Character history. How to be like Hermione Granger from Harry Potter Hermione Granger in full growth

Always carry a few books with you. Hermione is rarely seen without a large book or two in hand. Try to take something from non-fiction, such as the history of your school or city. As fiction try classics or realistic fiction, Hermione would read the most realistic books (but Harry Potter will do too). You can take an old-fashioned book bag, which can be tan or light brown. When wearing, throw it over your shoulder.

Get straight A's for doing homework, prepare for tests a week in advance, complete extra tasks, and complete projects on time. Hermione learns whenever she has the opportunity. When the teacher asks a question, stick your hand up as far as you can (even if it means standing up) and try to be called. Doing this with every question will show the teacher that you are paying attention and expecting good grades. Do you want the teacher to say, "Anyone else besides (your name)?" Hermione would be very happy if the teacher said that.

Be omniscient. If people speak using grammar incorrectly or get the wrong answer, always correct them. You can do it nicely by saying, "(Person's name), Albert Einstein didn't create the light bulb, Thomas Edison did, just thought I'd tweak your source so you don't get confused." Don't overdo it, although people may start to think you annoy them. If you see a spelling mistake or inaccuracy in a test or book, go and tell your teacher about it. If your teacher said something wrong, go up to him/her and say what was said wrong. Always give the teacher more information on the subject and speak in a confident voice that shows you know it by heart. Always start talking with the words: "Do you know." Your teachers will be impressed.

Stand up for everything you believe in. If you think school lunches are unhealthy for students, speak up and try to include fresher, more sustainable foods in your selection. You can do this by standing in line at lunch and saying, "You know, I'd like to talk to you after dinner if you have time." And see what they say. Or, if you're interested in helping fight genocide, start a club. Hermione created the Elven Welfare Promotion Society to protect the rights of elves. Don't be afraid to speak up. Always think of ways to make your school or place the best it can be.

Use minimal makeup (or none at all). Hermione doesn't overuse makeup. She can put on some blush and nude eyeshadow, but nothing too flashy. In the movies, Hermione is kind of like putting on makeup. If Hermione were a real living being, she probably wouldn't wear makeup. You can wear a little makeup or not at all.

Wear comfortable clothes that also look neat and presentable. In the movie Deathly Hallows, Hermione wore a white collared shirt underneath a striped black and blue long sleeve shirt. On top, she wore a dark blue sweater, unbuttoned at the neck. This type of clothing shows that you are familiar with the rules and the dress code.

Be kind to everyone, regardless of their social status, clothing preferences, or appearance. Hang out with both boys and girls and try to make friends. In Philosopher's Stone, she met Ron with a simple "And you?" (Ron introduces himself) "Very nice." Watch the video below to find out. If you want to new student knew that you are smart and dexterous, then go up to him after the lesson and say with a smile: “Hi (his name), I (your name and surname), and I can help you with your work if necessary. I am ready to help you choose the right path to get trained for work in any field. And extend your hand for a handshake. This student can count on you.

Don't let bullies bully you. Just keep your chin up, stand up straight, and walk through like nothing happened. Hermione would ignore them. To really irritate them if they do this a lot, say, "You used the wrong grammar when you said 'shoes' and your posture might be a bit appropriate for, say, yoga. I can help you with this." Step back a little: “And you have something on your nose, I just want to tell you not to walk around like a fool. Have a good day". And go away. Let them try to figure out what you said, as this is more likely to confuse and surprise them.

Always ask for more tasks or Additional tasks if you have already done your homework. As Hermione once said, it's always good to have extra points just in case. If you've finished your classwork earlier than the others, start your homework. If you feel like there isn't enough homework every time, approach your teacher and ask for extra assignments. If he doesn't have anything, ask if he could start a new project early. Your teacher will be shocked.

