Economic sustainability of the enterprise. Ways and means of improving financial sustainability in modern organizations The concept of economic sustainability of an enterprise

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Relevance of the topic. Solving the problems of socio-economic development of small towns, overcoming their crisis, improving the social security and welfare of residents, bringing their standard of living closer to the corresponding indicators for Russia is the first of the main tasks facing state and municipal authorities. Nowadays, more than 70% in Russia are small urban settlements. Many of them have a fairly significant potential for their development due to the preserved historical and cultural heritage, geographical location, favorable climatic and environmental conditions, and traditional settlement.

Support for the development of small towns is cost-effective, since it provides new incentives for the socio-economic revival and development of not only them, but also vast rural areas located in their zone of influence. All the small towns of Russia, to one degree or another, have played their role and found their own place in national history, they all, one way or another, are experiencing the difficulties of a new life at the time of reforms. At the same time, they are in different economic, social, environmental conditions, administrative position and physical condition, which requires a differentiated approach to determining the ways and methods of their transformation.

It should be noted that the role of small towns in the life of the rural population is invaluable. They are a kind of “provincial capitals”, service centers for large areas. Along with this, rapid and moderate growth rates are characteristic mainly of those settlements that are located in the zones of influence of large and large cities and on the main communication axes. The decline in population is observed mainly in peripheral cities located outside the main poles and axes of development. If urgent measures are not taken to strengthen them, there is a tendency to reduce the population of small towns.

In terms of functional purpose, small towns in Russia are characterized by significant heterogeneity; these include: industrial, agro-industrial, agricultural, tourist and recreational, environmental cities. The vast majority of industrial cities are administrative centers and perform, excluding economic functions, directly related to the management and maintenance of areas and settlements of the entire region.

A number of small Russian towns are notable for their high historical, cultural and recreational potential, which creates the preconditions for the formation of a modern type of urban settlements - recreation and tourism centers - and can serve as an incentive for their socio-economic revival. The functions of tourism centers can be performed primarily by well-known historical cities with valuable architectural monuments.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that the steady strengthening of the domestic economy, strengthening its social orientation, focus on creating favorable conditions for a decent life and free development of every citizen of the country put forward the need to increase the sustainability of the economic development of small towns. The successful solution of this complex and multifaceted problem largely depends on the search for ways to improve the forms and methods of managing small towns, which increases the importance of scientific support for the transformations being carried out in them.

At the same time, the recent changes in the economy of Russia and the regions, in our opinion, indicate the use of inefficient methods and models of transition to market relations. At the same time, the main problems are associated with the formation of new mechanisms for the implementation of small business development processes, structural, contractual, investment policies, etc. Particularly relevant in the current conditions is the issue of developing a small town, which is designed to perform socio-economic functions; ensure a balance between supply and demand in the market; create new jobs; solve a complex set of socio-economic problems of the development of the territory.

In essence, the paper sets the task of creating a strategic management of a small town, the effectiveness of which, as theory shows and management practice confirms, is justified in the conditions of instability of environmental factors. It contributes to strengthening the action of market mechanisms in relation to municipalities and is a fundamental condition for the successful development of both the municipalities themselves and the economy of the regions and the country as a whole at the present stage of economic and social transformations.

From this point of view, the future of small towns in Russia directly depends on the improvement of mechanisms, forms and methods of managing the development of small towns. The implementation of this provision is to a certain extent constrained by insufficient theoretical and methodological support for the process of forming a management system for small towns that meets the laws of the modern market economy and the characteristics of a particular subject. This determined the choice of the topic and the relevance of the study.

In general, their research contributed to the development of a number of theoretical and methodological provisions for creating a management system for small towns. However, many issues of improving development management have not been studied enough, which hinders the effectiveness of influencing the processes of qualitative changes. To date, there has not been a scientifically based concept of transformations necessary for a more sustainable development of small towns, there are no methods for assessing the effectiveness of the economic development of small towns, taking into account their specifics. The economic and organizational mechanisms for managing the development of a small town that meet the conditions of a particular region are not clearly reflected. There is no clear idea about the forms and methods of stimulating the development of a small town. All this predetermined the choice of the goal, the setting of tasks and the rationale for the directions of the study.

The aim of the study is to develop methodological provisions for the development of measures to improve the sustainability of the economic development of a small town that meet the conditions of the domestic economy, as well as the characteristics of a particular subject and its specifics.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the course of the study:

To study the essence and features of the development of a small town (on the example of the city of the Tambov region - Uvarovo) in a modern market economy;

To identify factors influencing the development of a small town;

Analyze the development of small towns in the conditions of modern life;

Establish trends and directions for the development of forms of management of a small town;

To clarify methodological approaches to assessing the level of development of a small town from the standpoint of strengthening its role and influence in modern society;

Summarize and clarify the criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of managing a small town;

Develop proposals for improving the forms and methods of managing a small town in order to increase the sustainability of its economic development.

The subject of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and practical issues related to the improvement of the forms and methods of managing a small town in order to ensure the sustainability of its economic development.

The object of the study is a complex of socio-economic processes and problems of the city of Tambov region - Uvarovo.

The theoretical basis of research in the field of economics and management, business and entrepreneurship, the theory of welfare and state regulation was the works of such domestic and foreign scientists-economists as Vetrov G.Yu., Vasiliev A.A., Vinogradov V.V., Leksin V.N. , Shvetsov A.N., Ryuli N., Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. and others. The study is based on the main provisions of the theory of market economy, macro- and microeconomics, as well as developments on the problems of formation and improvement of the economic management mechanism.

The information support of the study was made up of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation on the development of small towns, Rosstat materials, reference literature, analytical material of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, as well as primary information on the municipality under study, obtained by the author during the study.

In the course of the study, the methods of logical and system analysis, ranking, economic and statistical analysis and other general scientific methods were used.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development and refinement of the theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of a management system for the development of a small town based on the use of forms and methods of management that are adequate to the laws of a modern market economy, the specifics and characteristics of the socio-economic situation of the city, as well as a set of measures that contribute to the sustainable development of its enterprises and organizations.

The practical significance of the study is that it has been brought to specific recommendations for improving the forms and methods of managing the development of a small town, and the results obtained can be used as a theoretical and methodological basis in the course of the transformations carried out in it. Theoretical provisions, conclusions and practical recommendations related to strengthening the role and place of a small town while strengthening state regulation can be used in the development of targeted programs for the development of small towns.

Chapter1 . Conceptual framework for studying the problems of smallcities and increase their economic stability

1. 1 concept« economic stability»

In modern science, not enough attention is paid to the study of the concept of “economic stability. More attention is paid to issues of financial stability and reliability. Financial stability is a consequence of the city's economic stability. Financial analysis is a necessary addition to the assessment of economic stability. In this situation, it is considered appropriate to analyze all existing approaches to the definition of the concept of "economic stability".

As you know, the assessment of economic stability is one of the main areas of financial analysis, however, there is no single approach, as in the definition of the concept itself, in modern publications, which negatively affects the accuracy and reliability of the assessment information. Further, you can classify "stability" into: managerial, technical and financial and economic. The managerial stability of the functioning of the city implies such a management structure in cities that ensures the absence of staff turnover, the clarity and consistency of managerial decisions, the distribution of responsibility, control over their implementation, the constancy of partners and suppliers, high production volumes, etc. The normal nature of urban development is, first of all, the normal state and dynamics of the social sphere of the city, its compliance with the necessary social norms and standards.

The stability of urban development is the optimal distribution of urban resources for economic goals, taking into account social tasks, improving the proportions of the productive-cost components of economic indicators within the framework of social constraints, because outside such frameworks, economic stability becomes an end in itself, turns into a self-sufficient value that has no real applied value from a city management standpoint. After all, the city's economy is an important, but only part of its socio-economic sphere, and the relationship between the social and economic components of this sphere, as you know, is characterized by a complex and interdependent nature. At the same time, social relations, on the one hand, depend on economic processes, and on the other hand, they influence them, predetermining their target orientation and qualitative orientation.

In addition, "malfunctions" and tension in the social sphere can complicate, and often seriously undermine, weaken the development of economic processes. The degree of social favorableness is not only a result, but also an essential factor in the economic development of the city. Consequently, the stability of urban development cannot be limited to a purely economic framework and, in a general sense, implies the inclusion of social indicators in the system for assessing the effectiveness of city development. A certain discrepancy between the criteria for efficiency and stability (as you know, efficiency in terms of the nature and pace of dynamics can be stable and unstable, and, in addition, there are options for stable inefficiency, inefficient instability) does not deny that social aspects are essential elements of both criteria from the position of management city. It is impossible to seriously talk about the stable functioning of the city under the condition of social instability.

At the same time, the possibility of social stability in the city, the functioning of which is unstable in terms of other indicators, is doubtful. Thus, the management of the city involves a targeted impact on the complex of socio-economic relations. The importance of both social and economic elements of such a complex can hardly be overestimated. However, from the standpoint of city management, it is fundamentally important to understand their hierarchy in the process of building the goals of the management system, in the course of constructing their kind of subordination in the organization of the management cycle.

In this sense, the importance of economic relations as a basis, the basis of socio-economic development, is obvious. Accordingly, social relations, processes and indicators to a greater extent predetermine the target orientation of such development and are the starting points in the system of priorities. In the dialectical bundle of socio-economic relations, the economy embodies resource opportunities and constraints on social development, while social parameters rather reflect the target opportunities and limitations of economic processes.

The purpose of local self-government is to create conditions for ensuring normal life in the city. The area of ​​responsibility of local self-government includes the socio-economic sphere of the city. Consequently, social parameters are important components of both the target function and the scope of local government, which is due to the essence of social relations and the nature of local government. Therefore, the system of goals of local self-government should be built on the basis of social priorities and taking into account financial and economic restrictions.

The objective and subjective correlation of various spheres of urban life (in particular, social and financial and economic) from the standpoint of management is such that the main efforts, activities, programs are focused primarily on solving financial and economic problems. This makes it possible to orient the distribution of resources to those areas of activity that are able to provide a relatively faster and more significant effect from their use, their certain self-growth. That is, in such a situation, such projects are financed as a priority, the implementation of which allows increasing the resource base of local self-government, its expansion, which is necessary to ensure other, related goals and objectives.

There are also several main elements that are especially important for understanding development prospects:

Determination of the composition and values ​​of social standards, the maximum permissible in terms of maintaining the stability of the socio-economic situation in the city;

Analysis of the financial and economic situation as an objective basis for the development (or degradation) of the social sphere;

Analysis of the current state of the social sphere and the trend of its dynamics, on which the nature of its potential development also depends to a certain extent.

The city, and due to its backbone position, and the region, experience a relatively heavier social burden. The reason for this is the high proportion of science-intensive and labor-intensive industries, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, where the greatest losses are due to the economic downturn, ill-conceived policies and practices of restructuring, denationalization, the non-payment crisis, and insufficient government support. Last year, the federal budget's debt to enterprises and organizations of the region exceeded 1,413 million rubles, including 346 million rubles for defense orders.

As a result, the tax base decreases. This is accompanied by an increase in the burden on local budgets due to the transfer to this level of an additional network of social institutions, housing stock and some state powers. As a result, the imbalance of revenues and expenditures of local finances is increasing. Social guarantees to the population, designated by law, are practically not provided with federal funding. There is a decentralization of social responsibility, not supported by financial and economic support.

This process is carried out both legally and in fact, since the level of local authorities and self-government is objectively closest to the centers of social problems and sources of social tension; from this level, there is nowhere further (with all the desire) to “delegate” social responsibility. It is also very problematic to obtain significant additional financial and economic support resources at this level under the current conditions. Therefore, the center of gravity is shifted practically to the local level not so much of social regulation as of social problems.

For a stable economy of small towns, it is necessary, in particular, to intensify the use of extra-budgetary (state and municipal) funds, the use of borrowed funds, the introduction of regulatory planning of public sector expenditures based on the application of social standards and regulations, the delimitation of local government responsibility for the socio-economic development of the city, introduction of normative and contractual separation of functions for resolving issues at the local level and exercising state powers.

The economic stability of the city is an integral characteristic of its existence. At present, the concept of economic stability is one of the important characteristics of its investment attractiveness, determines the main management tools, and also improves the efficiency of management activities. In this regard, the assessment of economic stability from a general scientific problem passes into the category of applied ones. Thus, considering the concept of assessing economic stability is an important step in the development of a comprehensive methodology for assessing it.

Classification of small towns

A small town is a district center of regional, regional or republican subordination; in the vast majority of cases it is a city or (very rarely) an urban-type settlement. In this formulation, a small city has a clear position in the structure of territorial entities - it is a city of the third level, but the first in that vast expanse of rural settlements, to which the threads of the spiritual and educational culture of the entire region are drawn. Modern small towns can be divided into three main groups.

