Cool names in cs. Nicky for cop for girls

For those who just like to pass the time on public servers, nicknames for CS:GO mean no more than any other word. However, for anyone who plays seriously and especially aims for eSports, the nickname in CS will be of key importance. It will allow you to stand out from other players due to humor or wit, although only really cool options are remembered. That is why we will look at how to come up with a nickname that will help you in the future and, perhaps, make you a famous person in the gaming community.

How to create cool nicknames for public servers

In most cases, both beginners and advanced players spend most time on regular servers. Very often, for professionals, the profiles for Steam differ from the official nicknames of esportsmen. This is usually related to anonymity. However, other categories of players, on the contrary, try to come up with funny nicknames that are easy to remember. This mainly applies to popular streamers.

In order for your nickname to be recognizable and not cause laughter in the community, it is important to remember a number of simple rules. Of course, carbon monoxide names are still popular, but hardly anyone wants to present themselves in this way in the professional arena:

  • Don't use too long nicknames;
  • Manipulations with the font size should be in moderation;
  • Words in Russian, alas, are not popular in the international format;
  • Do not use the names of eSports stars or other professional gamers;
  • Don't choose female names if you are a guy. And the community will not all approve of such a choice or sense of humor.

Also note that if you use Chinese nicknames for CS:GO, then be sure to check in the translator what this or that hieroglyph means. Even the most beautiful signs can put you in a bad light among those who understand hieroglyphs.

Avoid complex and obscure nicknames

Many beginners, trying to come up with a “clear” nickname, make the same mistake. In the desire to stand out, they add a lot of signs, dashes, quotation marks, etc. As a result, as one notorious YouTube blogger said, it turns out to be “too complicated”.

First, look at the top names from the pro scene. Most of the most famous CS and CS GO players use simple English words. These are the best options for those who can't think of a decent name. All options "for boys" can attract the attention of the inhabitants of public servers, but in general such nicknames of CS:GO players will cause misunderstanding and even laughter. Look at the names of top 10 players around the world and you are unlikely to see such "original" nicknames among them as 3JlOu_XuIIIHuK and others. Therefore, it is better to initially think over a high-quality and original name for yourself, otherwise you can never be sure when and under what nickname you will be able to become famous.

The most common mistakes

The first thing to remember is that good nicknames will never be published on sites. Any guides in the style of “how to come up with a nickname for yourself” are real name distributors, with which almost the entire community laughs. The same applies to the popular "AK-47" - any options for the names of weapons look "clear" only for those who came to the club for an hour, pass the time with a bottle of beer. In fact, this is not cool nicknames, but comical and ridiculous nicknames. Therefore, always remember the following rules:

  • We come up with interesting and unusual names on one's own;
  • Nicknames in English for guys should not be with the characters "xXx", "..:" and so on;
  • All that is allowed is to add a clan to your name via | or other separation (possible without it);

For example, look at the super popular Adamson. He owns one of the largest YouTube channels in the gaming community, but his nickname in the game is without any quotes or other nonsense, although this guy collects millions of views from every video.

Finally, it is worth noting that cool nicknames forCSGO are created through incredible play, not the other way around. You can even become famous with the nickname Lobzik, if your level of play allows you to attract attention.

For those players who prefer to have fun shooting with friends on public servers in the evening, nicknames for CS:GO play almost no role. Nevertheless, for e-sportsmen and those who are serious about conquering not only the international, but at least the regional arena, nicknames play a huge role and are a middle name. That is why it is important to initially come up with a nickname in CS, which will probably make you a famous player in the future.

We come up with top nicknames for public servers

Even if the ambitions of esports are far from you and the desire to become a top player does not cause any interest, you still have to come up with cool nicknames for Steam. This is a kind of representation of the player, which creates his fame. In an attempt to pursue individuality, many players end up creating downright ridiculous nicknames that are unlikely to make other people take them seriously. It is also worth considering that the profiles of professionals on public servers almost always differ from their names or nicknames in the international CS:GO arena. This is due to anonymity and contractual agreements.

In order to create unique and original names, and not just “carbon nicknames”, it is important to remember a number of basic unwritten rules of the CS community:

  1. Your nickname should not be long (optimally 5-7 characters);
  2. If you are using English letters, the word should be well read in Russian;
  3. Do not use the names of professional players;
  4. It is better to avoid popular additions with symbols ("xXx", "..:" and others);
  5. Do not use weapon names in nicknames.

Basically, names in English for guys fit perfectly. They are easily perceived in an international format and provide an opportunity to stand out from others, which Chinese nicknames for CS:GO.

