A short message about the animal of South America. Fauna and flora of South America

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South America is rich in a variety of plant and animal species. This is primarily due to the fact that most of the territory here is occupied by rain rainforests, in which in small areas you can find a great variety of diverse life forms, many of which are not yet known to scientists. Except for the boundless rainforest, in South America there are steppes, which are called pampas, coniferous and deciduous forests. All of them are located to the south, in a more temperate climate.

The main part of the rainforest South America It is located in the Amazon Basin, for which this region was called the Amazon. Scientists believe that the Amazonian forests are the "lungs" of the planet. Indeed, they absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide and release a lot of oxygen, maintaining the balance of these gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

The climate of the tropical forests is warm and humid. It's never winter here. All this contributes to the rapid development of life. Plants use every centimeter of space to gain a foothold and make their way to the sun. Many of them have adapted to live in large trees, using their trunk and branches as soil. This allows them to be closer to the light. Many insects live in these forests, among which you can find huge beetles and butterflies. Because of the bright light and a lot of light reflections, birds, butterflies and even flies had to “dress up” in incredibly colorful and bright outfits.

Unfortunately, America's rainforests are being mercilessly destroyed for valuable timber. By cutting down trees, people destroy the habitat for millions of other plants and animals. Clearings leave the land bare, and stormy torrents wash the soil into rivers. This leads to the fact that in the next hundreds of years the restoration of tropical forests becomes almost impossible.

Jaguar is the most large predator South America. The body length of jaguars is up to 2 m, and the mass reaches 130 kg. This is a close relative of the African leopard, only stronger and more densely built.

Before intensive human use of tropical forests, jaguars lived in the territory from Argentina to the United States. Now these are rare animals and are found only in remote forest places.

Jaguars try to stick to forest waters, they are excellent swimmers and climb trees. Like most big cats, he lives and hunts alone. The prey is guarded and rushed at it from an ambush. They catch ungulates, monkeys, large rodents - capybaras, without abandoning the monkeys that have descended to the ground.

Males and females come together only during the breeding season. After mating, the male immediately disappears, leaving the female to take care of the offspring. Previously, jaguars were distributed throughout South America, now their range is limited to dense impenetrable forests and national parks.

Armadillos are peculiar mammals, they can be found only on the American continent. The smallest of the armadillos is the small frilled, or Argentine shield-bearer, the body length is not more than 12-15 cm. The giant armadillo, the largest of the armadillos, reaches a length of more than 1 m and weighs about 50 kg.

These animals got their name for the bony shell, which is laid in their skin and serves as a passive defense tool against predators. From above, the bone plates of the shell are covered with a horny substance. Armadillos have little wool, only rare tufts can be seen on the belly and between the plates. Therefore, there are no armadillos in the cold regions of the continent; they are heat-loving animals.

The nine-banded armadillo is quite common in America. Its dimensions are small, the body length reaches half a meter, and the weight is 5-8 kg. Armadillos have long claws, 3-4 cm, so when walking, the front paws rest on their tips. They run fast enough.

Armadillos are excellent diggers. In case of danger, they quickly, in a few minutes, dig a hole and hide underground. It is difficult for a predator to grab them by their protected back. When attacked, armadillos try to hide first, usually quickly burrowing into the ground. But in extreme cases, they roll up into a tight ball, so that the whole body is protected by a shell.

Armadillos live in burrows and are active at night. Their food is varied: frogs, lizards, juicy fruits and mushrooms, but termites are their favorite. With the help of long claws, it easily destroys termite mounds.

Having few enemies, armadillos are not too sensitive to danger. So, they often get out on the highway at night and do not run away even in the headlights, for which they often pay with their lives.

giant anteater

In the tropical part of Central and South America, peculiar mammals live - anteaters. The largest among them is the giant anteater.

In these animals, the anterior part of the head is disproportionately elongated and looks like a tube. The mouth is so small that only a thin one can fit through it, long tongue. Giant anteaters have a huge flat tail, with which they cover themselves like a blanket while resting. The length of such a blanket is almost a meter, and the width is 80 cm.

Anteaters live in forests and savannas. Most time they wander in search of food, mainly ants and termites. The main tool for the extraction of insects is the tongue - a kind of trapping organ. It is wetted with sticky saliva and pulled out of the mouth like a string, more than 60 cm. Such a tongue allows the anteater to reach the most secluded places of the ant dwelling. To destroy impregnable termite mounds, anteaters use powerful forepaws armed with claws. Even jaguars fear these claws. In the event of an attack by a predator, the anteater is able to inflict terrible, non-healing wounds on it. Only young, inexperienced jaguars risk attacking a large anteater.

