What is data relevance. Five ways to determine the relevance of a page to search queries


Relevance(in SEO) is the correspondence of a website page to an Internet user's query in a search engine. Simply put, relevancy measures how satisfied a user is with the search results that are displayed in response to their query.

Compliance of the site with the request is calculated by various search engine algorithms. However, the more the content of the page provides the user with the necessary information, the more it is relevant and, accordingly, the higher it is in the search results.

If the webmaster, having created content for a particular page, provides a proportional ratio of keywords to the volume of the text itself, then immediately after indexing it can get into the TOP of search engine results. But the content itself may not meet the user's expectations.

For example, you can enter the query: “what is relevance”, and the first place in the search results will be a page that offers services to increase the relevance of the site by a company engaged in SEO website promotion. This is an irrelevant result.

But the search results, for example, those located below, will already correspond to the topic of interest to you, that is, answer the query "what is relevance".

This phenomenon is often observed due to spam pages or doorways - resources that are promoted according to certain requests in order to redirect the visitor to another Internet site that does not meet his request.

Previously, a page that did not match the query would continue to remain in the TOP, but today big role modern tools play in the ranking of websites, among which are behavioral factors (user behavior on the resource page). Of course, when you go to the first (irrelevant) site, you will quickly leave it, and stay longer on subsequent ones, as there is information useful to you.

On a note. Search engines track user behavior on pages and, based on this, determine their compliance with queries. If visitors, after clicking on the link, soon leave it, this reduces its relevance and, accordingly, it loses its position in the search results.

Therefore, today search engines prioritize sites with the most disclosed, useful and meaningful content that provides comprehensive answers to user questions. It is these resources that make their way to the leading positions in search results.

What are the types of search relevance?

  1. Formal. This type of relevance consists in comparing a user query with an indexed page, and it is calculated according to a specific formula based on the data collected by the robot. This is the main algorithm of search engines.
  2. Informative. It is determined by specialists, who are called assessors. They analyze the quality of search results based on an assessment of the relevance of the found page to the query.
  3. Pertinence. Full satisfaction of the user with the necessary information. This type of relevance is determined by the behavior of site visitors and their satisfaction with the content of the document. All search engines are striving for such an algorithm today.

What factors determine the relevance of a page?

Each search engine has its own tools by which it determines the relevance of a resource. However, there are a number of general algorithms that affect the compliance of a web page with user requests.

Text match query

  • title and description meta tags;
  • URL pages;
  • title and subtitles of the text;
  • direct and diluted occurrences of keywords and phrases in the text;
  • the alt attribute of the img tag (alternative text for the image).

Link Relevance Factors

  • internal and external linking;
  • anchors (texts) of links;
  • authority of referring sites (donors);
  • link growth rate.

Behavioral factors

  • the number of visitors;
  • resources from which they go to the page;
  • time spent on the site;
  • number of views;
  • ease of navigation through sections of the resource to find the information you need;
  • failure rate;
  • conversion (number of targeted actions: registration, purchase, subscription, etc.).


As you can see, the relevance of a site depends on many factors, both external and internal. But if you want your resource to always be in high positions in search engines, write quality content for people, not for robots. Taking into account modern ranking algorithms, the text component of relevance is one of the main ones for SEO promotion.

When writing a resume or preparing for a responsible interview, job seekers are increasingly faced with the concept of “relevant work experience”. What does this mean?

In today's article, we will look into this issue, and also find out in which cases the presence of this most relevant experience can become an obstacle to obtaining a position, and when it is a prerequisite for employment.


The word "relevance" in the Russian language came from English. This borrowing can literally be translated as "corresponding". Practical use This term is not very common, it is most often used in highly specialized areas.

Thus, naturally and logically, the adjective "relevant" characterizes such words as "question", "document", "market" and "information".

For example, the terms "relevant question" and "relevant information" are very close and follow one from the other. They are used when it is necessary to achieve the truth in a particular case. When asking a relevant question, we expect to hear an appropriate answer, the information of which will reveal the essence of the problem as accurately and appropriately as possible. It is in this vein that the phrase “relevant work experience” is easiest to explain. What this means, we will understand in more detail further.

Now let's talk about what a relevant document is. We actually encounter this concept several times a day when we use various search engines. Entering a specific request on the Internet, we ask a specific question to which we want to receive the most correct and comprehensive answer. The search engine selects for users the most relevant (corresponding to the query) Internet pages (documents).

In terms of market relations, the term under discussion means the harmonious interaction of sellers and buyers in a certain area.

