Physicists have figured out how visible matter in the universe arose. Where did dark matter come from? Where did matter come from

Universe. User Manual [How to Survive Black Holes, Time Paradoxes, and Quantum Uncertainty] Dave Goldberg

VI. Where did matter come from?

VI. Where did matter come from?

Perhaps the most important thing that explains inflation is where the one extra baryon in a billion came from in our universe, and how matter even appeared in the universe. But first we need to fill in a couple of gaps related to matter and antimatter.

We have already mentioned that particles and antiparticles are simply each other's evil alter egos. Will we notice if some maniac rushes in on the wings of the night and replaces all quarks with antiquarks, all electrons with positrons, and all neutrinos with antineutrinos, and so on? Physicists call this charge symmetry. According to everything we have told you so far, everything will remain the same.

Until now, we have not talked about how charge symmetry affects our Universe, but this influence should be very strong, because it is obvious that everything is made of matter, and not of antimatter. As it turns out, neutrinos and antineutrinos are not exactly the same. Both spin like clockwork, but experiments show that all neutrinos spin clockwise, and all antineutrinos spin counterclockwise.

At first glance, it seems that this does not play any role, but it turns out that if we replace all particles with antiparticles, there will still be a difference. But everything can be corrected - it is only necessary not only to replace particles with antiparticles, but also to swap right and left. This is called parity or parity symmetry. As a result, "clockwise" will turn into "counterclockwise" and vice versa.

The main question is: if we change both charge and parallel symmetry, will physics behave the same?

If so, then the Universe does not distinguish between matter and antimatter, and we have no idea why our Universe has an abundance of both.

Here again experiments with accelerators come to our aid. At high energies, particles called kaons are produced - along with their antiparticles. Mostly. Kaons and anti-kaons behave in the same way and form very similar products upon decay. However, in about one case in a thousand, kaons produce different Decay Products than antikaons. It's a tiny phenomenon - but does it show that the universe actually distinguishes between matter and anti? matter.

The bottom line is that just at the end of the era of great unification, the energies were high enough to create a hypothetical particle called the X-boson. X-bosons were very massive and quickly decayed into other particles, including quarks and antiquarks - but they were not equally divided.

But the anti-X-boson, apparently, behaved just the opposite way, and on average, these particles mutually annihilated. On the other hand, if we assume that the X-bosons behaved like kaons, that is, the antiparticles did not always accurately reflect ordinary particles, then we got a few extra quarks, and ultimately a few extra baryons.

So if you want to tell Little Willy where he (and all the rest of the matter in the universe) came from, you should tell him that we all came from breaking symmetry in the first 10 -35 seconds of the life of the universe.

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VI. Where did matter come from? Perhaps the most important thing that explains inflation is where the one extra baryon in a billion came from in our universe, and how matter even appeared in the universe. But first we need to fill in a couple of gaps related to matter and

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III. Where do atoms come from? Birth of Elements (t = 1 second - 3 minutes) We have already deviated very far from Little Billy's original question “Where did I come from?”, but now we are ready to give a better answer to it. First you need to tell the baby what he is really made of.

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Where the disk comes from In 1969, Linden-Bell suggested that quasars are located at the centers of galaxies. We can't see the galaxy around the quasar, he said, because its light is much weaker than the light of the quasar itself, the quasar outshines the galaxy for us. Decades later

MOSCOW, February 25 - RIA Novosti. A possible reason for the almost complete absence of antimatter in the Universe and the predominance of ordinary visible matter could be the movements of the Higgs field - a special structure where the Higgs bosons "live", physicists say in an article accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review Letters.

It is believed that in the first moments after the Big Bang, there was an equal amount of matter and antimatter. Today the world is filled with matter, and this fact is a physical mystery, since particles of matter and antimatter should have destroyed each other at the moment when they appeared in the quark "soup" of the future Universe. Therefore, the question arises - where did the antimatter "disappear" and why does the Universe exist.

Russian-American physicist Alexander Kusenko from the University of California at Los Angeles (USA) and his colleagues believe that they managed to find the answer to this universal riddle in the data that were collected by the Large Hadron Collider during the first stage of its work, when it was discovered the Higgs boson, the famous "God particle".

