10 fears. "Hot ten" human fears

To write the best plot for a scary story, you need to choose one or more fears and think about how they can come true. But what is fear?

Fear is the awareness of potential danger. If we notice its signs, the body, against our will, reacts to this (hair on end, goosebumps, everything shrinks inside, etc.). Plus, we are trying to somehow prevent the impending disaster.

If we want to write a scary story or a scary episode in a novel, we need to understand the nature of human fears.

Rational and irrational fears

Fears are rational and irrational (the latter are called phobias). The difference lies in the realism of the threat here and now. For example, the fear of the dark in bed under the covers is irrational, but the fear of the dark in the jungle is a completely different matter (provided that you are really in the jungle, and not in the Bolshoi Theater, for example).

Irrational fear can be contagious. Cases are widely known when “everyone ran - and I ran”, “everyone is afraid nuclear war“And so will I.” By the way, the fear of “being like everyone else” is a very curious phobia in itself.

Some of the fears that are now considered irrational can be explained logically. For example, the fear of mice and insects was carried out by mankind from ancient times, when both of them were carriers of dangerous diseases.

Human fears and the plot of a horror movie

The most common fear is the fear of the unknown. If you do not have all the data about the situation, you cannot make an adequate decision. It is the uncertainty and unpredictability of the result that generates stress, paralysis of the will, as well as laziness and procrastination. So we collect data, i.e. learn, and your fears will pass by themselves.

The main fears of modern society are the terrorist threat, war, poverty, crime, loneliness, old age, injury and death as such. Also big role fears of mistakes, “loss of face”, failure and fear for loved ones play.

Fear of being in a certain situation

The most common fears are the fear of a situation that seems dangerous to us and from which we cannot quickly get out. For example, a person may be afraid to ride public transport or be in a crowd. This also includes panic attacks when someone close to you leaves, dies or leaves the family.

Examples of fears associated with a particular situation:

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Forgotten, lost, abandoned
  • Claustrophobia, fear of being in an enclosed space
  • Fear of being in open space
  • Captivity, prison, kidnapping
  • Unemployment and poverty
  • Harassment, surveillance, espionage, conspiracy
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Helplessness
  • Fear of change
  • War
  • Natural disasters

An example of the use of situational fear is Stephen King's novel Misery, which plays up the fear of captivity and helplessness.

Once in a car accident, a famous writer gets seriously injured. The admirer brings him to her house and begins to heal, but soon the hero realizes that he is a prisoner who cannot escape from his jailer.

Savor phobias!

When developing the plot, one should bet on both widespread fears and phobias that are interesting from the point of view of psychology and psychiatry. With the right approach, this combination gives the best results.

A detailed list of phobias can be found on Wikipedia, and below we will analyze the most interesting cases.

Specific phobias

Specific phobias are when a person is afraid of a specific object or phenomenon.

  • Animals, birds, insects, spiders, fish. This is especially true for dogs, sharks, mice, rats, cockroaches, snakes, spiders, bees and wasps.
  • Natural phenomena: water, height, thunderstorm, earthquake, fire, etc. This also includes the fear of drowning or burning out during a fire.
  • Darkness
  • Height
  • Progress and technology
  • Bridges, planes, ships, cars
  • Car driving
  • health damage and appearance: blood, torture, aging, mutilation, blindness, suffocation, etc.
  • Microbes and diseases
  • Madness
  • Nightmares or inability to sleep
  • Doctors, dentists, injections, operations
  • Type of people: women, priests, old people, soldiers, doctors, etc.
  • Sharp objects: claws, bones, blades, thorns, knives, etc.
  • Superstitions: corruption, evil eye, hell, demonic possession
  • Cannibalism, fear of being eaten
  • Clowns, mummers
  • Statues, images
  • Death: the dead, cemeteries, morgues, coffins, hearses, etc.
  • Foreigners or representatives of other peoples or religions

An example of the use of specific phobias is the novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker: it intertwines superstitious fears, the fear of death, as well as the fear of blood and sharp objects - vampire fangs.

social phobia

Social phobia is when a person is afraid that other people will judge or ignore him. In this regard, people are most afraid of the following:

  • Public performance
  • Criticism
  • Judicial system
  • Fear of being rejected
  • Fear of stupid situations
  • Fear of appearing ridiculous or defenseless
  • Fear of being left without work and without money, and thereby cause condemnation and ridicule
  • Fear of Success
  • Responsibility, fear of not coping, fear of making a decision
  • Conflict
  • Crowd
  • parties
  • superiors

In literature, social phobias are usually used not in order to catch chilling horror, but in order to complicate the life of a character. An example is Stephen King's novel Carrie, in which personal social phobias main character lead to tragic consequences.