Relevance to work experience

No one will argue with the fact that having practical skills to perform duties in a particular area labor activity- this is a serious advantage for any applicant. It is all the more good when the experience is confirmed by a real recommendation from a past employer or a corresponding entry in a work book.

This is how a potential boss can check for relevant work experience. This will happen even if the candidate for the vacant position himself is not aware of such a selection criterion. Although most often employers indicate this item in their requirements.

So what is relevant work experience? This is the correspondence of the professional and personal qualities of the applicant to the requirements for a candidate for an open vacancy.

Based on this definition, it may be believed that relevant work experience is when a candidate can take a position only if he has already been placed in a similar job and performed exclusively the same functions that he will have to do in a new place.

In fact, we are talking about the fact that the applicant has an idea about the future work, and previously worked, if not in the same field, then at least in a related field of activity. Now we will understand these subtleties in more detail.

Compliance does not mean identity

There are generally accepted job descriptions for specialists. These documents define the sphere of influence of employees, their rights, obligations, the degree of responsibility, but only in in general terms. Depending on what exactly the company does, the job descriptions of its employees may have certain nuances and additions.

In fact, employers cannot expect that a newly hired employee will fully meet their requirements. Well, if he has relevant work experience, this is one of the requirements, you can put it in a vacancy. But many headhunters refuse this item, especially in those areas of activity for which specialists in our country are not sufficiently trained. professional level in universities.

Why is it important?

Well, if only because it usually facilitates the process of training an accepted employee, and also shortens the period of his adaptation to a new place.

But what does relevant work experience mean for those enterprises that work with innovative technologies? Often he becomes a kind of stopper for a novice subordinate who is used to working according to certain programs and parameters.

At the same time, there are areas of activity and positions, the development of which is not subject to frequent changes, but they require people to high level professionalism and qualifications, as well as a certain situational work experience, the ability to respond quickly in force majeure conditions. First of all, this nuance applies to managers and personnel who are directly responsible for their work (salespeople, crisis managers, specialists from supply departments, controllers, etc.).

They know firsthand what relevant work experience means in practice. After all, by the nature of their activity, they happen to overcome crisis situations, and this skill is highly valued in people by employers.

Note that here it is not so much any entry in the work book that is more important than the ability to competently and constructively deal with problems.

Paramount Requirement

During employment, it becomes clear to many applicants that there are vacancies in which relevant work experience is a prerequisite. What does it mean - the end of the dream of being, for example, a practicing surgeon (after all, no one will give a scalpel to anyone without experience) or a referee of football matches? Not at all!

Yes, there are activities that a priori require the applicant to have practical knowledge and skills (medicine, construction, personnel management). People "from the street" are not hired for such work. Any specialist occupied in such a responsible position will undergo many months of internship. He will have to constantly confirm his professional suitability, assist and help more experienced colleagues. But with due diligence, obtaining a specialized education, such work can be earned.

Main Course

Talking about relevant work experience in simple terms, what does it mean? This means that you must be able to do the job for which you are applying. Drawing an analogy, we can put it this way: a tiler knows how to lay tiles, but will not be able to build a house, and an electrician will lay the wiring, but will not mount the plumbing. All these activities fall under the category of "construction and repair work", but involve the performance of individual tasks by different people who will have specific knowledge and skills.

At the same time, the financier will be able to retrain as an economist or accountant, and the sales manager will climb the career ladder, taking the position of head of the sales department or supervisor.

Employers often require relevant work experience, but at the same time they give a person a chance to change the vector of activity a little and try himself in a different direction, while remaining true to his profession.

hitting the spot

If the applicant can boast real experience in a position similar to the one he wants to get at a new job, he is in a favorable position for himself.

Periodic change of employer is useful for a specialist in many ways. This makes a person leave his comfort zone, stir up, learn something new.

True, it should be borne in mind that some industries have an extremely limited demand for specialists, so there can be serious competition among applicants. Employers often use this alignment of affairs in their favor, deliberately raising the requirements for hired personnel.

HR Opinion

Recruitment specialists, or, as they are now more commonly called, HRs and headhunters, note that job seekers should not blindly rely on their work experience when searching for a job. This fact their work history can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Knowing how to do something in reality is good, but most large companies develop so dynamically that professionals from the old cohort very quickly become unclaimed "dinosaurs" in the labor market. It is sometimes easier for personnel officers to teach a young specialist than to retrain an old one.

Moreover, serious competitive firms, based on their own intellectual resources, organize express trainings, schools and internship courses for those who wish to join the ranks of their employees, thereby providing themselves with valuable personnel who can quickly and effectively comprehend all the intricacies of future work.

In this context, it becomes clear that relevant work experience is such an archaic concept that sometimes interferes with finding a job.