Be extremely attentive when listening to the teacher and ignore the children who talk to you during the lesson if they are not supposed to. Reassure them with a meaningful "shhh" and keep your eyes on the teacher. Turn around a bit so you don't look at them. After the lesson, walk up to them and say in a stern voice: “You don’t need to create problems during an important lesson to talk about video games!” and leave with a haughty air.

Don't worry too much about your hair and clothes. Throw on something, brush your teeth and go! Although, you should at least look presentable. Hermione cares more about brains than looks. She once said so. Hermione is described as a girl with thick brown hair. Try this: don't dry your hair after showering; instead, let them air dry by themselves. They will be easily flowing and elastic. If you have thick hair, try to be careful with this step.

Never leave your friends in trouble. Always stand up for them and help them in their work. But never just give them the right answers, Hermione never does that! Help them as a teacher would, and then, even if the student hasn't thanked you, say (in a loud and stern voice), "Please!" and smile a little to show that you are joking. They'll understand what's going on.

Make business cards. If you want, you can make some business cards with Hermione Granger Help Club on them. Just put your name in there, not Hermione's. You can put your phone number or address on them Email and telling people to ask you for help with homework. You can also create a club and give out cards to people to join. Hermione would have done it. You can also make nameplates for the club you started, like Hermione did when she started the Elven Rights Society club.

So, you want to look like the good know-it-all Hermione Granger? Harry Potter's high-moral and lovable friend at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is your favorite J.K. Rowling character? Then follow the steps below to assemble your magical costume.

Difficulty: easy.

You will need:
- a wig (or, if you are a happy owner of long, lush, red hair, for example, styling with medium curls with a parting in the middle);
- the mantle of the judge;
- Styrofoam;
- aluminium foil;
- book;
- "Magic wand;
- "gold chain;
- small hourglass;
- brown paper;
- carton boxes;

1. Choose a hair style. The little Hermione had the hairstyle described above, the adult had long, flowing sandy blonde hair.

2. Find a mantle in the manner of a judge - from any costume. Standard attire for first-year witches at Hogwarts includes a pure black robe, and - if the weather is cold - a striped scarf (auburn and muted maroon stripes for Gryffindor) and gloves of a similar color. You can also add a classic wizard's hat to the costume - if desired. The hat is made from cardboard and suitable fabric. In cold weather, a loose black cloak with silver clasps is also put on top. Scarf, raincoat, gloves, hat - all this is optional.
For the grown-up Hermione, we choose a pleated (or just with a couple of pleats in front and back) dark-colored (or blue-checked) skirt just below the knee, a white (or just light) long-sleeve blouse, and a dark, fine-knit sleeveless jacket (or a knitted sweater with a long sleeve). The obligatory tie of Gryffindor flowers will not be difficult to find for sale in men's stores.

3. Carry an old book bag with you, preferably a leather one. Remember, Hermione loves nothing more than studying, so books, notebooks and pens in her bag are a must. But you should not stuff the bag with real books - it will turn out to be too heavy, so find something almost weightless (perhaps cardboard boxes) in the form of books or rectangular pieces of foam. Also pick up a large and thin book, and put it in the bag on top - to cover the rest of the contents; make a cover for it out of dark brown paper and write in beautiful handwriting (or print out the inscription), something like "Potion", "History of Magic" or "Divination".
Or find 1 big book, make a cover, and carry it around with you everywhere (instead of a bag). "Transfiguration" is a fitting name for it.

4. Magic wand. Something in the style of films about "Harry Potter" can already be found in RuNet, but these sticks are too expensive (~ 800 rubles a piece). Therefore, it is better to make a stick yourself. Since you can often see simple sticks in first years, take the usual - cylindrical - wooden stick (it's not difficult to find it in hardware stores for a penny), use a skin to sharpen it at the end and cover it with stain or dark varnish.

The wand is ready. You can also attach a handle using a wooden jump rope handle or any spare part suitable for this purpose.

5. Find a small hourglass and hang it on a "golden" chain around your neck. This will be the time travel artifact that Hermione used in Prisoner of Azkaban to make sure she gets to all her classes.