Cities are local centers. This is a kind of mini-capital. They head an administrative region or part of it, and sometimes a group of administrative regions. Cities - local centers make up the largest group of small towns. Among them are the former county centers, and recent villages that received the status of a city in Soviet times. The city lives by using the resources of the surrounding area and serving its needs. The natural position of the city center is in the junction of roads covering the "sponsored" territory.

The city is connected with the surrounding settlements by regular bus routes, traffic on which noticeably increases on Sundays. A characteristic feature of the layout of such cities is that the main streets serve as a continuation of the roads converging to the city and lead directly to the center, the most representative part of the city. The center is marked by buildings of different eras - from the city's cathedral, which was the heart of the city in the 18th-19th centuries, to the building of the former district committee of the party, which played the same role in Soviet times. In some cities, the functions of the administrative center are the main ones. Others perform them "part-time", in addition to the main activity.

Satellite cities. These are the “splashes” of a big city, pieces that have bounced off it. They are among the youngest cities that have grown rapidly, especially in the post-war period.

Satellite cities are very diverse. In some cases, they arise on the basis of a branch of a plant or institute located in the city center. Among satellite cities there are often cities of science, which are located, as a rule, surrounded by large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk.

The share of small towns - district centers in the total population of small towns of economic regions of Russia.

Economic regions share of small towns of regional centers (%):

Northern? 72.4

Northwestern? 64.4

Central? 74.1

Volga-Vyatka? 95.5

Central Black Earth? 88.9

Volga region? 88.3

North Caucasian? 78.0

Ural? 59.3

West Siberian? 57.0

East Siberian? 60.4

Far Eastern? 66.2

TOTAL? 71.0

Cities are specialized centers. They are also very numerous and diverse, as a rule, focused on any one sector of the economy. Such are the cities - the centers of mining in the North; the severity of natural conditions does not allow them to combine several "professions". In other cases, a small town is doomed to monofunctionality by the secrecy of production; its closed nature makes the city stand out. Finally, in many cities, narrow specialization is associated with youth: the city has only recently begun to exist and has not had time to attract other types of activity.

By the nature of the economic base, small towns can be divided into three main groups:

The first includes cities with a relatively developed economic base (53% of small towns in Russia).

The second group consists of cities with a relatively small economic base. They account for about 40% of all small towns in Russia. Among them are cities:

With relatively developed industrial, industrial and transport functions (3%)

With a predominance of functions for the socio-cultural services of adjacent territories (30%)

With pronounced agricultural functions (5%)

With pronounced recreational functions (2%)

The third group includes cities of all other functional types, accounting for about 7% of all small towns in Russia.

1. 2 Features of socio-economic developmentcitiesat the present stage

A municipal entity is an element of the national economy, therefore, its development trends, on the one hand, reflect, and on the other hand, determine the development trends of a more general socio-economic system in which it operates. In a changing economic environment, when the crisis has engulfed a number of sectors of the economy, cities saturated with defense, textile, and coal mining enterprises have fallen into a difficult situation. The so-called single-profile cities, the city-forming base of which is represented by one enterprise or several enterprises of a similar profile, found themselves in a particularly difficult situation.

Most of the "small" cities of Russia are among such cities. One of the most important features of Russia is the sharp polarization of development opportunities - at one extreme are large cities (the 31 largest cities account for 1% of all urban settlements and 34% of the urban population), and at the other - small, medium-sized cities and urban-type settlements (respectively almost 95% of all urban settlements and 38% of the population).

Large cities and urban agglomerations are multifunctional economic complexes with a high concentration of production. The main part of the largest monopoly enterprises is concentrated in them, and due to their specificity, it is they who ensure high profitability of invested funds, concentrate highly qualified personnel and achieve scientific and technological progress. Financial resources are concentrated in large cities and structural adjustment is more actively going on, which is an attractive factor for all categories of investors. Therefore, at present, only large cities fit into the structure of regional development programs. The reasons for this are in the initially formed deep differences and the serious lagging behind of small cities from large ones.

As a result of the economic policy pursued in the pre-reform period, small towns were predominantly integrated into the all-Russian sectoral rather than territorial economy. Due to the high degree of such integration, they are currently overwhelmingly incapable of autonomous development. With the denationalization of the means of production, the organizing principles that unite economic links into a single economic system were lost, and in the process of reforms, small towns completely fell out of the sphere of interests of both the federal and regional authorities.

Thus, small towns and their economies almost instantly found themselves, on the one hand, outside the unified state system for managing economic development, but, on the other hand, there was no alternative to this former system, no solution that would allow small town enterprises to gradually move into a new system of market relations. was not proposed by the reformers. At the same time, the fact that most small towns are poorly developed in socio-economic terms has become more and more aggravating.

The problems of these cities are primarily related to the state of the city-forming enterprises. A common problem is that most engineering networks are owned by enterprises located on their territory. This makes the city authorities and the city as a whole dependent on them, which is typical, for example, for the city of Chebarkul. Here, on the territory of the Uralskaya Kuznitsa plant, one of the leading enterprises in the city, there is a boiler house that not only produces process heat for the plant, but also heats the entire city. Satka, a city with two large enterprises - a metallurgical plant and the Magnezit plant, is heated by burning industrial waste. In 1997, due to a sharp reduction in magnesite production, the city was left without heat, which led to an aggravation of social contradictions. The most important social problem of small towns is unemployment, including hidden and stagnant unemployment.

The transition to an open market economy, the elimination of the state from solving the economic problems of industrial enterprises led to the halt of a number of industries in the military-industrial complex, mechanical engineering, light, food, agricultural, processing industries, that is, industries that form the backbone of small towns. In small "coal" towns, only the first stage of restructuring of the industry was carried out: most of the mines in the cities of Yemanzhelinsk, Kopeysk, and Korkino were closed. There are no financial resources to carry out the structural restructuring of their economy and the creation of alternative enterprises. The material base for the development of the social sphere of small towns is being destroyed. Enterprises are unable to maintain their housing and communal facilities and social infrastructure. They transfer them to the balance of the city, which, in turn, is not able to properly ensure the functioning of these facilities. Thus, it should be stated that, due to the specifics of small towns, the general negative processes for the country are most acute here. Meanwhile, if large cities, together with agglomerations, are urbanized cores scattered throughout the territory and their influence extends to only 0.7% of the territory of Russia, then small urban settlements are the predominant form of urban settlement in all regions of Russia and almost all populated areas are under their influence. points (more than 150 thousand). On the whole, as a result of the reforms, the previously existing gap in the levels of development between large cities (regional and regional centers) and small cities has increased to catastrophic proportions in the recent period. To date, no mechanism has been created to help narrow this gap. Moreover, mechanisms are needed for a cautious, smooth transition of the economy of small towns to a new system of economic relations.

Due to the specifics of the economy of small towns, the general negative processes for the country are most acute here. In this situation, the role of the local administration in managing the socio-economic development of a small town increases significantly.

The vast majority of small towns are single-industry settlements (MPS). The specifics of single-industry cities, traditionally manifested in the nature of employment of the population (for example, the predominance of female employment in textile settlements, male employment in mining), and the corresponding disproportions by sex of the population during the crisis period were exacerbated by additional changes in the age composition of the population, due to the closure or suspension of work of a significant part of city-forming enterprises and the outflow of the population of working age, incl. youth. A narrow sphere of employment, long-term unemployment, declining living standards, curtailment of social infrastructure, reduction in budget revenues, depreciation of public utilities - all these are problems of WFP affected by the crisis. The process of bankruptcy of enterprises in the MPP has become a matter of selection of the settlements themselves, some of which have already ceased to exist, and a number of others have lost the status of urban settlements.

Monoprofile is defined as the dominance of any industry in the specialization of the economic base of the city. The concept of mono-industry in the scientific literature, as a rule, was applied to cities and towns, in which 1-2 large city-forming enterprises belonged to the same industry, the main employment and incomes of local budgets were associated with these enterprises. The following quantitative criteria were used: at the enterprises of the dominant industry, either >50% of the volume of all products is produced, or >25% of the employed are employed; the main functions of which are the maintenance of railway transport of correctional institutions, military units, recreational services, as well as cities - science cities and closed territorial entities (ZATO).

The profile and location of most WFPs coincides with the specialization of the regions, many of which are relatively highly specialized.

The location of the MSP associated with the extraction of fuel and mineral resources is predetermined by the geological structure of the territory, the size of the deposits. So, in the eastern part of the country, a number of lonely urban settlements were formed at local deposits of non-ferrous metals, on the basis of larger deposits (like Norilsk) - a group of MPPs; all are characterized by focal location outside the main settlement zone, poor transport accessibility. In the basin deposits of coal and gas, areal settlement systems have formed: in the areas of new development - consisting of MPS (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), in areas of old development - from multi-profile cities and MPS (Kuzbass, Eastern Donbass).

The taiga zone is associated with the location of forest specialization MSP. A network of logging villages has been formed here, connected with single-industry towns of woodworking specialization and multi-profile centers with large pulp and paper mills. WFPs of food specialization, processing agricultural products, are located in the steppe zone. Such cities simultaneously perform central functions in relation to the countryside.

WFPs of the fish harvesting sub-sector are located in coastal regions (Kaliningrad, Kamchatka, Sakhalin Regions, Primorsky Territory).

The defense factor predetermined the specifics of the location of the cities of the military-industrial complex and ZATO. They are characterized by a relatively secluded location, some of them are located in the deep places of the country, some - in coastal regions, some ZATOs are located in agglomerations.

Science cities are located in the gravitational field of the largest centers.

The increased concentration of SMEs of light industry in the northeastern part of the CER is historically inherited from the era of early capitalism in Russia, their location was influenced by cheap labor and a capacious consumer market.

The presence of a large number of SMEs of metallurgical and machine-building specialization in the Urals is also a consequence of the early stages of the deployment of productive forces. The location of machine-building WFPs in the Central regions is associated with the specialization of this territory and with a high concentration of population and settlements.

Monoprofile cities can be divided into:

a) emerged as monoprofile and continue to be so:

Historical cities that have grown out of industrial settlements and factory villages and have not outlived their mono-industry;

Cities of the period of industrialization of the country that emerged as industrial and remained highly specialized (polluting production, unprofitable EGP, harsh climatic conditions, etc.);

Young cities with large manufacturing enterprises, which have emerged both on the basis of urban settlements and located in the "open field";

Young "resource" cities and towns located in areas with extreme natural conditions;

Science cities, closed cities - a special type of MPP, where science and production related to the military-industrial complex were simultaneously developed;

b) that have become single-industry in the process of development:

Cities that arose in connection with the performance of various non-industrial functions (defense, administrative, trade and transport), in which a relatively large industrial enterprise was located during the Soviet period;

Small towns that used to be multi-profile, but have become single-profile over the past 10 years: the emergence of a leading enterprise in terms of production volumes is caused by a drop in production at others;

c) those that have lost their monoprofile due to the narrowing of the economic base:

Cities and towns that formally ceased to be single-industry: in connection with the liquidation of the main city-forming enterprise, in which the problem of employment of the released population has not been resolved.

The opinion is often expressed in the literature that mono-profile is associated with miscalculations in planning, lack of investment resources, etc. But the reason for the reproduction of mono-profile lies not so much in the nature of the economic base, but in the growth opportunities of the city, its position in the group system of settlements. Mono-profile is inherent in most of the small towns, just as in the hierarchical system of settlements all cannot become large and large cities, just as all settlements cannot be poly-profile. The existence of WFP in the country for a long period indicates the objectivity of the phenomenon, due to the peculiarities of the economic and spatial development of the territory.

1. 3 The main directions of development of small towns in Russiaeconomic stability city management

Strategic directions for the development of small towns can be:

Strengthening their role as centers of gravitating regions, including agricultural, recreational, timber industry;

Reprofiling in those cases when the existing specialization is ineffective in the new market conditions;

Strengthening their role as structural centers in the agglomerations of the largest cities (transport hubs, locations of industrial enterprises removed from the main city or interconnected with the enterprises of the main city - the center of the agglomeration, recreational and other service centers or complementing the economic complex of agglomerations, etc.);

Development of functions based on the existing potential of the city, especially qualified personnel;

Development, first of all, of historical cities and cities with especially favorable natural conditions for these purposes and monuments of history and culture.

Important mechanisms for the growth of small towns and cities are the comprehensive development of small businesses, attracting investments as a result of a well-thought-out marketing system and skillful implementation of measures to comprehensively improve the image of the city, the widespread use of tax incentives and other measures to support enterprises and business areas, the most promising in the context of this city.