According to the Higgs theory, the Universe is permeated by a special field with which all existing elementary particles interact: the stronger they adhere to the field, the higher their mass will be. If this field exists, then Higgs bosons must also exist - special particles responsible for its interaction with protons, electrons and other manifestations of visible and dark matter. Like other bosons, except for the photon, the "God particle" decays very quickly - it lives on average 0.1 zeptosecond (trillionths of a nanosecond).

Studying the traces of these decays, Kusenko's group noticed that the Higgs field, due to the special properties of the "God particle", could temporarily go into a relatively unstable energy state during the first expansion of the Universe immediately after the Big Bang. Kusenko and his colleagues suggested that "shifts" of the field during this period of the life of the Universe could cause inhomogeneities in the fractions of matter and antimatter.

Guided by this idea, the authors of the article carried out a lot of calculations and built a computer model of the future Universe, which took into account the instability of the Higgs field. According to their calculations, there are no physical obstacles for such a scenario to be realized at the time of the birth of the Universe.

With a sufficiently slow decrease in the energy of the Higgs field, it will begin to “vibrate” in a peculiar way, and the direction of the first, strongest such vibration will determine what type of matter will inhabit the Universe. This will happen because at such a moment the masses of particles and antiparticles will be temporarily different, due to which the formation of one type of them will be sharply slowed down.

MOSCOW, February 25 - RIA Novosti. A possible reason for the almost complete absence of antimatter in the Universe and the predominance of ordinary visible matter could be the movements of the Higgs field - a special structure where the Higgs bosons "live", physicists say in an article accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review Letters.

It is believed that in the first moments after the Big Bang, there was an equal amount of matter and antimatter. Today the world is filled with matter, and this fact is a physical mystery, since particles of matter and antimatter should have destroyed each other at the moment when they appeared in the quark "soup" of the future Universe. Therefore, the question arises - where did the antimatter "disappear" and why does the Universe exist.

Russian-American physicist Alexander Kusenko from the University of California at Los Angeles (USA) and his colleagues believe that they managed to find the answer to this universal riddle in the data that were collected by the Large Hadron Collider during the first stage of its work, when it was discovered the Higgs boson, the famous "God particle".

According to the Higgs theory, the Universe is permeated by a special field with which all existing elementary particles interact: the stronger they adhere to the field, the higher their mass will be. If this field exists, then Higgs bosons must also exist - special particles responsible for its interaction with protons, electrons and other manifestations of visible and dark matter. Like other bosons, except for the photon, the "God particle" decays very quickly - it lives on average 0.1 zeptosecond (trillionths of a nanosecond).

Studying the traces of these decays, Kusenko's group noticed that the Higgs field, due to the special properties of the "God particle", could temporarily go into a relatively unstable energy state during the first expansion of the Universe immediately after the Big Bang. Kusenko and his colleagues suggested that "shifts" of the field during this period of the life of the Universe could cause inhomogeneities in the fractions of matter and antimatter.

Guided by this idea, the authors of the article carried out a lot of calculations and built a computer model of the future Universe, which took into account the instability of the Higgs field. According to their calculations, there are no physical obstacles for such a scenario to be realized at the time of the birth of the Universe.

With a sufficiently slow decrease in the energy of the Higgs field, it will begin to “vibrate” in a peculiar way, and the direction of the first, strongest such vibration will determine what type of matter will inhabit the Universe. This will happen because at such a moment the masses of particles and antiparticles will be temporarily different, due to which the formation of one type of them will be sharply slowed down.

There are a huge number of theories and hypotheses about the origin of the Universe, they are all different and all as one answer the question: “Where did the Universe come from?”. The most interesting thing is that, considering one theory, analyzing it, you become its supporter, until you move on to the study of another theory, which, in turn, convinces you that you are right, and so on without end. Probably, people will not soon be able to find the correct answer to the question of where the Universe came from.

If we take the most ancient theory of the origin of the Universe, then, in accordance with the undeniable source for many - the Bible - the world was created by the Creator approximately in 5508 BC. This theological hypothesis of the origin of the world is well known, but it is mainly held by representatives of the clergy and particularly religious people. Scientists who question everything and everything, including the existence of God, naturally have a different idea of ​​the origin of the world.