6. Do not forget to sew a silver emblem on the “judge's” robe - if desired. Aluminum foil attached to cardboard is perfect for this purpose. On the badge, write (or stick paper letters) GAVNE (Civic Association for the Restoration of Elven Independence) - this is from the fourth book, where Hermione entered the fight against the exploitation and slavery of house elves. In English, the abbreviation sounds about the same "original".

Remember that acceptable clothing for Hermione is not limited solely to the official Hogwarts uniform. It can be jeans (navy blue or dark brown) with different variations of light sweaters, or, if you have time and budget, for example, a dress from the Winter Ball.

Muggle-born sorceress, know-it-all and simply ambitious person Hermione Granger manages to diligently comprehend the basics of magic at Hogwarts, and participate in incredible adventures. The girl skillfully manages time, is fair, appreciates friendship, for which she earned the respect of her classmates and the love of readers of a fairy tale written.


Hermione joined the galaxy of the main female characters in the series of books about. Writer J. K. Rowling invented a fabulous story of confrontation young wizard with a dark magician back in 1990. Six years later, the first edition of the seven-volume Poriana cycle was published, making the writer not only famous, but also rich.

The author of the books thought carefully about the names for the characters. A girl with long brown hair is a bright character, so we had to choose a complex and rare name so that Hermione's young namesakes would not have problems communicating with their peers. The book heroine, who entered Potter's circle of friends, is named after the queen from The Winter's Tale.


Almost every Potter character has a prototype, and Hermione is no exception. The writer calls the girl a reflection of herself.

Rowling was also distinguished by her craving for knowledge, as a child she chose an otter as her favorite animal (in Hermione, the image of this waterfowl takes on a patronus - a magical creature that protects the owner from evil forces). Yes, and the middle name of a fabulous girl - Jean, like the name of the writer, is considered female version male name John.


As a child, the girl did not even suspect that she was chosen. She learned that she was a sorceress, and even enrolled in Hogwarts at the age of 11. Hermione immediately rushed to buy magic books and armed herself with knowledge before studying. The first independent attempts to conjure, using simple spells, were crowned with success.

Hermione Granger is one of the most outstanding sorceresses of her time, thanks to her diligence and diligence, she grasps science on the fly. The heroine is distinguished by talents in potions and solving riddles. It is easy to use the spell "Magic Fire" - the blue flame gives off a lot of heat, but it does not heat objects.

Hermione uses a vine-and-dragon-heartstring wand she acquired before she entered Hogwarts. Almost all wizards have such items, however, wands do not have magical power- serve, rather, as a pointer to the target, in relation to which it is necessary to apply energy. Therefore, the result depends solely on the personal strength of the magician.

The wand served faithfully to the mistress for seven years, until it was taken away from the rangers in captivity. Later, in Hermione's arsenal, the wand won by Harry from Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the Death Eaters. The object did not want to obey the new mistress. But in the end, the girl tamed the temper of a capricious wand, proving her extraordinary abilities.


All seven volumes of the adventures of beginning wizards are complete without Hermione Granger. The girl, along with her friends, fights evil in the face of the dark magician Voldemort.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

Hermione appears in the first book as a full participant in the events. The girl met Harry Potter on the train on the way to Hogwarts, but her future true friends did not like her arrogance and omniscience.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book

Relationships change after the boys save a young sorceress from a huge troll by violating the ban on leaving the bedrooms. In return, Hermione helped them escape punishment by taking the blame. The philosopher's stone was also found largely thanks to the girl's logic and knowledge in botany.

"Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"

This time, the heroes of a magical story learn that there is a secret room in Hogwarts, where the founder of the school, Salazar Slytherin, closed a terrible monster - a basilisk. The diary of Tom Riddle helps to get to the premises, which in the end will turn out to be the dark magician Volan de Mort.