The female anteater gives birth to only one cub, which she carries on her back.

Maned wolves have a thin body and long legs, its weight reaches 25 kg. Being tall, they can look out for prey in the pampas and coastal lowlands where they live. Maned wolves feed on small mammals, insects, birds, plants, and fruits. They live alone, meeting only during mating. The female usually gives birth to three or four cubs and raises them herself. The beautiful and unusual maned wolf with its red fur, black muzzle, mane and paws has been nicknamed the fox on stilts, and it really looks more like a fox.

The economic development of the areas where they live and the intensive hunting of wolves have led to a sharp reduction in their numbers. For the past hundred years they have been constantly pushed further and further west.


Tapirs are unusual animals. They are heavy, densely built, with short, thick legs and a small trunk. Outwardly, they resemble pigs, but they are larger. The body weight of tapirs reaches 300 kg. Tapirs are related to horses and rhinos. They belong to the order of equids.

The lowland tapir lives in the swampy forests and scrublands of South America. Its body is painted dark brown. Young tapirs have a yellow or reddish body with bright white stripes or spots. Such motley coloration makes them invisible to predators.

Tapirs are exclusively herbivorous. They spend the whole night eating a variety of plants, mainly aquatic ones. They are excellent swimmers, and in order to get the tasty parts of some plants, they are able to dive to a considerable depth. They live alone or in pairs, trying not to go to the neighbors' plot.

Tapirs are easy to train and do well in captivity.

In the Andes, from the foothills to the borders of eternal snows, passing at an altitude of 5 km, llamas live. These are pets. Local Indians tamed llamas long before the arrival of the Spaniards in South America. They use them as beasts of burden and for meat and wool. Lamas are very hardy: laden with luggage weighing tens of kilograms, they are able to walk for many kilometers without rest. In addition, they run great, on the mountain plains reaching speeds of up to 50 km / h.

The ancestors of llamas are wild guanacos, which are still found in the Andes. Guanacos are unpretentious, they feed on grass and mosses, they can even drink salt water. A favorite pastime of guanacos is swimming in mountain streams. They are happy to lie or stand in a cold stream for hours. And swim with great willingness and very well.

The Indians also domesticated alpacas, which are very similar to llamas, only smaller in size and have a thicker and longer coat. They probably also came from guanacos. Llamas, alpacas and guanacos are relatives of camels and belong to the callous-footed order. They easily interbreed with each other and give numerous offspring.

Vicuña lives in the most severe hard-to-reach high-altitude (over 4000 m) regions of the Andes. It belongs to the camel family and is perfectly adapted to life at high altitude. Thick fur reliably protects her from the freezing cold, and in very rarefied air she breathes easily due to the fact that her blood tends to be well filled with oxygen.

Vicuñas live in groups consisting of one male, several females and their cubs. The remaining males gather in independent groups of bachelors. Vicuñas feed on grass and lichen.


The capybara, or capybara, is the largest of all rodents that exist on earth. Her body reaches more than a meter in length, and she weighs about 60 kg. The capybara lives, as a rule, not far from the water: in swampy areas, in the coastal regions of rivers, in the forests and plains of South America - from Panama to Argentina.

During the dry season, capybaras gather in groups of 100 or more individuals near water bodies. Usually they live in small families (from 10 to 40 animals), consisting of dominant males and females with cubs. The rest of the males live separately and often fall prey to jaguars and anacondas. Capybaras are often attacked by predators, lying in wait near or inside water bodies where capybaras come to drink. Animals feed on grass and aquatic plants.


On the tall trees in the rainforests of South America, there are many different monkeys. Most often found koats. With strong tails, they cling to branches, jumping from one tree to another. There are four types of these monkeys. Most of them are black or dark brown.

They mainly feed on fruits, seeds, flowers, but they can also eat insects and bird eggs. Koats live in rather large communities, which are often divided into smaller groups. These monkeys are very mobile, they are dexterous acrobats and are among the most common species of monkeys in South America.


South American rainforests are located in the Amazonian lowlands. The fauna of this vast region is very diverse. Some, and its most diverse representatives, are interesting in that they have perfectly adapted to life on trees.