If you look into the explanatory dictionary, then the Universe is a system of the universe, which includes everything space and the celestial bodies in it. An alternative definition of the universe is "a collection of stars and galaxies".

The most common scientific hypothesis explaining where the universe came from is the Big Bang theory.

In accordance with it, approximately 20 billion years ago, the entire Universe was a very small substance, smaller than a grain of sand. However, despite its tiny size, the density of this substance was enormous: approximately 1100 g/cm3. Of course, there were no stars, no planets, no galaxies in the substance, to which we are accustomed, but it itself represented a kind of germ that could potentially create all this variety of celestial bodies. This substance can be compared to a small seed, from which a mighty and branchy tree subsequently grows.

It was because of the high density of the primordial matter that an explosion occurred, which divided this smallest particle into billions of smaller particles - from which the Universe subsequently arose.

There is another big bang hypothesis that answers the question of where the universe came from. In principle, the essence of these two theories is almost identical, except that in this hypothesis, instead of the substance from which the Universe appeared, there is a physical vacuum. That is, the whole world occurred due to an explosion in a vacuum environment.

Vacuum in Latin means "emptiness", but the meaning of this concept is much broader: vacuum is not emptiness in the conventional sense of the word, but a state in which everything that exists is hidden and potentially contained. Vacuum tends to change its structure - just like water turns into ice or steam. In the process of changing such a structure, an explosion occurred, which led to the birth of the Universe.

In addition to theological and scientific hypotheses explaining where the Universe came from, there is also a scientific and philosophical point of view on this problem. It considers the fundamental possibility of creating the Universe by some higher intelligent Beginning. Such a theory implies that the world has not always existed: it has its own starting point, even more than that - the entire Universe is constantly developing and growing.

This conclusion was reached by scientists studying the composition and radiance of stars. So, in the 30s of the twentieth century, when studying the Milky Way, it was found that the light emitted by stars is shifted to the red region of the spectrum. The farther the distance from us to the star, the more pronounced this shift. It was this observation that gave scientists the information that the universe is constantly expanding.

The second confirmed the development of the universe was the "death" of the stars. Based chemical composition stars, its body consists of hydrogen, which is constantly involved in various reactions, turning into heavier elements. When the hydrogen is depleted, the star "dies". According to some theories, all the planets in our system may be the result of the "death" of stars.

This discovery gave grounds for another conclusion: since the decay of hydrogen is a natural and irreversible process, the Universe naturally and gradually moves towards its end.

Yuriy Larin, 2012-2013

The meaning of life or reflections on matter. Evolution.

If you think about life from the point of view of being, you get nonsense. And if you look at the root, then the meaning of life can be written down by a formula, I mean not a person and biological life, which can be called a consequence of the development of matter, but the existence of matter lies in the unification and separation of particles of matter at all levels of development.