Reaction to fear

There are three types of reactions to fear:

  • We fight
  • We run away
  • We freeze

This is what the heroes of your terrible story will do.

Fears are constant companions of our life. We will understand the causes of their occurrence and what to do with them.

Surely everyone heard, or maybe he himself said something like “Someone is lucky there, he has everything - a business, a car, an apartment! And why am I unlucky?”, “My friend is so happy with her beloved husband, but I still have no luck with men.” Well, and so on. Familiar?

How do fears affect us?

Yes, we are all born different. Someone is sociable, someone is closed. There are people who are easy-going and impulsive, and there are thoughtful people who will calculate all their actions several times in advance. And such qualities of character undoubtedly affect a person’s life and his success in one area or another. But there is one very important aspect, which sometimes catastrophically affects people. It changes consciousness, forcing to refuse everything new and good. This is fear. In psychology, there is a classic classification of fears - from biological to social. But today my task is to tell you about the fears that every (I emphasize - absolutely everyone) person has to one degree or another. Another thing is how we learned to deal with them. Their influence on the psyche and energy state of a person is, in fact, very great. Understanding the causes of fears will make dealing with them much easier. As a rule, all fears are very interconnected and follow one from the other. And in one phenomenon, several fears usually intersect at once.

The most common fears

10. Fear of responsibility Examples of manifestation: a man does not want to marry, refuses a child; a person refuses a promotion at work. Responsibility is the ability to perform duties and carry the load possible consequences. A person is not afraid of responsibility, but of possible consequences. In fact, this fear is a kind of fear of everything new, the fear of change. When dealing with this fear, it is very important to note and even write down everything. positive consequences that will bring changes in your life if you step over this fear. 9. Fear of testing Examples of manifestations: exams; new place of work. It is a kind of fear of negative evaluation. When dealing with this fear, it is very important not to inflate, not to exaggerate the consequences of a possible failure. Let's say you didn't go to university. Is it deadly? No. Dangerous for loved ones? Also no. On the contrary: you have a chance to rethink future profession. Perhaps you have chosen the wrong path for yourself? Let me tell you a vivid example from the life of a person close to me. This man studied at the institute in the daytime department. And one day he failed his exams. The question arose about expulsion or transfer to a correspondence paid department. The person was transferred to the correspondence department. In less than two weeks, he received an urgent job offer: a highly paid position, from the category of those where it is extremely difficult to get a job, and even in his specialty. And now this person has a year of work behind him in his specialty - while his fellow students are finishing their studies, he already has good work experience and a very decent salary. That's bad exams for you. Therefore, such situations must be treated philosophically. 8. Fear of success and failure Examples: I want to open my own business, but I'm unlikely to succeed; I will not participate in the competition, I will still lose, etc. If you could only imagine how much this fear has hurt so many people. Because of him, some talents completely failed to open up. Here the proverb “If it works out - I will become more successful, if it doesn’t work out - wiser” will be very useful. In any case, you will have life experience, and this is a very valuable and necessary baggage. 7. Fear of people Examples: fear of public speaking; thoughts like: “what will people say if I do this and that?”. A kind of fear of negative evaluation. For those who deal with public speaking. There are many trainings and books on this topic, including those in the public domain. Universal advice for such a situation: to get rid of fear, stiffness, and just prepare yourself, before the performance, do some simple physical exercises, smile several times, stretching your lips wide. It is worth doing this, of course, alone. And then they will start to fear you! 6. Fear of relationships Examples: fear of members of the opposite sex; reluctance to be in a relationship. In such cases, it is more difficult to cope alone. I would recommend that if you find such fears in yourself, contact a psychologist or parapsychologist. The fear of relationships speaks, as a rule, about a fragment of personal life that failed in the past, and, as a result, about the fear of repeating this failure. Here it is important to remember the most important thing: contrary to popular belief, not all people are the same. If you failed to build a relationship with one person, it does not mean that he is bad, and it also does not mean that other people are bad. So it happened. Why deprive yourself of the happiness of loving and being loved because of one failure? 