For example, broad-nosed American primates lead an arboreal lifestyle. Some of the most interesting are cybids and marmosets. Main Feature cybid or chain-tailed monkeys is a long and strong tail that plays the role of the fifth limb in these primates. With their tail, cybids cling to branches when moving in the crowns of trees. Tiny marmosets or claws have claws on their fingers, thick hair and tassels at the tips of their ears. The body length of the marmoset monkey is 13-37 cm. At the same time, the length of the tail, which they use as a counterweight when moving, is from 15 to 42 cm. They live in the upper tier of rain forests. They rarely come down to the ground. Omnivorous.

The sloth is an animal that lives only in South America, another representative of the fauna that prefers life in the crowns of trees. Inactive, spends most of the time in a hanging position. It rarely descends to the ground. Feeds on leaves and shoots of trees.

Tamandua, or four-toed, is an animal that leads mainly a nocturnal lifestyle. It spends most of its time in trees, has long claws and a prehensile tail. On the ground they move slowly. In contrast, a large anteater, also living in the Amazonian forests, lives only on earth.

The arboreal way of life is led by some representatives of raccoons and rodents - nosuha, kinkajou or flower bear, koendu or tree chain-tailed porcupine - as well as certain species of marsupial rats or opossums. The largest representative of the rodent family, the capybara capybara, also lives in the Amazon forests, the body length of which reaches 120 cm.

And the forests dwell a large number of amphibians and reptiles - anaconda water boa, tree dog-headed boa, many poisonous snakes and lizards, reptiles live in the rivers. The Orinoco crocodile is the largest South American animal. The body length of individual individuals reaches 5 m. But perhaps the most famous river dweller is the bloodthirsty predator piranha. Interesting representatives of amphibians are tree frogs.

A lot of birds live in the forests - hotians, harpies, black-billed herons, sun herons, a large number of parrots, among which the largest species is the macaw. A characteristic representative of birds is the hummingbird. One of the species of these birds, the hummingbird, is the smallest bird in the world. In addition, the South American rainforests are home to a huge number of insects - ants, beetles, butterflies.

In the South American savannah and subtropical steppes, there are no such large herbivores as in Africa. Here you can see small pampas deer, several types of llamas, armadillos, anteaters, wild pigs-peccaries. Coypu and marsh beavers live on the banks of reservoirs. In addition to the same predators as in the rain forests, here you can find cougars, cats and pampa foxes, Magellanic foxes, maned wolves.

In remote mountainous regions of the continent, 2 species of llamas live - vicuña and guanaco - a spectacled bear, some species of marsupials. Of the birds in the Andes, the condor is ubiquitous - the largest bird of prey in the world.

The fauna of the Galapagos Islands is peculiar. There are many large reptiles here - land turtles, iguanas. Among the birds, there are representatives of both tropical and Antarctic fauna - parrots, cormorants, penguins. Mammals are not numerous - seals, some species of rodents, bats.

The Andes mountain system in South America stretches across the seven countries of the continent in a north-south direction, from Venezuela to Chile. It is the longest continental mountain range with a unique ecosystem and wide variety animal species. About two-thirds of the Andean species are endemic to the region.

Of the 600 mammal species found in the Andes, 13% are endemic. 45% of the 600 reptile species found here are also endemic. This South American mountain range is home to about 1,700 bird species and 400 fish species, almost a third of which are endemic. Below are the most famous animals living in the Andes.


This mammal is one of the most common animals of the Andes of South America. Guanacos belong to the camelid family and can reach a height of 1-2.2 meters. They live in herds of females and offspring, led by a dominant male leader. The male protects the whole group of animals from predators and other threats. The thick skin on the neck of these Andes animals reliably protects them from attacks of predatory animals.

The life expectancy of a guanaco is 20-25 years. Legal hunting of these animals in the Andes is only allowed in some places within their range. Guanaco wool is of excellent quality and is of particular value.


The Andes of South America are home to these rodents, known for their fur, which is the world's second densest of all land mammals. They lead a twilight lifestyle, showing the greatest activity at dusk and at dawn. Chinchillas in the Andes are found at altitudes up to 4200 m.

The population of these animals is growing rapidly, but they are still most common in the Chilean Andes. Hunting for wild chinchillas in order to obtain their valuable fur is one of the main reasons that significantly affect the development of their population. Long-tailed and short-tailed chinchillas are listed as endangered by the IUCN.


This animal is a domestic variety of vicuña, which is bred in the Andean highlands of South America. Of particular value is alpaca wool, which is used to create clothing (in particular, shawls, socks, sweaters, gloves and hats).

The wool of two types of alpaca is most valued - Huacaya and Suri (Suri). Herds of these animals graze in the Andes at an altitude of 3500 to 5000 m. They differ from llamas in smaller dimensions.


