How to get out of binge on your own at home

If you are concerned that you yourself or someone you love might have a problem with alcoholism, there is a natural reaction of how you can force yourself or him to stop drinking and how to get out of the binge. However, this is not always easy to do and it is a path where you need to be very careful. Getting someone to stop drinking alcohol and get out of a multi-day, and sometimes longer, binge is very difficult. Those who abuse alcoholic beverages become emotionally attached to and dependent on alcohol. Given this, all that you can do at first to help a loved one get out of a strong binge, and even more so when he himself does not want it, is open communication on this topic.

Sometimes it may not be possible to cope with such a problem on your own at home and you will have to contact the appropriate specialist - a narcologist. But first, consider the recommendations that will help you learn how to get out of a drunken state on your own without the help of a doctor.

How to help a person get out of a binge

Binge drinking is drinking a lot of alcohol in a relatively short period of time, which can last for two or more days. In such a state, a person himself would be glad to stop drinking, but he can no longer stop. This pattern of binge drinking can be detrimental to physical and mental health and, over time, can contribute to the development of various alcohol use disorders.

When you are addicted to alcohol, there comes a time when you yourself understand that you need to stop and stop drinking. You are tired of constant clouded consciousness, hangover awakening and cannot remember what happened the day before. You are tired of disappointing friends and family members. You want to stop. This is the first step to recovery.

But it also happens in another way. Alcohol itself is usually not a real problem. People most often drink it because situations occur in their life that they want to forget about or want to run away from any problems. With this in mind, solving this problem is often the hardest part of trying to get someone to stop drinking. He or she is likely to be reluctant to talk about his or her problem, and it is likely that the person will deny that he or she has a drinking problem.

But talking and asking a loved one about the reason for drinking is the most important and difficult part to do if you want to help him. This information will help you understand what and why makes him or her drink alcohol, how long the binge lasts.

In this case, it is important to schedule a meeting when the person is sober and the meeting place is comfortable for him. You can approach the conversation in different ways, but the main thing is to understand the problem that underlies alcohol abuse.

How to get out of binge drinking at home without the help of doctors

Alcoholism can affect the person who is struggling with it, as well as those close to them. But in order to start fighting it yourself at home, without seeking medical help, you need to know about some of the features and factors that can affect the way out of the binge.

First, the duration of the binge affects a successful exit. The longer a person drinks, the harder it is to get out of it on their own.

Secondly, the amount of alcohol drunk during the day: the greater the amount, the more it has an effect on health.

Thirdly, the quality of the alcohol drunk: counterfeiting of this product is widespread and often leads to serious consequences and death.

In addition, a drinker may have health problems, which can be aggravated not only by drinking alcohol, but also by deciding to quit drinking, and drunken injuries.

All this must be taken into account, both by the alcoholic himself and by people close to him.

The process of getting out of binge can be long and painful, comparable to the treatment of drug addicts, when there is a restructuring of all body systems.

The safest way to get out of a drinking binge for many days at home is to cleanse the body. This method is often recommended in specialized clinics for getting rid of alcohol addiction.

How to start cleansing the body at home? Changing your diet is the most important part of getting out of many days of alcohol consumption, as it affects all metabolic processes and the absorption of nutrients.

Start with hydration. Alcohol elimination causes many different symptoms, including fatigue, anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting. These symptoms usually last 24 to 72 hours and can limit the ability to eat food. This is normal and you need to make sure you are drinking enough fluids during this time as it will help flush out toxins from your body.

Water, juice, broth, iced tea, and other drinks are good choices in the early stages of binge recovery.

Once you start eating again, it's important to focus on a healthy, balanced diet. Eat the right amount of foods from various food groups to meet all of your calorie needs. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but don't neglect the importance of whole grains and protein-rich food sources.

When a person is undergoing treatment for alcohol dependence in a clinic, the doctor will usually prescribe a course of medications to relieve the symptoms of alcohol dependence. There is usually no such luxury at home. But you can take some vitamins and minerals that will be useful during this period and help to quickly remove all harmful substances from the body. Such vitamin complexes usually include B vitamins, vitamin C, E, calcium, magnesium, garlic supplements.

How to get out of the binge yourself correctly

To get out of the binge yourself, you need to decide exactly that you really want to do it and nothing can stop you. It is your own desire that determines the success of getting out of the binge. The main thing is to tune in psychologically. Perhaps getting out of a long binge will be much more difficult. But from a festive binge, for example, New Year's, it is quite possible to get out quickly on your own. After all, the holidays are over and work days are ahead. The most effective of such hard drinking is the "three days" method. It consists in the following.

The first day. Eliminate a hangover. A headache will torment, chills, dizziness, nausea, increased sweating and an irresistible desire to get drunk are possible. All this needs to be transferred.