For example, let's take a hydrogen atom for simplicity of explanation, although thousands of microparticles and their interactions are needed before a hydrogen atom appears. So the hydrogen atom exists both in a free state and combined with other atoms. What makes them combine into molecules, molecules into molecular bonds. What is the reason for the universe, what governs, what instinct makes them interact with each other. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to answer another question, where did this matter come from, if we answer this, then the idea of ​​the origin of life will be clear. For us, this is a mystery, but move away from this. digression and continue. And so the hydrogen atom does not unite with everyone, but only with those chosen in a series of billions of interactions, it only reacts to certain atoms, for example, to an oxygen atom, together a water molecule is obtained. That this is a set of random connections and, finally, the acquisition of something, their own, without which they could not live without each other, what prompted them to unite, the very principle of uniting into communities can be traced at all levels of the universe. Starting from atoms and the emergence of living cells to communities and the formation of states. That is, even at the initial stage of matter, the property of unification is laid. From here it is possible to answer the question why families, packs, herds, tribes, cities, states are created.
Science has proven that atoms are attracted or repelled depending on the charge, what it is, where the charges came from and what they are for, is it predetermined or a scheme is randomly proposed, even though it is also a mystery.
Let's take a living cell, when a single-celled creature was born, this went on for several hundred million years, which made a multicellular organism appear, a good question in order to survive, but why should a meaningless creature survive at an early creation to improve, this is clear to a person why he needs to improve here like it's understandable. Everything is simpler, gentlemen, this property of nature does not repeat itself, this is what made it evolve, and then according to Darwin natural selection Those who adapted with certain skills survived, today cold-blooded people survive one climate, warm-blooded people survive another climate tomorrow. And so we digress, so what is all this for - evolution from simple to complex, and it will not be easier to stay on the same level and not worry, you ask and you will be right.
An interesting question is who controls the body of a person, or a person controls the body. After all, the human brain is also a multicellular creature that created itself in the process of evolution, the brain itself cannot exist either, it needs oxygen, for this it took and united with the heart organ, which drives oxygen-enriched blood through the lungs, etc. . So a person is essentially a living cell only evolving. If we draw an analogy of a person with a cell, it turns out that the brain is the nucleus of the cell, blood is the movement of the water substance of the cell, which is carried out at the expense of the heart, the lungs are the connection with the external environment, cell division is the birth of a new person. Difficulties force evolution, if everything is good and nothing interferes, evolution stops. So that's the thing, not man created himself, evolution created man against his will. You want to live, but you want not to live. Heredity is what drives evolution to pass on accumulated knowledge from generation to generation. Mutation is the second, if not the first, sign of evolution. Mutation and heredity are the two defining features of evolution. Again, we digress without answering the main question why all this is needed, or is it a property of matter without which matter would not exist. For what matter to evolve, that's a mystery so a mystery. Answer this question and you will understand why you live. Yes, you yourself don’t know why you live, you were born that way, if you have the instinct of self-preservation, you will live long, and if it’s not enough, you will die before you are allowed to. If you start from this theory, then people themselves can’t imagine that creating robots is a new qualitative leap in evolution towards the creation of artificial intelligence, it is robots that will capture the universe, because a person is not able to live in space for a long time, and robots will no longer be robots, but an artificial person stuffed with nanomaterials, nano-man is the next stage of evolution. Compared to them, we will be something akin to monkeys. Homo sapiens will yield to nano-man. and again a rhetorical question, but what is all this for.
Why did the earth need to create biological life, and now ask differently why a person got a flu - a viral infection that affects the entire body, if not for immunity, then a person would die. The virus is what stimulates cells to evolve. A virus is also a cell in its own way, but only engaged in the destruction of other organisms. Thus, in the course of evolution, the cell developed into a highly intelligent mind as human brain, and the human body is the periphery serving the brain or, in other words, a community of intelligent cells. If we draw an analogy with the state, then the president is an intellectual cell, and everything else is a tool for his prosperous existence, that is, the state is a body. Where there are many intellectual cells, there is democracy and one is being replaced by another. I think I went into politics. We have digressed from the question of why the earth should create biological life, but not why it was created against its will, it only does what is protected from it. We are like an infection, we are on it temporarily, although how to say life on earth originated 4 billion years ago. Where we will be in a billion years in the middle of the chain or not far from the top.

The meaning of the origin of life in the universe, yes, there is no meaning, life is or is not. We exist as a product of the universe, we are what we are, a random-regular course of evolution, just like the hydrogen atom turned into helium, and helium into argon to radioactive elements, see the periodic table. At any point in the universe, if similar conditions are created as on Earth, the elements want or do not want there, but they will develop along the same evolutionary path. People will certainly not look alike, but in fact they will be the same in spiritual development.

