns, exercises for the chest.

    For the muscles of the thighs: movements "bicycles" and "scissors".

    These exercises are the most popular and suitable for almost everyone. So don't be lazy and take care of yourself.

    And now, exercises that are easy to perform at any home. Pay attention to them and do as much as you can. So, these are: jumping with legs apart, upper press, push-ups from the floor, half-squats, jumping with legs spread back and forth, etc.

    There are a lot of such exercises and all of them are of great importance and are important for maintaining the tone of the whole body. They are nothing new, but always useful and effective. After completing each set of exercises, do not forget to stretch your muscles.

    Since during any workout, follow clear rules and instructions, you do not need to immediately perform several complexes in a row, this will kill you and will not allow you to practice for a while. Alternate between rest and exercise. Consider the recommendations of the instructors, and watch thematic videos that will allow you to self-learn.

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    Home gymnastics for weight loss

    If a person does not play sports, but wants to lose weight and improve health, simple gymnastics at home is suitable for him. As the saying goes, movement is life. Kinesitherapy - movement therapy - will help every supporter of weight loss to defeat obesity and other diseases. In addition to the healing effect, exercise improves mood. Even for beginners, regular gymnastics at home causes self-confidence and a surge of vigor.

    “By physical exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine,” said the physician Joseph Addison.

    In a general sense, kinesitherapy is physiotherapy exercises (massage, manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, modern types - hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, restorative exercises on medical devices). Most methods are used only in medical institutions, and therapeutic exercises are used at home. For beginners, simple training complexes have been developed to strengthen all muscle groups, suitable for weight loss.

    The general complex of kinesitherapy is suitable for every patient, regardless of age and health status. For the selection of exercise therapy for a specific disease, you should consult a doctor.

    Daily workout (lasts 15-30 minutes).

    Warm-up in a standing position: sipping with raising hands clenched into fists; rotation and inclination of the head in different directions.

    1st block of exercises, do lying on your back:

    • Pull your arm up, lifting the shoulder blade off the floor as much as possible - 8 times.
    • "Frog": bent legs on the feet; spread your knees to the sides, fixing the feet - 7-9 times.
    • Half bridge: hands on the forearms, bent legs on the feet; lift the body up, straightening one leg 5-6 times.
    • Hands behind the head, legs bent. Raise the top of the body 10-12 times.
    • To complicate the exercise: inhale to raise the body, and bend the bent legs to the side, to exhale - lower the body and raise the outstretched legs. Repeat on the other side, 7-9 times.
    • Hands at the seams. Simultaneous turn of the head and legs bent at the knees in different directions, 15-20 times.
    • "Birch" at the wall: press the buttocks and feet against the wall, push off, straightening the lower back, 5-7 times.
    • Pull perpendicularly up straight arms and legs, repeat 6 times.

    • Lie on your side, pull the straightened leg forward and backward 8-10 times.
    • Lying on your side, describe a circle with a straight leg 8-10 times.
    • Lying on your side with support on the elbow, pull the lower leg, bent at the knee, to the chest, 4-6 times on each side.
    • Push up from the floor with crossed legs, hands inward, back straight, 5-10 times.
    • "Cat": arch and bend your back for inhalation-exhalation 5-10 times.
    • Lying on your stomach, bend up with the rise of the body and head 6-8 times.
    • Get down on your heels, hands behind your head, head and chin forward. Turns in different directions, the back is straight, 10 times.
    • Sitting on your heels, straighten up, spread your arms to the sides and rotate your shoulders back and forth 6-12 times.
    • Kneeling, head down, chin pressed to chest. Turn to the sides, 7-10 times.
    • After completing the complex for beginners, a relaxing hitch is carried out (lying on your back, relax, watching your breath).

    When the proposed exercises strengthen the main muscle groups, the gymnasts proceed to complex acrobatic positions and tricks. Many dream of learning how to make a wheel. Making a wheel is not so difficult if the muscle tone is normal and there are no diseases accompanied by dizziness.

    Kinesitherapy - gymnastics at home - is useful for losing weight and strengthens the ability to keep balance in different positions of the body. First you need to master the handstand against the wall. It's easy to do this:

    1. Stand next to the wall, facing it;
    2. Bend over and rest your hands on the floor;
    3. Transfer weight to hands, lift one leg off the floor;
    4. Rest with a straight leg against the wall, pull up the other leg;
    5. Leaning your heels against the wall, keep your balance.