This animal of the camelid family, domesticated by the Indians, has been inextricably linked with the culture of the Andean peoples for many centuries. Llamas were used by the people of this region as beasts of burden and also served as their main source of meat.

The height of these animals reaches 1.7-1.8 m, and their life expectancy is from 15 to 25 years. Llamas are known to be social animals and coexist peacefully in large herds. They are also considered highly intelligent and easily trainable animals of the Andes.

Peruvian and South Andean deer

These two species of deer are among the animals found in the Andes of South America. The Peruvian deer is found predominantly in Peru and Bolivia, while the second species is most common in Argentina and Chile.

Both animals are characterized by a massive body and short legs. In summer, they live at considerable heights, and by autumn they move to sheltered valleys, where they spend the winter.

Both species of deer found in the Andes feed on grasses, shrubs, grasses, and lichens.

Their life expectancy is up to 10 years. Poaching, destruction of their habitat and the introduction of non-native species are the main causes that lead to the threat of extinction of these Andean deer.

yellow-tailed monkey

These monkeys are an endemic species of Peruvian primates, which has only about 250 individuals and is on the verge of extinction. They are found in the cloud forests of the Andes - on steep cliffs, in deep gorges and dense thickets at an altitude of 1500 to 2700 m.

Due to human interference and the destruction of the natural habitat of these primates, the population of yellow-tailed monkeys has significantly decreased. Only a few isolated groups of these animals remained in the Andes.

Spectacled (Andean) bear

The spectacled bear is often called the Andean. It is the only bear species found in South America. Also, the spectacled bear is one of the largest land mammals found on the South American continent.

Although these animals are omnivores, only 5% of their diet is meat. The Andean bear inhabits a wide area, including alpine grasslands, Andean scrublands and cloud forests. Basically, these animals of the Andes are found at an altitude of more than 1900 m.

South American foxes

These representatives of the canine genus are not much different from other foxes that live in the Andes of South America. The most common in this group of six species is the South American gray fox.

Other species include Andean, Pampas, Brazilian, Darwin and Securan foxes.

Guinea pigs

The ancestors of these popular pets are animals that live in the Andes of South America. Guinea pigs were domesticated by the indigenous South American inhabitants - the Incas.

These animals played a special role in the culture of the Andean people and were used primarily as a source of food, as well as in folk medicine.

mountain tapir

These animals live in the Andes mountains and among the five species of tapirs are the second smallest in size. It is easy to distinguish mountain tapirs from relatives by thick wool.

These herbivores play one of the key roles in the development of the Andean ecosystem, as they contribute to the dispersal of plant seeds.


These wild representatives of the camelid family living in the Andes are national animal of peru. Vicuña is characterized by a slight coat, which at the same time has excellent quality. Previously only members royal families It was allowed to wear clothes made of vicuña wool. Now these animals of the Andes are under protection and hunting for them is prohibited.

In the old days, it was the unlimited hunting of vicuña that led to the fact that the population by 1974 was only 6,000 individuals. After considerable efforts aimed at the revival of these animals of the Andes, their number has increased to 350 thousand individuals. Vicuna is found mainly in the central Andes in Bolivia, at an altitude of 3200 to 4800 m and feeds mainly on low vegetation.

The fauna of South America impresses with its versatility. Read also information about, including the numerous endemics of this mountainous region, and find out which of the animals that live in the vastness of South America are.

My mother is a biology teacher at school. As a child, instead of fairy tales, she told me about the amazing animals that inhabit our planet. Most of all I remember the stories about the fauna of South America.

What is South America famous for?

This continent is located in as many as five climatic zones. Because of this, the animal vegetable world varied here. South America can be called a champion, because here:

  • the most long river in the world - the Amazon;
  • the largest mountain lake;
  • the most precipitation falls;
  • the longest mountains.

Many cannot imagine their life without potatoes, and in fact it was found in South America. Even on the continent, tomatoes, a chocolate tree, and corn were discovered.

What animals can be found in South America

The fauna in South America is very rich. On the continent you can find species that do not live anywhere else. There are freshwater dolphins in the Amazon. They live only three years in captivity and do not breed, so they are not found in zoos.

In America, you can meet the world's largest rodent. Its weight can reach up to sixty kilograms. They are called capybaras and at first they were mistaken for pigs.

The continent is also home to the largest species of turtles and crocodiles. The Orinoco crocodile can reach up to five meters in length. An elephant tortoise can weigh up to two hundred kilograms and live up to a hundred years. There were cases when in captivity the turtle lived up to 170 years of age.