First you need to cleanse the body of toxins by drinking 8 to 10 tablets of activated carbon and an aspirin tablet. Charcoal is taken in several doses and will help to eliminate toxic decomposition products of alcohol. Aspirin will reduce headache and other pain symptoms.

On the first day, it is better to sleep more and not forget to drink more fluids. Optimally, plain water. You can sour fruit drink or compote with a high content of vitamin C. Many people drink cabbage pickle.

Second day. Coffee is excluded. Sweet strong tea (black or green) is the best drink. Moreover, the body needs glucose, which will give it strength and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

You can drink fermented milk drinks during the day. Take a cool refreshing shower. But not a hot bath, which can cause the heart to malfunction.

If you have nausea, urge to vomit, you can take activated charcoal, remembering to drink it with plenty of water.

In the evening, when the condition improves, you can drink a cup of chicken broth. You can also eat porridge, chicken meat (not fried).

The third day. Complete nutrition, including fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits.

What is the danger of an independent way out of a binge. Pros and cons, advice from a narcologist

Getting out of the binge is not easy and not everyone can cope with it on their own. This method is most acceptable for those who have not consumed alcohol for a very long period. Treatment for alcoholism that lasts for several months or years can be hazardous to health and is best done under the supervision of a doctor in an appropriate medical facility.

Regardless of the duration of the binge, the main thing at this time for a person who has decided to quit drinking is the support of people close to him. It is the support of relatives and friends that is very important during this period. And remember that at any time, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be very painful and dangerous and difficult to tolerate without special medical attention. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Ultimately, the number and severity of symptoms depend on a number of factors, including age, gender, and the duration of the binge.

One of the symptoms of getting out of binge, which can be fatal, is tremor - a condition of involuntary muscle contraction and which is a consequence of intoxication of the body.

In addition, as narcologists note, an independent exit from a binge at home can provoke:

Angina pectoris;

Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

Disruption of kidney function;

Exacerbation of pancreatitis;

Cerebral circulation disorder.

When symptoms such as:

Heart rhythm disorder;

Severe abdominal pain;

The appearance of yellowness of the skin;

Problems with bowel movements;

Pain in the left side of the body (near the arm, sternum, shoulder blade);

The appearance of blood in the urine or stool;

Visual impairment: darkening in the eyes, the appearance of "flies";


Strong headache;

Weakness in the limbs;

Numbness of the extremities

you need to immediately call a doctor to avoid serious, irreparable consequences.

How easy it is to get out of a binge

People can drink for various reasons, whether it is to enjoy drinking, to socialize, or to cope with some negative feelings like sadness and stress, various difficult life situations. In all these cases, there will be different strategies and methods for getting out of the binge for different people.

But regardless of this, many people who drink are wondering, got out of the binge, and what to do next? You can start by looking at these few tips.

Change your environment: Think about where, when, and with whom you spend most of your time drinking. In the beginning, you may find it difficult to cut back on alcoholic beverages when you are constantly reminded to do so. At the first stage, you need to try to avoid visiting bars and other similar establishments, limit the time of communication with former friends with whom they spent time drinking.

Weigh the pros and cons: Whenever you're trying to break a bad habit, the level of motivation is important. List the reasons why you want to quit drinking and which will keep you from starting to drink alcohol again.

Reward yourself for your accomplishments: This positive reinforcement of your anti-binge efforts will further motivate you to quit and set new goals.

The support of family and friends is important, and they can also encourage you to abstain from drinking.

Set limits. If abstaining completely from alcohol is not to your liking, try setting a limit on the amount of alcohol you drink. You can reduce the amount or only drink it on certain days, hours, or avoid certain types of alcohol. Ask family or friends to help you manage your alcohol consumption.

Find an alternative to drinking. Many people drink to cope with negative feelings such as stress, depression, anxiety, and boredom with alcohol. Replace alcohol with healthier options, such as going to the gym, swimming pool, finding a new hobby, hanging out with other nondrinkers.

Take an alcohol cessation course. Many cities have Alcoholics Anonymous clubs, courses and programs for people who drink. When a person drinks for a long time, he becomes addicted to alcohol and when he tries to get out of the binge on his own, he can experience unpleasant symptoms, and sometimes dangerous to health. Cleansing the body of alcohol under the supervision of specialists, communication with the same people, will help to carefully control the symptoms and avoid breakdowns.

Alcoholism is a problem that exists all over the world. Millions of people around the world, both men and women, are trying to get rid of it, to quit drinking. Therefore, you are not alone in your pursuit. Sometimes this is not so easy to do and you will have to face many difficulties, again go into a binge. But if there is a desire to get rid of this habit forever, then everything is possible. For some it will be more difficult, for whom it will be easier.

How easy it is to get out of the binge on your own at home advice from a narcologist

What you need to know when getting out of a binge at home

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