    For those who are not alien to home kinesitherapy after 3-6 months, exercises for balance are good. It is easy to make a wheel from a handstand against the wall (at first with support), slowly lowering one foot down the wall. The pelvis and the second leg will automatically move, the lower back will bend and spring, the hands will push the body off the floor.

    Exercises against the wall with support are done until the body "remembers" the algorithm of the trick.

    When it learns to balance easily, it's time to try doing a half-turn handstand. You need to do it in a spacious room, lay mats on the floor.

    The main condition for the correct implementation of the “wheel” exercise is to keep your arms and legs straight. Then the wheel will turn out to be even, in one plane. If it’s scary not to keep your balance, you need to train with a partner so that he insures the novice gymnast. After a week of training, the wheel will turn out on its own.

    Those for whom kinesitherapy is primarily a means of losing weight should remember that home exercises alone are not enough. You must follow the rules:

    • Adhere to proper nutrition;
    • Do not eat 1 hour before training and 2 hours after it;
    • Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day;
    • In addition to homework , connect swimming, running 2-4 times a week;
    • After a month of training, you should gradually increase the load: do more repetitions and combinations of exercises.

    There are many sets of exercises for weight loss that are not related to kinesitherapy (therapeutic exercises). They are designed for young and healthy people who want to correct the figure. Known exercises for weight loss of the abdomen, arms, legs, buttocks, back - complex and varied.

    But for those who are overweight and do not have good health, it is better to do exercise therapy - and the weight will return to normal, and health will improve.

    Recent beginners, after losing weight and strengthening all muscle groups, will be able to perform both the wheel and other acrobatic exercises.

    The desire of parents to find a useful thing for the child is fully justified, but it is not always known how to become a gymnast for their daughter.

    Conditions for admission to the section

    Gymnastics sections work almost everywhere, but before enrolling a child in classes, parents should know what the rules and conditions for admission to them are:

    • first of all, in order to be sure that you are giving your daughter into the hands of professionals, it will not be superfluous to ask if the institution has a permit (license) for this type of activity, and what is the professional training of trainers;
    • girls are accepted into groups at the age of 3-4 years, (5-6 years), while there should be no restrictions, except for health reasons;
    • for gymnastics, a certificate from a pediatrician about the state of health of the child is required, while parents must definitely announce where exactly they take the certificate in order to exclude possible health complications after the start of training;
    • appropriate sportswear is required. At the initial stage, this is usually a simple swimsuit and Czechs or socks;
    • parents should be prepared for the fact that for the sake of classes they will have to sacrifice free time;
    • Usually parents sign an agreement, one copy of which is given to them in their hands. It stipulates all the conditions for interaction between the institution and parents, as well as the conditions for conducting classes, the rights and obligations of both parties.

    Often, parents ask how to become a gymnast for a girl who is overweight. Of course, no one can refuse to enroll a child in a section, especially if we are talking about a small child who, at the first stage, will have the opportunity to improve his health and normalize his weight under the supervision of a professional trainer.

    However, you need to remember that if you are worried about how to become a gymnast for your daughter, if she has significantly increased weight, you should consult with the trainer so that he selects special exercises that will help solve this problem. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the child will not be able to endure the same loads and a number of exercises as children with normal weight. If this warning is neglected, the child may be seriously injured: fractures, concussions. In addition, in such a situation, the girl can also receive psychological trauma.

    Often the decision to take up gymnastics comes too late, say, at the age of 9-12, so parents think about how their daughters can become a gymnast at home. As a rule, girls are no longer accepted into sports sections at this age, and parental ambitions have not yet been satisfied. That is why many mothers and fathers are thinking about how to become a gymnast at home for their girl, catching up with those who started at the age of 3-5 years in terms of parameters and level of achievements. However, in this case, parents should ask themselves why they want to do this.

    Flexibility classes make our body more resilient and strong, strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, abs, and also have a positive effect on the quality of sexual life. Sleep improves, the overall tone of the body increases.

    So, flexibility exercises:

    strengthen muscles;
    make the joints more mobile;
    increase endurance;
    reduce the likelihood of injury and muscle pain;
    form an even beautiful posture;
    improve sleep;
    increase the overall tone of the body.

