Sergei Bezrukov left his wife last. Divorce Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova

41-year-old actor Sergei Bezrukov is likely to break up with his wife. According to rumors, the reason could be adultery. Irina Bezrukova declined to comment on this information.

There was information that the famous actor Sergei Bezrukov is breaking up with his wife Irina after 15 years of marriage. According to sources close to the actor, Sergei and Irina Bezrukov no longer live together, reports

Secular gossips claim that Bezrukov's infidelity is the reason. The 31-year-old St. Petersburg actress Kristina Smirnova, who has two children from him - four-year-old Ivan and six-year-old Sasha, is called as a likely mistress.

Sergei Bezrukov constantly visits them, but has not yet officially recognized them.

According to the media, a young actress from St. Petersburg, Kristina Smirnova, gave birth to a daughter and son to Sergei Bezrukov.

The acquaintance of Sergei and Christina took place on the set of the film "Yesenin", where the young actress starred in the kiss scene with Yesenin, played by Bezrukov. It was from this on-screen kiss, according to journalists, that the history of their relationship began.

In the program of Boris Korchevnikov, close friends of Christina Smirnova admitted that Bezrukov is the father of her children. The first husband of Christina Smirnova, Ilya Plisov, who is the father of her eldest daughter, gave an interview.

Kristina Smirnova lives in St. Petersburg and has three children. Ivan and Alexandra are illegitimate children from Sergei Bezrukov. Alexandra Bezrukova went to school this year.

Kristina Smirnova herself graduated from a medical college and works as an obstetrician in a maternity hospital. In her spare time she sings in the choir.

Perhaps Bezrukov leaves the family for Smirnova, although there is a version that nothing happened in the relationship between Sergei and Irina Bezrukov.

Friends of the couple said that the Bezrukovs are still together. Irina Bezrukova refused to comment on the information about the separation from her husband.

“Are you calling from the Raffle program? I won’t comment on it in any way!” the publication quotes Irina Bezrukova.

Irina and Sergei Bezrukov responded to rumors of a divorce on a social network.

Irina posted a photo with her husband on Instagram. On it, the spouses cling to each other and look happy. And Bezrukov made a repost on his Twitter.

Some media outlets claim that with this picture, Irina immediately denied the news of the divorce, making it clear that she and her husband are still together.

The photo of the Bezrukovs was taken a week ago on vacation in Sviyazhsk.

Recall that earlier the couple experienced a terrible tragedy: Irina's only son, 25-year-old Andrei Livanov, died. He was found dead in the Bezrukovs' apartment on March 14.

For a long time, relatives could not get through to him, and then it turned out that he did not appear at work at the Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov.

Rescuers found a lifeless body in the apartment young man without external signs violent death. The ambulance doctors who arrived at the scene could no longer help and ascertained the death of Andrei.

About a month ago, the Internet stirred up the news - Sergei Bezrukov left his wife, but it was not clear - to whom the actor Sergei Bezrukov had gone.

Irina angrily rejected the next rumors about her husband's infidelity and tried to assure everyone that they had a friendly family.
Bezrukova published a photo on the Internet in which she gently hugs her husband and signed something like this: “We had a good rest together with Serezha, now we can work”

Photo, Sergey and Irina Bezrukov

The culprit, as usual, remained silent. Once he already asked to leave his personal life alone and not violate his rights.
The journalists had to guess, and then the story of Sergei's illegitimate children from an actress from St. Petersburg, Kristina Smirnova, resurfaced again.

Photo, Kristina Smirnova

The actors met film set the film "Yesenin" and after this acquaintance, Christina had two children. The eldest daughter is now nine years old, and the youngest son is six.
However, Christina denied the paternity of Sergei Bezrukov, and it was then that Sergei threatened to sue for intrusion into his private life.

At the same time, neither he nor his wife stated directly that Sergei had nothing to do with children.
Therefore, everyone decided that Sergei Bezrukov went to the mother of his children, Kristina Smirnova.
For some time, the rumors subsided, but they were again stirred up by the well-known publication Super. RU. It published photos showing that Sergei Bezrukov spends all his free time with director Anna Mathison.

Anna Matison, photo

They are connected by official relations, - Sergey plays leading role in Anna's new film called "The Milky Way". However, the relationship continues after work.

Bezrukov goes to Anna's apartment immediately after rehearsals, and walking around the city, they gently hold hands.