5. Fear of the new Example: fear of changing jobs, deciding to take any responsible step. Very often it is with this fear that people with Astro7 come to me for consultations. For example, many people during consultations ask the question “Should I change my job?” And in order to lessen the effect of this fear on my clients, I try to advise without fueling the fear. I give my clients a complete breakdown of how you can realize yourself in a new job, we look at human reserves, career and financial growth prospects. I help clients overcome this fear. And after such a consultation, a person, as a rule, makes an independent decision, based on his own reserves and benefits for himself. 4. Fear of negative evaluation Example: You don't want to do something because you think your friends will think it's stupid. The fear of being the worst among people originates from ancient times, when the weakest were expelled from the pack, community, or even killed. Now such barbaric methods, fortunately, no longer exist. So there is nothing to be afraid of! 3. Fear of being alone Example: fear of letting go of a failed relationship, breaking up. This often affects women. The ability to tolerate a negligent husband out of fear of being left alone is found at every turn. What advice can you give if you are afraid to let go of a relationship that has exhausted itself? Think back to any previous man you had a relationship with. Remember the man before him. These men have been in your life. And there is one who is next to you now. This already means that you are interesting to men, and, therefore, you will not be left alone. And one moment. A person is rarely given a lifelong relationship. We need to learn to love, appreciate, cherish relationships. With some people, it is important for us to go through certain life lessons. But all this is necessary so that one day you finally meet your person and live in harmony with him, taking into account the experience earned earlier. 2. Fear of betrayal The theme of adultery is eternal. There are some ways to protect against change. And one of them is to stop being afraid of betrayal. An old grandmother's saying comes to mind here: "If the husband does not cheat, then there is no point in being afraid, and if he cheats, it's too late to be afraid." In any case, cultivating the fear of betrayal in yourself, cultivating it, reminding your partner of your fear (“who called you?”, “Why did you look at that lady?” Etc.) is not only pointless, but also even more pushes the partner to treason. Here is such a paradox. Therefore, if you do not want to be cheated on - do not be afraid of this, or at least do not show your partner such fear.
1. Fear of not being loved The fear of dislike is the root cause, the basis of all other fears. The biggest fear in our life. All the rest follow from it, being only its modified forms. We go to an interview - we are afraid that we will not be appreciated, that is, we are afraid that potential management will not like us. We are afraid of betrayal - we are afraid that they will not love us, but their mistress. Are you afraid to start your own business? This means that we are afraid that customers will not appreciate the product, the service that we promote, that is, they will not love us as a manufacturer (supplier) of these goods. Etc. Love rules the World. And in order to get rid of the fear of dislike, you need to love yourself. Things are not going well? Sincerely love your customers, show care for them, and they, in turn, will love you. A person who loves himself has no time to be afraid! People are so arranged that they see mainly the negative consequences of a particular deed or deed. This is where fears come from - as a form of negative perception of the future. To effectively combat fears, you need to evaluate them from two sides: 1. You need to understand what the consequences will be if you step over your fear. It is necessary to evaluate not only the negative consequences, but also all the positive that it will give you. 2. Understand whether these consequences will actually be negative for you? And to help you - positive thinking: think about the good! Dream, achieve, be bold! Contact if you need the support of a qualified parapsychologist. Sincerely, Eva Snezhina

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We all experience fear in our lives in one way or another. Everyone has their own fears, but this does not change the essence, because their nature is always the same. But what are people most afraid of? What is the nature of fear and is it possible to deal with it?

To answer these questions fully and exhaustively, you will probably have to write more than one three-volume book, because this topic is deep and extensive. But we will still make a small attempt to at least partially clarify these things. And it’s worth starting with the definition of fear as such.