    Do not confuse flexibility with stretching - they are two different concepts. Flexibility is genetically determined, for example, some can sit on a twine or unthinkably bend in the back even in adulthood, others cannot do it even after several months of training. Stretching is a physical exercise that develops flexibility. Thus, flexibility depends on stretch.

    How to test your flexibility

      Tilt your head, touch your chin to your chest. Round your back. If you feel pain or discomfort in your spine, and your eyes go dark, this is an alarming sign that your body is not flexible enough.
      Gently bend back at the spine. If somewhere you feel unpleasant or painful sensations, a crunch, you should definitely change your lifestyle.
      Lean forward, place your palms on the floor, while keeping your knees straight. Normally, you should not feel any discomfort or pain.

    In the morning, the flexibility of the body is reduced, so early training is most effective.

    To become flexible, you will need regular exercises (at least every other day, and preferably daily) to develop the mobility of the spine and joints. The best result of stretching is observed when performing each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds with minimal breaks.

    General safety rules when doing exercises:

      Flexibility develops slowly. For example, to sit on the twine, an ordinary person will need from six months to two years of regular training. If someone says that you can become flexible in a week or in one day, this is a myth.
      Exercise shouldn't cause pain.. Too intense training can damage the ligaments and cause injury. Each flexibility training session should begin with a 5-minute warm-up (swinging arms and legs, rotating the head, pelvis).
      Choose a balanced set of classes so that your body develops harmoniously and symmetrically. Choose 10-15 exercises (their list with explanations is in the second half of the article) that will affect all muscle groups and joints. Perform them sequentially, starting with the neck and ending with the pelvic region and knee joints.

    What are flexibility exercises?

    Flexibility exercises are static and dynamic. Let's take a look at their differences and explore the benefits of each.

    Dynamic Flexibility Exercises

    This method of developing flexibility involves repeating the exercise a given number of times with a gradual increase in the range of motion. Dynamic stretching promotes greater mobility and flexibility in the joints, as well as increases blood flow to the muscles, so they are better supplied with oxygen.

    Static Flexibility Exercises

    It is important here to take a position in which the muscles will be maximally stretched and held in it for 30-60 seconds. Static stretching improves the flexibility of joints and ligaments, and also helps to lengthen muscles and ligaments. This type is considered safer and the chance of injury is almost zero. Despite this, it is optimal to combine two types of stretch marks.

    A set of exercises for the development of flexibility

    This set of exercises will seem simple enough to you, but it is very effective, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Thanks to it, metabolism improves, all organs are saturated with oxygen, and the body becomes more flexible and plastic. It is best to practice in front of a mirror.

      Stand straight, stretch your arms out to the sides. Take a breath and wrap your arms around yourself tightly. As you exhale, again stretch your arms to the sides and bring your shoulder blades together. Repeat the complex 10 times. For many girls, this part of the spine is the weakest, which can lead to poor posture and back pain.
      Grab your hands in the lock behind your back - one hand on top, the other on the bottom. Try to grapple as best as possible - not only with your fingers, but also with your palms. Change the position of your hands.
      Stand with your back to the back of a chair (windowsill, bed, table), hold it with your hands. Slowly squat down until you feel a stretch.
      Lying on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor and bend as much as possible in the thoracic region. Fix the position for half a minute. Remaining lying, take your hands on your feet (then on your ankles), bend in your back, linger in this position for 30 seconds.
      Take the “bridge” position, stay in it for half a minute, gradually achieving full extension of the arms and legs.

      Standing on the floor, put your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your waist. Do 15 tilts in each direction.
      Without changing position, rotate the body in the lower back, first clockwise, then against it. Now clasp your hands at the back of your head and make a series of rotational movements in each direction.
      Get on your knees, take your hands back and grab your ankles or heels. Bend in the lumbar region for 30 seconds.
      Remaining on your knees, sit down first in one direction, then in the other. Do 15 repetitions on each side.