The existence of matter, whether we are aware of it or not, it has always existed and will always exist. There is no starting point, no end. It only changes depending on time, flows from one state to another, either contracting or expanding. Matter, Space and Time are the three Whales on which the world rests, which in turn are endless. Scientists have seen the edge of the universe and found that it is 13 billion light-years from our planet, naive edges do not exist. That, in essence, our universe is also the same organism as you and I, also related to our atoms of which we are composed. We cannot see our universe from the outside, we are in it, and what our universe is, an animal or a plant, just like our atoms or bacteria are not aware that they are in this or that individual.
Matter, space and time cannot exist without each other, that initially, of course, matter, emptiness does not exist at every point in space, there is an invisible element through which bodies interact in another way, it can be called dark matter. The epicenter of dark matter is in a black hole. Around which stars, galaxies, galactic clusters, clusters of universes, etc. revolve. And what’s next, where is the end, but it can’t be, because if there is an end, then the world will collapse into emptiness or dissolve in this emptiness and sooner or later everything will disappear forever, and if there was emptiness, then where did matter come from, hence there is no conclusion of emptiness we are in infinite space. Which closes on itself, some kind of nonsense turns out, and what is abroad, also some kind of nonsense, then it may not close, yes, the cosmos will never fully open to a person, there will be hypotheses similar to reality until it comes across another riddle. We will not be able to fly out of our universe or look beyond our universe, because light cannot escape from our universe, in fact, we are in the center of a black hole around which there are other worlds. And they also wrestle with the riddle of the universe.

What was the reason for?

It appeared as a result, as I said myself, not even though, through evolution and meaning, it is not necessary to look for this, this is a natural course of development of the cosmos. In other words, the cosmos creates the mind, and you need to ask him why he needs the mind, what he strives for. Here is a question. We are people and we must answer this question, because we are the product of the development of the cosmos. Most likely, humanity will not have time to answer this question, it will be answered by more advanced forms of the development of the cosmos, we are just another step in the development of the cosmos. What will happen first, man will create a nano-robot-man or he himself will evolve. Most likely a nano-robot if you look at the latest developments in technology, because a person realized that he would not survive in outer space for a long time, and for life he needs too many conditions that will prevent him from conquering space. So that as soon as a person creates a higher mind, he will leave the stage and take his niche in nature, as other representatives of flora and fauna have occupied it. We need a nano-robot in order for humanity to find a connection with the worlds in other parts of our galaxy. As Columbus discovered America, so we must discover life on the nearest stars. And why do we need it in order to find a problem for ourselves? What vital necessity makes a person, or let it be a higher mind, look for life on other planets, a paradox, or is it inherent in the program of the cosmos. If we return to the beginning with which we started this conversation, then we have already asked this question, only at the level of the hydrogen atom for which it connected with the oxygen atom, which they so needed in each other. They felt good anyway, each self-sufficient element in itself, they feel great separately in the world space. If we take the periodic table and analyze the evolution of the origin of the elements, then we can come to the conclusion that the elements take at least the same hydrogen that turns into helium, then we will understand that it essentially does not want to turn on its own, in order for it to turn helium needs crazy energy the size of an atomic explosion, and when combined, even more energy is released than when separated. In essence, we get fuel for our sun. The sun, having a huge gravity, forces hydrogen atoms to combine into helium, a thermonuclear reaction occurs due to which we live so peacefully on our planet. Helium, in turn, creates a number of other heavier elements, reaching diamonds, and all this happens in the vents of our sun, that is, stars, due to global gravity create all these elements that are in great abundance on earth. This conclusion is laid still by space. Our earth was once a piece of a supernova, which was blown in different directions.

Gravity or dark energy is what drives evolution. But it also could not appear by itself, it is also a product of these elements. In other words, the elements are the source of dark energy. The principle of unification is laid down by gravity. That is, a person subconsciously seeks to seek the connection inherent in him by nature. He is a slave of this circumstance, whether he wants it or not, the instinct of universal gravitation makes him look for other worlds. If you look at the history of the development of the universe, the origin of stars. For example, the hydrogen atom that gave birth to a star, the formation of heavy elements began in the bowels of this star, the mass increased over time until it turned into a black hole, after which it explodes and throws out thousands and millions of stars and planets around which solar systems are formed. That is, the stars are needed to produce the necessary elements for the formation of planets like the earth, the planets, in turn, serve to produce organic molecules, which in turn form molecules to create more complex molecules up to a living cell and finally to intelligent life, that is the earth created us and is not going to stop there, it is preparing a higher intelligence that will create bridges between other star systems and, finally, a global universe of intelligence. That is, the earth gave birth to us, and what we will give birth to what stage of development a person will have to give birth to, nano human artificial intelligence is what will happen after us to exist forever, now there is an accumulation of information from a certain memory bank in which the entire history of the development of the universe will accumulate, the universe is aware of itself why it exists and will come to a standstill, because there is no point. If we argue that the universe exists forever, then we can assume that the universe mind exists, we are inside it and it is inside us, something like the matryoshka effect. Just as a virus is inside us, it also exists for some reason, it also has its own mission, so a person, together with all earthly life, is inside some kind of organism and cannot realize this, and so on. And so we digress, stars give birth to planets, planets give birth to biological life, biological life gives birth to mind, mind gives birth to the universe mind, the universe mind gives birth, and what further the fantasy just stops my brain is unable to think. This is something beyond comprehension, and it must be that we are too primitive to predict what will happen next. At least it is possible to predict what will happen in about 1 million years.

