Pasta with eggplant in Italian: a good combination. A Taste of the Mediterranean: Pasta with Eggplant and Tomato Sauces How to Make Eggplant and Tomato Pasta

  • Tomato 3-5 pcs.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Sweet bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Olive oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Dried herbs to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Edible salt to taste
  • Cooking

    Worth knowing! If pasta is made in a curly shape, then it is rational to serve it with a thick sauce or with large pieces of vegetables in its composition. In this case, the spaghetti will be able to keep the dressing on its surface. It turns out a tasty and spectacular dish on the outside. But for figured pasta, you will need a more liquid sauce, for example, amatriciana, bolognese or ordinary creamy.

      First you need to prepare all the vegetables that you will need to prepare the pasta (see photo). These are eggplant, tomatoes, onions, peppers and garlic. Tomatoes must be taken ripe and preferably medium in size. They should be scalded with boiling water, get rid of the skin and seeds. Next, the pulp is cut into small pieces. Bulgarian pepper for this dish is suitable both raw and baked. In the latter case, it will need to be peeled. And then you just need to cut the pepper into small pieces.

      If you are worried that the eggplant will be bitter, you should make sure that this does not happen. To do this, eggplants need to be cut into pieces and sprinkled with salt, as shown in the photo. In this form, they should be kept for 20-30 minutes, and after this time, washed under running water and squeezed lightly. This simple treatment will eliminate bitterness. Similarly, you can hold vegetables in cold salty water, the result will also be the absence of bitterness. Remember that it is advisable to get rid of the seeds, especially if they are large.

      Next, prepare the onion. It must be peeled, washed under running water and cut into small pieces. Next, place the saucepan on the stove, pour in 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive oil is ideal) and, when the pan heats up, fry the chopped onion until a golden hue appears.

      When the onion is lightly browned, you will need to put the chopped pepper into the pan. Vegetables should be stewed under a closed lid for 10 minutes over low heat. After this time, it is worth checking the pepper: it should be slightly softened.

      After that, garlic and tomatoes are laid out in a saucepan. The dish should be lightly salted to taste. And you can also add pepper and salt at the end of cooking. Now you need to add all the spices to the pan to the vegetables (1-2 pinches of basil, oregano, dill, thyme) and half a teaspoon of sugar.

      It remains to simmer the dish under a closed lid, reducing the heat to a minimum, for another 20 minutes. This will make the vegetable preparation very soft and tender. Excess liquid may come out of vegetables. It should be evaporated by removing the lid from the pan and making the fire a little more.

      While the vegetables are cooking in tomato sauce, you need to boil the pasta. To do this, you need a large saucepan, in which you should pour 2-2.5 liters of water and add 1-2 teaspoons of salt. The exact cooking time is indicated on the pasta package. When the pasta is ready, drain it in a colander to drain the water.

      It remains to mix the pasta with vegetables. The dish should be infused under the lid for 3-5 minutes. Pasta with tomatoes and eggplant in Italian is a very tasty dish that will appeal to many. Despite the absence of meat in the composition, the food turns out to be hearty and appetizing, and its preparation is simple. Bon appetit!

    KBJU and composition for the whole dish

    Eggplants are widely used in national cuisines around the world. In the East, they are even called "vegetables of longevity." Due to the high content of potassium, which improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, eggplants are always held in high esteem here. They are baked, fried, stewed with meat and other vegetables, stuffed with various fillings, served as an independent dish and as an appetizer, sauce or pasta.

    There is a spicy bitterness in eggplant, which can spoil the taste of the finished dish. To get rid of it, vegetables are first cut according to the recipe, and then soaked in cold water with salt. In 20 minutes, the bitterness of the eggplant goes away. In addition, vegetables after soaking absorb less vegetable oil during frying.

    Sicilian and tomatoes

    This recipe on the Italian island of Sicily has long been considered national. Here, every family knows how to cook it. And no feast is complete without pasta with baked eggplant and tomatoes.