Table 1

Target Audiences

Welfare of residents

High quality

urban environment

Active economic development

Competitiveness of the city in the markets of labor, capital, ideas

Good image of the city

The attraction of living in the city

Potential Residents

Favorable investment climate

Potential investors

Attracting tourists

Tourists, travel companies

Promotion of sales of local producers

Potential markets

Strengthening the reputation of the city

Higher levels of government, neighbors, foreign partners, associations of the Moscow Region

The task of activating the development of small towns does not require thousands of small towns and settlements to develop as large industrial centers. Most small towns do not have favorable conditions for large-scale industry: convenient construction sites, fuel, energy and raw materials, acceptable conditions for water supply, wastewater disposal, etc. The main factor favoring the development of industry in these cities - their labor resources - is undoubtedly important and should be used, but as a rule, it does not allow large-scale industrial construction: the labor resources available in a small city are relatively small and during the construction large enterprises are quickly exhausted, there is a need to attract labor from outside. In most cases, the construction of large industrial enterprises in small towns is not economically efficient.

In our opinion, and also adhered to by V.Sh. Kaganov in his work "Organization of Small Business Support" small towns should be developed as:

one ? local centers occupying a more modest but extremely important place in the hierarchy of populated areas and leading the development of gravitating agricultural territories with corresponding service enterprises and local industries;

2 - locations of workshops, branches and highly specialized industries of large enterprises in large cities that easily "fit" into the systems of municipal equipment of these cities (which do not require special thermal power plants, industrial water intakes and treatment plants, etc.). This very promising way of "dispersed" distribution of industry has recently been developed in the largest agglomerations (for example, the construction of branches in the cities of the Moscow region by large Moscow enterprises of mechanical engineering and light industry). It is greatly facilitated by the tendency towards a narrow specialization of a number of industries, which makes it possible to simplify and facilitate the training of personnel for them in small towns;

3? recreation and tourism centers, which will be very important in the future.

Highly specialized cities, under the necessary conditions, should be able to master at least one more area of ​​activity and gradually transform into a multifunctional center. Cities - centers of the extractive industry can be singled out as a special group. For each of them, the concept of repurposing is necessary, since the mineral deposit, which serves as the basis for the existence of the city, will someday be completely developed. With regard to small towns, various methods should be used to intensify their development: the creation of new industrial enterprises or their gradual transformation into centers of recreation and tourism, the strengthening of the significance of these cities as "capitals" of the lower regions.

In the case of using industry as a lever for the rise of small towns, it is obligatory to take into account all the functions they perform so that they are not suppressed. On the contrary, the development of industry should help to strengthen other features characteristic of a small town, be related to the needs of the region, be oriented towards the processing of local raw materials or the service of local needs. It is advisable to be guided by the recommendations on the selection of enterprises that, in terms of profile and size, correspond to the growth of a small city and its position in the settlement system.

Typological and regional features of cities, the place of each of them in the settlement and territorial structure of the country and region, the essence of the city as a special type of territorial concentration of the population and its activities - all this must be taken into account when developing a city development concept, which should be created for each city in accordance with with his personality. To resolve disputes and to search for the optimal solution for the development of the city is required on the basis of scientific data.

Effective management technologies for the development of small towns include external conditions at the federal level.

There are only five of them: optimization of interaction between state power and local self-government, including the organization of a multi-level system of economic and urban planning (from the federal level to the city); ensuring the proportional development of small and large cities with the formation of an investment fund for the development of small towns; change in tariff policy (small towns cannot be saved without stabilization and reduction of tariffs); rejection of the straightforward implementation of the principle of equalizing per capita incomes of the population in interbudgetary relations; change in attitude towards the Stabilization Fund and the reserves of the Central Bank, as The black day has already arrived.

There are four external conditions at the regional level: determination of the role of each city in the territorial organization of production and settlement of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation and priority areas for the development of each city (the city itself cannot establish them); territorial differentiation of all payments in the region in accordance with the priorities set by the subject of the Federation, and optimization of inter-municipal budgetary relations; coordination of inter-municipal relations from the point of view of the interests of the subject of the Federation as a single socio-ecological and economic entity, in which everyone should be oriented towards a single end result; development of intercity social, engineering, transport and institutional infrastructure.

The internal conditions for the development of small towns are:

Ensuring unconditional confidence of the population and business in local authorities based on the formation of a favorable investment climate;

Creation of a predictive and analytical service for strategic planning for the advance preparation of the required project documentation and early warning of business about upcoming changes in the economic situation;

Systematic territorial marketing for timely informing potential investors about your city;

Carrying out optimal land, housing and communal, socio-cultural, youth and personnel policies;

An all-round increase in the social activity of all strata and territorial groups of the population with the simultaneous adjustment of this activity to the formation of a favorable environment for life in the city and to combat personal, group, corporate egoism.

The Small Towns Accelerated Development Program will operate only if each city has its own development program. The schema could be like this:

Available potential;

The most effective directions of its use for the country;

Damage to the country from its underutilization;

The first start-up package of measures for the development of the city and the need for investment;

Investments that the city itself can provide;

Calculation of the payback period of regional and federal funds and an approximate schedule for their return.

Similar documentation should be in each subject of the Federation.

To do this, at the federal level it is necessary:

recognize that the issue of local importance for municipalities is the formation of the living environment (urban planning, economic, socio-political, and so on) of their population, and the main task of local government is to adjust the behavior of all economic entities on their territory (regardless of ownership) to an accelerated increasing its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country; refuse: 1) from the privatization of municipal property as allegedly excessive, because it is always less than necessary for the formation of a living environment; 2) from reducing natural resources to man-made things (to real estate); 3) from the division of land, like property, into federal, subject of the Federation, municipal and private (it is correct to speak of public and private lands with an appropriate mechanism for interaction between the state and local government in the field of land and property relations);

introduce a procedure for the mandatory development of municipal concepts for property management (the municipality manages its property; it regulates the policy in the sphere of the use of existing property by other owners in terms of the optimal directions for the contribution of its territory to the laws of the system organization of the Russian Federation);

to neutralize municipal and regional selfishness, introduce a mandatory transfer on a progressive scale of fines from investment-attractive cities to the budget of the constituent entities of Russia for each additional (compared to the calculated level of workplace and for each additional resident, otherwise the process of desertification of territories with a low market price of land and labor force with all the undesirable consequences of this).

The implementation of all these requirements necessary for the development of small towns is possible only on the basis of a clear technology for the interaction of city, regional and federal structures.

First of all, a kind of inventory of existing enterprises is needed in order to identify "bottlenecks", the jointing of which will allow restoring the pre-reform level of economic activity in two or three years. Today, there is no information to determine how much money a particular city needs to increase the number of actually functioning jobs. It is very important for the leadership of each city to clearly understand in the production of which goods and services this city has a competitive advantage over others. This will allow you to establish a clearly oriented territorial marketing of your city in relation to potential investors.

It is especially promising to use the smallest opportunities in the city for holding festivals, exhibitions, fairs, sports competitions, days of memory of outstanding fellow countrymen - everything that can attract people to the city who are ready to leave their money here. Everything that can attract talented people here and play an incentive role in choosing a place for investing capital of an investor.

But all this will be of little effect if the technology of increasing the social activity of the population, reducing social tension and increasing confidence in the authorities is missed in the complex of works to revive their economy. It is important to understand that social tension, which reduces the investment attractiveness of the city, has little to do with the hardships of life. If people are convinced that any other solution will lead to even greater hardships, then they unite around such power. The technology of ensuring the unconditional trust of the population in the authorities requires special consideration. Here it is also important to emphasize the need to create for this in each city a mathematical model for a comprehensive assessment of the consequences of decisions made. On the one hand, they protect the government from its own miscalculations, and on the other hand, from all sorts of demagogues. Such models are especially important in the pre-election time in those cities whose leaders really work for the benefit of their constituents. It is against these leaders that the most dirty tricks are used, and the local authorities have no other defense than to show, with the help of these models, what it will cost the townspeople to refuse the line being drawn.

Finally, special attention should be paid to increasing the social activity of the population, including in elections. This is the holding of citywide and microdistrict holidays that unite people, and all-round stimulation of the development of territorial public self-government based on the principle of equivalence. If you increase your contribution to the development of the city, you will receive moral and, in one form or another, material reward. Ignoring the interests of the city - the opposite is true.

However, with all the activity and with all the confidence of the population in the local authorities, a small town is doomed to devastation if it lacks places for the employment and leisure of young people. And without direct (through the budget for the development of small towns) and indirect (through the economic mechanism for the proportional development of large, medium and small towns) state support for small towns, these places of application of labor cannot be created.

Small towns are the key to Russia's natural wealth, which is potentially estimated at 350 trillion. $. The current market value of the largest companies in Russia is 1 trillion. $. In order for these riches to acquire their market value, it is necessary to ensure their availability and involvement in the world economic turnover. Prospects for the development of small towns in Russia are associated with the development of infrastructure.

The information revolution and the Internet have created the basis for information support for development. The Government of the Russian Federation allocates significant funds for the development of roads.

The role of small towns as the foundation for the development of the industrial sphere of activity is increasing every year. The organization of qualitative changes, consisting in the transfer of production capacities from large cities to small ones, will increase the production potential of the latter and create a favorable investment climate. Having gone a long way of historical development, small towns have lost their significance, their status as the cultural and industrial center of the region. The development of industry and urban infrastructure will make it possible to achieve an increase in the living standards of the population, to get out of the critical situation for small towns and to regain the status of the cultural and industrial center of the region. In addition, the existing historical heritage, reminiscent of the traditions and customs of small towns during the formation and development of the Russian state, cannot be lost, but on the contrary, the revival of interest in it will attract the attention of people from big cities, which will also affect the revival and further development of small towns. cities. The transition to the principles of self-development: self-government and self-financing are the main components of the system for the preservation and restoration of small towns in our country.

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In order to develop measures that can increase the economic sustainability of OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod, we will determine the main problems that exist at the enterprise:

there is an increase in non-current assets,

the company is experiencing a shortage of its own funds to finance current assets,

accounts payable for all periods exceed the amount of the most liquid assets,

short-term liabilities for all periods exceed the amount of quickly realizable assets,

Decreased profitability of sales

inefficient use of property, resources and equity,

the number of employees in the enterprise increases, but at the same time net profit decreases,

The company has a large amount of inventory

Accounts receivable are declining, but remain quite high.

One of the main measures contributing to the improvement of the economic stability of OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod is the reduction of the share of non-current assets. Non-current assets at the enterprise are less liquid than receivables, financial investments, cash, and if they can be transferred into more liquid assets, this will increase the overall liquidity of the IHFZ balance sheet and lead to the fact that quickly realizable assets will exceed the amount of short-term liabilities.

Profitability of sales can decrease for a variety of reasons:

change in assortment policy,

change in pricing policy

Changes in cost rates, etc.

In our case, the profitability of sales at OAO IKhPZ is declining against the backdrop of rising production costs with insufficient growth in production volume, which is an unfavorable trend. Possible reasons for this could be:

Increased cost rates

Inflationary cost growth outpaces revenue growth.

At the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, the profitability of sales has decreased due to an increase in cost rates, so it is necessary to develop measures that help reduce cost rates and increase production volume.

To improve economic sustainability, it is necessary to provide for measures that contribute to a more efficient use of equity capital.

The growth in the number of employees in 2013 is observed against the background of a decrease in net profit. This is due to the fact that the specifics of the production of medicines require that each employee know the basics of production, fulfill all the requirements for the production of quality products. The quality of products affects many indicators, so, according to the data of Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation, in 2011, the products of the Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant were rejected in the amount of 871 thousand rubles, in 2012 - in the amount of 229 thousand rubles, in 2013 - in the amount of the amount of 1664 thousand rubles, i.e. there is an increase in products recognized as defective, and this, in turn, indicates a lack of experience of the personnel working at the plant, a violation of the requirements in terms of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in production.

Stocks at the enterprise tend to increase, which indicates the overstocking of the enterprise's warehouses.

Accounts receivable for the periods under study decreases, but at the same time remains quite high.

Based on the foregoing, we will determine the following measures that can increase the economic sustainability of OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant:

1. reduction of production cost norms,

2. more efficient use of own and borrowed capital,

3. Increasing the number of experienced workers,

4. reduction of stocks at the enterprise,

5. decrease in receivables.

Assessment of the economic sustainability of the enterprise and development of measures to improve it

1. The essence of economic sustainability

1.1 Importance of economic sustainability

The economic sustainability of an enterprise is a generalizing indicator of its activity, which is formed in the process of production and sale of products and depends on its production stability and financial and commercial stability.