Forecast for 10 million years ahead.

So, a person creates an artificial mind, I think that this will happen already in this century, this artificial mind will revolutionize technology and create an artificial cell, the first brick from which production will begin to develop, or, one might say, the birth of a nano-man-robot that will gradually replace biological life until become the masters of the earth, this will happen within 1000-3000 years after the expansion of the capture of the entire solar system will go, this can also be attributed to this period. In 1000-2000 years they will fly to the first star system Alpha Centauri, by this time they will already be up to 50% of light, then further and further until the robots capture the galaxy, I think that half of the galaxy in the 1st million years is quite acceptable. That is, human activity is the output of artificial intelligence, what next, what can be expected from the activities of robots, what is their output, here you can fantasize. I think after the capture of the galaxy, there must be the next push of civilization, the next stage of evolution, to conquer the galaxy cluster will require beyond the ability artificial intelligence because the distances between galaxies are already an order of magnitude greater - 10 million light-years. I think that it will no longer be a galaxy, but a living organism. What we have now is essentially the skeleton of an organism into which life must be breathed, it will look like something like a giant city, as now, for example, there are New York, Moscow, Paris, Tokyo, living by their own law, and the galaxy will resemble the capital with its own communications connections. And then when the galaxy becomes crowded or the galaxy begins to be destroyed for some reason, then there will be a transition to another galactic cluster at that time people may exist and will not, although why not, but they will be very limited in the galaxy. Humanity as a species along with biological nature in the galaxy will be represented by 0.001 to 1% percent, everything else will be populated by nano-robot-individuals. They are the future of civilization, whether we like it or not, but this will be a fact, this is the pattern of the development of evolution. Maybe it's time to invent a formula for the development of evolution, then we will see from it where will he go the development of the universe and we will be able to answer about the meaning of the universe. What awaits behind the nano-robots, oh yes, I already said maybe it will be a smart galaxy, but sooner or later the galaxy will disappear when a supernova explodes, it will destroy all intelligence. But before death, she must give birth to what should remain after death, these will be super creatures that will take off into the cosmic distance in search of new galaxies, this is where the next evolutionary push will be, these robotic people will breathe life into the next galaxies, although what I am talking about, undoubtedly in other galaxies there will also be life, the question is at what level. Here the truth will be natural development of the mind or by accident. And now I can say of course yes, naturally. How they will meet us in other galaxies hostile or friendly, everything will depend on us how much we perceive them, and if not, we will develop in the neighborhood until a conflict occurs, and it will be necessary if we judge how the history of evolution developed, it is through conflict evolution was moving and that to be born in the course of the conflict, of course, a world that will suit everyone. Both those and others will gain invaluable experience during the conflict, which will help to coexist together. And what's next, and now our and their descendants will create an even more perfect mind, capture a galactic cluster, where the limit of the development of the mind, it will develop until the universe begins to shrink and the mind has nowhere to go how to die along with the galaxies falling into a black hole. After that, the cycle will begin anew with an explosion over the new one. And the entire accumulated bank of information over a billion-year history will disappear and transform into light, although I’m wrong, everything cannot disappear, civilizations will remain on the periphery of the universe that will not be touched by a big explosion, only because the whole universe cannot collapse into one point, although it would be because the forces of gravity in a black hole are not unlimited, sooner or later it will explode, not having time to swallow all the matter, and after all, behind our universe, there are still universes and their number is unlimited. With a big bang, we will be thrown into another space of another universe and the level of intelligence, I cannot describe what it will be like at that level. But if we argue that the universe has always existed where these sentient beings they must be swarming in space, why can't we see them. It can be assumed that our universe is young and the mind that was once carried away after the big bang, and we are the next generation that is trying to develop like them in their time, following the same path of evolution that they had to go through. And we don’t see them because they are still far from us and they are exploring new horizons, but we will definitely see them when they want to return to their homeland, perhaps they hatch in their plans purely out of curiosity to find out how the universe develops after the big bang and on what she level she is.