What nicknames should be avoided in CS:GO and CCC

Of course, almost always cool nicknames forCSGO are born not because of a good fantasy, but thanks to the ability to stand out and show high skill, but still good names always attract more attention. It should be noted right away that the so-called nicknames for boys can be forgotten or used anonymously on servers. Such nicknames of CS:GO players are never taken seriously and cause only ridicule. It is important to remember that the most beautiful and interesting gamer names are usually simple ones. For example, JW or dennis from one of the most popular Fnatic teams are taken much more seriously than any [email protected]

If you do not know how to come up with a nickname for yourself, then you do not always need to invent something unusual. Sometimes cool nicknames appear from derivatives or additions of a first and last name. Among the most famous personalities in the CS community and even in the top 10 there are such players. Therefore, even if any “clear” option will allow you to stand out on some server, it is not suitable for a professional game.

How to come up with a nickname and not make a mistake

If you want to create a super promising and popular nickname that will not be too "difficult" to read, then remember a number of basic rules. They apply to both female names and if you are a guy:

  • Do not use characters other than the standard ones (dots, dashes). At most, you can add your clan to the nickname;
  • The combination of the first and last name are good options if they are consonant;
  • Good names are often written in small letters;

Remember that really popular nicknames do not always have to look "clear".

In the sports world, even within the same discipline, there are often namesakes. Gradually, this trend began to move into eSports: combinations of characters are not unlimited, so choosing an original nickname for yourself becomes a non-trivial task. What nicknames address us to several professional players at once?

#1: Adren

Meet - AdreN, professional CS:GO player. In reality, they are known as Dauren Kystaubaev. Lives in Almaty, plays for the team HellRaisers.

Dauren "AdreN" Kystaubaev

Contra lovers from the CIS countries will not be confused by this biography. But for viewers from North America such information will be new. Because they have their adreN– Eric Haag, who also plays on the professional CS:GO scene. Only his registration is not Kazakh: he lives in the American city of Pittsburgh. And he protects the colors of the local Team Liquid.

Eric "adreN" Haag

How did it happen that two players, besides masters of their discipline, took the same and, moreover, rather obscure nicknames? It's hard to answer this question. Perhaps this virtual name is short for "Adrenaline". And it is possible that one of these players is a fan of the second ...

#2: Faker

Agree, the second nickname of our list looks much less original. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will cause much surprise that several esports figures liked him at once. But this time, representatives of the principal rivals will appear before us - the League of Legends and Dota.

Let's start with Dota. Here under the name Faker Ivan Demkin conducts his activities - a commentator, analyst, interviewer ... In a word - a media personality. And, which is probably obvious, he enjoys good popularity in the Russian-speaking segment of the community.

Ivan "Faker" Demkin

But far more success in the field of video games has been achieved by another Faker is a professional League of Legends player from Korea. Together with his squad SK Telecom T1, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyuk recorded many different titles in his biography, among which is the title of world champion of the third season. And some even consider him the best player of the third season.

Lee "Faker" Sang Hyuk

This is a rather funny coincidence, given the popularity of MOBA games in the CIS: often the preview of reports about the achievements of the Korean Faker causes bewilderment among Dota fans. And for some, Lee's next championship title is an occasion for a very, very, very funny joke in the comments of the news feed. These jokes are rated 2 out of 10.

#3: Hero

The nickname "Hero" is unique in the esports scene. Not because a specific person is hiding under the undisguised originality of this nickname. On the contrary: this nickname has distinguished itself by unsurpassed popularity.

In particular, the nickname "Hero" fell in love with the masters of Starcraft from Korea. Behind last years four Korean "Heroes" appeared on the professional stage at once, and three of them became winners of top tournaments. At least somehow these guys are distinguished by a different case of letters in their nicknames ... if they suddenly have a desire to take care of this little thing.

But not only Koreans liked such a heroic name. The German professional of the FIFA series Daniel "Hero" Schellhase fully justifies the pseudonym taken: the number of medals in his piggy bank is in the tens. Moreover, twice the German became the WCG champion, twice more - the silver medalist. Moreover, in one of the finals, he lost to his twin brother, acting under the nickname "Styla".

Daniel "Hero" Schellhase

It should be noted another "Hero" - the American Jeff Mattetel, who plays in the CS:GO discipline. During the days of Counter-Strike 1.6, he happened to defend the colors of the teams Evil Geniuses And compLexity, however, he never made it to the top players and is hardly known to the average viewer.

Jeff "Hero" Mattetel

#4: Happy

Nick Happy also liked the Starcrafters. It is under him that one of the most successful CIS players, Dmitry Kostin, performs. During his career, he has played in more than a hundred tournaments and defended the colors of teams such as Evil Geniuses and Team Empire. He recently left the "Empire" and was left without an organization, but continued to perform.