What is fear?

Fear is an internal state of a person, which is caused by an alleged or real threatening disaster. considers fear as an emotional process that has a negative connotation.

According to the theory of differential emotions of the American psychologist Carroll Izard, fear belongs to the basic emotions, in other words, it is innate - its physiological component, facial expressions and specific subjective experiences are genetically determined.

It is fear that prompts a person to avoid danger, correct his behavior in a certain way and take various actions that, in his opinion, can protect him.

Each person has his own fears: from the banal fear of insects or mice to the fear of poverty and death. There are even phobias - persistent irrational fears of something. In short, how many people, so many fears. But there are such fears that are inherent in many people, i.e. people are afraid of the same thing. Right now we will consider the ten most "popular" fears that take possession of people around the world.

Top 10 people's fears


Verminophobia is the fear of various microorganisms and bacteria. People suffering from such fear constantly wash their hands, clean their apartments and houses, and are afraid to touch “dirty” things so as not to catch some kind of infection.

People with verminophobia are almost always intellectuals and hold good positions, for example, they are inventors, economists, lawyers.

Fear of bacteria can develop into an obsessive-impulsive disorder, and make a person his slave for life.

strange fears

The category of strange (and not so) fears includes the fear of airplanes, snakes, cockroaches, spiders, rats, mirrors, demons, monsters, psychotherapists, heels, the TV turned off, etc.

All these seemingly completely different fears have one thing in common - people with a well-developed imagination suffer from them, for example, models, medical workers, artists, show business stars, etc. In people who think in terms of images and emotions, fear causes the strongest sensations, and therefore they can be afraid of completely simple things.

Fear of poisoning

The fear of poisoning (the fear of being poisoned) is considered an independent fear and is practically not connected with any other fears. About 5% of the world's population suffers from this fear, and, as a rule, these are people with. In addition, the fear of poisoning in most cases is unconscious.

Fear of being a coward

The fear of being a cowardly person is inherent specifically in men with an exaggerated sense of responsibility for others. Often among them there are very strong and serious people, leaders and entrepreneurs.

But such fear is not alien to the beautiful half of humanity. Girls and women, who bear a great responsibility, are also sometimes afraid to appear or turn out to be cowards.

However, it is this phobia that often helps people to control themselves, to remain strong and persistent.

Fear of intimacy

Contrary to popular belief that only adolescents around the age of 16 suffer from the fear of intimate contact, it is quite common in adult men and even women.

But what is more surprising is that people with increased, compared to the rest, libido suffer from the fear of intimacy. The cause of a phobia can be an unsuccessful first experience, resentment from childhood, or repressed emotions.

Fear of public speaking and open spaces

Social phobia is known to almost all people, because. From time to time, each of us is afraid to show our emotions or feelings in front of the public. And often this fear becomes obsessive and develops into a phobia. When worsened, the fear of public speaking can be supplemented by a fear of open spaces.

People suffering from such fear have systemic and imaginative thinking. But the most interesting thing is that the open spaces of the individual have.

Fear of insanity

Another peculiar, but stable and widespread fear. However, it is inherent only to those people who think abstractly. In most cases, they are spiritually developing, religious personalities, as well as physicists and philosophers.

Fear of old age

The fear of old age is practically not found among young people, but occurs in men over 50 and women over 40. Women are afraid of losing their beauty and, as a result, their usual way of life, and men are afraid that they will not be able to realize themselves and leave heirs.

Fear of death

You might think that the fear of death is the most common, but this is not entirely true. The fear of death is related to many other fears, and, by and large, is hidden behind each of them.

The fear of flying in an airplane, the fear of being poisoned, the fear of being bitten by a snake - all this comes from the fact that a person is afraid of dying. Least of all, people who are convinced that death is not the end, but a new beginning, are subject to the fear of death.

Fear of being alone

And it is the fear of loneliness that occupies a leading position in the presented rating, because. it worries most people on the planet. If we look at ourselves, we can see that we are constantly making sure that someone is next to us, even if we sometimes really want to be alone with ourselves.