Rumor has it that Sergey and Anna have known each other since 2011. Even then, the film crew of the film “Christmas Trees 2” noticed a special relationship between the actor and the director.

Only to Sergei Bezrukov did the director turn to “you” and spend more time with him. The couple discussed the working moments of the film for a long time, retired, and it was then that a conversation arose about the romance between Sergei and Anna Mathison. They even talked about the fact that Anna is a muse for Sergei Bezrukov.

Numerous fans of the star couple, not so long ago, considered the Bezrukov family to be the standard of family well-being. There have been no gossip, intrigues and quarrels over the past fifteen years in the family. And then, like a bolt from the blue, the news thundered that Bezrukov's divorce was approaching and the reason for the separation remained unknown. The couple announced that it was time to start over clean slate leaving fans confused.

Beginning of the novel

Their love was like a forbidden fruit. At the time of meeting Sergei, Irina was married to the famous actor Igor Livanov and raised her son. Sergey was a young promising actor, full of ambitions and aspirations. Their meeting took place during the filming of the movie "Crusader", and a spark slipped between them.

Despite the impressive age difference, they fell madly in love with each other, and after filming was over, they could not part. Sergei sent Irina a small note in which he invited her on a date. And even though her family was at stake, she agreed. They did not intend to hide their passion for a long time and remain lovers. The lovers decided to reveal the whole truth to their loved ones before the news about their romance spreads through all the newspapers.

Happy marriage

The wife of Sergei Bezrukov enjoyed family happiness and often shared secrets with journalists strong family. Sergei was also actively proud of his relationship with his wife. His career skyrocketed, but he always found free time to spend with Irina.

Bezrukov is sure that the secret of family happiness lies in the endless interest in each other, support and understanding. The actors have developed friendly and trusting relationships. Joint vacation has become a real tradition of the Bezrukov family. Looking at them, the fans did not doubt that the star couple would spend their marriage in a year, until the news thundered that the divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova was nearing. The reason was not clear to anyone, because the couple never washed dirty linen in public, and at joint exits they always hugged and smiled at reporters.

Reason for divorce

The divorce of Sergei Bezrukov became a real sensation. No one could understand the reasons for such dramatic changes in the family after 15 years of happy family life. According to friends and relatives of the spouses, their life was not so cloudless. Their problems began long before the decision to divorce. They are very different personalities, and often their opinions do not coincide. Irina often tried to control her husband, which annoyed him. But the main problem in the Bezrukov family was women. Irina knew about the adventures of her husband, but turned a blind eye to many things. Being a wise woman, she often smoothed out conflicts with her husband. But what then could have influenced the divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova? The reason may lie in a tragic incident in the life of Irina. Her son from her first marriage, Andrei Livanov, died under unknown circumstances. The loss of her son was a real blow to Irina, she withdrew into herself and began to lead a reclusive lifestyle. But there is also a version that Sergei Bezrukov's divorce was provoked by the actor's new love,

New love of Sergei Bezrukov

The actor met her on the set of the film "Christmas Trees 2" and could no longer part. Their romance began to develop rapidly on the set of the film "Milky Way", where Bezrukov plays the main role. Anna also acts as a director. At first, no one could imagine that a stormy romance began between Anna and Sergey. Over time, many began to notice their great interest in each other, they often dined together during breaks.

But one day someone took a picture of them walking hand in hand in the park, and then everything became clear to everyone. Sergei refused to comment on this fact to the press. The couple decided to part without scandals and simply wished each other happiness in a new life. It is known that after the divorce, Sergei proposed to Anna, and they got married. In 2016, it became known that the wife gave the actor a daughter. Sergey shared the good news in his

microblog , saying that he is crazy about happiness.

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova after a divorce

And how was Irina's life? Ex-wife Sergei Bezrukov enjoys a free life. According to the woman, after all the events that happened to her, she completely rethought her life. Now the actress is trying to enjoy every moment of her. She found the strength to call ex-husband and ask for forgiveness.

Irina is also very grateful to Sergey for the fact that he still supports her in various copyright projects. Irina is sure that their divorce is only legal. They remain good friends and don't hold grudges against each other.

Despite all the speculation and rumors about what happened, the reason for their separation is known only to themselves. Fans continue to solve the mystery, while the ex-spouses, meanwhile, are improving their personal lives.