Dmitry "Happy" Kostin

Another Happy hardly known to Russian-speaking Starcraft fans. At one time, Ahn Ho Jin was a fairly promising Korean player who entered the prizes at GSL. However, his career turned out to be short: interest in the game fell off, and Ahn stopped appearing on the pro scene.

Ahn "Happy" Ho Jin

Another player with the same nickname can be found in the Team EnVyUs. Vincent "Happy" Servoni is not the undisputed leader in CS:GO, but he shows quite stable performances together with, one might say, his team: he acts as a captain in the roster.

Vincent "Happy" Servoni

#5: Super

Yes, simple and positive nicknames are in use today. The nickname "Super" speaks for itself. And the following guys liked it:

Seo "Super" Sang Min is a Korean professional Starcrafter. It showed good promise a few years ago, and it continues to do so to this day. Despite the lack of really big victories, he continues to play for various Korean teams. He previously played with MVP, now Super is listed in the ranks KT Rolster and regularly participates in HF-shki.

Seo "Super" Sang Min

But his namesake from China lit up not only in the regional, but also in the global eSports. Xie "Super" Ronghao - Squad Player Vici Gaming in Dota 2. Silver medalist of The International 4, holder of many other champion titles and prizes. It is quite possible that not only competent teammates, but also a motivating nickname helped him to achieve these Super-achievements.

Xie "Super" Ronghao

#6: Moon

The name of the satellite of our planet also did not leave indifferent some professional e-sportsmen.

Let's start with the one who managed to light up on the CIS scene. The full nickname of Vlad Mikhteev is written as mooNlight, however, for a long time in DotaTV and on streams, we could observe the inscription “Moon” above his hero. And people used to call him simply Moon. Long time he acted as a curry power rangers. After leaving the Belarusian team, he played in mixes for some time, but he failed to grow into a top player, and Vlad completely disappeared from the esports scene.

Vlad "mooNlight" Mikhteev

A thousand kilometers from Belarus, another "mooN" was playing. German Jan Stolle defended the colors for many years Team ALTERNATE in the Counter-Strike discipline. Later, he made an attempt to master another game - League of Legends, but it was unsuccessful. Since then, only a sonorous nickname and memories of local Contra fans have remained from him.

Jan "mooN" Stolle

Well, on the other side of the planet under the nickname Moon was a true legend. Jang Jae Ho is one of the most successful Warcraft III players in the history of the discipline. His unique decisions and inimitable night elf style of play even gave him an additional nickname: among the fans he was called "The Fifth Race". However, the years of his greatness have long passed, and now the Korean player has retired, having forever staked out this beautiful nickname for himself.

Jang "Moon" Jae-ho

#7: Edward

This nickname will cause us to associate with two fairly successful players. One of them plays CS:GO, the other likes League of Legends.

Ioann Sukharev has been in professional esports for more than ten years. Like many "oldies", the Ukrainian player's career began with Counter-Strike 1.6 and continued in CS:GO. Among the squads, in the ranks of which he was listed Edward, – Astana Dragons, DTS , and many other famous bands. However, he spent the brightest part of his career, including victories at the world championships, in Natus Vincere. And, in fact, it continues to hold: Na’vi is now in very good shape, so John will probably add more prizes to his collection.

John "Edward" Sukharev

Edward "Edward" Abgaryan found himself in another discipline - League of Legends. With your brigade Moscow 5, later transferred to Gambit Gaming, he forever inscribed his name in the history of the game. An unusually bright performance at the peak of the team's form earned him the fan nickname "The Thresh Prince". This is well deserved: not every player can take out the ice rink on their shoulders over and over again, playing as a support. And, although now Gambit Gaming has no better times Edward is remembered and respected as a good player.

Edward "Edward" Abgaryan

There are many other similar examples in the esports arena. Usually, the simpler and more obvious the nickname, the fewer characters it contains, the more likely it is that the player will try it on. Don't be surprised if you meet a pro with the nickname NEO somewhere outside the CS:GO roster and Zero - simultaneously in Starcraft and League of Legends matches.

Nicky for CS:GO

For those players who prefer to have fun shooting with friends on public servers in the evening, nicknames for CS:GO play almost no role. Nevertheless, for e-sportsmen and those who are serious about conquering not only the international, but at least the regional arena, nicknames play a huge role and are a middle name. That is why it is important to initially come up with a nickname in CS, which will probably make you a famous player in the future.