Production sustainability is the stability of production, guaranteed by the supply of orders, a high technical level of production, progressive technological processes, the efficiency of the use of fixed and working capital, a rational system for organizing production and labor, and an optimal production management system. Production sustainability is influenced by the potential of the enterprise and the results of its production activities.

The growth of the potential of an enterprise depends on the growth of its technical level, the progressiveness of fixed production assets and the efficiency of their use, on the introduction of investments, innovations and new technical and organizational solutions.

The growth of the efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise is influenced by:

· the optimal structure and range of products, the level of progressiveness and quality of products, their renewal, the degree of certification and exportation;

· the optimal structure of personnel: a high level of qualification, stability of personnel, maximum use of working time, growth in labor productivity, rational use of the wage fund, reduction of unproductive payments and additional payments;

Reducing production costs.

Financial and commercial stability is a reflection of a stable excess of income over expenses of an enterprise, which ensures the free circulation of its funds. This is such a state of the process of formation and use of the financial resources of the enterprise, which ensures its development based on an increase in profits and the cost of capital while maintaining an appropriate level of solvency and creditworthiness.

The results of the following influence the financial and commercial sustainability of an enterprise:

· management efficiency, expressed in the growth of profits and profitability of the enterprise;

financial activities that predetermine the stability of the financial condition, normal financial stability, solvency, creditworthiness, liquidity of the balance sheet and assets of the balance sheet, market stability, business activity, high rating score, high sustainability coefficient of economic growth.

1.2 Purpose, objectives and instruments of economic sustainability

The process of assessing the economic sustainability of enterprises is carried out in stages. During the preparatory phase, the need for an economic sustainability assessment is determined. The economic sustainability of an enterprise is assessed in the following cases:

When creating a new promising direction of activity,

With changes in existing activities in order to increase their competitiveness.

By improving the efficiency of the enterprise,

At the request of potential investors,

When closing unpromising activities.

The object of economic sustainability assessment is the economic activity of the enterprise associated with the external environment: potential customers, suppliers, competitors and government agencies. The subject of economic sustainability assessment is the enterprise that is being analyzed.

The main goal of conducting an economic sustainability assessment is to increase the economic sustainability of the subject of assessment based on studying the needs of society, the market, analyzing competitors and the economic activities of business structures, processing the results obtained and creating a plan of practical measures for both the short and long term.

When conducting an analysis of economic sustainability, the following tasks are solved:

the needs of society and the market, implemented by the subject and its competitors, are determined;

the factors influencing positively and negatively on the subject of assessment are singled out;

various types of reserves are determined, which in the future can be used to increase the economic stability of the enterprise;

Based on the identified reserves, a plan is formed to improve economic sustainability.

Taking into account the fact that the reasons for the unstable situation of modern organizations are within them, in order to guarantee the sustainable development of the enterprise, it is advisable to carry out activities to increase the economic sustainability of the enterprise in the following areas:

ensuring market orientation and competition;

increasing the manageability and flexibility of the organizational structure;

creation of mechanisms to reduce the risk of losses;

increase in investment and innovation activity;

ensuring profitability;

cost reduction;

maintaining liquidity, etc.

Management tools to ensure the achievement of the set goals, sustainable development and functioning of modern enterprises are:

1. Monitoring the activities of the enterprise, the purpose of which is to study, evaluate and report to the managers and / or owners of the enterprise information about the adequacy and effectiveness of the functioning of units; ensuring timely fulfillment of financial and contractual obligations of the analyzed enterprise; forecasting the economic development of this enterprise. The functions and tasks of monitoring are: preparation of analytical information necessary for making rational and timely management decisions, an objective assessment of the results of the economic activity of the enterprise as a whole and its individual divisions, analysis of factors affecting the result of the enterprise's functioning, identification of internal production reserves, economic justification of investment projects .

Management accounting, the purpose of which is to provide a full range of actual, planned and forecast data on the characteristics of the functioning of an enterprise as an economic and production unit, including the provision of data on the enterprise as a whole, as well as in the context of structural and production divisions, responsibility centers.

3. Budgeting, the purpose of which is to provide the production and commercial process with the necessary financial resources both in terms of structure and volume; improving the efficiency of cash management of a modern enterprise. The functions and tasks of budgeting are: the establishment of budgeting objects, the development of a budget system, the calculation of budget indicators, the determination of the required amount of financial resources, the calculation of the amount of external and internal financing, the identification of reserves for their additional attraction, the forecast of income, expenses of the enterprise.

Controlling, its purpose is to create a system for managing the current goals of the enterprise, making timely decisions to optimize the activities of the enterprise. Controlling functions are: investment planning, financial planning, internal control, organization of information flows, coordination of business processes, development of recommendations for decision-making.

Marketing, the purpose of which is the formation of an image of products (works, services) and the enterprise itself, the development of a distinctive advantage.

6. Logistics, its purpose is planning, organization, management and control of the movement of material and information flows. .

1.3 Types of economic analysis

In analytical practice, various types of economic analysis are used, depending on the timing, objects and subjects, the content of analytical programs and other features. Table 1 presents the types of analysis in accordance with their classification feature.

Table 1. Typology of types of applied economic analysis

Classification sign

Type of analysis

Control objects

Technical and economic; financial and economic; socio-economic; managerial; marketing; economic and statistical; economic and environmental, etc.

Subjects of management and interested persons of its implementation

Analysis conducted by management, functional services; owners; suppliers; buyers; credit institutions; audit firms; financial recovery and bankruptcy agencies; judicial and legal bodies, etc.

Users (consumers) of analysis

Internal and external analysis

Frequency of holding

Annual, quarterly, monthly, daily, shift, one-time


On-farm and off-farm


Sectoral and intersectoral

Completeness of coverage of objects

Solid and selective; local and thematic

Temporary sign

Subsequent (retrospective, historical, "posthumous"); preliminary (promising, strategic); operational (situational), express analysis

Research methodology

Comparative, including benchmarking, diagnostic, deterministic factorial, stochastic (correlation), marginal, commercial risks, functional cost, complex, system

Sources of information

Financial, managerial, investment, innovation, tax

Distinctive features of each type of analysis are: its target orientation and tasks; objects of research and sources of information; carrying out methodology. For example, the tasks of operational analysis are to track the magnitude of deviations from the normal course of activity; rapid identification of internal and external causes that caused deviations; assessment of the current situation from the standpoint of the fulfillment of external obligations; preparation of options for management decisions depending on the parameters of deviations and the need for intervention by managers of different levels.

Operational analysis is largely focused on assessing the performance of hourly, shift and daily tasks and, as a rule, is carried out on a limited and periodically reviewed range of indicators and parameters in order to quickly respond from managers.

The following sources of information are used: primary and statistical accounting; operational accounting by responsibility and cost centers; accounting for changes in norms and deviations from them, if the normative method of cost accounting and calculation is actually implemented; materials of direct observations of activities; conversations with heads of departments and performers; assessments of specialists-experts, etc.

An independent type of operational analysis is selective express analysis.

Operational analysis closely correlates with predictive analysis for a short period, for the remaining days of a month or a quarter.

Predictive (strategic) analysis in modern conditions is of particular importance. Intensification of pre-production research, analytical and predictive support occupy a leading place in the mechanism of strategic management. Analytical and prognostic work is carried out in the following areas: marketing research; analysis of the situation in the company; analysis (scanning) of the external environment.

Marketing research includes the study of: trends in the development of demand and the formation of new needs among buyers; competitive position of the company, etc.

Analysis of the situation in the company is associated with identifying problems and opportunities for using internal resources based on a comparison of the main characteristics of the company with the corresponding parameters of the main competitors; with the study of problem areas for further management actions and developments.

Scanning of the external environment provides for: economic scanning (analysis of the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators, economic and competitive situation in the industry, the situation in financial markets, etc.); technical scanning (change in the course of scientific and technical competition, the emergence of fundamental innovations, non-traditional use of known technologies, etc.); political scanning (assessment of the general political situation, the stability of governments, the system of state regulation of the economy, the stability and rationality of economic regulation of the economy, the effectiveness of economic legislation, the degree of political risk of investments in a given region, etc.).

As can be seen, the target orientation and tasks of predictive analysis, the diversity of the objects of its study are very complex. Among the methods of economic analysis used in forecasting, a significant role belongs to the qualitative and content aspects, with the auxiliary role of quantitative methods of analysis.

Modern comparative analysis has a special effective direction - benchmarking, which is based on a comparison of the activities of not only competing enterprises, but also leading companies in other industries. The peculiarity of this type of analysis is that strategic planning is based not on tasks determined from what has been achieved, but on research of the most successful parameters both in one's own industry and in other industries. The purpose of the comparative analysis is to optimize the economic strategy and develop measures to close the gap in the performance of their own business and leaders, aimed at obtaining the highest effect from innovations in economic activity.

The development of a methodology and the improvement of benchmarking as a special area of ​​strategic analysis will make it possible to adopt a new philosophy for assessing the competitiveness of a business, when its highest level is associated with the constant improvement of the best, with the ability to work ahead of the curve.

With the undoubted independent role of predictive analysis in the mechanism of strategic management, one should not forget that it is closely related to subsequent retrospective analysis. Strategic business management is impossible without using the results of a retrospective analysis, the content and methodology of which are given much attention in the subsequent chapters of the textbook.

Modern business is associated with an increase in the role of this type of analysis, such as functional cost analysis. Its basic principle is to study the functionality of the objects of analysis and the costs of their implementation in order to minimize the latter with a high quality of products, goods, works and services. This type of analysis is distinguished by the creative nature of analytical research, innovative thinking, and the widespread use of heuristic methods.

The commercial activity of organizations contributes to the widespread use of marginal analysis - the so-called CIR analysis (Cost-Volume-ProfitAnalysis), based on the study of the relationship and ratio of costs, volume and profit, dividing costs into fixed and variable. This sensitive analysis, widely used in foreign practice, makes it possible to manage profit in business, optimize its parameters depending on deviations in the levels of volume indicators, specific variable costs, unit price, etc.

At the stage of formation, from the point of view of developing special methods, there is an analysis of commercial risks, which is of great practical importance, since the activities of organizations are carried out in conditions of uncertainty, in the presence of risky economic situations.

2. Economic sustainability analysis

2.1 Brief description of OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant

Open Joint Stock Company "Irbitsky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant" was established in accordance with the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other current legislative legal acts of the Russian Federation as a result of the privatization of the leased enterprise "Irbitsky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant" and is its full legal successor . The society is a commercial organization.

OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod is a legal entity and owns separate property recorded on its independent balance sheet, can acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf, incur obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The Company has civil rights and bears the obligations necessary for the implementation of any types of activities not prohibited by federal laws.

The Society has a round seal containing its full name in Russian and an indication of its location.

The Society has stamps and letterheads with its name, its own emblem and other means of visual identification. The company has its own trademark.

OAO Irbitsky Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant was founded in 1942 on the basis of the Akrikhin plant near Moscow evacuated to the Urals.

For more than half a century, the Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant has been known as a manufacturer of substances. Since 1991, the production of finished dosage forms has been based at the enterprise. To date, the production of tableted medicines is dominant and occupies 78% of the plant's volume. The company has two production workshops: a tableting workshop (CT), a workshop for the production of organic synthesis chemistry (CPC).

The number of employees at OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod is 929 people.

The nomenclature includes funds from the list of "Essential Medicines". The plant's products are certified in all respects. Today, the company delivers to more than 300 wholesale companies in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

Currently, the company produces finished dosage forms - more than 60 types of tablets (coated tablets, enteric-coated tablets), 16 types of tinctures and alcohol solutions, and also synthesizes 19 pharmaceutical substances for its own production of finished dosage forms and for sale.

The right of the enterprise to manufacture, store and distribute medicines is confirmed by a license.

The main goal of OJSC "Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant" is to make a profit through the sale of medicines and other activities.

The types of activities carried out by OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod are:

production of medicines;

production of other pharmaceutical and medical products;

production of basic pharmaceutical products;

wholesale trade in pharmaceutical and medical goods;

storage and warehousing;

· activities of the canteen at OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod;

· transportation of goods by all modes of transport, including international transportation, both on own and attracted vehicles;

· export-import operations and other foreign economic activity in accordance with the current legislation.