    Pelvic Flexibility Exercises

      Standing, place your hands on your waist. Take out one leg, bent at the knee, forward. Do 10 rotations, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.
      Get on your knees, grab your ankles or heels with your hands. Bending in the lower back, stretch the pelvis forward. Hold on for 30 seconds.
      Sit on the floor, stretch one leg forward, and bend the other at the knee and press it with your foot to the inside of the thigh of the second leg. Bend forward, trying to reach your foot with your hands, and lie on your leg with your chest. Hold the position for half a minute and repeat the same for the second leg.
      Now bend one leg and take it back so that the knee and the inside of the thigh touch the floor. Stretch forward and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Change legs.
      Remaining sitting on the floor, bend one leg and pull it up, trying to get it behind your head. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

      Standing on the floor with your legs fully extended, bend over, trying to reach your palms to the floor, and press your head and chest against your legs. Hold on for a minute.
      Now spread your legs shoulder-width apart, stretch first to one leg, then to the other.
      Make a lunge, while the leg that is behind should remain completely straight. Stretch forward until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg at the knee joint.
      Sit on the floor, straighten your legs. Stretch your hands to your feet, trying to lie completely with your chest on your feet. Then spread your legs as wide as possible and bend over, trying to lie with your chest on the floor.
      Lying on your back, one leg is extended, and the other is bent at the knee. Grasp the ankle of the bent leg and stretch it up. Then pull it towards you. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

    Wrist and ankle flexibility exercises

      Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, pull your socks towards you. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
      Without changing position, perform a series of rotational movements with your feet.
      Sit on your knees, lean on the outside of the hands. Position your hands so that your palms are facing you.

      Provide healthy nutrition. Make sure you have enough dairy products in your diet. With a lack of calcium, it is easy to get injured.
      Warm up before exercise. Always start your workout with a warm-up - slow springy impacts, smoothly moving on to more intense exercises.
      Do full body exercises. In order for the body to develop evenly, do flexibility exercises for each zone, starting from the cervical spine, ending with the ankle joint. Don't forget about symmetry.
      Exercise regularly. Flexibility exercises should be done daily or at least every other day throughout life. It is impossible to become flexible in one day and keep a good stretch if you stop exercising.
      Increase the difficulty and intensity. Do this carefully and gradually so as not to get injured.
      Don't Do "Your" Exercises. Any invented exercises are traumatic, especially if you do not have the necessary knowledge.
      Don't exercise if you feel pain. This can lead to stretching of muscles and ligaments.

    By developing the mobility of the joints and spine, you will not only become flexible, but also prolong the youth and beauty of your body.

    Reading 3 min. Posted April 17, 2014

    How to become a gymnast at home

    Many parents from a young age give their children to various circles, sports sections. And it is right. For example, it is best to start doing gymnastics from about 5-6 years old. But there are also people who are interested in the question of how to become a gymnast at 11 years old? We will dwell on this issue in detail.

    How to become a gymnast at 10.

    At 10, of course, it may be too late. But you need to understand that there are two types of gymnastics. It can be both sports and artistic. At 11 years old, you need to give your child to rhythmic gymnastics. However, in sports - it will also not be too late. At the same time, you need to understand that you will need to do a lot to still get an answer to the question of how to become a gymnast at 10 years old.

    How to become a gymnast at home.

    If you are interested in how to become a gymnast at home, then you must understand that this is not an easy task. First, you will need certain equipment for classes. It will be enough to have available: a rope, dumbbells, a horizontal bar, a ball, a soft mattress, a blanket. To do gymnastics at home, you do not need to have any special equipment.

    Also, if you are interested in how to become a gymnast at home, then you need to understand that it is very important to choose a measured and smooth pace. It will allow the muscles to receive a certain load.

    Before starting classes, you need to conduct a preliminary warm-up. This is necessary so that all muscles and joints are warmed up. To do this, you can perform a set of very simple exercises. It can be circular movements with the hands, ankles, pelvis. After the muscles are warmed up, it will be possible to start the main exercises.

    Of course, in order to become a gymnast at home, you will need to work hard. You will need to perform a variety of exercises. So, it can be 20 push-ups in three sets. The next exercise is precisely in pulling the legs to the chin. This exercise should be done lying on your stomach.

    There is another combination: these are squats 20 times in three sets. These squats can be done while standing on just one leg. You can also do 20 push-ups in three sets (they need to be done with legs not very wide apart). As for the next exercise, it involves swinging the press. At the same time, it is best to do it in three sets and 30 times. Also, in addition to all this, you can jump rope for several minutes. Now you will basically know how to become a gymnast at home and how to become a gymnast as an adult.

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