Formula for the development of evolution.

From simple to complex, this can be briefly described, but how to write it in the formula of evolution. You can try in the form of a living cell at some point the first living cell was created that learned to share and create communities, it will look something like this
1 creates 2 creates 3 creates. . . 1p creates 2p creates 3p creates. . .pp where

The numbers are the number of cells, and (n) the community or an infinite number of elements. From this formulation, we can conclude that the development of the mind as a universe is infinite. And since the universe is infinite both in time and in volume, then the mind has always existed, both in time and in volume. And what's next, where is the logic of the development of the universe, what awaits the universe after the developed mind, why is the mind of the universe, where is the limit to the development of the universe, who needs a smart universe, why this evolution, what mission is entrusted to the universe, to give birth to a perfect mind? If we follow this logic, the perfect mind already exists, since the universe exists indefinitely, then the mind already exists during this time in some corners of the cosmos. And we are just experiencing another reincarnation in order to realize another version of life, because despite the fact that there is a perfect mind, it does not stand still, but is constantly being improved with the advent of new versions. It will be soon, I think it will be clear already in this century with the development of electronics of new technologies where the development of technological intelligence will go and whether there will be a dead end in this or there will be a breakthrough into something unknown. The meaning in the development of the mind is the physiological need of matter, because it is easier to live this way, because smart matter spends less energy, like a cart with four wheels also rides, no, a person needs to create a thousand adaptations so that she rides herself and rides not easy, but to still be comfortable , this is what matter strives for a comfortable existence, this is why hydrogen combined with an oxygen atom, for comfort. Because physical labor does not bring such satisfaction as mental. According to the principle of how a business works, invest less, get more, make a profit, the whole world stands on this. According to this principle, families, communities, cities, states appear, where people move comfortably there. According to the principle of benefit, if it is beneficial to one or another element, they create molecules. It's like a key to a lock, not everyone fits, but only one. Maybe matter still strives for comfort first of all, and it uses the mind to create comfort, so that's where the next stage of development after the perfect mind is perfect comfort in everything. That is why all people flee to the west, and not vice versa, it is more comfortable to live there. There, human relations, despite their complexity, are still more comfortable. Not where it is more comfortable where it is simple, but where it is more difficult. We do not listen to the radio operating on one detector, but listen and watch the most complex microelectronic device with millions of transistors. What causes the cell to divide, what was the impetus for its division, not the comfort of living together, what kind of conflict arises inside the cell. A mystery that humanity still needs to comprehend. The cell begins to divide at the moment when it becomes crowded with elements that grow rapidly, and since the cell begins to divide from the nucleus, it means that all division mechanisms are in the nucleus. It is in the nucleus that DNA grows when the amount of DNA reaches a critical level, it begins to divide. DNA cannot exceed a certain number of elements, as in a family, if an apartment allows 4 people to live, then when a fifth person appears, a division or exit from the family occurs. We are digressing, let's try to write down once again the formula for the development of evolution through components from quantity to quality at the first stage, elements accumulate, reaching a critical mass, a qualitative leap occurs to another species, which in turn also begins to multiply until it also overflows, and so on
(1n creates 2n creates 3n creates... infinite n)
where the numbers reflect the level of development of evolution, and (n) the number of elements, depending on the type (creates) a transition from one qualitative state to another, (n) an infinite number of levels of development of evolution. There is no need to look for the meaning in evolution, it must be taken as an axiom, as that the universe is infinite and the life of the universe in time infinitely humanity has taken it for granted, and evolution is inevitable, it is laid down by the nature of the universe. We are just another product of evolution that will go down in history as dinosaurs and the human era will be called. A person will not create a biological species of a person that will exist at the expense of other sources of energy, at the first stage it will be the energy of light, but for more distant prospects, the energy of the atom, for interstellar flights. Another question is where this perfect matter is collected, between universes or migrates from universe to universe as people migrate from various cataclysms on earth to one country or another. So people are trying to find shelter on other planets, realizing that the earth is not eternal. That is, the mind is looking for a way out in advance of the path of departure or transition. Also, the mind is looking for a way out of the shell of a person into a more perfect shell than a person, in other words, a person is a product of the mind, and not vice versa. But the mind forces, pushes a person to look for a more perfect shell for him, and this will happen soon, if not in this then in the next century. Then the mind will break out forever from planet earth and begin to travel through space. Imagine the whole evolution of life on earth for its billionth history has worked to escape from this planet and become free. So the perfect mind that exists in the universe is looking for ways out of this universe to another in case of collapse. I think that a perfect mind exists in the space between the universes, because it is impossible to get there for non-perfect forms of matter, that's where heaven is, it is there if you formulate it humanly. But from the point of view of man, it is absolutely unsuitable there are not human conditions of life, there the mind is synthetic, it is protected by a super-shell, to the creation of which man has made efforts. As a future child, he protected him from subsequent hardships that he went through and launched into outer space. And what then, well, there is a perfect mind, in a perfect space, in perfect conditions, the whole trick is that there is no limit to perfection, as well as the limit of simplicity, just as there is no limit to the smallest, and there is no limit to the largest. Man has not yet found this smallest particle, when each small particle is discovered later, people are convinced that this particle consists of other particles, and in large, the farther we peer into space, the more we are convinced that space is infinite.
It would be nice to look at our world from the side, what it is, but we will never be able to do this, since we are inside this world and it is not theoretically possible to escape from it, not really, we cannot, even light cannot leave our universe by Basically, we are in a closed space. This is the same thing for an atom to escape from our body, and what a person the size of an atom can see while inside another organism is only other atoms, clusters of atoms, galaxies of atoms. The number of atoms in an adult is approximately 6.7 * 10” 27 atoms, and so today in the entire universe of stars 1 * 10” 24 is counted, which does not resemble anything. We are the universe for the atom, and at the same time we are a grain of sand in the universe, that's the most probable of the incredible when it turns out that our universe will turn out to be a grain of sand in the hyperuniverse. In theory it should be so, but in reality. Formula
(1 creates 2 creates 3 creates... 1p creates 2p creates 3p creates... . .pp) confirms itself. Einstein would say everything relative.