    At the very beginning of cooking, you need to remove the bitterness from the eggplant (2 pcs.). To do this, they should be cut into medium-sized cubes, salt and leave under oppression for half an hour. During this time, juice will stand out from the eggplant along with bitterness, which must be drained, and the vegetables themselves should be washed. Now the eggplants need to be laid out in a mold and baked in the oven at 200 degrees for 35 minutes.

    Blanch four medium tomatoes by dipping them first in hot water for 10 minutes, and then in ice water. Previously, cruciform cuts are made on the tomatoes, so that later it is easy to remove the peel from them. Cut each tomato in half and bake in the oven for half an hour.

    Put the baked tomatoes and eggplant in a non-stick saucepan, add two tablespoons of olive oil and simmer for 5 minutes. Two minutes before the end of cooking, add diced mozzarella cheese to the sauce. At this time, boil the spaghetti. On a large platter, first put the pasta, and then the sauce. You can use mozzarella cheese for decoration. Pasta with eggplant and tomatoes is served hot. Bon appetit!

    Pasta with chicken, eggplant and tomatoes

    According to this recipe, the chicken fillet, cut into strips, is first fried in a pan, and after it, all the vegetables. To get rid of the bitter taste in eggplants, they need to be soaked in salt water, previously cut into strips, like chicken. Vegetables will be in water for 10-15 minutes. That's how long it takes to fry the meat.

    Soaked eggplant should be dried on a paper towel, and then put in a pan, where the fillet is already fried. After a few minutes, add tomato puree from three tomatoes and chopped garlic clove. The sauce is ready.

    According to the package instructions, boil eggplant and chicken, sprinkle with cheese and herbs before serving. Bon appetit!

    Eggplant and mushroom pasta recipe

    Peel a large eggplant and chop together with mushrooms as small as possible. Fry vegetables in olive oil for a few minutes, then add a clove of garlic, grated hard cheese and tomato puree. While preparing the pasta dressing, you need to cook the pasta. Don't forget to stir the sauce so it doesn't burn.

    Transfer the cooked pasta to the pan with the vegetables. Mix all the ingredients and you can remove the dish from the heat. Pasta with eggplant has a rich taste and bright aroma. Sprinkle with basil greens when serving.

    Spaghetti with tomato paste, eggplant and cheese

    When preparing pasta according to this recipe, you can use both tomato paste and tomatoes as one of the ingredients. In the latter case, the tomatoes will need to be peeled and chopped in a blender to a puree state. Regardless of the cooking option chosen, eggplant pasta according to this recipe will turn out equally juicy.

    Saute chopped onion and garlic clove in a small amount of oil. After that, add two diced eggplants and fry them until a crust forms. Then put three tablespoons of tomato paste, a teaspoon of sugar and salt to taste. Add two teaspoons of wine vinegar and some fresh basil.

    Boil spaghetti. Put eggplants with tomato paste on pasta and sprinkle liberally with cottage cheese. The dish is ready!

    and eggplant

    By adding new ingredients to already familiar dishes, you can qualitatively diversify your menu. Pasta with eggplant and zucchini is the choice of vegetarians and all those who follow a healthy diet.

    Vegetables for this dish will be baked. To do this, eggplants (2 pcs.) Are cut into cubes and soaked in salted water for 15 minutes. The peel from vegetables can be removed or left as desired. While the eggplant is soaking, you need to cut the zucchini in the same way. After this, put the vegetables on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Combine hot vegetables in one bowl, add a clove of garlic, salt and spices. Mix.

    At this time, cook spaghetti. To serve the dish, the pasta with eggplant and zucchini is mixed, sprinkled with grated parmesan and herbs. Bon appetit!

    Eggplant Paste: Mutabal Appetizer Recipe

    Eggplant paste with the interesting name Mutabal is a traditional Arabic appetizer made from lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and oriental spices. It has an unusual taste and aroma.

    When preparing this dish, there should be no difficulties. According to the recipe, two small eggplants need to be washed, dried, often pricked with a fork and sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. When a charred crust appears on the vegetables, we can assume that they are ready.