The basis of this fear is that a person strives for happiness. And given the fact that a person is a social being, it is in his nature that happiness can be found only by being among his own kind.

And just here you can talk about whether there is any way to get rid of fear, stop being afraid? We do not pretend to provide a panacea, but we can give some practical recommendations.

In any situation when you feel that fear is taking over you, in no case should you succumb to it, start to panic. You must learn to control your fears, and this is the most important thing in dealing with them.

The second thing to do is to try to analyze the situation: to see its scale and seriousness, and also to think about whether it is possible to find some kind of help.

The third is purely physiological: if you are afraid, start breathing deeply. First, take a deep breath, then exhale completely. Repeat this at least ten times. Such a move, get involved in the situation, activate brain activity and calm the mind. After that, finding a way out of the situation will be much easier.

The fourth is talking to yourself. If you are afraid of something, turn to yourself, say your name, give yourself the command to calm down. Try to understand what is happening, who and what is around you, how you feel, etc. Together with calmness, both pressure and heartbeat normalize, and panic disappears.

If you can’t get rid of fear, use a trick - get angry at yourself, at what is happening to you, at the circumstances of the situation, at one of the people. Remember that anger will scare away your fear and neutralize it. And instead of fear, there will come a desire to act in order to change the state of things and resolve the situation.

If you are overcome by any mental fears, drive them away. Always remember that you are human and fear is normal and that it is temporary. You are worthy of joy, happiness and well-being - turn your gaze to them, and fears will go away by themselves.

If anxiety becomes your obsession, your intuition may be speaking, trying to signal something. Think about what your fears are telling you and find the answer to this question. In many cases, fears are pointers to the right path.

And finally: do not forget that when a person overcomes fears, he discovers new opportunities for himself, becomes stronger, expands the boundaries of his personality, improves and moves forward, and also begins to see the world in new colors. Therefore, do not give in to your fears, perceive them as a new chance and an opportunity to become better. Overcoming fears, you become a different person.

Go towards what you fear!

06 Jun

TOP 10 most important human fears

As a psychologist and specialist in fears and phobias, I have to work daily with this amazing feeling that each of us has. About 80% of all my clients turn to me due to the fact that obsessive fears become their constant companions, which completely suppress their will and spoil their lives.

10. Fear of Old Age closes the top ten

D A very rare fear in young people, and often occurs in middle-aged women, as well as in bankrupt men who are already over 50.

H Some of my clients told me that every year their fear of getting old and losing their femininity and beauty only grows. Moreover, the basis of fear was not just the loss of the main female attributes of power, but the fact that this would follow, that is, there would be fewer gifts, less care, less attention not only from men, but also from society as a whole.

At men's fear of old age turned out to be mirrored. Many told me that they were afraid of being unrealized, like a man and not being able, as they say, to reproduce offspring. In other words, the fear of impotence.

And this fear is quite understandable, because at the biological level, the task of a woman is the birth and upbringing of children, and the task of a man is to reproduce offspring and provide the family with food and security.

9. Fear of being poisoned

E that fear is independent and often does not correlate with other phobias at all. And all because they suffer, as a rule, people with an intuitive type of thinking. And such, according to various estimates, no more than 5% of the total population the globe.

H for example, such a fear was Stalin. This is confirmed by various sources. There are rumors in the psychological lobby that Vladimir Pozner, Minister of Finance Kudrin and famous American financier Alan Greenspan also suffer from this phobia.

One way or another, this fear is often unconscious and it manifests itself, according to these observations, only in people with high level intuitive type of thinking.

8. Fear of being a coward

H a purely masculine fear, which is sometimes experienced by young people who, oddly enough, have some kind of innate sense of responsibility for other people. It was these boys and men with whom I had to communicate that carried the real core of the manager and possessed innate charisma. A lot of girls and women also experience it. Therefore, such fear even helped both men and women to be on horseback at certain moments, and at the same time did not allow them to relax when it was necessary.

7. Verminophobia (fear of bacteria and microorganisms)

H Surely you have met or heard in your life about people who wash their hands 68 times a day, wash floors 20-30 times, cannot touch many harmless objects and all because they are afraid of contracting some “dangerous” virus .