What animals should be afraid

In addition to completely harmless animals in South America live dangerous predators. The most famous is the anaconda. There are many legends about this species. First, they say that anacondas can reach 20 meters in length. Second, among local residents there are rumors of man-eating anacondas.

There are piranhas in the Amazon. This fish is considered very dangerous for humans. Because of her subtle sense of smell, she can smell blood from a great distance.

Dangerous cats are also found on the continent. Cougars and cheetahs often instill fear in the locals.

The largest tarantulas live in South America.

South America is a continent animal world which is incredibly rich and varied. What animals live in South America, and what plants grow there ... want to know?

South America - ranks 4th in size among other continents the globe. Every continent has something unique and inimitable, and South America is no exception.

Even a seasoned traveler has something to be surprised at, there are tropical rainforests, savannahs and the Andes. This is a place of contradictions: Tierra del Fuego between Chile and Argentina is located in the Atlantic cold ocean, the dusty steppes of the Pampas stretch through Uruguay and Argentina, the majestic Andes rise from the west with green valleys and coffee plantations, in the north of Chile is the Atacama Desert, which is the driest place on Earth, and in Brazil in the area of ​​the Amazon River there are thickets of impenetrable jungle.

Animal life of the Andes

The animals of South America are striking in their diversity, as are its landscapes.

The Andes are the longest mountains on the planet, they are about 9 thousand kilometers long. These mountains are located in different zones: in the temperate, two subequatorial, equatorial, subtropical and tropical, therefore, more plants grow in the Andes and a variety of animals are found.

In the lower tier equatorial forests deciduous and evergreen trees grow, and at an altitude of 2500 meters there are cinchona trees and coca bushes. Cacti and creepers grow in subtropical zones. In the Andes, there are many valuable plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, coca, cinchona trees.

The Andes are home to over 900 amphibian species, 1700 bird species and 600 mammal species, which are not found in large flocks as they are separated by densely growing trees. Bright large butterflies and large ants live in the forests. A large number of birds nest in dense forests, the most common are parrots, in addition there are many.

The Andean wildlife has been negatively impacted by human activities. Previously, many condors lived here, but today they have survived only in two places: Sierre Nevada de Santa Marta and Nudo de Pasto.

is the largest flying bird on the West Coast. It has black shiny plumage, and a collar of white feathers is folded around the neck. A white border runs along the wings.

Female condors are much larger than males. Sexual maturity in these birds occurs at 5-6 months. They build nests on rocky cliffs, at an altitude of 3-5 thousand meters. The clutch usually contains 1-2 eggs. Among birds, condors are long-lived, as they can live for about 50 years.

It has simultaneously become a symbol of several Latin American states: Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador. In the culture of the peoples of the Andes, these birds play an important role.

But, despite this, in the twentieth century, the number of these large birds decreased significantly, so they were included in the International Red Book. Today, condors are in the group of threatened species.

It is believed that anthropological factors have become the main reason for the degradation of condors, that is, the landscapes in which these birds lived have changed. They are also poisoned by the carcasses of animals that people shoot. Among other things, until recently, condors were specifically shot, as there was a misconception that they posed a threat to domestic animals.

To date, several countries have organized programs to breed condors in captivity, with their subsequent release into the wild.

Unusual Islands of Lake Titicaca

Unique animals live not only in the Andes, but also in the areas of Lake Titicaca. Only here you can meet the Titicaca whistler and the wingless great grebe.

The Titicaca whistler is a frog endemic to Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is unusual for its floating Uros islands. According to legend, small tribes of the Uros Indians settled on floating islands several millennia ago in order to separate from other peoples. These Indians themselves learned how to build islands from straw.

Each island of Uros is formed from several layers of dry reeds, while the lower layers are washed away over time, but the upper layers are constantly updated. The islands are springy and soft, and water seeps through the reeds in some places. The Indians build their huts and make "balsa de totora" boats, also from reeds.

The wingless grebe is a bird that visits Lake Titicaca from time to time.

To date, there are approximately 40 floating Uros islands on Lake Titicaca. Moreover, on some islands there are observation towers and even solar panels for generating energy. Excursions to these islands are very popular among tourists.

Animals endemic to South America

Pudu deer are found exclusively in South America. The growth of these deer is small - only 30-40 centimeters, the body length reaches 95 centimeters, and the weight does not exceed 10 kg. These deer have little in common with their relatives: they have short straight horns, small oval-shaped ears with hair, and body color is gray-brown with indistinct white spots.