Risk is a noble cause!

Summing up the article, I would like to note that practical work experience is, of course, a plus for someone who is employed. But his absence should not become a serious stumbling block and an insurmountable obstacle in achieving the goal. Experience comes with time, the main thing is to work on yourself, and never stop learning and developing!

Website page relevance is the match of the page to the search query. What does relevancy mean - the more the page matches the search query, the higher the site should be in the search results, because page relevance value significantly affects the search ranking (sorting). The meaning of the word relevance (definition, thanks to Wikipedia) is − assessment of the degree of conformity of information and practical applicability of the result, as well as the degree of social applicability of the solution to the problem.

It can be considered that synonym for relevance— "adequacy" of information. And it is precisely to increase the relevance of the pages of the site for certain queries that every site owner should strive, or. Since it is the high relevance of the site that allows you to achieve high positions in the search results. SEO alone is indispensable here, and here's why.

The degree of applicability of the result plays a crucial role in the concept of relevance, since the semantic correspondence of the page to the search query is not the only one. relevance criterion. The main task of relevance is to determine the usefulness of each page of the site for the visitor and derive an index based on the data, which will be taken into account when ranking the site pages for search queries. The usefulness of the result is what the relevance of the pages of the site means.

Useless pages with high semantic match can hold high search relevancy until behavioral ranking factors are added to the relevancy score. Where users will already show the true usefulness of the page with their behavior, as a result, the textual relevance will be supplemented and adjusted. Increase page relevancy through keyword density text or increase relevancy through links are measures that work in conditions of either low competition or high usability scores.

Page Relevance Formula

Relevance Calculation Formulas documents are complex and each search engine their own, whether it be Yandex or Google. But the basic principles for determining content relevance are roughly the same. can be divided into two types: internal and external. A complex of internal and external factors is directly used in relevance calculation formula and sorting pages in search results for a query.

Internal Relevance Factors

Internal Relevance Factors are responsible for determining whether the content of the site matches the key query. Here, the actual correspondence of the page semantics to the request comes first. Simply put, the definition of relevance based on the presence of keywords in the text of the page. More than others, the following criteria affect relevance: keywords in , page description . Of course, the relevance of the text of the article, text describing a product or service also affects the degree of relevance of the entire page.

The internal relevance factors of a page include not only the determination of the relevance of the data of the page itself, but the correspondence of internal links to the key query of the page and the thematic connection of the link donor page in relation to the acceptor page. That is, the relevance of the link leading to the page is evaluated, and more precisely, the weight of the site page from which the link is transmitted and the weight that the link itself transmits are evaluated. The total weight of all link weights increases the weight of the page itself, which is reflected in the relevance of the page to the search query.

External Relevance Factors

External Relevance Factors is an assessment of the significance of incoming links and external behavioral factors. Depending on the search engine, the technology for processing external links may be different, but, in general, they are built on citation or authority. Yandex determines page relevance based on external links, using - thematic citation index. In addition to the authority of the site, Yandex takes into account the thematic proximity of the link source to the site to which the link is placed.

In the Yandex Catalog, search results sorted by relevance based on TIC. Google has its own technology for taking into account external links to determine the relevance of a page - PageRank. Google sums up the authoritative weight of the donor site and transfers part of it to the site of the acceptor, and the total weight that each external link brought is considered. As a result, a resource with more authority is considered more relevant. It's over not only PageRank rules the search, however, - one of the main factors on which the ranking of search results is built.

The external reaction of visitors to the site can also be attributed to external factors. If a site page has high authority and excellent semantic match, it still won't help if the page has a high bounce and bounce rate. Of course, relevance affects the ranking of a site in search, but without the approval of visitors, not a single site will stay in the top for a long time. Today, search engines have become quite complex in order to understand what users need and how, depending on the wishes of visitors, sites should be sorted in the search results.

How to improve page relevance

In order to increase the relevance of the page, it is necessary to increase the relevance of each element of the page, as well as work on the link structure of the site, internal links and usability of all elements of the site. For each site, the relevance criteria may be different. For example, for one site necessary condition is the length of time the visitor stays on the page. For another site, the relevance criterion is the fastest possible action.

For most sites, there are general relevancy rules that provide answers to the main question: - “How to increase the relevancy of a page” for each of the main elements of the site, starting with and ending with . New sites or sites with pages that rank poorly in search and have low relevance are guaranteed to improve their rankings simply by following these rules. I don't see the point in listing the articles here, as the list would be too voluminous. Read the articles in the section, if there is no article yet, write in the comments and such an article will appear. Articles are updated daily.