At it is also surprising that, as a rule, people with high logical intelligence suffer from such fear. Often these are talented engineers, economists, lawyers. For example, the famous American inventor, director and millionaire Howard Hughes(who was played by DiCaprio in the film "The Aviator") was the most verminophobic. In the future, such a phobia turns into an obsessive-compulsive disorder, which further makes a person a recluse of his own fears and obsessions.

6. Fear of going crazy

D A very specific fear and persistent, but only those who think in abstract terms experience it. Often these are people who are trying to cognize the spiritual world, to cognize the Universe, study religions, philosophy, physics. These are people who can come up with a brilliant idea, even if it seems a little crazy.

M Many poets, classical and rock musicians have experienced the fear of going crazy, but at the same time they have tried to explore themselves and the Universe through various drugs and psychedelics, like LSD, sage, etc. In general, this fear is peculiar only to people with an abstract intellect.

5. Fear of intimacy

FROM a fuck that occurs not only in 16-year-old teenagers, but also in quite adult 40-year-old men, and sometimes women.

At surprisingly, people who have an increased libido compared to everyone else have this fear. However, despite this, there is also a complex sexuality due to an unsuccessful first experience or deep childhood resentment and repressed emotions.

L People with this fear quite often have developed systems thinking. These are people for whom home comfort, favorite book and cuisine are constant companions of life. But when it comes to intimacy, they feel awkward, tight and afraid of something new. Men often experience fear of failure or fear of being ridiculed. Women are also afraid that they can be hurt or betrayed, offended.

4. Fear of spiders, rats, cockroaches, snakes, planes, monsters, demons, mirrors, turned off computer monitors, high heels, psychologists, etc.

IN You may ask, why did I combine, it would seem, those fears that have nothing in common with each other? After all, where is the connection between the fear of spiders and the fear of flying on an airplane?

H and at first glance, these fears really have no connection with each other. However, the root of these fears is the same - the underdevelopment of the figurative type of thinking among those who have innate figurative intelligence.

What does it mean?

D The point is that it is precisely people with innate imaginative thinking who have such fears and phobias. These are the so-called sensual natures: actors, artists, nurses, models, etc. In general, all those who think in images and emotions.

At such people, fear appears as a result of not filling themselves with vivid emotions and experiences. The nervous system, as it were, tells them:

– If you don’t fill others or yourself with empathy and don’t experience any emotions, then you will experience fear .. .

And since fear is the strongest emotion, it is this emotion that arises with all kinds of fantasies and even bodily sensations. Here the rich imagination of people with figurative intellect does its job.

3. Sociophobia (fear of public speaking, agoraphobia (open spaces))

IN In general, this fear is known to most people on the planet. One way or another, we're all afraid of varying degrees express your feelings and emotions in front of others.

ABOUT However, for some, this fear becomes obsessive and turns into a phobia. And suffer from these fears, mostly people with figurative and systemic types of thinking.

E if the former are innate creative natures for whom being in the spotlight is a necessary thing, but only as a result of certain features of perception does this fear of the stage or open spaces appear, then for the latter, it is rather the fear of being incompetent, funny, stupid, etc.

T one way or another, this fear manifests itself in those who, in their potential, are able to get real pleasure from public speaking and the open manifestation of their feelings and emotions.

2. Fear of death (claustrophobia, acrophobia, hematophobia, etc.)

P about the idea, this fear should take first place in our rating, but in fact, the fear of death, although it is partly a basic fear, is still not a leader, but only a companion of the leader.

AND So, who is more likely than others to experience the fear of death in an obsessive form?

E If you thought that these are anxious and suspicious people with a figurative type of thinking, then you thought right. It is these comrades who are the main carriers of the fear of death and other phobias with it: fear of closed spaces, fear of blood, fear of heights, fear of the dead, fear of pain, fear of rape and others.

1. Fear…

H well, we have come to the leader of our rating of fears, which one way or another each of us has and which always tells us what we need to do to avoid it.

AND this…

Fear of Loneliness

Yes Yes, it is he who haunts the vast majority of people on Earth. The most surprising thing is that even people suffering from autism, which is characterized by complete isolation and antisocial behavior, can, deep down, experience a fear of complete loneliness.