We come up with top nicknames for public servers

Even if the ambitions of esports are far from you and the desire to become a top player does not cause any interest, you still have to come up with cool nicknames for Steam. This is a kind of representation of the player, which creates his fame. In an attempt to pursue individuality, many players end up creating downright ridiculous nicknames that are unlikely to make other people take them seriously. It is also worth considering that the profiles of professionals on public servers almost always differ from their names or nicknames in the international CS:GO arena. This is due to anonymity and contractual agreements.

In order to create unique and original names, and not just “carbon nicknames”, it is important to remember a number of basic unwritten rules of the CS community:

Your nickname should not be long (optimally 5-7 characters);
If you use English letters, the word should read well in Russian;
Do not use the names of professional players;
It is better to avoid popular additions with symbols ("xXx", "..:" and others);
Do not use weapon names in nicknames.
Basically, names in English for guys fit perfectly. They are easily perceived in an international format and make it possible to stand out among others, which Chinese nicknames for CS:GO do not have.

What nicknames should be avoided in CS:GO

Of course, cool nicknames for CS GO are almost always born not because of good imagination, but due to the ability to stand out and show high skill, but still good names always attract more attention. It should be noted right away that the so-called nicknames for boys can be forgotten or used anonymously on servers. Such nicknames of CS:GO players are never taken seriously and cause only ridicule. It is important to remember that the most beautiful and interesting gamer names are usually simple ones. For example, JW or dennis from one of the most popular Fnatic teams are taken much more seriously than any [email protected]

If you do not know how to come up with a nickname for yourself, then you do not always need to invent something unusual. Sometimes cool nicknames appear from derivatives or additions of a first and last name. Among the most famous personalities in the CS community and even in the top 10 there are such players. Therefore, even if any “clear” option will allow you to stand out on some server, it is not suitable for a professional game.

How to come up with a nickname and not make a mistake

If you want to create a super promising and popular nickname that will not be too "difficult" to read, then remember a number of basic rules. They apply to both female names and if you are a guy:

Do not use characters other than the standard ones (dots, dashes). At most, you can add your clan to the nickname;
The combination of the first and last name are good options if they are consonant;
Good names are often written in small letters;
Remember that really popular nicknames do not always have to look "clear". For example, Adamson is known as one of the most famous CS:GO players, but his game name is quite simple and understandable.

We come up with top-ends for public servers

Even if the ambitions of esports are far from you and the desire to become a top player does not cause any interest, you still have to come up with cool nicknames for Steam. This is a kind of representation of the player, which creates his fame. In an attempt to pursue individuality, many players end up creating downright ridiculous nicknames that are unlikely to make other people take them seriously. It is also worth considering that the profiles of professionals on public servers almost always differ from their names or nicknames in the international CS:GO arena. This is due to anonymity and contractual agreements.

In order to create unique and original names, and not just “carbon nicknames”, it is important to remember a number of basic unwritten rules of the CS community:

Your nickname should not be long (optimally 5-7 characters);
If you use English letters, the word should read well in Russian;
Do not use the names of professional players;
It is better to avoid popular additions with symbols ("xXx", "..:" and others);
Do not use weapon names in nicknames.
Basically, names in English for guys fit perfectly. They are easily perceived in an international format and make it possible to stand out among others, which Chinese nicknames lack.

What nicknames should be avoided in CS:GO and CCC

Of course, cool nicknames for CS GO are almost always born not because of good imagination, but due to the ability to stand out and show high skill, but still good names always attract more attention. It should be noted right away that the so-called nicknames for boys can be forgotten or used anonymously on servers. Such nicknames of CS:GO players are never taken seriously and cause only ridicule. It is important to remember that the most beautiful and interesting gamer names are usually simple ones. For example, JW or dennis from one of the most popular Fnatic teams are taken much more seriously than any [email protected]

If you do not know how to come up with a nickname for yourself, then you do not always need to invent something unusual. Sometimes cool nicknames appear from derivatives or additions of a first and last name. Among the most famous personalities in the CS community and even in the top 10 there are such players. Therefore, even if any “clear” option will allow you to stand out on some server, it is not suitable for a professional game.

How to come up with a nickname and not make a mistake

If you want to create a super promising and popular nickname that will not be too "difficult" to read, then remember a number of basic rules. They apply to both female names and if you are a guy:

Do not use characters other than the standard ones (dots, dashes). At most, you can add your clan to the nickname;
The combination of the first and last name are good options if they are consonant;
Good names are often written in small letters;
Remember that really popular nicknames do not always have to look "clear". For example, Adamson is known as one of the most famous CS:GO players, but his game name is quite simple and understandable.

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