2.2 Analysis and assessment of balance

2.2.1 Vertical balance analysis

In order to determine the structure of the final financial indicators, let's carry out a vertical analysis of the balance sheet of JSC IHFZ for 3 years. Such an action will reveal the impact of individual parts of the balance sheet on the final result of the activity. To do this, we determine the proportion of individual articles in the overall structure. The final results are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Vertical balance sheet analysis

Balance line number

2011 thousand rubles

Specific gravity %

2012 thousand rubles

Specific gravity %

2013 thousand rubles

Specific gravity %

Non-current assets, including:

fixed assets

Financial investments

Current assets, including:

Accounts receivable

Balance (asset)

Capital and reserves, including:

Reserve capital

Borrowed funds

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

Balance (passive)

In the asset structure of the balance sheet of JSC Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod, a significant share belongs to current assets. In 2011, the share of current assets is 84.77% of the total assets, and the share of non-current assets is 15.23%. But over time, there is a decrease in current assets and an increase in non-current assets. So, in 2013, the share of non-current assets is already 28.42%. The increase in the share of non-current assets is due to a significant increase in fixed assets, so in 2009 fixed assets accounted for 13.52%, in 2012 already 27.03%, and in 2013 - 28.42%. The increase in the share of fixed assets in the balance structure indicates that the company has high overhead costs and OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod is sensitive to changes in revenue. In order for JSC IHFZ to maintain its financial stability in the future, it is necessary that the share of equity in the sources of financing be high.

The composition of current assets also includes inventories, the following trend is observed at JSC Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod: in 2011, the share of reserves is 45.33%, in 2012 - 42.29%, but in 2013 there is an increase in reserves for 35962 thousand rubles. and is 49.70%. The growth of stocks can be assessed positively if there is an increase in production, which is what happens at the enterprise in question.

Liabilities of the balance sheet are the following items: capital and reserves, long-term liabilities and short-term liabilities.

In 2011, the largest share fell on short-term liabilities - 55.98%. In 2012, capital and reserves have the largest share - 47.87%. In 2013, this trend continues: the capital and reserves item is growing and amounts to 56.36%. The increase in capital and reserves is due to the growth of retained earnings: from 26.01% in 2011 to 45.40% in 2013, in turn, the growth of retained earnings indicates the efficient operation of the enterprise.

At JSC IHFZ there is an increase in long-term liabilities from 4.36% in 2011 to 19.01% in 2013. The increase in long-term liabilities is due to the growth of borrowed funds, if in 2011 there were no borrowed funds at the enterprise, then in 2012 they amounted to 64573 thousand rubles. or 10.02%, and in 2013 their share increased to 16.32% or 101,338 thousand rubles.

At the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, there is a decrease in short-term liabilities, in 2011 they amounted to 278,958 thousand rubles. or 55.98%, in 2012 - 38.35% or 247174 thousand rubles, and in 2013 - 24.63% or 152916 thousand rubles. At the same time, the decrease occurs due to a decrease in borrowed funds from 32,029 thousand rubles. in 2011 to zero in 2013. At the same time, accounts payable also decrease from 246,629 thousand rubles. in 2011 to 152,916 thousand rubles. in 2013. It can be concluded that the share of short-term borrowings at OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod is decreasing and the share of long-term borrowings is increasing.

2.2.2 Horizontal balance sheet analysis

When conducting a horizontal analysis of the balance sheet, each position of the article is compared to date with the data of previous periods, while it becomes possible to identify the dynamics of reporting indicators over time. To do this, when conducting a horizontal analysis, the balance sheet data for a certain date (reference base) is taken as 100%, then a dynamic series of articles and sections of the balance sheet is built as a percentage of their base values.

Horizontal analysis of the organization's balance sheet is presented in table 5.

Table 5. Horizontal balance sheet analysis

Absolute deviation, thousand rubles 2011-2012

Absolute deviation, thousand rubles 2012-2013

% completion 2011-2012

2011, thousand rubles

2012, thousand rubles

2013, thousand rubles

Non-current assets, including:

fixed assets

Financial investments

Current assets, including:

Value added tax on acquired valuables

Accounts receivable

Cash and cash equivalents

Balance (asset)

Capital and reserves, including:

Authorized capital (share capital, authorized fund, contributions of comrades)

Additional capital (without revaluation)

Reserve capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Long-term liabilities, including:

Borrowed funds

Deferred tax liabilities

Short-term liabilities, including:

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

Balance (passive)

Consider the data in Table 5. According to these data, the amount of funding sources at the beginning of 2012 increased compared to 2011 by 146,289 thousand rubles. (by 29.36%), and at the beginning of 2013 decreased by 23,738 thousand rubles. (by 3.68%). This is due to the fact that in 2012 non-current assets increased significantly by 103,635 thousand rubles. (by 136.55%) and retained earnings - by 110,954 thousand rubles. (85.59%) compared to 2011. The decrease in funding sources in 2013 is due to a decrease in accounts receivable, if in 2012 the decrease in accounts receivable was 2.49%, then in 2013 the decrease in accounts receivable is 29 .78% or 55576 thousand rubles.

Fixed assets also changed significantly: in 2012, compared to 2011, there was an increase in fixed assets by 158.63% or 106,885 thousand rubles, but in 2013, fixed assets increased by only 2,183, or 1.25%.

In terms of financial investments at the Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, there is a downward trend, so in 2012 compared to 2011 they decreased by 3250 thousand rubles. (by 38.18%), and in 2013 there were no financial investments.

Current assets at the enterprise in 2012 compared to 2011 increased by 42,654 thousand rubles. or 10.10%. But in 2013, current assets, as well as non-current assets, decreased by 20,659 thousand rubles. or by 4.44%. The decrease in current assets is associated with a significant decrease in receivables.

There is an increase in capital and reserves, in 2012 they increased by 110,954 thousand rubles. or 56.14%, in 2013 compared to 2012 capital and reserves increased by 41,309 thousand rubles. or by 13.39%. Capital and reserves increase due to the growth of retained earnings: in 2012, compared to 2011, retained earnings increased by 110,954 thousand rubles. or 85.59%, and in 2013 retained earnings increased by 41,309 thousand rubles. or 17.17%.

Long-term liabilities at the enterprise are also growing: in 2012 they increased by 67,015 thousand rubles. or 308.71%, in 2013 long-term liabilities increased by 29315 thousand rubles. or by 33.04%. The growth of long-term liabilities is associated primarily with the appearance in 2012 of borrowed funds.

Short-term liabilities at the enterprise, on the contrary, tend to decrease: in 2012, compared to 2011, there is a decrease by 31,784 thousand rubles. or 11.39%, in 2013, compared with 2012, short-term liabilities decreased by 94,258 thousand rubles. or by 38.13%. This is due to the fact that borrowed funds are decreasing, in 2013 they are equal to zero, and accounts payable are also decreasing.

2.2.3 Balance sheet comparison

Based on the horizontal and vertical analyzes of the balance sheet, it is easy to build a comparative analytical balance sheet, which will reflect the indicators of three groups:

indicators of the balance sheet structure,

indicators of balance dynamics,

· Indicators of the structural dynamics of the balance sheet.

To conduct such a comparative analysis, we will build a table that will reflect the data from tables 4 and 5, while taking December 31, 2011 as the beginning of the period, and December 31, 2013 as the end of the period. Comparative analysis is presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Balance sheet comparison


Absolute indicators

Relative Indicators, %


At the beginning of the period, thousand rubles

At the end of the period, thousand rubles

At the beginning of the period

At the end of the period

Absolute indicators

Relative indicators

In % to the value at the beginning of the period

Non-current assets, including:

fixed assets

Financial investments

Current assets, including:

Value added tax on acquired valuables

Accounts receivable

Cash and cash equivalents

Balance (asset)

Capital and reserves, including:

Authorized capital (share capital, authorized fund, contributions of comrades)

Additional capital (without revaluation)

Reserve capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Long-term liabilities, including:

Borrowed funds

Deferred tax liabilities

Short-term liabilities, including:

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

Balance (passive)

A comparative analysis of the balance sheet of OJSC IHFZ shows that for the period from 2011 to 2013, the balance sheet of the enterprise increased by 122,551 thousand rubles. During this period, the share of non-current assets increased. At the beginning of the period, non-current assets accounted for 15.23% in the structure of the balance sheet, at the end of the period - 28.42%. The growth of non-current assets is associated with the growth of fixed assets, fixed assets changed their value by 109,068 thousand rubles, but at the same time, at the end of the period, there was a lack of financial investments at OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant. The growth of non-current assets is due to the fact that in these years the enterprise is repairing old premises for the production of medicines.

Current assets for 2013 increased and in absolute terms, the increase amounted to 21,995 thousand rubles. At the same time, the share of current assets in the balance sheet structure decreased by 13.19%. The decrease in the specific share of current assets is associated with a decrease in accounts receivable by 60,346 thousand rubles. or by 17.3%. A decrease in accounts receivable indicates a decrease in the amount of debts of debtors to the enterprise.

Comparative analysis shows the growth of capital and reserves by 152,263 thousand rubles. The growth is associated with an increase in retained earnings - by 152,263 thousand rubles.

Long-term liabilities are increasing and short-term liabilities are decreasing at OAO Irbitsk Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, which indicates that a competent credit policy is being pursued at the enterprise.

2.3 Analysis of financial activity by the method of financial ratios

Financial stability is understood as such a state of the enterprise, in which solvency is constant over time, and the ratio of equity and debt capital ensures this solvency. A system of coefficients is used to assess financial stability.

The financial condition of the enterprise is determined by the indicators of its balance with the involvement of other reporting materials.

The financial stability of an enterprise is determined in two ways:

) availability and adequacy of own capital;

) the degree of coverage of reserves by sources of funds.

The main coefficients by which the financial stability of an enterprise is determined are:

The capitalization ratio

coefficient of provision with own sources of financing,

the coefficient of financial independence,

The funding ratio

· factor of financial stability.

The capitalization ratio (shoulder of financial leverage) shows how much borrowed funds the organization has attracted for 1 ruble of its own funds invested in assets:

U 1 = Kzaem. / Cset=(p. 1400 + p. 1500) / p. 1300 (1)

U 1 - not higher than 1.5

U 1 2011 \u003d (21708 + 278958) / 197647 \u003d 1.52

U 1 2012 = (88723 + 247174) / 308601 = 1.09

U 1 2013 \u003d (118038 + 152916) / 349910 \u003d 0.77

The ratio of provision with own sources of financing shows what part of current assets is financed from own sources:

U 2 \u003d (Kobst. - Out of Obst.A) / Ob.A \u003d (p. 1300 - p. 1100) / p. 1200 (2)

Optimal U 2 ≥ 0.5

U 2 2011 = (197647 - 75894) / 422419 = 0.29

U 2 2012 = (308601 - 179529) / 465073 = 0.28

U 2 2013 = (349910 - 176450) / 444414 = 0.39

The financial independence ratio shows the share of own funds in the total amount of funding sources:

U 3 \u003d Kobst. / Balance currency = line 1300 / line 1700 (3)

4 ≤U 3 ≤0.6

U 3 2011 = 197647 / 498313 = 0.40

U 3 2012 = 308601 / 644602 = 0.48

U 3 2013 = 349910 / 620864 = 0.56

The financing ratio shows which part of the activity is financed by own funds, and which by borrowed funds:

U 4 \u003d Kobst. / Kzam.= line 1300 / (line 1400 + line 1500) (4)

U 4 ≥ 0.7, optimally ≈ 1.5

U 4 2011 \u003d 197647 / (21708 + 278958) \u003d 197647 / 300666 \u003d 0.66

U 4 2013 = 349910 / (118038 + 152916) = 349910 / 270954 = 1.29

The financial stability ratio shows how much of an asset is financed from sustainable sources:

U 5 \u003d (Kobst + Debt Obligation) / Balance currency \u003d (line 1300 + line 1400) / line 1700 (5)

U 5 2011 = (197647 + 21708) / 498313 = 219355 / 498313 = 0.44

U 5 2012 \u003d (308601 + 88723) / 644602 \u003d 397324 / 644602 \u003d 0.62

U 5 2013 = (349910 + 118038) / 620864 = 467948 / 620864 = 0.75

The change in the financial stability indicators of OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod from 2011 to 2013 is presented in Table 7.

Table 7. Changes in financial stability indicators

Indicators of financial stability

The value of liquidity indicators, for the year

Capitalization ratio

U 1 - not higher than 1.5

Coverage ratio with own sources of financing

Optimal U 2 ≥0.5

Financial Independence Ratio

0.4 ≤U 3 ≤0.6

Funding ratio

U 4 ≥ 0.7, optimally ≈1.5

Let's consider the dynamics of financial stability indicators at OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod. For these periods, according to Table 6, it can be seen that the capital structure has changed: the share of equity capital increases, and the share of borrowed capital decreases.

The capitalization ratio has an optimal value no higher than 1.5. If in 2011 the capitalization ratio exceeded the optimal value and was equal to 1.52, then in 2012 it decreases and is already 1.09, this trend continues and in 2013 the capitalization ratio for 2013 is already 0, 77. The decrease in the capitalization ratio speaks primarily about the growth of the financial stability of the enterprise due to the decrease in the organization's dependence on borrowed capital. In world practice, the value of this indicator is considered to be less than or equal to one, which is what happens in 2013.