IN The basis of this fear lies in the fact that every person strives to be happy. But since we are originally "social animals", we can feel happy only by being and being realized in society.

B to be misunderstood, unrecognized, abandoned, rejected - such a reality frightens rather than allows you to get pleasure. Therefore, the unconscious desire of a person to establish positive relationships between other people is the path to the very happiness that each of us dreams of receiving.

E There is another fact that amazes me and which I never tire of being surprised at. It lies in the fact that if we fully realize ourselves in society, by giving, not receiving, that is, by creating something not only for ourselves, but also for others, then we are able not only to get rid of most of our acquired fears, but also really enjoy the fact that each of us is part of a single whole, where there is no place for fears and phobias, but there is a complete understanding of ourselves and others.

AND remember that if you suddenly have an inexplicable fear, then do not try to fight it. Just think about what this fear is telling you. The secret of fears lies in the fact that they always tell us where and what we lack and what needs to be done to get rid of them once and for all.

Categories:// dated 06.06.2011

10. Fear of old age

A rather rare fear in young people, and often occurring in middle-aged women, as well as in bankrupt men who are already over 50. And this fear is quite understandable, because at the biological level, the task of a woman is the birth and upbringing of children, and the task of a man is reproduction of offspring and providing the family with food and security.

9. Fear of being poisoned

This fear is independent and often does not correlate with other phobias at all. And all because they suffer, as a rule, people with an intuitive type of thinking. And such, according to various estimates, no more than 5% of the total population of the globe. For example, Stalin had such a fear.

8. Fear of being a coward

Purely male fear, which is sometimes experienced by young people who, oddly enough, have some kind of innate sense of responsibility for other people. It is these people who carry the real core of the manager and have innate charisma. A lot of women also experience it.

7. Verminophobia (fear of bacteria and microorganisms)

Surely you have met or heard in your life about people who wash their hands dozens of times a day, clean the house several times a day, cannot touch many harmless objects, and all because they are afraid of contracting some “dangerous” virus.

6. Fear of going crazy

A rather specific fear and persistent, but only those who think in abstract terms experience it. Often these are people who are trying to cognize the spiritual world, to cognize the Universe, study religions, philosophy, physics. These are people who can come up with a brilliant idea, even if it seems a little crazy.

5. Fear of intimacy

Fear, which is found not only in 16-year-old teenagers, but also in quite adult 40-year-old men, and sometimes women. Surprisingly, people who have an increased libido compared to everyone else have this fear. However, despite this, there is also a complex sexuality due to an unsuccessful first experience or deep childhood resentment and repressed emotions.

4. Fear of spiders, rats, cockroaches, snakes, planes, monsters, demons, mirrors, turned off computer monitor, high heels

All these fears are united by one point due to the fact that the root of these fears is the same - the underdevelopment of the figurative type of thinking in those who have innate figurative intelligence. Such fears and phobias are possessed by people with innate figurative thinking. These are the so-called sensual natures: actors, artists, models, etc. That is, those who think in images and emotions.

3. Sociophobia (fear of public speaking), agoraphobia (fear of open spaces)

One way or another, we are all afraid to varying degrees to show our feelings and emotions in front of others. However, for some, this fear becomes obsessive and turns into a phobia. And suffer from these fears, mostly people with figurative and systemic types of thinking. If the former are innate creative natures for whom being in the spotlight is a necessary thing, but only as a result of certain features of perception does this fear of the stage or open spaces appear, then for the latter, it is rather a fear of being incompetent, funny, stupid.

2. Fear of death (acrophobia, hematophobia, etc.)

Inherent in anxious and suspicious people with a figurative type of thinking. It is these people who are the main carriers of the fear of death and other similar phobias: fear of closed spaces, fear of blood, fear of heights, fear of the dead, fear of pain, fear of rape and others.

1. Fear of Loneliness

Even people with autism, which is characterized by complete isolation and antisocial behavior, may, deep down, experience a fear of complete loneliness. At the heart of this fear lies the fact that every person strives to be happy. But since people are originally "social animals", we can feel happy only by being and being realized in society.