How to check the relevance of a website page

The relevance of a website page is constantly changing depending on how the search engine algorithms work. For this try check page relevance or check page relevance is a pointless task. Only the search engine has values ​​that would at least somewhat reflect reality. Moreover, there cannot be any general relevance index, since the relevance of a page at the current time is different depending on geographic factors, browser settings, browsing history, and many other factors.

But, page relevance check possible. In some respects, a page's relevance score is SERPs. Page relevance analysis can be carried out based on the data of the search result. How to find out the relevance of a page? Choose keywords to search, enter the necessary parameters and go. If you need to evaluate the relevance of the text or check the article for relevance, here you can only get independent data from third-party programs and websites.

On two sites, the same text can be evaluated differently by the search engine, depending on many factors. Check article text relevance or any other part of the site apart from the general context of the page is just as pointless. Some abstract analysis of the relevance of the page text can be done using various online services. Here you can check the relevance of the text online, and determine the relevance of the page, and check the site for relevance. As they say, for every taste and color.

Determine and check the relevance of the website page online offer resources like seolib or megaindex, but it's up to you to decide how useful this data actually is. Modern search engines do a pretty good job of analyzing people's behavior and generating search results based on human preferences. A good site, made for people, large, convenient and interesting will have a high relevance. Think primarily about what your visitors want, and not about what is the current text relevance score of one of your pages.

Make good sites, put likes and relevance will come.


Relevance(in SEO) is the correspondence of a website page to an Internet user's query in a search engine. Simply put, relevancy measures how satisfied a user is with the search results that are displayed in response to their query.

Compliance of the site with the request is calculated by various search engine algorithms. However, the more the content of the page provides the user with the necessary information, the more it is relevant and, accordingly, the higher it is in the search results.

If the webmaster, having created content for a particular page, provides a proportional ratio of keywords to the volume of the text itself, then immediately after indexing it can get into the TOP of search engine results. But the content itself may not meet the user's expectations.

For example, you can enter the query: “what is relevance”, and the first place in the search results will be a page that offers services to increase the relevance of the site by a company engaged in SEO website promotion. This is an irrelevant result.

But the search results, for example, those located below, will already correspond to the topic of interest to you, that is, answer the query "what is relevance".

This phenomenon is often observed due to spam pages or doorways - resources that are promoted according to certain requests in order to redirect the visitor to another Internet site that does not meet his request.

Previously, a page that did not match the request would continue to remain in the TOP, but today modern tools play an important role in ranking websites, including behavioral factors (user behavior on the resource page). Of course, when you go to the first (irrelevant) site, you will quickly leave it, and stay longer on subsequent ones, as there is information useful to you.

On a note. Search engines track user behavior on pages and, based on this, determine their compliance with queries. If visitors, after clicking on the link, soon leave it, this reduces its relevance and, accordingly, it loses its position in the search results.

Therefore, today search engines prioritize sites with the most disclosed, useful and meaningful content that provides comprehensive answers to user questions. It is these resources that make their way to the leading positions in search results.

What are the types of search relevance?

  1. Formal. This type of relevance consists in comparing a user query with an indexed page, and it is calculated according to a specific formula based on the data collected by the robot. This is the main algorithm of search engines.
  2. Informative. It is determined by specialists, who are called assessors. They analyze the quality of search results based on an assessment of the relevance of the found page to the query.
  3. Pertinence. Full satisfaction of the user with the necessary information. This type of relevance is determined by the behavior of site visitors and their satisfaction with the content of the document. All search engines are striving for such an algorithm today.

What factors determine the relevance of a page?

Each search engine has its own tools by which it determines the relevance of a resource. However, there are a number of general algorithms that affect the compliance of a web page with user requests.

Text match query

  • title and description meta tags;
  • URL pages;
  • title and subtitles of the text;
  • direct and diluted occurrences of keywords and phrases in the text;
  • the alt attribute of the img tag (alternative text for the image).

Link Relevance Factors

  • internal and external linking;
  • anchors (texts) of links;
  • authority of referring sites (donors);
  • link growth rate.

Behavioral factors

  • the number of visitors;
  • resources from which they go to the page;
  • time spent on the site;
  • number of views;
  • ease of navigation through sections of the resource to find the information you need;
  • failure rate;
  • conversion (number of targeted actions: registration, purchase, subscription, etc.).


As you can see, the relevance of a site depends on many factors, both external and internal. But if you want your resource to always be in high positions in search engines, write quality content for people, not for robots. Taking into account modern ranking algorithms, the text component of relevance is one of the main ones for SEO promotion.