    Peel the cooled eggplant, chop coarsely, then grind into a puree with an immersion blender. Add garlic squeezed through a press, juice of two lemons, five tablespoons of olive (you can sesame) oil, salt and spices to taste. Mix all the ingredients again and send the pasta to the refrigerator. An hour later, a snack can be served at the table.

    Eggplant and nut butter appetizer

    This recipe is in many ways reminiscent of the popular Georgian eggplant rolls. But with minor changes. Eggplant according to the new recipe is not fried, but baked to preserve all the benefits of vitamins in them.

    The cooking process consists of three consecutive steps. First you need to prepare the eggplants, that is, cut them lengthwise into strips 1 cm thick and bake in the oven (20 minutes at 200 degrees). At this time, you need to prepare the nut paste. To do this, grind a glass of walnuts and 10 cloves of garlic to a puree state using an immersion blender. Add two tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

    At the last stage, eggplant with nut paste should be beautifully served. To do this, paste is spread on each baked strip. Top eggplant sprinkled with cheese and herbs. If desired, the strips can be rolled into rolls.

    An amazing and uncomplicated eggplant pasta dish, the recipe of which I decided to write, is also interesting because, in fact, this is a recipe for several dishes.

    Pasta, as you know, is just dried dough. Moreover, the dough of the most diverse forms, boiled in salted water.

    By itself, the pasta tastes like dough, nothing more. But the taste of the finished dish is determined by the sauce with which the pasta is served to the table.

    The simplest sauces, the preparation of which does not require additional skills, are tomato, vegetable. For example, you can cook a simple seasonal dish - eggplant in tomato sauce, and serve it with boiled pasta, eggplant pasta. The composition is somewhat similar to the dish.

    I read somewhere that thick sauces are made for pasta of a simple form, or with large pieces. This is done so that the pasta can hold the sauce on its surface. For figured pasta, the sauce may be more liquid, like or. At home, we have the most popular pasta - penne (Italian penne). This is a short paste in the form of short tubes cut obliquely.

    If you carefully read the history of world cuisines, you will notice that there are very few unique vegetable dishes that are in no way similar to others. For example, a whole string of vegetable dishes, which, depending on the composition and method of preparation, differ from each other - in appearance and taste, but, in fact, are related. I'm talking about vegetable caviar.

    It is believed that vegetable caviar is a cold dish, an appetizer. Moreover, all components are crushed -. The composition is very diverse: vegetables (eggplants, zucchini, beets, carrots and almost everything that grows in the garden), mushrooms, fruits. If the dish is hot and the vegetables are not chopped, then this is already a sauté or vegetable stew, like.

    In Hungarian cuisine, the well-known dish lecho is stewed chopped vegetables. serves as a dish on its own, as a side dish, and as an appetizer. Moreover, lecho can be served both hot and cold. An even larger cut and a special way of cooking are inherent in the Provence dish.

    Thick hot vegetable stews can go well with Italian pasta, even. Eggplant vegetable stew in sweet and sour sauce can be a great addition. Eggplant in sauce can be an eggplant appetizer if served separately, or it can become a second course (or the only one, since the dish is satisfying in itself). If you combine pasta with eggplant vegetable sauté (onions, tomatoes, peppers), you get an excellent hearty dish - pasta with eggplant and tomatoes.

    Pasta with eggplant. Step by step recipe

    Ingredients (2 servings)

    • Pasta (penne) 150 g
    • Eggplant (medium, young) 1 PC
    • Ripe tomatoes 3-5 pieces
    • Onion 1 pc
    • Garlic 2 cloves
    • red bell pepper 1 PC
    • Olive oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
    • Salt, ground black pepper, dry aromatic herbs, sugar Spices
    1. Eggplant pasta will not cause difficulties in cooking, despite the fact that eggplants are vegetables, although tasty, but with a surprise. They can get bitter. Usually, if you understand the varieties, you can know in advance whether the eggplant is bitter or not. But, if there are no skills, it is worth cutting the eggplants before cooking and sprinkle with salt. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and squeeze a little. With this treatment, bitterness will disappear. You can also hold the sliced ​​eggplant in salt water. See for yourself - maybe it's worth doing so as not to risk it. If the seeds in the eggplant have formed and there are a lot of them, they should be removed. If there are few seeds, you can leave them.