Book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

The heir of Slytherin will have to release the basilisk and destroy all the half-blood magicians. And in order to understand who they are, Hermione prepares a revolving potion that helps to take on the appearance of another person. But I made a mistake with the ingredient - instead desired hair put the feline and turned into a cat. It took a long time to heal.

It was Hermione who realized who was locked in the chamber of secrets. The girl got the information in the library, tearing out the page with the monster from the book, however, she did not have time to tell her friends - like many inhabitants of the school, she was numb from the spell of the basilisk. This page helped Harry and Ron solve the riddle of the room.

"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban"

In the third book of the "Potterians" the girl does not get along well with friends and teachers. Hermione bought the cat Crookshanks, who keeps Ron's pet rat out of the way. The rodent disappeared, which, of course, was blamed on the heroine's mustachioed pet.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book

With Potter, too, friendship hangs in the balance. The young sorceress suspects that the miraculous broom given to Harry belongs to the Azkaban prison escapee. The criminal, allegedly pursuing the protagonist of the tale, could put terrible curses on the thing. In fact, Black turned out to be Harry's godfather. At the end of the book, the time-turner, which Hermione was given before starting her studies, helps to save the former prisoner.


Readers and viewers get to know a girl with lush brown hair and brown eyes. Hermione is a year older than her fellow students: her birthday fell in September, and Hogwarts accepts children who have reached only 11 years old.

Disadvantage in appearance - long front teeth. The situation worsened when the heroine was struck by Draco Malfoy's "Dantisimus" spell - her teeth grew almost to her chin. In the hospital, with the help of a magic mirror, Hermione managed not only to get rid of the results of magic, but to correct the shortcomings of nature. Since then, the teeth have been the right size.

The girl has a sharp mind and logic, a love of learning, she grasps science on the fly, therefore she has earned the title of the best student of the course. Sometimes pride in her own success overwhelms the heroine, for which she is considered a smart-ass. Fellow students also ridicule the passion for order and discipline, which gives Hermione a share of boredom.

As a positive character, Hermione Granger is revealed gradually. main character"Potterians" above all puts justice, the girl is brave and courageous, she will not refuse to help her friends.

Family and friends

Hermione was born into a family of Muggles (ordinary people not related to wizarding dynasties). She is the only child of the Grangers, who work as dentists. According to the original plan of the writer, the family lived on an island next to the Potters, it was Hermione's father who first arrived at the house of Harry's parents killed by Voldemort.

The news that the girl is involved in the magical world, the parents are embarrassed, but in the future they are proud of the child.

On the train to Hogwarts, Hermione met Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, but the boys found the girl too boring know-it-all. A lifelong friendship began at school. A little later, the young sorceress found a friend in the person of Ron's sister -.

Back in school years, love breaks out between Hermione and Ron. Later, the couple started a family, giving birth to a daughter, Rose, and a son, Hugo. In addition, the heroine took on the duties of the godmother of the eldest son of Harry Potter.

  • In mid-summer 2016, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child premiered at London's Palas Theatre. The plot, as well as the list of actors, was kept in strict confidence. What was the surprise of the audience when the black actress Noma Dumezweni played the role of Hermione Granger.

  • Hermione is the only one of the trio of friends who graduated from Hogwarts. Harry and Ron refused the last course, while the girl, after the destruction of Voldemort, returned to the school of wizards and passed her exams.
  • JK Rowling explained the true reason for Draco Malfoy's hatred for Hermione - the young man was in love with the main "bore" of Hogwarts. And he behaved ugly so that no one guessed about his feelings.

Curl your hair so that it looks a little messy and sticks out like Hermione's. In the movie Hermione has wavy or curled hair, but in the book it is curly and sticking out. If your hair is naturally curly, that's fine. If not, use a curling iron or one of the following methods:

After a shower, dry your hair slightly and divide it into several sections. Twist each section into a bun and go to bed. In the morning your hair will be beautiful and wavy.