Figure 1 - Change in capitalization ratio

The coefficient of provision with own sources of financing in 2011 amounted to 0.29, in 2012 the coefficient slightly decreased and amounted to 0.28, in 2013 the coefficient of provision with own sources of financing increased by 0.11 and amounted to 0.39. But the optimal value of this coefficient is considered to be greater than or equal to 0.5, which is not observed in the analyzed periods. Therefore, although this ratio increased in 2013, we can still talk about the lack of own funds to finance current assets. The change in the coefficient of provision with own sources of financing is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Change in the coefficient of provision with own sources of financing

The financial independence ratio for 2011 is 0.40, in 2012 the ratio is growing and is 0.48, this trend continues in 2013, the ratio increases by 0.08 and is 0.56. In all analyzed periods, the coefficient of financial independence fits into the optimal values, which indicates the sufficiency of the share of own funds in the total amount of funding sources. But if the growth trend continues, then the financial independence ratio may already in 2014 go beyond the upper limit of the optimal values ​​of 0.6, which will indicate that the company's own funds have a significant share in the total amount of funding sources, which indicates insufficient a well-thought-out policy for the use of borrowed funds. The dynamics of the financial independence ratio is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Change in the coefficient of financial independence

The funding ratio for the analyzed periods increases, so in 2011 it was 0.66, in 2012 it increased by 0.26 and amounted to 0.92, in 2013 the funding ratio increased by 0.37 and amounted to 1.29 . The stable growth of the financing ratio suggests that if in 2011 JSC IHFZ mainly used borrowed funds to finance its activities, then in 2012 and 2013 there is an increase in equity capital, which the company uses to finance its activities. In the future, if the funding ratio also grows steadily in 2014, it will reach its optimal value of 1.5. Change in funding ratio for 2011-213 shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Change in funding ratio

The financial stability ratio in 2011 was 0.44, which is below the optimal value of 0.6 and indicates a lack of specific weight of those sources of financing that an enterprise can use in its activities for a long time. But already in 2012, the financial stability ratio increases by 0.18 and amounts to 0.62, in 2013 the growth trend of the coefficient continues, it increases by 0.13 and amounts to 0.75. Values ​​of the financial stability ratio for 2012 and 2013 fit into the optimal values ​​and indicate that the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant is experiencing a steady growth in sustainable sources of financing, namely, its own funds, medium- and long-term liabilities.

Figure 5 - Change in the financial stability ratio

2.4 Analysis of solvency and liquidity

The liquidity of the balance sheet means the degree of coverage of liabilities by its assets, the period of transformation of which into cash corresponds to the maturity of liabilities.

The liquidity of assets is the reciprocal of the liquidity of the balance sheet by the time the assets are converted into cash. The less time it takes for this type of asset to acquire a monetary form, the higher its liquidity.

The liquidity of an economic entity is a more general concept than the liquidity of the balance sheet. The liquidity of the balance sheet implies the search for means of payment from internal sources (realization of assets), but an economic entity can attract borrowed funds, subject to its creditworthiness, a high level of investment attractiveness and an appropriate image.

Solvency depends on the degree of liquidity of the balance sheet. At the same time, liquidity characterizes both the current state of settlements and prospects.

An enterprise may have solvency at the reporting date and at the same time unfavorable opportunities in the future and vice versa.

Balance sheet liquidity is the basis of the solvency and liquidity of an economic entity. Liquidity is a way of maintaining solvency.

Depending on the degree of liquidity, assets can be divided into the following groups:

The most liquid assets: A1 = Short-term financial investments + cash

Fast selling assets: A2 = Accounts receivable

Slow selling assets: A3 = Stocks

· Hard-to-sell assets: А4 = Non-current assets.

Liabilities of the balance are grouped according to the degree of urgency of their payment:

The most urgent obligations: P1 = Accounts payable

Short-term liabilities: P2 = Short-term liabilities

· Long-term liabilities: LL = Long-term liabilities

· Permanent, or stable, liabilities: P4 = Own capital.

In order to determine the liquidity of the balance sheet of the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, it is necessary to compare the results of the above groups by asset and liability. An organization is considered liquid if its current assets exceed its current liabilities. The real degree of liquidity and solvency can be determined on the basis of the liquidity of the balance sheet. The balance is considered to be absolutely liquid if the following ratio is fulfilled: А1>=П1; A2>=P2; AZ>=PZ; A4>=P4. We summarize the results in table 8.

Table 8. Assessment of liquidity of the balance sheet

Condition check

As of December 31, 2011

As of December 31, 2012

As of December 31, 2013

Not executed because 200<246929

Not executed because 2174<247174

Not executed because 2928<152916

Failed because 191416<278958

Failed because 186646<247174

Failed because 131070<152916

Running because 225897≥21708

Running because 272580≥88723

Running because 308542≥118038

Running because 75894<197647

Running because 179529<308601

Running because 176450<349910

According to the data presented in Table 8, it can be seen that only 3 and 4 of the four balance liquidity conditions are met, i.e. The balance sheet of OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant is not absolutely liquid. At the enterprise, accounts payable for all periods exceed the amount of the most liquid assets and short-term liabilities also for all periods exceed the amount of quickly realizable assets.

To further assess the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, we calculate the following indicators:

general liquidity ratio,

absolute liquidity ratio,

current liquidity ratio,

the coefficient of maneuverability of functioning capital,

share of working capital in assets,

The coefficient of provision with own funds.

The overall solvency indicator is used for a comprehensive assessment of the liquidity of the balance sheet as a whole. With the help of this indicator, an assessment is made of changes in the financial situation in the organization in terms of liquidity.

L 1 \u003d (A 1 + 0.5 A 2 + 0.3 A 3) / (P 1 + 0.5 P 2 + 0.3 P 3) (6)

L 1 2011 = (200+0.5*191416+0.3*225897) / (246929+0.5*278958+0.3*21708) = 0.42

L 1 2012 \u003d (2174 + 0.5 * 186646 + 0.3 * 272580) / (247174 + 0.5 * 247174 + 0.3 * 88723) \u003d 0.45

L 1 2013 \u003d (2928 + 0.5 * 131070 + 0.3 * 308542) / (152916 + 0.5 * 152916 + 0.3 * * 118038) \u003d 62975.20 / 94836.40 \u003d 0.6

The dynamics of the overall solvency indicator is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Dynamics of the overall solvency indicator

The performed calculations show that the balance sheet of OJSC IHFZ cannot be considered liquid, since the obtained values ​​are lower than the recommended ones. But at the same time, the situation at the enterprise is improving, because the overall solvency indicator is increasing.

The absolute liquidity ratio shows what part of the current short-term debt the organization can repay in the near future at the expense of cash and equivalent financial investments. It is the most stringent criterion for the liquidity of an enterprise.

L 2 \u003d cash / TO \u003d p. 1250/(p. 1510 + p. 1520) (7)

L 2 ≥ 0.1 + 0.7 (depending on industry)

L 2 2011 = 200 / (32029 + 246929) = 200/278958 = 0.00071

L 2 2012 \u003d 2174 / (104 + 247174) \u003d 2174 / 247278 \u003d 0.00879

L 2 2013 = 2928 / (0 + 152916) = 2928/152916 = 0.01914

The dynamics of the absolute liquidity ratio is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 - Dynamics of absolute liquidity ratio

The absolute liquidity ratio for all periods does not meet the optimal values, because for all the indicated periods, it is less than the recommended values, which means that the Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant can repay only a small part of the current short-term debt in the near future at the expense of cash and equivalent financial investments. But at the same time, the company is experiencing a situation of growth in the current liquidity ratio, which is a positive trend.

The current liquidity ratio characterizes the general security of the enterprise with working capital for conducting economic activities and timely repayment of urgent obligations of the enterprise. Shows what part of current liabilities for loans and settlements can be repaid by mobilizing all working capital, therefore, if current assets exceed current liabilities in value, the organization can be considered as successfully functioning (at least theoretically). Its reasonable growth in dynamics is usually regarded as a favorable trend.

L 3 \u003d ObA / TO \u003d p. 1200 / (p. 1510 + p. 1520) (8)

The required value is 1.5; optimal L 4 ≈ 2.0 - 3.5

L 3 2011 = 422419/278958 = 1.51

L 3 2012 = 465073 / 247278 = 1.88

L 3 2013 = 444414 / 152916 = 2.9

The dynamics of the current liquidity ratio is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Dynamics of the current liquidity ratio

The current liquidity ratio in all periods has the required value, which indicates that OJSC Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant is provided with working capital for conducting business activities and timely repayment of urgent obligations of the enterprise. At the same time, the current liquidity ratio is growing, so in 2011 it was equal to 1.51, in 2012 - 1.88, and in 2013 - 2.9. The growth of this ratio demonstrates a positive trend, since in 2013 the current liquidity ratio already has an optimal value.

The coefficient of maneuverability of functioning capital shows what part of the functioning capital is immobilized in inventories and long-term receivables.

L 4 \u003d Slowly realized A / (ObA - Current Obligation) \u003d (line 1210 + line 1220 + line 1230) / (line 1200 - (line 1510 + line 1520)) (9)

The decrease in the indicator in dynamics is a positive factor.

L 4 2011 = (225897 + 4906 + 191416) / (422419 - 32029 - 246929) = 2.94

L 4 2012 = (272580 + 3673 + 186646) / (465073 - 104 - 247174) = 2.12

L 4 2013 = (308542 + 1874 + 131070) / (444414 - 0 - 152916) = 1.51

The dynamics of the coefficient of maneuverability of functioning capital is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Dynamics of the coefficient of maneuverability of functioning capital

The coefficient of maneuverability of the functioning capital at the enterprise is decreasing, which indicates a positive trend.

The share of working capital in assets characterizes the share of own working capital in the total amount of economic assets.

L 5 \u003d ObA / Balance currency \u003d line 1200 / line 1600 (10)

L 5 2011 = 422419 / 498313 = 0.847

L 5 2012 = 465073 / 644602 = 0.721

L 5 2013 = 444414 / 620864 = 0.715

The dynamics of the share of working capital in assets is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 - Dynamics of the share of working capital in assets

The share of own working capital in the total value of economic assets is decreasing, this is due to a more significant decrease in receivables than the growth of inventories.

The coefficient of security with own funds characterizes the presence of own working capital of the enterprise, necessary for its activities. The value of this coefficient less than 0.1 gives grounds for recognizing the balance sheet structure as unsatisfactory, and the organization as insolvent.

L 6 \u003d (Cap.prop.-Out of ObA) / ObA \u003d (p. 1300 - p. 1100) / p. 1200 (11)

L 6 ≥0.1 (the more the better)

L 6 2011 = (197647 - 75894) / 422419 = 0.288

L 6 2012 = (308601 -179529) / 465073 = 0.277

L 6 2013 = (349910 - 176450 / 444414 = 0.390

The dynamics of the equity ratio is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 - Dynamics of the equity ratio

The equity ratio in all periods is more than 0.1, which indicates that OJSC Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant is solvent.

Let's summarize the obtained indicators of liquidity and solvency in table 9.

Table 9. Liquidity and solvency indicators

Name of indicator

Standard value

General indicator of solvency

Absolute liquidity ratio

Current liquidity ratio

Operating capital maneuverability ratio

Decrease in the indicator in dynamics

Share of working capital in assets

Equity ratio

2.5 Analysis of profit and profitability

The main purpose of the existence of any enterprise is to make a profit. If the company has no profit and it is unprofitable, then bankruptcy occurs. Therefore, the analysis of profit and profitability is the main one for determining the economic sustainability of any enterprise.

In order to analyze the profit and profitability of the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, we will use the data in Appendix 2. We will reflect the information for calculating net profit in Table 10.

Table 10. Dynamics and structure of profit according to Form No. 2


Line code

Revenue, total

Cost of sales

Gross profit

Selling expenses

Profit (loss) from sales

Interest payable

Other income

other expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Current income tax

including permanent tax liabilities (assets)

Change in deferred tax liabilities

Net profit

In 2013, compared to 2012, there was an increase in revenue by 60,745 thousand rubles, while the cost of sales also increased by 67,921 thousand rubles. Gross profit at the same time decreased by 7523 thousand rubles. Commercial expenses in 2013 compared to 2012 are growing and amount to 30657 thousand rubles, commercial expenses increased by 4433 thousand rubles. In 2013, there is a decrease in sales profit by 11,965 thousand rubles. The percentage payable is increased by 8268 thousand rubles. Other income in 2013 is reduced by 24,596 thousand rubles, while other expenses are growing by 48,171 thousand rubles. All this leads to the fact that in 2013 the net profit decreases, it amounts to 41,309 thousand rubles. compared to 110,954 thousand rubles. in 2012

The effectiveness and economic feasibility of the functioning of the organization are measured by absolute and relative indicators: profit, gross income, profitability, etc.

Profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the financial results and performance of the organization. They reflect the profitability of the organization and are grouped according to the interests of the participants in the economic process. These indicators characterize the factor environment for the formation of profits and income of organizations.

To calculate the main indicators of profitability, the data of the consolidated balance sheet and income statement are used.

The above indicators do not have standard values, depend on many factors and vary significantly depending on the profile, size, structure of assets and sources of funds of the organization, so it is advisable to analyze trends in their change over time.

The economic meaning of profitability ratios is to calculate how many monetary units of profit fall on one monetary unit of capital (revenue, costs). The profitability ratios show how profitable the organization's activities are.

The indicators characterizing profitability (profitability) include: return on sales, net profitability, economic profitability and return on equity.

Profitability of sales shows how much profit falls on a unit of sold products:

R 1 \u003d (Profit from sales / Revenue) * 100% \u003d p. 2200 / p. 2110) * 100% (12)

R 1 2011 = 216592/ 812506 * 100% = 26.65%

R 1 2012 = 232340 / 995988 * 100% = 23.36%

R 1 2013 = 220375 / 1056377 * 100% = 2.08%

Net profitability shows how much net profit falls on a unit of revenue:

R 2 \u003d (Net profit / Revenue) * 100% \u003d line 2400 / line 2110 * 100% (13)

R 2 2011 = 79043/ 812506 * 100% = 9.73%

R2 2012 = 110954 / 995988 * 100% = 11.14%

R2 2013 = 41309 / 1056377 * 100% = 3.91%

Economic profitability shows the efficiency of the use of all property:

R 3 \u003d (Net profit. / Average cost A) * 100% \u003d line 2400 / (line 1600 according to the balance sheet for the reporting and previous period) * 100% (14)

R 3 2012 \u003d 110954 / (498313 + 644602) * 1/2 * 100% \u003d 4.85%

R 3 2013 = 41309 / (620864 + 644602) * 1/2 * 100% = 1.63%

Return on equity shows the effectiveness of the use of equity capital. The dynamics of the return on equity affects the level of share quotation:

R 4 \u003d (Net profit. / Avg. Kobst.) * 100% \u003d line 2400 / (line 1300 according to the balance sheet for the reporting and previous period) * 100% (15)

R 4 2012 = 110954 / (308601+197647) * ½ * 100% = 10.95%

R 4 2013 = 41309 / (349910 + 308601) * ½ * 100% = 3.13%.

The dynamics of profitability indicators is presented in table 11.

Table 11. Dynamics of profitability indicators, %

Table 11 shows that the profitability of sales at the enterprise is decreasing, this is a negative trend. To correct the situation, it is necessary to analyze the pricing issues at the enterprise, the assortment policy, and the existing cost control system.

Figure 12 - Dynamics of profitability indicators of OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant for 2011-2013

2.6 Forecasting the bankruptcy of an enterprise according to the Altman model

In order to check the probability of bankruptcy of the OJSC Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, we will use Altman's five-factor model.

Z=1.2*(OA-KP)/WB+1.4*(RezK+NerP)/WB+3.3*P(U) oP*360/P*1/WB+ 0.6UK/WB+ Ext/WB*360/P (16)

where OA - current assets;

KP - short-term liabilities;

VB - balance currency;

RezK - reserve capital;

NER - retained earnings (uncovered loss);

P(U) oP - profit (loss) from sales;

P - period;

UK - authorized capital;

Vyr - proceeds (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (net of value added tax, excises and similar obligatory payments).

Calculate the probability of bankruptcy of OJSC Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant for 2011-2013.

Z 2011 \u003d 1.2 * (422419-278958) / 498313 + 1.4 * (5 + 129636) / 498313 + 3.3 * 216592 *


Z 2012 \u003d 1.2 * (465073-247174) / 644602 + 1.4 * (5 + 240590) / 644602 + 3.3 * 232340 *


Z 2013 =1.2*(444414-152916)/620864+1.4*(5+281899)/620864+3.3*220375* *360/360*1/620864+0.6*24/620864+ (1056377-19677)/620864*360/360=4.04

In all reporting periods, the Altman coefficient exceeds 3.0, which indicates that the probability of bankruptcy at Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant OJSC is very low.

2.7 Analysis of funding sources

Let's carry out the calculation of the financial leverage for OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod. This will give us the opportunity to see what sources of financing the company is attracting. If, as a result, the effect of financial leverage will have a negative value, then OJSC IHFZ takes a loan at a higher rate than the return on equity, thereby reducing profitability.

Calculate the interest rate on a loan, which is equal to the ratio of the amount of interest on loans to accounts payable.

St k \u003d (SPK * (1-SNP) + PC) / (DP + KP) (17)

where SIC - the amount of interest on loans included in the cost;

DP - long-term liabilities;

KP - short-term liabilities.

St to 2011 \u003d (702 * (1-0.2) + 3826816) / (21708 + 278958) \u003d 12.73

St to 2012 \u003d (1717 * (1-0.2) + 4126412) / (88723 + 247174) \u003d 12.23

St to 2013 \u003d (9985 * (1-0.2) + 3110860) / (118038 + 152916) \u003d 11.51

According to the calculated data, it can be seen that the interest rate on a loan at Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant OJSC is decreasing, this is due to the fact that IHFZ OJSC has no debts on loans provided, pays them in a timely manner and the bank has the opportunity to reduce the interest rate. The dynamics of the loan rate is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13 - Dynamics of interest rates on loans

DR \u003d (PE (U) OP + SPC * (1-SNP) + PC) / WB (18)

where PE(U) OP - net profit (loss) of the reporting period;

SIC - the amount of interest on loans included in the cost;

SNP - income tax rate;

PC - interest on loans, not included in the cost;

VB - balance currency.

DR 2011 =(79043+702*(1-0.2)+3826816)/498313=7.84

DR 2012 =(110954+1717*(1-0.2)+4126412)/644602=6.57

DR 2013 =(41309+9985*(1-0.2)+3110860)/620864=5.09

The dynamics of the lever differential is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14 - Changing the lever differential

Figure 14 shows that the lever differential is decreasing.

Let us calculate the financial leverage for the Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, which is the reciprocal of the autonomy coefficient and is equal to the ratio of borrowed funds to equity.

FR=(KP+DP)/SC (19)

FR 2011 =(21708+278958)/498313=0.60

RF 2012 =(88723+247174)/644602=0.52

RF 2013 =(118038+152916)/620864=0.44

The dynamics of financial leverage is shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15 - Change in financial leverage

Figure 15 shows that financial leverage tends to decrease.

After the calculations, we find the effect of financial leverage.

E fr \u003d FR * DR (20)

E fr 2011 \u003d 7.84 * 0.60 \u003d 4.7

E fr 2012 \u003d 6.57 * 0.52 \u003d 3.42

E fr 2011 = 5.09*0.44=2.24.

3. Development of measures to improve economic sustainability

3.1 Key areas for improving economic sustainability

In order to develop measures that can increase the economic sustainability of OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod, we will determine the main problems that exist at the enterprise:

inefficient use of property, resources and equity,

the number of employees in the enterprise increases, but at the same time net profit decreases,

The company has a large amount of inventory

Accounts receivable are declining, but remain quite high.

One of the main measures contributing to the improvement of the economic stability of OAO Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod is the reduction of the share of non-current assets. Non-current assets at the enterprise are less liquid than receivables, financial investments, cash, and if they can be transferred into more liquid assets, this will increase the overall liquidity of the IHFZ balance sheet and lead to the fact that quickly realizable assets will exceed the amount of short-term liabilities.

Profitability of sales can decrease for a variety of reasons:

change in assortment policy,

change in pricing policy

Changes in cost rates, etc.

In our case, the profitability of sales at OAO IKhPZ is declining against the backdrop of rising production costs with insufficient growth in production volume, which is an unfavorable trend. Possible reasons for this could be:

Increased cost rates

Inflationary cost growth outpaces revenue growth.

At the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, the profitability of sales has decreased due to an increase in cost rates, so it is necessary to develop measures that help reduce cost rates and increase production volume.

To improve economic sustainability, it is necessary to provide for measures that contribute to a more efficient use of equity capital.

The growth in the number of employees in 2013 is observed against the background of a decrease in net profit. This is due to the fact that the specifics of the production of medicines require that each employee know the basics of production, fulfill all the requirements for the production of quality products. The quality of products affects many indicators, so, according to the data of Roszdravnadzor of the Russian Federation, in 2011, the products of the Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant were rejected in the amount of 871 thousand rubles, in 2012 - in the amount of 229 thousand rubles, in 2013 - in the amount of the amount of 1664 thousand rubles, i.e. there is an increase in products recognized as defective, and this, in turn, indicates a lack of experience of the personnel working at the plant, a violation of the requirements in terms of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in production.

Stocks at the enterprise tend to increase, which indicates the overstocking of the enterprise's warehouses.

Accounts receivable for the periods under study decreases, but at the same time remains quite high.

Based on the foregoing, we will determine the following measures that can increase the economic sustainability of OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant:

Increasing the number of experienced workers,

Decrease in stocks at the enterprise,

Decrease in receivables.

3.2 Measures to improve economic sustainability

3.2.1 Use of earnings growth reserves

To reduce the norms of production costs and increase the volume of production, consider such a thing as reserves for profit growth.

Reserves for profit growth are quantitatively measurable opportunities to increase it due to an increase in the volume of sales of products, a reduction in the cost of its production and sale, the prevention of non-operating losses, and the improvement of the structure of products.

The amount of the reserve for profit growth due to an increase in the volume of production can be calculated using the following formula:

where РVpn i - reserve for growth in sales volume;

P "i 1 - actual profit per unit of production of the corresponding type.

Comparison of the possible volume of sales, established as a result of the analysis of the reporting and production capabilities of the organization, allows us to determine the reserve for increasing the volume of production and sales of products of OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant in the amount of 9% of the actual sales volume in 2013.

Let us calculate the reserve for increasing profits by increasing the volume of output and sales of products of OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod according to formula (36). The specifics of the pharmaceutical industry lies in the fact that the volume of production is calculated by million packages No. 10, since one package No. 10 contains one blister of tablets, i.e. if the enterprise also produces tablets No. 50, then one such package No. 50 will be equal to five packages No. 10. The volume of output of OJSC "Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod" for 2013 amounted to 468 million packages No. 10, then we get:

РVpn i = 468 million packages #10* 0.09 = 42.12 million packages #10.

The cost of one package is on average 3.2 rubles, then we get:

RPv rp \u003d 42.12 * 3.2 \u003d 134.78 million rubles.

The calculation of the reserve for profit growth due to a reduction in the cost of production (RP c) is carried out as follows: the identified reserve for reducing the cost of production (Р↓С) is multiplied by the possible volume of its sales, taking into account the reserves for its growth:

According to the analysis of reporting, the cost reduction reserve is 0.15 rubles. 1 package of products No. 10, then the reserve for profit growth due to the reduction in the cost of production of OJSC Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant according to formula (33) is:

RP c \u003d 0.3 * (468 million packages No. 10 + 42.12 million packages No. 10) \u003d 76.51 million rubles.

The generalized reserve for increasing the amount of profit (RP) is:

RP \u003d RPv rp + RP c \u003d 134.78 + 76.51 \u003d 211.29 million rubles.

Thus, if OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod uses reserves for profit growth due to an increase in sales volumes and a decrease in cost, then the profit from sales of products increases by 211.29 million rubles.

3.2.2 Change in capital structure

The economic sustainability of an enterprise largely depends on how efficiently its own capital is used.

In our case, equity capital tends to increase. In 2012, equity capital increased by 110,957 thousand rubles compared to 2012, in 2013 it increased by 41,309 thousand rubles, while the financial leverage tends to decrease, which indicates that the financial the company's dependence on external investors has decreased. At the same time, the amount of long-term loans and borrowings increases, and short-term loans and borrowings decreases. Accordingly, in order to increase the efficiency of using equity capital of OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod, it is necessary to change the structure of equity capital by attracting a larger share of borrowed funds.

For any enterprise, raising borrowed funds is attractive for two reasons:

interest on servicing borrowed capital is treated as an expense and is not included in taxable income;

interest costs are usually lower than the profit received from the use of borrowed funds in the turnover of the enterprise, as a result of which the return on equity increases.

Moreover, in a market economy it is customary to use borrowed capital, because this indicates the flexibility of the enterprise.