When studying the abstruse SEO Talmud, you often come across the concept of “relevance” of a text, page or site as a whole. Relevance what is it in simple words? This publication will be about this, we will analyze the term relevance in detail, consider examples of relevant search engine results and how to achieve it.

Relevance what is it

Relevance is the ratio of the search query to the result of the issue. In simple words, the relevance of information is how much the content (text, pictures, video) satisfies the user in the search.

What is search relevancy

To understand what search relevance is, let's look at examples on our fingers, in simple words we will try to figure it out.

An example of a relevant issue. A certain user enters a query in a search engine: "How to bake apple pies." As a result, we will get the first 10 sites with recipes.

Let's take the first 5 positions, analyze from the bottom up (starting with the 5th):

  1. In fifth place we will see a pie recipe, where it will be described the right ingredients, why mix and how to cook, a general picture of the finished pie. Everything would be fine in Rodi, but why did this site “receive” only 60% relevance (a figure from the ceiling for clarity). Let's go further and understand the reason.
  2. The 4th position is the same recipe as in the previous example, only a few pictures were added during the cooking process. The article turned out to be more informative and it will get its 70% relevance.
  3. We rise above. Everything is the same as in the previous example, plus a video of the process of making the ill-fated pie has been added. The percentage of users satisfied with the information received will increase dramatically. The site received its 80% relevance of information for a reason.
  4. The second paragraph contains a recipe with pictures, a video, a detailed text description and links to similar recipes, for example with the addition of pears or a cheaper option. The user studied the material, was satisfied and moved to the next page. For the search engine, this is a great signal. This site gets 90%.
  5. And finally, our winner, the first place in the issuance of the relevance of information. A complete set of content (text, pictures, videos, links to similar materials), a satisfied user. But what separates this user from the previous one? A separates it with correctly used keywords that match the search query. For example, in the page title, in the h1-h6 tags, in the text there are words and phrases found in the request. This is called internal relevance. I will talk about this below.

I think after this example it became clear to you what the relevance of the site pages is and how to determine it. We determined the level of relevance visually, but it can also be calculated in real numbers, immediately after we analyze the internal and external relevance.

Internal text relevance criteria

We have considered what relevance in search is, now let's derive the main theses, thanks to which you can achieve the highest degree of visitor satisfaction:

  • First and foremost, the text should tell or show what the user is asking about in the search engine. It is most important.
  • The presence of keywords in the text is an important point. If your content is perfect but it does not contain a single exact occurrence of the promoted query, the chance of getting into the top tends to be zero.
  • Use of synonyms and word forms of keywords.
  • Key density. This concept is living its life, with good content and proper optimization, one entry of the key is enough. Nevertheless, try not to stuff the same words side by side, this will be regarded as spam and will not only lower the relevance of the test, but may even throw such a page out of the search.
  • Location of keywords. This is an interesting question, and a lot of controversy is also raging over it. Everyone can agree on one thing. The main key must be in the exact form in the first paragraph of the text, once in the middle and at the very end. This will be enough.
  • Use key phrases in h1-h6 tags, description and title. This will give significant weight to your page for this query.

These are the main internal principles by which the relevance of information on the pages of the site is determined.

External Relevance Criteria

External relevance refers to links leading to the site. The more people link to your page, the better. If the page from which the link is placed is of a similar or the same topic, and even the anchor (link text) contains a keyword. This will significantly increase the relevance of the page to which the link is placed.

How to increase relevancy

How to increase the relevance of an already indexed page? You can go back to the previous two headings and analyze if you have everything, but let's repeat it again and break it down point by point, how a relevant page should look like, whether it is a new one or an old one that needs editing.

So, the relevant page should contain the following:

  1. Keywords in title.
  2. Key in H1
  3. Keywords in the first paragraph. (The closer to the beginning the better.)
  4. Content must fully meet the search query. Contain comprehensive information so that the visitor no longer wants to look at other sites.
  5. Use pictures, videos, lists, small paragraphs, links to similar materials.
  6. Description (description), often used in a snippet (text in search), should be short, informative and attractive. Using keywords.
  7. The page must have incoming links from other sites.

You can go over all the points and check if everything is in place, if necessary, you can supplement the article, add, add some elements. Very detailed about what I have already said.

To check the relevance of the page, there are many online services. I will list a few of them.

On the site PR-CY.ru you can check the relevance. You need to enter the required request and specify the url of the page to be checked.

Finally. The purpose of this post was to remove the answer to your query - "relevance what is it in simple terms". I hope I was able to convey to you the essence of the concept of relevance, this is the satisfaction of the visitor with the information provided, the completeness and equivalence of the search query.

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