We are not alone.

Let's look at the analogy of the development of the mind on earth and we will come to an understanding of what awaits us in the future. The earth gave birth to life and man and takes it all back after a certain time, depending on the life cycle of a particular organism, but life does not end there, it produces new organisms that, in turn, evolve and try to escape from the tenacious paws of the earth, which is the 20th century and happened people and spacecraft begin to populate solar system, the next step, sooner or later artificial intelligence will penetrate into these devices and then they will be independent of the earth and people. If our earth is destined to die sooner or later, then after us there will be spacecraft in the future they will be called cyborgs, nano-robots that will fly to another star system for a comfortable existence, life in our galaxy will begin to multiply, perhaps in our galaxy already somewhere this process has already begun, but due to the large many light distances we have not yet met. So, in turn, sooner or later, our galaxy will also die in order to be born again, many civilizations will die, but there will be more perfect ones that will be on the periphery of the galaxy and will have time to avoid a general collapse, who will remain after a supernova explosion, who will move into other galaxies, hence follows that if we believe the theory that the universe has always existed, then beyond civilization we must look for remote parts of our galaxy, because we are the product of a supernova that was born 5 billion years ago, and on the edge of the former galaxy that managed to escape from collapse, the future awaits us there. Sooner or later they will detect us from too violent activity. People sent a signal into space 50 years ago, and the edge of our galaxy is 100-200 thousand light years, which is why we have not yet contacted higher civilizations. And what do you think? Our signal only reached a dozen stars, and there are 250 billion of them in the galaxy.