Divide wet hair into several sections (the thicker the hair, the more sections) and braid. Go to bed with them or wait half a day. Then unbraid and enjoy wavy hair.

Pick her wardrobe. Fashion doesn't really bother Hermione. She cares more about books than her own appearance. However, this does not mean that it looks untidy. Choose something simple, modest and neat.

school uniform : V-neck sweater, white blouse with Gryffindor tie, pleated skirt, stockings or pantyhose, black shoes, black cape, and wizard's robe. The first two years the form is gray, and the next - black. You can also knit yourself a scarf and hat in red and gold stripes.

Casual wear : since Hogwarts is quite cool, Hermione prefers warm clothes. She wears a warm coat, sweaters, knitted and knitted dresses, jeans, corduroy, cotton or cargo pants, and a good pair of sneakers. You may also notice that in the film, Emma Watson favors cute classic sweaters, sweatshirts and chinos.

Clothes for going out : On holidays, Hermione straightens her hair and twists the ends. Make your hair as voluminous as possible. For special events, Hermione also wears dresses. At the fourth year ball in the book, she wears a purple and blue dress, while in the movie it is pinkish.

Sleepwear : Wear a long nightgown with a light-colored dressing gown and a pair of slippers. Or you can choose a top with pants also paired with slippers and a bathrobe.

Wear as little make-up as possible or don't wear makeup at all. Hermione doesn't attach much importance to her appearance, it is her salient feature. However, it doesn't hurt to put on some foundation, lip balm, mascara and eye shadow in natural shades. Hermione's eyebrows are always neat and beautifully shaped.

Carry a couple of books you read (or haven't returned to the library yet) in a briefcase. You can also make themed covers and put them on books. For example, "History of Quidditch", "Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them" or "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

Make it look like a magic wand. Hermione's wand (before it was stolen) was made from a vine with a dragon's hair inside. Color is a little dark. You can make your own magic wand using twigs, glue or colored pencils.

Many of us think we know almost all the facts about Hermione Granger: she is a young, talented, well-read sorceress, best friend Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (and - as an adult - the latter's wife). Hermione often helped out her friends and tried to keep them from rash acts. Interesting facts about Hermione: she memorized all the spell books even before entering Hogwarts and sometimes annoyed fellow students with her “knowing everything”, and some disliked the girl because she comes from a Muggle family.

And yet, despite seven books read and eight films watched, we bet: there are interesting facts about Hermione Granger that have passed you by. Let's talk about this!

Excellent student, workaholic, talented sorceress: facts about Hermione Granger

"Sour" surname

Fun fact: Hermione didn't always go by the last name Granger. There was a time when JK Rowling wanted to name the heroine differently. The writer came up with a whole list of surnames that she had to give Harry's classmates. How do you like this option: "Hermione Puckle." Not very loud, right? So Rowling decided this way - that the surname has a slightly “sour” connotation, especially since “tow” in Scots is “pickle”. So Hermione Granger was born - a pleasant fact!

In honor of the Greek god

Some of you may be wondering: where did this come from? unusual name? And here's the second fact about Hermione Granger: her name is a feminine derivative of the name Hermes. Recall: this is a character of Greek mythology, the god of trade, who was known for his resourcefulness and speed (which was facilitated by magic sandals). He was a kind of intermediary between the world of Olympus and mere mortals. Similarly, Hermione is the link between wizards and Muggles. And, of course, she could be cunning and dodgy, if circumstances required it.

Alter ego Rowling

Sometimes the authors describe in books some of their acquaintances, their habits and hobbies, and sometimes they offer the reader a literary version of themselves. So Rowling could not resist the temptation, because Hermione is her copy, of course, which has undergone some changes. But Joan, like Hermione, was a nerd, not always self-confident.