      Vegetables for eggplant and tomato sauce

    2. Scald medium-sized ripe tomatoes with boiling water, remove seeds and skin. Cut the pulp into medium-sized pieces. Peppers can be baked or used raw. Peel and chop the peppers - just like the tomatoes.

      Before cooking, cut the eggplant and sprinkle with salt. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and squeeze a little. With this treatment, bitterness will disappear

    3. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. I've always wondered how to dice an onion so that the cubes don't fall apart. The problem has not been solved so far. Just chop the onion in increments of 5-7 mm. This will be enough. In a saucepan, heat 3-4 tbsp. l. the best olive oil. Fry chopped onion in oil.

      In a saucepan, heat 3-4 tbsp. l. the best olive oil. Fry chopped onion in oil.

    4. As soon as the onion begins to blush, add chopped pepper and simmer everything under the lid over medium heat for 10 minutes. The pepper should soften a little.

      Add chopped pepper and simmer everything under the lid over medium heat for 10 minutes

    5. Add chopped eggplant. Continue to fry everything over medium heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. By the way, eggplant absorbs oil very well, so eggplant pasta is quite a high-calorie dish.

      Add chopped eggplant. Continue to fry everything over medium heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally

    6. Add chopped tomato and garlic. Salt, but not too much, as the eggplant already contains some salt. Salt to taste and carefully. Better then add salt and pepper - at the very end. However, pasta with eggplant is delicious even without salt at all. Add all spices, incl. - 0.5 tsp sugar and 1-2 pinches of aromatic dry herbs: basil, dill, oregano, thyme, etc.

      Add chopped tomato

    7. Simmer the vegetable stew under the lid over low heat for about 20 minutes. Our future eggplant pasta should be tender. If there is a lot of liquid in the eggplant and tomato sauce, you can evaporate it by removing the lid from the saucepan and increasing the heat.

      Finished vegetable stew

    8. While the eggplants are cooking in tomato sauce, you need to boil the pasta. In a large saucepan, heat 2-2.5 liters of water, salt it at the rate of 5-6 grams of salt per liter of water and boil the penne pasta. Cooking time - indicated on the package. Drain the boiled pasta in a colander and let the water drain.

    First of all, you need to clean and cut the eggplant into cubes. To rid them of the juice that gives the vegetables bitterness, you need to sprinkle the eggplants with salt and leave for 15 minutes.

    In the meantime, you can put the pasta to boil in salted water. When the eggplant starts to juice, they should be washed with cold water, squeezed lightly. Then dry with a paper towel to get rid of any remaining moisture. Eggplants usually absorb a lot of fat when fried. In this case, the dish is not only high-calorie, but also acquires an unpleasant oily aftertaste. To avoid this, it is necessary to pour 2-3 tablespoons of oil not on a frying pan, but on eggplants. Then they should be mixed well so that a thin film of fat is evenly distributed over the surface of the vegetables. Eggplants prepared in this way should be transferred to a dry, heated frying pan and fried until soft.

    Then they must be transferred to a plate, and pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat. In it, finely chopped onion should be fried until transparent.

    After 3 minutes add the tomato paste.

    After another 3 minutes - diced and peeled tomatoes.

    Cover with a lid and simmer the sauce over low heat for 10 minutes. Then it is necessary to add chopped herbs and garlic to it, salt and pepper to taste, mix.

    After 5 minutes, add the fried eggplants to the sauce and heat them for 2 minutes.

    Eggplant tomato sauce is ready.

    By this time the pasta should be ready. It should be sprinkled with a small amount of vegetable oil and put on a plate.

    Spread the sauce on top. Ready-made pasta with eggplant and tomatoes should be served hot, garnished with fresh herbs or sprinkled with grated cheese.