There are two ways for OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod that can increase the efficiency of using equity capital:

First of all, it is necessary for the enterprise to determine the limiting boundaries of the most profitable and least risky capital structure, which would make it possible to determine the field for choosing its specific values ​​for the planning period.

The final decision made on this issue makes it possible to form an indicator of the “target capital structure” for the coming period, in accordance with which its subsequent formation will be carried out at the JSC Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant by attracting financial resources from appropriate sources.

If an enterprise develops to a greater extent at the expense of its own resources, this leads to a decrease in financial risks, but at the same time, the rate of increase in the size of economic activity, primarily revenue, decreases. Therefore, at the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, it is necessary to more actively attract borrowed capital, especially since there are opportunities for this, because. an increase in financial resources with proper management leads to a proportional increase in sales and often an increase in net profit.

There are financial and economic departments at the Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, which need to solve the following tasks in order to determine the best ways to obtain borrowed funds:

To expand sales markets and increase the competitiveness of drug manufacturers, it is enough to obtain a certificate for compliance with GMP requirements (“Good Manufacturing Practice”, Good Manufacturing Practice). This standard is valid in all European countries and CIS countries. The cost of licensing is 400 thousand rubles, but at the same time the company is expanding its sales markets, let's calculate the economic effect of this event.

In 2013, the company's revenue amounted to 1,056,377 thousand rubles. With the expansion of sales markets by 10%, revenue growth will be:

Ext. \u003d 10% * 1056377 \u003d 105637.7 thousand rubles.

Efficient = 105637.7-400 = 105237.7 thousand rubles

These calculations indicate the need to introduce a GMP certificate at OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant.

3.2.3 Measures to reduce rejected products

For OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod, measures aimed at reducing the number of defective products are relevant; in 2013, products worth 1,664 thousand rubles were rejected.

In order to minimize the risks of the occurrence of defective products, it is necessary to use the labor of trained and skilled workers at JSC IHPP. In addition, the implementation of GMP rules implies the obligatory observance of the following requirements:

Compliance with hygiene requirements in production and storage areas,

Regular showering

maintaining a healthy lifestyle,

voluntarily informing the head of the suspicion of the presence of infectious diseases in themselves and their loved ones,

· voluntary smoking cessation, etc.

To improve the qualifications of staff, it is necessary to conduct training for them. Taking into account the fact that 369 main workers are currently working at the Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, it is unprofitable for them to conduct on-site training, so specialists should be invited directly to the enterprise. The cost of such an event is 3 thousand rubles. per person. Let's calculate the cost of education: 369 * 3 = 1107 thousand rubles. should be spent on employee training. But at the same time, even if we take the number of rejected products by the standards of 2013, i.e. 1664 thousand rubles, then the economic effect will be 1664-1107 = 557 thousand rubles.

3.2.4 Stock reduction measures

The growth of stocks at the enterprise occurs in the case of an inefficient commodity policy. The company's reserves include raw materials, materials, semi-products, as well as unsold finished products. The accumulation of finished products causes overstocking of warehouses and can lead to the emergence of illiquid products, since the products manufactured by OAO Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod have an expiration date and consumers purchase products with an expiration date of at least 80%. For example, activated carbon has a shelf life of 2 years, if released in April 2014, then it is valid until May 2016, if not sold before November 2014, its remaining shelf life will be below 80%, which will lead to the impossibility of its sale to large wholesale consumers and will have to sell it in small batches.

For OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, it is necessary to implement a stock management policy, which will include:

There is a sales department at Irbitsky Khimfarmzavod OJSC, but the department does not provide for the position of a marketer who studies sales markets. Therefore, the first step to reduce inventory should be to hire a marketer. The marketer will have to perform the following types of work:

determine the size and nature of markets,

identify customer needs for the next month, quarter,

Analyze existing sales markets for the sale of unclaimed products,

develop short-term and long-term forecasts based on the trends identified in the analysis,

Conduct inventory of accumulated inventory

· assess the seasonality of product sales.

Based on the work of the marketer, sales managers will be able to identify the main needs of consumers for each month, and in the future for the quarter. After that, it will be necessary to take these needs into account when developing production plans, which will lead to the absence of those products that cannot be realized in a timely manner. In addition, the development of a production plan based on the identified need will lead to strict regulation of the purchase of raw materials and materials and optimization of consumed raw materials and materials for production needs.

In the future, in order to reduce stocks, OAO Irbitskiy KhimfarmZavod will also be able to introduce promotional activities and develop its own dealer network.


Economic sustainability is a necessary factor for the successful development of any enterprise. Any enterprise can exist and maintain its structural integrity in a changing external environment only if there is a certain stability. Economic sustainability determines the effectiveness of the use of borrowed and equity capital, reflects data on the profitability and liquidity of the enterprise, the structure of labor and other types of resources.

Determining the economic sustainability of any enterprise gives a complete picture of its activities and viability in the current environment.

Currently, Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant is striving for further development, while remaining a stable and efficient organization capable of competing in the pharmaceutical market not only in Russia, but also in foreign countries.

But even at this enterprise there are problems that reduce its economic stability:

there is an increase in non-current assets,

the company is experiencing a shortage of its own funds to finance current assets,

accounts payable for all periods exceed the amount of the most liquid assets,

short-term liabilities for all periods exceed the amount of quickly realizable assets,

Decreased profitability of sales

inefficient use of property, resources and equity,

The number of employees in the enterprise increases, but at the same time, net profit decreases.

To eliminate these problems, the following measures were identified that can increase the economic sustainability of OAO Irbitsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant:

Reducing the cost of production,

More efficient use of own and borrowed capital,

Increasing the number of experienced workers.

To reduce production costs, reserves for profit growth were determined.

The generalized reserve for increasing the amount of profit amounted to 211.29 million rubles.

For a more efficient use of equity capital, the following measures were proposed:

Establishment of optimal proportions for the use of own and borrowed capital;

Analysis and attraction of the necessary types and volumes of borrowed capital to achieve optimal calculated indicators for the use of equity and borrowed capital.

In order to carry out these activities, it is necessary to determine the best ways to obtain borrowed funds, to solve the following tasks:

study the demand for products, markets for its sales,

to analyze the factors that form the elasticity of demand for products,

· assess the degree of risk of unclaimed products;

· assess the competitiveness of products and identify reserves to improve its competitiveness.

To expand sales markets and increase the competitiveness of drug manufacturers, it was proposed to be certified for compliance with GMP rules. The economic effect of this event is 105,237.7 thousand rubles.

An increase in the number of qualified and experienced workers will lead to a decrease in products subject to rejection, in 2013 there were such products in the amount of 1664 thousand rubles. To improve the skills of personnel, it is necessary to conduct training, the economic effect will be 1664-1107 = 557 thousand rubles.

The company also needs to implement an inventory management policy, which will include:

Carrying out marketing research,

Development of measures to reduce stocks based on the data obtained as a result of research.

The inventory management policy will lead to the release of products that the company will be able to sell in the near future, in turn, this will strictly regulate the purchase of raw materials and materials and optimize the purchase of raw materials and materials. In the future, JSC Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod will also be able to introduce promotional activities and develop its own dealer network to reduce stocks.

To reduce receivables at the enterprise, it is necessary to introduce a receivables management policy, which will include the following activities:

analysis of the arisen receivables,

Identification of overdue receivables,

strengthening the interaction of the legal service of the enterprise to ensure the legal force of business contracts, the collection of overdue receivables,

· introduction of a system of discounts for timely and early payment of shipped products.

Conducting consumer analysis to identify questionable customers.

List of sources

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benchmarking solvency bankruptcy sustainability

Any enterprise is a dynamic economic system, and the concept of sustainability is one of its most important characteristics. Stability should be understood as the constancy of the state of the system or the constancy of the sequences of some of its states over time in the process of its transformations.

Economic sustainability enterprise is a complex concept, like economic activity itself, and characterizes its state in relation to external influences, which can be considered stable if, with equal external influences and internal shifts, it is subject to less changes in relation to the previous one. At the same time, the economic condition of an enterprise can vary from extremely unstable, in which it is on the verge of bankruptcy, to relatively stable.

The condition for resistance to external influences is the internal properties of the enterprise itself, and sustainability itself is an external manifestation of the internal structure of the enterprise. In order to increase the resistance of an enterprise to the impact of various factors, it is necessary, first of all, to improve its internal structure, take into account new progressive phenomena of the external environment and use them in the activities of enterprises to increase efficiency and further development. The sustainability of an enterprise depends on the material and cost structure of production, sales of products, organization of work, financial circulation, innovation and such dynamics, which results in consistently high results.

The smaller the enterprise, the more acute the problem of economic sustainability, since large enterprises, the more their various associations (corporations, financial and industrial groups, etc.) can use such methods of adaptation to changes in the external environment as diversification of products, works, services, expanding market relations, optimizing the structure of fixed production assets, changing the organizational and legal forms of enterprises, etc. Small businesses do not have these capabilities, and any change in even one of the parameters of the external environment may be critical for them.

Efficient work has an inverse positive effect on the economic sustainability of the enterprise. At the heart of ensuring the achievement of internal sustainability lies the implementation of the principle of active response to changes in various factors.

There are various components of the economic sustainability of an enterprise that are interrelated and interdependent, and the level of development of each has a different impact on the overall economic sustainability of the enterprise.

Usually, the following components of economic sustainability are distinguished: financial, industrial and technical, commercial, organizational, innovative and social sustainability. Financial stability characterizes such a state of financial resources in which the enterprise is able, through their effective use, to ensure an uninterrupted process of production and sale of products, the costs of expanding and updating production. Production and technical sustainability enterprise is the stability of the production cycle of the enterprise, the well-established nature of its resource support. Commercial sustainability is determined by the level of business activity, the reliability of economic relations, the competitive potential of the company, its market share. Organizational sustainability implies the stability of the internal organizational structure, the well-established and efficient relations between the various departments and services of the enterprise, the effectiveness of their joint work. Innovation Sustainability characterizes the ability of an enterprise to introduce new technologies and ways of organizing production, to produce new types of products, perform new types of work, and provide new types of services. Social sustainability involves the involvement of the enterprise staff in social processes, promoting the growth of the welfare of society and the level of social security of its employees.

Determining the boundaries of the financial stability of enterprises is one of the most important economic problems in a competitive economy. The most important components of financial stability are solvency, the degree of liquidity of assets, creditworthiness.

In countries with a developed market economy, in connection with the transformation of economic entities (mergers and acquisitions, changes in the economic profile and organizational and managerial structures, penetration into new markets, etc.), the concept of sustainable economic development takes on a new meaning - it is no longer understood achieving adaptation to a changing environment, but the active formation of this environment itself and the construction of new principles of reaction to it.

Purpose of the study Keywords: systematization of scientific approaches to economic sustainability, analysis of the economic situation and financial stability of the enterprise, substantiation of mechanisms and methods for increasing the sustainability of the enterprise.

1. Theoretical aspects of enterprise sustainability in market conditions.

1.1. Research of adverse factors that threaten the stability of the enterprise; the essence of the economic sustainability of enterprises.

1.2. Factors that determine economic sustainability.

1.3. Methods for assessing the economic and financial sustainability of enterprises.

2. Analysis of the economic sustainability of the enterprise.

2.1. Assessment of the economic situation of the enterprise.

2.2. Study of the factors of influence of the external environment on the economic stability of the enterprise.

2.3. Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise.


Relevance of topics. Modern management organically includes personnel management. Its main task is the effective use of enterprise employees with knowledge, experience, personal qualities and properties, as well as information and productive power. Personnel management functions: personnel formation; establishing a system of relations between people; their inclusion in the creative process of collective labor activity. Therefore, topical issues for each organization are such as empowering staff, promoting their development, training and growth, including promotion of employees based on career planning and development.

Object of study are labor collectives and individual employees, personnel management system.

Subject of study- organization of social and labor relations at the enterprise, the effectiveness and efficiency of labor.

Topic 23

Purpose of the study: determination of the place of motivation in the general concept of managerial functions; studying the evolution of motivation theories; analysis of the motivational climate in the organization, methods of influence of the manager on subordinates, forms of remuneration; development of recommendations for improving the mechanism of motivation and stimulating the effective activity of state (municipal) employees”.

1. Theoretical aspects of motivating the effective activity of state (municipal) employees.

1.1. Needs and motivational behavior.

1.2. Theories of motivation of labor activity.

1.3. Motivation and efficiency of professional activity.

1.4. Methods for studying motivation and motives.

2. Analysis of the system of labor organization and motivation in state (municipal) institutions and organizations.

2.1. Analysis of the motivational climate in state (municipal) institutions and organizations.

2.2. Characteristics of the labor organization system.

2.3. Incentive and reward system in the organization.