About a little sister and… teeth

Do you know this fact about Hermione Granger: she was not supposed to be the only child in the family. Rowling originally planned for the heroine to have a younger sister. When Harry and Ron meet their future girlfriend, she says, "No one in my family has anything to do with magic." Then the writer hoped that she would introduce Hermione's sister into the story (otherwise Granger would have said: "My parents are not related to magic"). But Rowling couldn't find a way to introduce this sister to readers, and then it was too late.

In the books, Hermione is described as a girl with large front teeth. That's probably why, when she accidentally enlarged her teeth with a spell, Ron was indignant, and Professor Snape said that he didn't see any difference. The director of the first part ("Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone") Chris Columbus tried to give Emma Watson fake teeth, but it was very inconvenient, and the idea was abandoned. In the last scene of the film, Hermione's fake teeth can be seen, but their size is reduced to a minimum compared to the original.

She could be a Ravenclaw

Before entering Hogwarts, Hermione performed a few simple spells, but for some reason did not fall under the decree on the reasonable restriction of magic among minors. It turns out that children under the age of 11 who do not yet have a magic wand and have poor control over their abilities are exempt from punishment.

We know that newcomers to the faculties were distributed by a special Hat, it is to her that we owe the famous Harry-Ron-Hermione trio. But before sending Granger to Gryffindor, the Hat thought for four minutes: the girl's sharp mind allowed her to get into Ravenclaw (in English - Ravenclaw). However, Hermione's courage outweighed, and she became a student of Gryffindor. Later, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, one of the students wonders why Hermione wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw.

Secret desire and great fear

Yet interesting fact about Hermione Granger revealed by JK Rowling. He touches the mirror of Einalej. We know what Harry saw in this mirror of innermost desires - himself along with his parents. And Ron imagined that he was the Gryffindor Quidditch captain and was holding a goblet. It turns out that if Hermione looked into Erinage in the summer of 1997, she would see herself, Ron and Harry alive in the mirror, and Voldemort dead.

As for the boggart, which showed the deepest fears of the characters, in the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione met with a boggart who has the face of Professor McGonagall (moreover, the mentor is very unhappy with Hermione's knowledge). This means that the perfectionist Greenger was insecure and always afraid of failure.

Sent parents to Australia

This fact about Hermione Granger is most likely known to fans of the series: she erased her parents' memories of herself in order to protect them from Voldemort and the Death Eaters and force them to move to Australia. But did you know that when the mess with the Dark Lord was over, Hermione restored the memories of her father and mother? Rowling herself stated this.

Sorceress of high skill

As we remember, Ron, Hermione and Harry left Hogwarts, refusing to last year training - they went to look for Horcruxes. Thus, they failed the final magic test. But Hermione could not remain a dropout, and after the Second Wizarding War she returned to Hogwarts and passed the test - the only one of the three. That's what it means - an excellent student!

Having thus obtained the necessary qualifications, Hermione could choose a magical profession to her liking. She went to work in the Ministry of Magic - in the department of regulation and control of magical creatures. Then she achieved a high position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and used her power to correct ancient laws about the inequality of pure-blooded wizards and those who were born Muggles. Interestingly, Emma Watson also fights for women's rights.

Translated an ancient book and invented spells

There are "out-of-franchise" books in the Harry Potter series, these include The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The first edition of the book (written in ancient runes) Dumbledore bequeathed to Hermione. She read the book and translated it into English language. The translation was published some time after Hermione graduated from Hogwarts and contained Dumbledore's explanations (Professor McGonagall gave them to the student).

Well-known fact: Hermione Granger is a talented witch who knows a lot about magic. And she herself came up with a few spells! For example, a spell that points to a sneak, or one that makes the wand act like a compass and point north.

She ended up in ... frogs!

Through all her achievements, including translating books, fighting for the rights of magical creatures, and inventing spells, Hermione has been immortalized. How? She ended up on a chocolate frog card. We don't know how many Muggle-borns were honored to appear on these cards, but the fact that Hermione Granger deserved it is undeniable.
